blob: bf6b6964fa94ed88c6aa6841556667d12577dbde [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Sling Launchpad Builder
The Launchpad Builder project produces both a Standalone Java Application which
contains everything needed to run the Launchpad in a single JAR file and a Web
How to run the Sling launchpad/builder module in Standalone mode
NOTE: "mvn clean" deletes the "sling" work directory in the project base
directory. It is advisable to use a work directory outside of the
project directory.
1) Build Sling using
mvn clean install
in the top-level directory of the Sling source code.
2) Start the generated jar with
java -jar target/
Use the correct version number instead of 8, if needed.
3) Browse Sling in:
How to run the Sling launchpad/builder module in webapp mode
1) Build Sling using
mvn clean install
in the top-level directory of the Sling source code.
2) Start the generated war with
mvn jetty:run-war
3) Browse Sling in:
Deploy target/ to your favorite application
server or servlet container.