Upgrade log4j2 to 2.15.0 for CVE-2021-44228
diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index f0f5099..1fe0cd9 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -2,97 +2,12 @@
 Release Notes.
 #### Project
-* E2E tests immigrate to e2e-v2.
-* Support JDK 16 and 17.
-* Add Docker images for arm64 architecture.
-#### OAP Server
-* Add component definition for `Jackson`.
-* Fix that zipkin-receiver plugin is not packaged into dist.
-* Upgrade Armeria to 1.12, upgrade OpenSearch test version to 1.1.0.
-* Add component definition for `Apache-Kylin`.
-* Enhance `get` generation mechanism of OAL engine, support map type of source's field.
-* Add `tag`(Map) into All, Service, ServiceInstance and Endpoint sources.
-* Fix `funcParamExpression` and `literalExpression` can't be used in the same aggregation function.
-* Support cast statement in the OAL core engine.
-* Support `(str->long)` and `(long)` for string to long cast statement.
-* Support `(str->int)` and `(int)` for string to int cast statement.
-* Support Long literal number in the OAL core engine.
-* Support literal `string` as parameter of aggregation function.
-* Add `attributeExpression` and `attributeExpressionSegment` in the OAL grammar tree to support `map` type for the
-  attribute expression.
-* Refactor the OAL compiler context to improve readability.
-* Fix wrong generated codes of `hashCode` and `remoteHashCode` methods for numeric fields.
-* Support `!= null` in OAL engine.
-* Add `Message Queue Consuming Count` metric for MQ consuming service and endpoint.
-* Add `Message Queue Avg Consuming Latency` metric for MQ consuming service and endpoint.
-* Support `-Inf` as bucket in the meter system.
-* Fix setting wrong field when combining `Event`s.
-* Support search browser service.
-* Add `getProfileTaskLogs` to profile query protocol.
-* Fix unexpected deleting due to TTL mechanism bug for H2, MySQL, TiDB and PostgreSQL.
-* Add a GraphQL query to get OAP version, display OAP version in startup message and error logs.
-* Fix TimeBucket missing in H2, MySQL, TiDB and PostgreSQL bug, which causes TTL doesn't work for `service_traffic`.
-* Fix TimeBucket missing in ElasticSearch and provide compatible `storage2Entity` for previous versions.
-* Fix ElasticSearch implementation of `queryMetricsValues` and `readLabeledMetricsValues` doesn't fill default values
-  when no available data in the ElasticSearch server.
-* Fix config yaml data type conversion bug when meets special character like !.
-* Optimize metrics of minute dimensionality persistence. The value of metrics, which has declaration of the default
-  value and current value equals the default value logically, the whole row wouldn't be pushed into database.
-* Fix `max` function in OAL doesn't support negative long.
-* Add `MicroBench` module to make it easier for developers to write JMH test.
-* Upgrade Kubernetes Java client to 14.0.0, supports GCP token refreshing and fixes some bugs.
-* Change `SO11Y` metric `envoy_als_in_count` to calculate the ALS message count.
-* Support Istio `1.10.3`, `1.11.4`, `1.12.0` release.(Tested through e2e)
-* Add filter mechanism in MAL core to filter metrics.
-* Fix concurrency bug in MAL `increase`-related calculation.
-* Fix a null pointer bug when building `SampleFamily`.
-* Fix the so11y latency of persistence execution latency not correct in ElasticSearch storage.
-* Add `MeterReportService` `collectBatch` method. 
-* Add OpenSearch 1.2.0 to test and verify it works.
-* Upgrade grpc-java to 1.42.1 and protoc to 3.17.3 to allow using native Mac osx-aarch_64 artifacts.
-* Fix TopologyQuery.loadEndpointRelation bug.
-* Support using IoTDB as a new storage option.
-* Add customized envoy ALS protocol receiver for satellite transmit batch data.
-* Remove `logback` dependencies in IoTDB plugin.
-* Fix `StorageModuleElasticsearchProvider` doesn't watch on `trustStorePath`.
-* Fix a wrong check about entity if GraphQL at the endpoint relation level.
-#### UI
-* Optimize endpoint dependency.
-* Show service name by hovering nodes in the sankey chart.
-* Add Apache Kylin logo.
-* Add ClickHouse logo.
-* Optimize the style and add tips for log conditions.
-* Fix the condition for trace table.
-* Optimize profile functions.
-* Implement a reminder to clear cache for dashboard templates.
-* Support +/- hh:mm in TimeZone setting.
-* Optimize global settings.
-* Fix current endpoint for endpoint dependency.
-* Add version in the global settings popup.
-* Optimize Log page style.
-* Avoid some abnormal settings.
-* Fix query condition of events.
-#### Documentation
-* Enhance documents about the data report and query protocols.
-* Restructure documents about receivers and fetchers.
-    1. Remove general receiver and fetcher docs
-    2. Add more specific menu with docs to help users to find documents easier.
-* Add a guidance doc about the logic endpoint. 
-* Link Satellite as Load Balancer documentation and compatibility with satellite.
-All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/101?closed=1)
+* Upgrade log4j2 to 2.15.0 for CVE-2021-44228
 Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).
diff --git a/oap-server-bom/pom.xml b/oap-server-bom/pom.xml
index 341ed6d..7a04f71 100644
--- a/oap-server-bom/pom.xml
+++ b/oap-server-bom/pom.xml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-        <log4j.version>2.14.1</log4j.version>
+        <log4j.version>2.15.0</log4j.version>
diff --git a/tools/dependencies/known-oap-backend-dependencies.txt b/tools/dependencies/known-oap-backend-dependencies.txt
index f29d69d..6829845 100755
--- a/tools/dependencies/known-oap-backend-dependencies.txt
+++ b/tools/dependencies/known-oap-backend-dependencies.txt
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@