SLING-8311 - Investigate creating a Sling CLI tool for development task automation

Document assumptions.
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 Currently the only implemented command is generating the release vote email, for instance
-    docker run --env-file=./docker-env apache/sling-cli release prepare-email $STAGING_REPOSITORY_ID
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+    docker run --env-file=./docker-env apache/sling-cli release prepare-email $STAGING_REPOSITORY_ID
+## Assumptions
+This tool assumes that the name of the staging repository matches the one of the version in Jira. For instance, the
+staging repositories are usually named _Apache Sling Foo 1.2.0_. It is then expected that the Jira version is
+named _Foo 1.2.0_. Otherwise the link between the staging repository and the Jira release can not be found.
+It is allowed for staging repository names to have an _RC_ suffix, which may include a number, so that _RC_, _RC1_, _RC25_ are
+all valid suffixes.  
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