Mirror of Apache Sling

Clone this repo:
  1. 0ba22b0 Update README.md by Dan Klco · 6 years ago archived
  2. 9c14db4 README tweaks by Robert Munteanu · 7 years ago
  3. 4db445d Add readme to archived branch by Robert Munteanu · 7 years ago
  4. 6de8cf7 Creating 'archived' branch for GitHub by Robert Munteanu · 7 years ago

Apache Sling main repository (obsolete)

This repository used to contain the Apache Sling git mirror. With the migration to Git the content is out of date and should not be relied upon.

This repository is still kept to prevent broken links from various sites to pull requests or commits. Note that all git repositories have been migrated with history, so there should be no reason to clone this repository.

Please do not open pull requests, they will be ignored.

New Code Location

The Apache Sling code has been migrated to a new structure with one repository per module.

The starting point for the new code structure is the Sling Aggregator, or you can go to the Sling Modules page to see a list of the repositories.

For more information about the Apache Sling source repositories, see the project information.