blob: 980d6650a5afe1169613bbe8f01d44b9f79d26c5 [file] [log] [blame]
{ "type": "class",
"qname": "org.apache.royale.html.Menu",
"baseClassname": "org.apache.royale.html.List"
"description": "The Menu class builds pop-up menus that are presented as a list, displayed at a specific location. The dataProvider should be an Array of either Strings or Objects; if Objects, set the Menu's labelField to identify the property in the Object to use for the labels in the Menu. Use createMenu to create a Menu and add an event listener to be triggered when a menu item is selected. var menu:Menu = Menu.createMenu(dataProvider); menu.addEventListener("change", handleSelection); Present the menu using the show function:, xoffset, yoffset); Pass a component to use a reference when calculating the position of the menu. Set an offset from the component's upper-left corner. If an item is selected the event listener will be called. Remove the menu using menu.hide(); Note: submenus are not supported.",
"tags": [
{ "tagName": "playerversion",
"values": ["Flash 10.2", "AIR 2.6"]},
{ "tagName": "productversion",
"values": ["Royale 0.9"]},
{ "tagName": "langversion",
"values": ["3.0"]} ],
"members": [
{ "type": "method",
"qname": "org.apache.royale.html.Menu",
"namespace": "",
"bindable": [],
"details": [],
"deprecated": {},
"description": "Constructor.",
"tags": [
{ "tagName": "playerversion",
"values": ["Flash 10.2", "AIR 2.6"]},
{ "tagName": "productversion",
"values": ["Royale 0.9"]},
{ "tagName": "langversion",
"values": ["3.0"]} ],
"return": "",
"params": []}
{ "type": "accessor",
"access": "read-write",
"return": "String",
"qname": "submenuField",
"namespace": "public",
"bindable": [],
"details": [],
"deprecated": {},
"description": "The submenuField is not used by Menu (see CascadingMenu).",
"tags": [
{ "tagName": "playerversion",
"values": ["Flash 10.2", "AIR 2.6"]},
{ "tagName": "productversion",
"values": ["Royale 0.9"]},
{ "tagName": "langversion",
"values": ["3.0"]} ]},
{ "type": "accessor",
"access": "read-write",
"return": "",
"qname": "parentMenuBar",
"namespace": "public",
"bindable": [],
"details": [],
"deprecated": {}},
{ "type": "method",
"qname": "createMenu",
"namespace": "public",
"bindable": [],
"details": ["static"],
"deprecated": {},
"description": "Creates a new instance of the menu, attaching the data given as the dataProvider to the menu.",
"tags": [
{ "tagName": "param",
"values": ["dataProvider Object Either an Array of Strings or an Array of Objects."]},
{ "tagName": "playerversion",
"values": ["Flash 10.2", "AIR 2.6"]},
{ "tagName": "productversion",
"values": ["Royale 0.9"]},
{ "tagName": "return",
"values": ["Menu The Menu created."]},
{ "tagName": "langversion",
"values": ["3.0"]} ],
"return": "org.apache.royale.html.Menu",
"params": [{ "name": "dataProvider", "type": "Object"}]}
{ "type": "method",
"qname": "show",
"namespace": "public",
"bindable": [],
"details": [],
"deprecated": {},
"description": "Displays the menu at the given location which is an offset from the origin of the component supplied.",
"tags": [
{ "tagName": "param",
"values": ["component IUIBase A reference position used to place the Menu.", "xoffset Number The horizontal offset from the component's position.", "yoffset Number The vertical offset from the component's position."]},
{ "tagName": "playerversion",
"values": ["Flash 10.2", "AIR 2.6"]},
{ "tagName": "productversion",
"values": ["Royale 0.9"]},
{ "tagName": "langversion",
"values": ["3.0"]} ],
"return": "void",
"params": [{ "name": "component", "type": "org.apache.royale.core.IUIBase"},
{ "name": "xoffset", "type": "Number"},
{ "name": "yoffset", "type": "Number"}]}
{ "type": "method",
"qname": "hide",
"namespace": "public",
"bindable": [],
"details": [],
"deprecated": {},
"description": "Hides the menu if displayed.",
"tags": [
{ "tagName": "playerversion",
"values": ["Flash 10.2", "AIR 2.6"]},
{ "tagName": "productversion",
"values": ["Royale 0.9"]},
{ "tagName": "langversion",
"values": ["3.0"]} ],
"return": "void",
"params": []}