Add doc for EventExporter (#116)

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+# SkyWalking Kubernetes Event Exporter User Guide
+[SkyWalking Kubernetes Event Exporter]( is able to watch,
+filter, and send Kubernetes events into the Apache SkyWalking backend.
+## Demo
+### Step 1: Create a Local Kubernetes Cluster
+Please follow step 1 to 3 in [getting started](../ to create a cluster.
+### Step 2: Deploy OAP server and Event Exporter
+Create the `skywalking-system` namespace.
+$ kubectl create namespace skywalking-system
+Deploy an OAP server and an event exporter.
+cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
+kind: OAPServer
+  name: skywalking-system
+  namespace: skywalking-system
+  version: 9.5.0
+  instances: 1
+  image: apache/skywalking-oap-server:9.5.0
+  service:
+    template:
+      type: ClusterIP
+kind: EventExporter
+  name: skywalking-system
+  namespace: skywalking-system
+  replicas: 1
+  config: |
+    filters:
+      - reason: ""     
+        message: ""    
+        minCount: 1    
+        type: ""       
+        action: ""     
+        kind: "Pod|Service"
+        namespace: "^skywalking-system$"  
+        name: ""       
+        service: "[^\\s]{1,}"  
+        exporters:     
+          - skywalking 
+    exporters:         
+      skywalking:      
+        template:      
+          source:
+            service: "{{ .Service.Name }}"
+            serviceInstance: "{{ .Pod.Name }}"
+            endpoint: ""
+          message: "{{ .Event.Message }}" 
+        address: "skywalking-system-oap.skywalking-system:11800"
+Wait until both components are ready...
+$ kubectl get pod -n skywalking-system 
+NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
+skywalking-system-eventexporter-566db46fb6-npx8v   1/1     Running   0          50s
+skywalking-system-oap-68bd877f57-zs8hw             1/1     Running   0          50s
+### Step 3: Check Reported Events
+We can verify k8s events is reported to the OAP server by
+using [skywalking-cli](
+First, port-forward the OAP http service to your local machine.
+$ kubectl port-forward svc/skywalking-system-oap 12800:12800 -n skywalking-system
+Next, use `swctl` to list reported events in YAML format.
+$ swctl --display yaml event ls
+The output should contain k8s events of the OAP server.
+  - uuid: 1d5bfe48-bc8d-4f5a-9680-188f59793459
+    source:
+      service: skywalking-system-oap
+      serviceinstance: skywalking-system-oap-68bd877f57-cvkjb
+      endpoint: ""
+    name: Pulled
+    type: Normal
+    message: Successfully pulled image "apache/skywalking-oap-server:9.5.0" in 6m4.108914335s
+    parameters: [ ]
+    starttime: 1713793327000
+    endtime: 1713793327000
+    layer: K8S
+  - uuid: f576f6ad-748d-4cec -9260-6587c145550e
+    source:
+      service: skywalking-system-oap
+      serviceinstance: skywalking-system-oap-68bd877f57-cvkjb
+      endpoint: ""
+    name: Created
+    type: Normal
+    message: Created container oap
+    parameters: [ ]
+    starttime: 1713793327000
+    endtime: 1713793327000
+    layer: K8S
+  - uuid: 0cec5b55-4cb0-4ff7-a670-a097609c531f
+    source:
+      service: skywalking-system-oap
+      serviceinstance: skywalking-system-oap-68bd877f57-cvkjb
+      endpoint: ""
+    name: Started
+    type: Normal
+    message: Started container oap
+    parameters: [ ]
+    starttime: 1713793327000
+    endtime: 1713793327000
+    layer: K8S
+  - uuid: 28f0d004-befe-4c27-a7b7-dfdc4dd755fa
+    source:
+      service: skywalking-system-oap
+      serviceinstance: skywalking-system-oap-68bd877f57-cvkjb
+      endpoint: ""
+    name: Pulling
+    type: Normal
+    message: Pulling image "apache/skywalking-oap-server:9.5.0"
+    parameters: [ ]
+    starttime: 1713792963000
+    endtime: 1713792963000
+    layer: K8S
+  - uuid: 6d766801-5057-42c0-aa63-93ce1e201418
+    source:
+      service: skywalking-system-oap
+      serviceinstance: skywalking-system-oap-68bd877f57-cvkjb
+      endpoint: ""
+    name: Scheduled
+    type: Normal
+    message: Successfully assigned skywalking-system/skywalking-system-oap-68bd877f57-cvkjb
+      to kind-worker
+    parameters: [ ]
+    starttime: 1713792963000
+    endtime: 1713792963000
+    layer: K8S
+We can also verify by checking logs of the event exporter.
+kubectl logs -f skywalking-system-eventexporter-566db46fb6-npx8v -n skywalking-system
+DEBUG done: rendered event is: uuid:"8d8c2bd1-1812-4b0c-8237-560688366280" source:{service:"skywalking-system-oap" serviceInstance:"skywalking-system-oap-68bd877f57-zs8hw"} name:"Started" message:"Started container oap" startTime:1713795214000 endTime:1713795214000 layer:"K8S"
+## Spec
+| name     | description                                            | default value                                        |
+| image    | Docker image of the event exporter.                    | `apache/skywalking-kubernetes-event-exporter:latest` |                                                                                                          
+| replicas | Number of event exporter pods.                         | `1`                                                  |
+| config   | Configuration of filters and exporters in YAML format. | `""`                                                 |
+Please note: if you ignore the `config` field, no filters or exporter will be created.
+This is because the EventExporter controller creates a configMap for all `config` values and
+attach the configMap to the event exporter container as configuration file.
+Ignoring the `config` field means an **empty** configuration file (with content `""`) is provided to the event exporter.
+## Status
+| name              | description                                                                |
+| availableReplicas | Total number of available event exporter pods.                             |
+| conditions        | Latest available observations of the underlying deployment's current state |
+| configMapName     | Name of the underlying configMap.                                          |
+## Configuration
+The event exporter supports reporting specific events by different exporters.
+We can add filter configs to choose which events we are interested in,
+and include exporter names in each filter config to tell event exporter how to export filtered events.
+An example configuration is listed below:
+  - reason: ""
+    message: ""
+    minCount: 1
+    type: ""
+    action: ""
+    kind: "Pod|Service"
+    namespace: "^default$"
+    name: ""
+    service: "[^\\s]{1,}"
+    exporters:
+      - skywalking
+  skywalking:
+    template:
+      source:
+        service: "{{ .Service.Name }}"
+        serviceInstance: "{{ .Pod.Name }}"
+        endpoint: ""
+      message: "{{ .Event.Message }}"
+    address: "skywalking-system-oap.skywalking-system:11800" 
+### Filter Config
+| name      | description                                                                                                                         | example          |
+| reason    | Filter events of the specified reason, regular expression like `"Killing\|Killed"` is supported.                                    | `""`             |                                                                                                       
+| message   | Filter events of the specified message, regular expression like `"Pulling container.*"` is supported.                               | `""`             |
+| minCount  | Filter events whose count is >= the specified value.                                                                                | `1`              |
+| type      | Filter events of the specified type, regular expression like `"Normal\|Error"` is supported.                                        | `""`             |
+| action    | Filter events of the specified action, regular expression is supported.                                                             | `""`             |
+| kind      | Filter events of the specified kind, regular expression like `"Pod\|Service"` is supported.                                         | `"Pod\|Service"` |
+| namespace | Filter events from the specified namespace, regular expression like `"default\|bookinfo"` is supported, empty means all namespaces. | `"^default$"`    |
+| name      | Filter events of the specified involved object name, regular expression like `".*bookinfo.*"` is supported.                         | `""`             |
+| service   | Filter events belonging to services whose name is not empty.                                                                        | `"[^\\s]{1,}"`   |
+| exporters | Events satisfy this filter can be exported into several exporters that are defined below.                                           | `["skywalking"]` |
+### Skywalking Exporter Config
+SkyWalking exporter exports the events into Apache SkyWalking OAP server using grpc.
+| name                            | description                                                                                                                                                                  | example                                           |
+| address                         | The SkyWalking backend address where this exporter will export to.                                                                                                           | `"skywalking-system-oap.skywalking-system:11800"` |
+| enableTLS                       | Whether to use TLS for grpc server connection validation. <br/> If TLS is enabled, the `trustedCertPath` is required, but `clientCertPath` and `clientKeyPath` are optional. | `false`                                           |
+| clientCertPath                  | Path of the X.509 certificate file.                                                                                                                                          | `""`                                              |
+| clientKeyPath                   | Path of the X.509 private key file.                                                                                                                                          | `""`                                              |
+| trustedCertPath                 | Path of the root certificate file.                                                                                                                                           | `""`                                              |
+| insecureSkipVerify              | Whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. Check [`tls.Config`]( for more details.                         | `false`                                           |
+| template                        | The event template of SkyWalking exporter, it can be composed of metadata like Event, Pod, and Service.                                                                      |                                                   |
+| template.source                 | Event source information.                                                                                                                                                    |                                                   |
+| template.source.service         | Service name, can be a [template string](                                                                                                  | `"{{ .Service.Name }}"`                           |
+| template.source.serviceInstance | Service instance name, can be a [template string](                                                                                         | `"{{ .Pod.Name }}"`                               |
+| template.source.endpoint        | Endpoint, can be a [template string](                                                                                                      | `""`                                              |
+| template.message                | Message format, can be a [template string](                                                                                                | `"{{ .Event.Message }}"`                          |
+### Console Exporter Config
+Console exporter exports the events into console logs, this exporter is typically used for debugging.
+| name                            | description                                                                                             | example                  |
+| template                        | The event template of SkyWalking exporter, it can be composed of metadata like Event, Pod, and Service. |                          |
+| template.source                 | Event source information.                                                                               |                          |
+| template.source.service         | Service name, can be a [template string](                             | `"{{ .Service.Name }}"`  |
+| template.source.serviceInstance | Service instance name, can be a [template string](                    | `"{{ .Pod.Name }}"`      |
+| template.source.endpoint        | Endpoint, can be a [template string](                                 | `""`                     |
+| template.message                | Message format, can be a [template string](                           | `"{{ .Event.Message }}"` |
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         path: "/examples/istio-controlplane"
       - name: "Install Satellite"
         path: "/examples/satellite"
+      - name: "Deploy Event Exporter"
+        path: "/examples/event-exporter"
   - name: "Contributing Guides"
       - name: "Contribute"