Fix typo in swip docs (#12175)

diff --git a/docs/en/swip/ b/docs/en/swip/
index 6c598e0..27d7cfd 100644
--- a/docs/en/swip/
+++ b/docs/en/swip/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 |--------------------------------------------|-----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------|
 | Uptime                                     | sec       | meter_activemq_broker_uptime                                            | Uptime of the broker in day.                                                                   | JMX Prometheus Exporter |
 | State                                      |           | meter_activemq_broker_state                                             | If slave broker 1 else 0.                                                                      | JMX Prometheus Exporter |
-| Current Connentions                        | Count     | meter_activemq_broker_current_connentions                               | The number of clients connected to the broker currently.                                       | JMX Prometheus Exporter |
+| Current Connections                        | Count     | meter_activemq_broker_current_connections                               | The number of clients connected to the broker currently.                                       | JMX Prometheus Exporter |
 | Current Producer Count                     | Count     | meter_activemq_broker_current_producer_count                            | The number of producers currently attached to the broker.                                      | JMX Prometheus Exporter |
 | Current Consumer Count                     | Count     | meter_activemq_broker_current_consumer_count                            | The number of consumers consuming messages from the broker.                                    | JMX Prometheus Exporter |
 | Producer Count                             | Count     | meter_activemq_broker_producer_count                                    | Number of message producers active on destinations.                                            | JMX Prometheus Exporter |