SLING-8311 - Investigate creating a Sling CLI tool for development task automation

Prototype of sling cli tool.
20 files changed
tree: c7f057d3452616be1b567e916dc437d583aeb579
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. bnd.bnd
  4. docker-env.sample
  5. Dockerfile
  6. pom.xml

Apache Sling Engine CLI tool

This module is part of the Apache Sling project.

This module provides a command-line tool which automates various Sling development tasks. The tool is packaged as a docker image.


To make various credentials and configurations available to the docker image it is recommended to use a docker env file. A sample file is stored at docker-env.sample. Copy this file to docker-env and fill in your own information.


The image is built using mvn package. Afterwards it may be run with

docker run --env-file=./docker-env apache/sling-cli

This invocation produces a list of available subcommands.

Currently the only implemented command is generating the release vote email, for instance

docker run --env-file=./docker-env apache/sling-cli release prepare-email $STAGING_REPOSITORY_ID