blob: 8f944fcab623c6f5a99479807f0526bd8ce41a68 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
timeout: 10m
tests: false
- "^zz_generated.*"
disable-all: true
# The base lints
- errcheck
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- staticcheck
- typecheck
- unused
- bodyclose
- cyclop
- nilerr
- goimports
- asciicheck
- prealloc
- stylecheck
- exportloopref
- rowserrcheck
- makezero
- durationcheck
- gosec
- predeclared
# The advanced lints
- dupl
- exhaustive
- godot
- misspell
- varnamelen
- gocritic
- gocognit
- nestif
#- wsl
# Refers:
# See for documentation of available settings.
# These are the defaults for `golangci-lint`.
# Do strict checking when assigning from append (x = append(x, y)). If
# this is set to true - the append call must append either a variable
# assigned, called or used on the line above.
strict-append: true
# Allows assignments to be cuddled with variables used in calls on
# line above and calls to be cuddled with assignments of variables
# used in call on line above.
allow-assign-and-call: true
# Allows assignments to be cuddled with anything.
allow-assign-and-anything: false
# Allows cuddling to assignments even if they span over multiple lines.
allow-multiline-assign: true
# If the number of lines in a case block is equal to or lager than this
# number, the case *must* end white a newline.
force-case-trailing-whitespace: 0
# Allow blocks to end with comments.
allow-trailing-comment: false
# Allow multiple comments in the beginning of a block separated with newline.
allow-separated-leading-comment: false
# Allow multiple var/declaration statements to be cuddled.
allow-cuddle-declarations: false
# A list of call idents that everything can be cuddled with.
# Defaults to calls looking like locks.
allow-cuddle-with-calls: ["Lock", "RLock"]
# AllowCuddleWithRHS is a list of right hand side variables that is allowed
# to be cuddled with anything. Defaults to assignments or calls looking
# like unlocks.
allow-cuddle-with-rhs: ["Unlock", "RUnlock"]
# Causes an error when an If statement that checks an error variable doesn't
# cuddle with the assignment of that variable.
force-err-cuddling: false
# When force-err-cuddling is enabled this is a list of names
# used for error variables to check for in the conditional.
error-variable-names: ["err"]
# Causes an error if a short declaration (:=) cuddles with anything other than
# another short declaration.
# This logic overrides force-err-cuddling among others.
force-short-decl-cuddling: false
# The longest distance, in source lines, that is being considered a "small scope".
# Variables used in at most this many lines will be ignored.
# Default: 5
max-distance: 6
# The minimum length of a variable's name that is considered "long".
# Variable names that are at least this long will be ignored.
# Default: 3
min-name-length: 1
# Check method receivers.
# Default: false
check-receiver: false
# Check named return values.
# Default: false
check-return: true
# Check type parameters.
# Default: false
check-type-param: true
# Ignore "ok" variables that hold the bool return value of a type assertion.
# Default: false
ignore-type-assert-ok: true
# Ignore "ok" variables that hold the bool return value of a map index.
# Default: false
ignore-map-index-ok: true
# Ignore "ok" variables that hold the bool return value of a channel receive.
# Default: false
ignore-chan-recv-ok: true
# Optional list of variable names that should be ignored completely.
# Default: []
- err
# Optional list of variable declarations that should be ignored completely.
# Entries must be in one of the following forms (see below for examples):
# - for variables, parameters, named return values, method receivers, or type parameters:
# <name> <type> (<type> can also be a pointer/slice/map/chan/...)
# - for constants: const <name>
# Default: []
- c echo.Context
- t testing.T
- f *foo.Bar
- e error
- i int
- const C
- T any
- m map[string]int
# IMPORTANT: we don't recommend using this linter before doing performance profiling.
# For most programs usage of prealloc will be a premature optimization.
# Report pre-allocation suggestions only on simple loops that have no returns/breaks/continues/gotos in them.
# Default: true
simple: false
# Report pre-allocation suggestions on range loops.
# Default: true
range-loops: false
# Report pre-allocation suggestions on for loops.
# Default: false
for-loops: true
# Minimal complexity of if statements to report.
# Default: 5
min-complexity: 6
# Correct spellings using locale preferences for US or UK.
# Setting locale to US will correct the British spelling of 'colour' to 'color'.
# Default is to use a neutral variety of English.
locale: US
# Default: []
- someword
# Comments to be checked: `declarations`, `toplevel`, or `all`.
# Default: declarations
scope: toplevel
# List of regexps for excluding particular comment lines from check.
# Default: []
# Exclude todo and fixme comments.
- "^fixme:"
- "^todo:"
# Check that each sentence ends with a period.
# Default: true
period: false
# Check that each sentence starts with a capital letter.
# Default: false
capital: false
# Tokens count to trigger issue.
# Default: 150
threshold: 100
# The maximal code complexity to report.
# Default: 10
max-complexity: 30
# The maximal average package complexity.
# If it's higher than 0.0 (float) the check is enabled
# Default: 0.0
package-average: 10.0
# Report about not checking of errors in type assertions: `a := b.(MyStruct)`.
# Such cases aren't reported by default.
# Default: false
check-type-assertions: true
# Program elements to check for exhaustiveness.
# Default: [ switch ]
- switch
- map
# Checks the number of lines in a function.
# If lower than 0, disable the check.
# Default: 60
lines: 100
# Checks the number of statements in a function.
# If lower than 0, disable the check.
# Default: 40
statements: 50
# Minimal code complexity to report.
# Default: 30 (but we recommend 10-20)
min-complexity: 20
# Which checks should be enabled; can't be combined with 'disabled-checks'.
# See
# To check which checks are enabled run `GL_DEBUG=gocritic golangci-lint run`.
# By default, list of stable checks is used.
- elseif
- nestingReduce
- unnamedResult
# - ruleguard
- truncateCmp
- hugeparam
- rangevalcopy
- captlocal
- underef
- toomanyresultschecker
- rangeexprcopy
# Which checks should be disabled; can't be combined with 'enabled-checks'.
# Default: []
- regexpMust
# Enable multiple checks by tags, run `GL_DEBUG=gocritic golangci-lint run` to see all tags and checks.
# See -> section "Tags".
# Default: []
- diagnostic
- style
- performance
- experimental
- opinionated
- diagnostic
- style
- performance
- experimental
- opinionated
# Settings passed to gocritic.
# The settings key is the name of a supported gocritic checker.
# The list of supported checkers can be find in
# Must be valid enabled check name.
# Whether to restrict checker to params only.
# Default: true
paramsOnly: false
# Whether to skip balanced if-else pairs.
# Default: true
skipBalanced: false
# Size in bytes that makes the warning trigger.
# Default: 80
sizeThreshold: 70
# Min number of statements inside a branch to trigger a warning.
# Default: 5
bodyWidth: 4
# Size in bytes that makes the warning trigger.
# Default: 512
sizeThreshold: 516
# Whether to check test functions
# Default: true
skipTestFuncs: false
# Size in bytes that makes the warning trigger.
# Default: 128
sizeThreshold: 32
# Whether to check test functions.
# Default: true
skipTestFuncs: false
# Enable debug to identify which 'Where' condition was rejected.
# The value of the parameter is the name of a function in a ruleguard file.
# When a rule is evaluated:
# If:
# The Match() clause is accepted; and
# One of the conditions in the Where() clause is rejected,
# Then:
# ruleguard prints the specific Where() condition that was rejected.
# The flag is passed to the ruleguard 'debug-group' argument.
# Default: ""
debug: 'emptyDecl'
# Deprecated, use 'failOn' param.
# If set to true, identical to failOn='all', otherwise failOn=''
failOnError: false
# Determines the behavior when an error occurs while parsing ruleguard files.
# If flag is not set, log error and skip rule files that contain an error.
# If flag is set, the value must be a comma-separated list of error conditions.
# - 'all': fail on all errors.
# - 'import': ruleguard rule imports a package that cannot be found.
# - 'dsl': gorule file does not comply with the ruleguard DSL.
# Default: ""
failOn: dsl
# Comma-separated list of file paths containing ruleguard rules.
# If a path is relative, it is relative to the directory where the golangci-lint command is executed.
# The special '${configDir}' variable is substituted with the absolute directory containing the golangci config file.
# Glob patterns such as 'rules-*.go' may be specified.
# Default: ""
rules: '${configDir}/ruleguard/rules-*.go,${configDir}/myrule1.go'
# Comma-separated list of enabled groups or skip empty to enable everything.
# Tags can be defined with # character prefix.
# Default: "<all>"
enable: "myGroupName,#myTagName"
# Comma-separated list of disabled groups or skip empty to enable everything.
# Tags can be defined with # character prefix.
# Default: ""
disable: "myGroupName,#myTagName"
# Maximum number of results.
# Default: 5
maxResults: 10
# Whether to skip int/uint/uintptr types.
# Default: true
skipArchDependent: false
# Whether to skip (*x).method() calls where x is a pointer receiver.
# Default: true
skipRecvDeref: false
# Whether to check exported functions.
# Default: false
checkExported: true
- path: _test\.go
- dupl
- errcheck
- gosec
- rowserrcheck
- makezero