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Concept Description

The RPC development mode allows you to add annotations on the microservice APIs to generate the service provider agent. In this case, you can call microservices.

Sample Code

To call a microservice, you only need to declare a member of a service API type and add the @RpcReference annotation for the member, the microservice that depends on the declaration, and the schemaID. The sample code is as follows.

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import org.apache.servicecomb.foundation.common.utils.BeanUtils;
import org.apache.servicecomb.foundation.common.utils.Log4jUtils;
import org.apache.servicecomb.provider.pojo.RpcReference;
import org.apache.servicecomb.samples.common.schema.Hello;
import org.apache.servicecomb.samples.common.schema.models.Person;

public class CodeFirstConsumerMain {
    @RpcReference(microserviceName = "codefirst", schemaId = "codeFirstHello")
    private static Hello hello;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        System.out.println(hello.sayHi("Java Chassis"));
        Person person = new Person();
        person.setName("ServiceComb/Java Chassis");

    public static void init() throws Exception {

In the preceding code, the microservice consumers have obtained the microservice API Hello of the microservice provider and declared a member of the Hello type. The annotation @RPCReference on Hello specifies the microservice name and schemaId, The ServiceComb framework can obtain information about isntances from a certain provider during program startup and generate an agent to insert to Hello. This allows you to call a remote service in the same way as you call a local class.

Additional explanation for consumer invocation

In above example, in order to direct use hello in main function, we mark it as static. As a local field of CodeFirstConsumerMain, we recommend get it use these two way :

First way: define cse:rpc-reference

In your bean.xml, add cse:rpc-reference configuration:

<cse:rpc-reference id="hello" microservice-name="codefirst"
    schema-id="codeFirstHello" interface="org.apache.servicecomb.samples.common.schema.Hello"></cse:rpc-reference>

Then use BeanUtils.getBean to get Hello provider:

Hello hello = BeanUtils.getBean("hello");

Second way: get Bean, then use field

First use BeanUtils.getBean to get Bean of CodeFirstConsumerMain:

//Default instance name of Spring Bean is same as class name with first char low-cased
CodeFirstConsumerMain consumer = BeanUtils.getBean("codeFirstConsumerMain");

Then get hello via Getter:

public Hello getHello() {
    return hello;
Hello hello = consumer.getHello()

NOTE: BeanUtils.getBean has inner lock so performacen is low , we recommend use once and cache return as local field for future use(such as in constructor).