blob: c3c08cb68e9e8f208aeb0fe0006900d05419dd85 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonArray;
import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder;
import javax.json.JsonException;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder;
import javax.json.JsonReader;
import javax.json.JsonString;
import javax.json.JsonValue;
import javax.json.JsonValue.ValueType;
import javax.json.JsonWriter;
* An api regions configuration
public class ApiRegions {
/** The name of the api regions extension. */
public static final String EXTENSION_NAME = "api-regions";
private static final String NAME_KEY = "name";
private static final String EXPORTS_KEY = "exports";
private static final String TOGGLE_KEY = "toggle";
private static final String PREVIOUS_KEY = "previous";
private static final String DEPRECATED_KEY = "deprecated";
private final List<ApiRegion> regions = new ArrayList<>();
* Return the list of regions
* @return Unmodifiable list of regions, might be empty
public List<ApiRegion> listRegions() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.regions);
* Get the root regions. The root is the region which does not have a parent
* @return The root region or {@code null}
public ApiRegion getRoot() {
if (this.regions.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return this.regions.get(0);
* Check if any region exists
* @return {@code true} if it has any region
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this.regions.isEmpty();
* Add the region. The region is only added if there isn't already a region with
* the same name
* @param region The region to add
* @return {@code true} if the region could be added, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean add(final ApiRegion region) {
return add(this.regions.size(), region);
* Add the region. The region is only added if there isn't already a region with
* the same name
* @param idx The position to add
* @param region The region to add
* @return {@code true} if the region could be added, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean add(final int idx, final ApiRegion region) {
for (final ApiRegion c : this.regions) {
if (c.getName().equals(region.getName())) {
return false;
Set<ArtifactId> origins = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(region.getFeatureOrigins()));
existingRegion ->
ArtifactId[] targetOrigins = existingRegion.getFeatureOrigins();
return (targetOrigins.length == 0 && origins.isEmpty())
|| Stream.of(targetOrigins).anyMatch(origins::contains);
).reduce((a,b) -> b).ifPresent(region::setParent);
this.regions.add(idx, region);
return true;
* Get a named region
* @param name The name
* @return The region or {@code null}
public ApiRegion getRegionByName(final String name) {
ApiRegion found = null;
for (final ApiRegion c : this.regions) {
if (c.getName().equals(name)) {
found = c;
return found;
public ApiRegion[] getRegionsByFeature(final ArtifactId featureId) {
region -> Stream.of(region.getFeatureOrigins()).anyMatch(featureId::equals)
* Get the names of the regions
* @return The list of regions, might be empty
public List<String> getRegionNames() {
final List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
for (final ApiRegion c : this.regions) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(names);
* Convert regions into json
* @return The json array
* @throws IOException If generating the JSON fails
public JsonArray toJSONArray() throws IOException {
final JsonArrayBuilder arrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder();
for (final ApiRegion region : this.regions) {
final JsonObjectBuilder regionBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder();
regionBuilder.add(NAME_KEY, region.getName());
if (!region.listExports().isEmpty()) {
final JsonArrayBuilder expArrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder();
for (final ApiExport exp : region.listExports()) {
if (exp.getToggle() == null
&& exp.getPrevious() == null
&& exp.getProperties().isEmpty()
&& exp.getDeprecation().getPackageInfo() == null
&& exp.getDeprecation().getMemberInfos().isEmpty() ) {
} else {
final JsonObjectBuilder expBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder();
expBuilder.add(NAME_KEY, exp.getName());
if (exp.getToggle() != null) {
expBuilder.add(TOGGLE_KEY, exp.getToggle());
if (exp.getPrevious() != null) {
expBuilder.add(PREVIOUS_KEY, exp.getPrevious().toMvnId());
final JsonValue depValue = exp.deprecationToJSON();
if ( depValue != null ) {
expBuilder.add(DEPRECATED_KEY, depValue);
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : exp.getProperties().entrySet()) {
expBuilder.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
regionBuilder.add(EXPORTS_KEY, expArrayBuilder);
ArtifactId[] origins = region.getFeatureOrigins();
if (origins.length > 0) {
final JsonArrayBuilder originBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder();
for (ArtifactId origin : origins) {
regionBuilder.add(Artifact.KEY_FEATURE_ORIGINS, originBuilder);
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : region.getProperties().entrySet()) {
regionBuilder.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* Convert regions into json
* @return The json array as a string
* @throws IOException If generating the JSON fails
public String toJSON() throws IOException {
final JsonArray array = this.toJSONArray();
try (final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
final JsonWriter writer = Json.createWriter(stringWriter)) {
return stringWriter.toString();
* Parse a JSON array into an api regions object
* @param json The json as a string
* @return The api regions
* @throws IOException If the json could not be parsed
public static ApiRegions parse(final String json) throws IOException {
try (final JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(json))) {
return parse(reader.readArray());
* Parse a JSON array into an api regions object
* @param json The json
* @return The api regions
* @throws IOException If the json could not be parsed
public static ApiRegions parse(final JsonArray json) throws IOException {
try {
final ApiRegions regions = new ApiRegions();
for (final JsonValue value : json) {
if (value.getValueType() != ValueType.OBJECT) {
throw new IOException("Illegal api regions json " + json);
final JsonObject obj = (JsonObject) value;
final ApiRegion region = new ApiRegion(obj.getString(NAME_KEY));
for (final Map.Entry<String, JsonValue> entry : obj.entrySet()) {
if (NAME_KEY.equals(entry.getKey())) {
continue; // already set
} else if (entry.getKey().equals(EXPORTS_KEY)) {
for (final JsonValue e : (JsonArray) entry.getValue()) {
if (e.getValueType() == ValueType.STRING) {
final String name = ((JsonString) e).getString();
if (!name.startsWith("#")) {
final ApiExport export = new ApiExport(name);
if (!region.add(export)) {
throw new IOException("Export " + export.getName()
+ " is defined twice in region " + region.getName());
} else if (e.getValueType() == ValueType.OBJECT) {
final JsonObject expObj = (JsonObject) e;
final ApiExport export = new ApiExport(expObj.getString(NAME_KEY));
if (!region.add(export)) {
throw new IOException("Export " + export.getName() + " is defined twice in region "
+ region.getName());
for (final String key : expObj.keySet()) {
if (NAME_KEY.equals(key)) {
continue; // already set
} else if (TOGGLE_KEY.equals(key)) {
} else if (PREVIOUS_KEY.equals(key)) {
} else if ( DEPRECATED_KEY.equals(key)) {
final JsonValue dValue = expObj.get(DEPRECATED_KEY);
// everything else is stored as a string property
} else {
export.getProperties().put(key, expObj.getString(key));
} else {
throw new IOException("Region " + region.getName() + " has wrong type for " + EXPORTS_KEY + " : " + e.getValueType().name());
} else if (entry.getKey().equals(Artifact.KEY_FEATURE_ORIGINS)) {
final Set<ArtifactId> origins = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (final JsonValue origin : (JsonArray) entry.getValue()) {
origins.add(ArtifactId.fromMvnId(((JsonString) origin).getString()));
region.setFeatureOrigins(origins.toArray(new ArtifactId[0]));
// everything else is stored as a string property
} else {
region.getProperties().put(entry.getKey(), ((JsonString) entry.getValue()).getString());
if (!regions.add(region)) {
throw new IOException("Region " + region.getName() + " is defined twice");
return regions;
} catch (final JsonException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
* Get the api regions from the feature - if it exists.
* @param feature The feature
* @return The api regions or {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the extension is wrongly formatted
* @since 1.1
public static ApiRegions getApiRegions(final Feature feature) {
final Extension ext = feature == null ? null : feature.getExtensions().getByName(EXTENSION_NAME);
return getApiRegions(ext);
* Get the api regions from the extension.
* @param ext The extension
* @return The api regions or {@code null}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the extension is wrongly formatted
* @since 1.1
public static ApiRegions getApiRegions(final Extension ext) {
if ( ext == null ) {
return null;
if ( ext.getType() != ExtensionType.JSON ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension " + ext.getName() + " must have JSON type");
try {
return parse(ext.getJSONStructure().asJsonArray());
} catch ( final IOException ioe) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
public String toString() {
return "ApiRegions [regions=" + regions + "]";
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(regions);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
ApiRegions other = (ApiRegions) obj;
return Objects.equals(regions, other.regions);