update java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/develop-consumer-using-rpc.md
diff --git a/java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/develop-consumer-using-rpc.md b/java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/develop-consumer-using-rpc.md
index b308390..1c84295 100644
--- a/java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/develop-consumer-using-rpc.md
+++ b/java-chassis-reference/en_US/build-consumer/develop-consumer-using-rpc.md
@@ -1,47 +1,90 @@
-# 使用透明RPC方式开发服务消费者
+title: "Develop with RPC"
+lang: en
+ref: develop-with-rpc
+permalink: /users/develop-with-rpc/
+excerpt: "Develop with RPC"
+last_modified_at: 2017-08-15T15:01:43-04:00
+  - /theme-setup/
-## 概念阐述
+{% include toc %}
+## Concept Description
-透明RPC开发模式允许用户通过简单的java interface像本地调用一样进行服务调用。  
-* 与使用highway还是RESTful传输没有关联
-* 与producer使用透明RPC/Jax-RS还是SpringMVC模式开发没有关联
-* 也与producer代码是否实现这个interface没有关联。  
-透明RPC开发模式与spring cloud的feign类似,不过更简单,因为不必在这个interface中增加任何RESTful annotation。
+The RPC development mode allows you to add annotations on the microservice APIs to generate the service provider agent. In this case, you can call microservices.
-## 在spring bean中通过@RpcReference声明
+## Sample Code
+To call a microservice, you only need to declare a member of a service API type and add the @RpcReference annotation for the member, the microservice that depends on the declaration, and the schemaID. The sample code is as follows.
+import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import org.apache.servicecomb.foundation.common.utils.BeanUtils;
+import org.apache.servicecomb.foundation.common.utils.Log4jUtils;
+import org.apache.servicecomb.provider.pojo.RpcReference;
+import org.apache.servicecomb.samples.common.schema.Hello;
+import org.apache.servicecomb.samples.common.schema.models.Person;
-public class SomeBean {
-  ......
-  @RpcReference(microserviceName = "helloService", schemaId = "helloSchema")
-  private Hello hello;
-  ......
-## 脱离spring bean,直接通过api声明
-Hello hello = Invoker.createProxy("helloService", "helloSchema", Hello.class);
+public class CodeFirstConsumerMain {
+    @RpcReference(microserviceName = "codefirst", schemaId = "codeFirstHello")
+    private static Hello hello;
-## reactive
-interface Hello {
-  CompletableFuture<String> sayHi(String name);
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        init();
+        System.out.println(hello.sayHi("Java Chassis"));
+        Person person = new Person();
+        person.setName("ServiceComb/Java Chassis");
+        System.out.println(hello.sayHello(person));
+    }
+    public static void init() throws Exception {
+        Log4jUtils.init();
+        BeanUtils.init();
+    }
-因为要求方法名与契约中的operationId一一对应,而仅有返回值类型不同,在java中是非法的,所以需要修改方法名,并通过swagger annotation来声明真正的operationId
+In the preceding code, the microservice consumers have obtained the microservice API Hello of the microservice provider and declared a member of the Hello type. The annotation `@RPCReference` on `Hello` specifies the microservice name and schemaId, The ServiceComb framework can obtain information about isntances from a certain provider during program startup and generate an agent to insert to Hello. This allows you to call a remote service in the same way as you call a local class.
+### Additional explanation for consumer invocation
+In above example, in order to direct use `hello` in main function, we mark it as `static`. As a local field of `CodeFirstConsumerMain`, we recommend get it use these two way :
+#### First way: define cse:rpc-reference
+In your bean.xml, add `cse:rpc-reference` configuration:
+<cse:rpc-reference id="hello" microservice-name="codefirst"
+    schema-id="codeFirstHello" interface="org.apache.servicecomb.samples.common.schema.Hello"></cse:rpc-reference>
+Then use `BeanUtils.getBean` to get `Hello` provider:
-interface Hello {
-  String sayHi(String name);
-  @ApiOperation(nickname = "sayHi", value = "reactive method for sayHi")
-  CompletableFuture<String> asyncSayHi(String name);
+Hello hello = BeanUtils.getBean("hello");
+#### Second way: get Bean, then use field
+First use `BeanUtils.getBean` to get Bean of `CodeFirstConsumerMain`:
+//Default instance name of Spring Bean is same as class name with first char low-cased
+CodeFirstConsumerMain consumer = BeanUtils.getBean("codeFirstConsumerMain");
+Then get `hello` via Getter:
+public Hello getHello() {
+    return hello;
+Hello hello = consumer.getHello()
+> NOTE:
+> `BeanUtils.getBean` has inner lock so performacen is low , we recommend use once and cache return as local field for future use(such as in constructor).
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