blob: 11f75fa0ec2c61799e836c37f448840cfb6d5504 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
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// this work for additional information regarding copyright
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// +build !windows
package meta
import (
const (
metaSize = 80
metaName = "meta.dat"
metaVersion = 1
// Offset position
const (
versionPos = iota * 8
// Metadata only needs 80B to store the Metadata for the pipe. But for memory alignment,
// it takes at least one memory page size, which is generally 4K.
// [ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ][ 8Bit ]
// [metaVersion][ ID ][ offset][ ID ][ offset][ ID ][ offset][ ID ][ offset][capacity]
// [metaVersion][writing offset][watermark offset][committed offset][reading offset][capacity]
type Metadata struct {
metaFile *mmap.File
name string
size int
capacity int
// NewMetaData read or create a Metadata with supported metaVersion
func NewMetaData(metaDir string, capacity int) (*Metadata, error) {
path := filepath.Join(metaDir, metaName)
metaFile, err := segment.NewSegment(path, metaSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in crating the Metadata memory mapped file: %v", err)
m := &Metadata{
metaFile: metaFile,
name: metaName,
size: metaSize,
capacity: capacity,
v := m.GetVersion()
if v != 0 && v != metaVersion {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("metadata metaVersion is not matching, the Metadata metaVersion is %d", v)
c := m.GetCapacity()
if c != 0 && c != capacity {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("metadata catapacity is not equal to the old capacity, the old capacity is %d", c)
return m, nil
// GetVersion returns the meta version.
func (m *Metadata) GetVersion() int {
return int(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(versionPos))
// PutVersion put the version into the memory mapped file.
func (m *Metadata) PutVersion(version int64) {
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(version), versionPos)
// GetWritingOffset returns the writing offset, which contains the segment ID and the offset of the segment.
func (m *Metadata) GetWritingOffset() (segmentID, offset int64) {
return int64(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(widPos)), int64(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(woffsetPos))
// PutWritingOffset put the segment ID and the offset of the segment into the writing offset.
func (m *Metadata) PutWritingOffset(segmentID, offset int64) {
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(segmentID), widPos)
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(offset), woffsetPos)
// GetWatermarkOffset returns the watermark offset, which contains the segment ID and the offset of the segment.
func (m *Metadata) GetWatermarkOffset() (segmentID, offset int64) {
return int64(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(wmidPos)), int64(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(wmoffsetPos))
// PutWatermarkOffset put the segment ID and the offset of the segment into the watermark offset.
func (m *Metadata) PutWatermarkOffset(segmentID, offset int64) {
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(segmentID), wmidPos)
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(offset), wmoffsetPos)
// GetCommittedOffset returns the committed offset, which contains the segment ID and the offset of the segment.
func (m *Metadata) GetCommittedOffset() (segmentID, offset int64) {
return int64(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(cidPos)), int64(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(coffsetPos))
// PutCommittedOffset put the segment ID and the offset of the segment into the committed offset.
func (m *Metadata) PutCommittedOffset(segmentID, offset int64) {
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(segmentID), cidPos)
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(offset), coffsetPos)
// GetReadingOffset returns the reading offset, which contains the segment ID and the offset of the segment.
func (m *Metadata) GetReadingOffset() (segmentID, offset int64) {
return int64(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(ridPos)), int64(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(roffsetPos))
// PutReadingOffset put the segment ID and the offset of the segment into the reading offset.
func (m *Metadata) PutReadingOffset(segmentID, offset int64) {
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(segmentID), ridPos)
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(offset), roffsetPos)
// GetCapacity returns the capacity of the queue.
func (m *Metadata) GetCapacity() int {
return int(m.metaFile.ReadUint64At(capacityPos))
// PutCapacity put the capacity into the memory mapped file.
func (m *Metadata) PutCapacity(version int64) {
m.metaFile.WriteUint64At(uint64(version), capacityPos)
// Flush the memory mapped file to the disk.
func (m *Metadata) Flush() error {
return m.metaFile.Flush(syscall.MS_SYNC)
// Close do Flush operation and unmap the memory mapped file.
func (m *Metadata) Close() error {
if err := m.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return m.metaFile.Unmap()