blob: 920e9f432b694bcdea599abe7053566bf83d2a1f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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name: Integration Test for Proxy Helm Charts
on: push
name: Integration Test for ShardingSphere Proxy Helm Charts
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: "Checkout codes"
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: "Setup kind"
uses: helm/kind-action@v1.2.0
- name: "Setup helm"
uses: azure/setup-helm@v2.1
- name: "Setup kubectl"
uses: azure/setup-kubectl@v2.0
- name: "Test Helm Charts for ShardingSphere Proxy"
run: |
set -x
export TEST_NAMESPACE="shardingsphere-system"
kubectl create namespace ${TEST_NAMESPACE}
cd charts/shardingsphere-proxy/charts/governance
helm dependency build
cd ../..
helm dependency build
cd ..
helm install shardingsphere-proxy shardingsphere-proxy -n ${TEST_NAMESPACE} --set compute.replicas=1
kubectl wait --timeout=60s --for=condition=Ready --all pod -n ${TEST_NAMESPACE}
kubectl get pod,svc -n ${TEST_NAMESPACE} --show-labels
cd ..
kubectl apply -f hack/kubernetes/mysql.yml
sleep 180
kubectl get pod,svc -n default --show-labels
kubectl wait --timeout=120s --for=condition=Ready --all pod -n ${TEST_NAMESPACE}
kubectl get pod,svc -n default --show-labels
kubectl port-forward svc/shardingsphere-proxy-apache-shardingsphere-proxy 3307:3307 -n ${TEST_NAMESPACE} &
kubectl port-forward svc/mysql-1 3316:3306 -n default &
kubectl port-forward svc/mysql-2 3326:3306 -n default &
sleep 3
- name: "Prepare mysql"
uses: shogo82148/actions-setup-mysql@v1
mysql-version: '5.7'
- name: "Create schema from MySQL-1"
run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3316 -uroot -proot -e 'CREATE DATABASE ds_1;'
- name: "Create schema from MySQL-2"
run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3326 -uroot -proot -e 'CREATE DATABASE ds_2;'
- name: "Create sharding db"
run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uroot -proot -e 'CREATE DATABASE sharding_db; USE sharding_db;ADD RESOURCE ds_0 (HOST="mysql-1.default",PORT=3306,DB="ds_1",USER="root",PASSWORD="root"),ds_1 (HOST="mysql-2.default",PORT=3306,DB="ds_2",USER="root",PASSWORD="root");CREATE SHARDING TABLE RULE t_order(RESOURCES(ds_0,ds_1),SHARDING_COLUMN=order_id,TYPE(NAME="hash_mod",PROPERTIES("sharding-count"="2")),KEY_GENERATE_STRATEGY(COLUMN=order_id,TYPE(NAME="snowflake")));CREATE TABLE `t_order` (`order_id` int NOT NULL,`user_id` int NOT NULL,`status` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;INSERT INTO `t_order` VALUES(1, 1, "code1"),(2, 2, "code2");'
#- name: "Run DistSQL add resource"
#run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uroot -proot -e 'ADD RESOURCE ds_0 (HOST="mysql-1.default",PORT=3306,DB="ds_1",USER="root",PASSWORD="root"),ds_1 (HOST="mysql-2.default",PORT=3306,DB="ds_2",USER="root",PASSWORD="root");'
#- name: "Run DistSQL add sharding rule"
#run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uroot -proot -e 'CREATE SHARDING TABLE RULE t_order(RESOURCES(ds_0,ds_1),SHARDING_COLUMN=order_id,TYPE(NAME="hash_mod",PROPERTIES("sharding-count"="2")),KEY_GENERATE_STRATEGY(COLUMN=order_id,TYPE(NAME="snowflake")));'
#- name: "Run DistSQL add sharding table"
#run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uroot -proot -e 'CREATE TABLE `t_order` (`order_id` int NOT NULL,`user_id` int NOT NULL,`status` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;'
#- name: "Run insert data"
#run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uroot -proot -e 'INSERT INTO `t_order` VALUES(1, 1, "code1"),(2, 2, "code2");'
- name: "Quert data"
run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -uroot -proot -e 'USE sharding_db;SELECT * FROM t_order;'
- name: "Query data from MySQL-1"
run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3316 -uroot -proot -e 'USE ds_1;SELECT * FROM `t_order_0`;'
- name: "Query data from MySQL-2 "
run: mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3326 -uroot -proot -e 'USE ds_2;SELECT * FROM `t_order_1`;'