blob: 34d34d76c48ffed58aa99e71de197896bb275a14 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Sling Explorer
Embedable Sling Explorer
Getting Started
This component uses a Maven 2 ( build
environment. It requires a Java 5 JDK (or higher) and Maven (
2.0.7 or later. We recommend to use the latest Maven version.
If you have Maven 2 installed, you can compile and
package the jar using the following command:
mvn package
See the Maven 2 documentation for other build features.
The latest source code for this component is available in the
Subversion ( source repository of
the Apache Software Foundation. If you have Subversion installed,
you can checkout the latest source using the following command:
svn checkout
See the Subversion documentation for other source control features.
Running the Explorer
Install and start this bundle and use the .explorer selector to access the UI.
For example, http://localhost:8888/.explorer.html should display the explorer
user interface, with the list of root child nodes on the left and a "properties"
form on the right.