blob: b41aad70feda0b226c429c643ee429d61f1ba661 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# This will parse a textual representation of a duration. The formats
# accepted are based on the ISO-8601 duration format {@code PnDTnHnMn.nS}
# with days considered to be exactly 24 hours.
# <p>
# Examples:
# <pre>
# "PT20.345S" -- parses as "20.345 seconds"
# "PT15M" -- parses as "15 minutes" (where a minute is 60 seconds)
# "PT10H" -- parses as "10 hours" (where an hour is 3600 seconds)
# "P2D" -- parses as "2 days" (where a day is 24 hours or 86400 seconds)
# "P2DT3H4M" -- parses as "2 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes"
# "P-6H3M" -- parses as "-6 hours and +3 minutes"
# "-P6H3M" -- parses as "-6 hours and -3 minutes"
# "-P-6H+3M" -- parses as "+6 hours and -3 minutes"
# </pre>
filter: "{ tags -> tags.job_name == 'mysql-monitoring' }" # The OpenTelemetry job name
expSuffix: tag({tags -> tags.host_name = 'mysql::' + tags.host_name}).service(['host_name'] , Layer.MYSQL)
metricPrefix: meter_mysql
# mysql configurations
- name: uptime
exp: mysql_global_status_uptime
- name: innodb_buffer_pool_size
exp: mysql_global_variables_innodb_buffer_pool_size
- name: max_connections
exp: mysql_global_variables_max_connections
- name: thread_cache_size
exp: mysql_global_variables_thread_cache_size
# database throughput
- name: commands_insert_rate
exp: mysql_global_status_commands_total.tagEqual('command','insert').rate('PT1M')
- name: commands_select_rate
exp: mysql_global_status_commands_total.tagEqual('command','select').rate('PT1M')
- name: commands_delete_rate
exp: mysql_global_status_commands_total.tagEqual('command','delete').rate('PT1M')
- name: commands_update_rate
exp: mysql_global_status_commands_total.tagEqual('command','update').rate('PT1M')
- name: qps
exp: mysql_global_status_queries.rate('PT1M')
- name: tps
exp: mysql_global_status_commands_total.tagMatch('command','rollback|commit').rate('PT1M')
# connections
## threads
- name: threads_connected
exp: mysql_global_status_threads_connected
- name: threads_created
exp: mysql_global_status_threads_created
- name: threads_running
exp: mysql_global_status_threads_running
- name: threads_cached
exp: mysql_global_status_threads_cached
## connect
- name: connects_aborted
exp: mysql_global_status_aborted_connects
- name: connects_available
exp: mysql_global_variables_max_connections.sum(['host_name']) - mysql_global_status_threads_connected.sum(['host_name'])
- name: connection_errors_max_connections
exp: mysql_global_status_connection_errors_total.tagEqual('error','max_connection')
- name: connection_errors_internal
exp: mysql_global_status_connection_errors_total.tagEqual('error','internal')
# slow queries
- name: slow_queries_rate
exp: mysql_global_status_slow_queries.rate('PT1M')