Apache Royale Website

Clone this repo:
  1. b39bfd0 Update loading-external-data-through-httpservice.md OF: typos by Andrew Wetmore · 3 weeks ago master
  2. 8c54bbf Update loading-external-data-through-httpservice.md fixed broken link by Andrew Wetmore · 3 weeks ago
  3. 891c492 actions: update Node.js LTS because 11ty requires a higher version by Josh Tynjala · 4 weeks ago
  4. fcee31f update dependencies by Josh Tynjala · 4 weeks ago
  5. 0574107 sitemap.xml and robots.txt by Josh Tynjala · 4 weeks ago


Built with the Eleventy static site generator.


Install Node.js, if you don't have it already.

Then, use npm (which is included with Node.js) to install dependencies.

npm ci

Run Local Server

For development, run the following command to start a local server.

npm start

Then, open a browser with the following URL: http://localhost:8080

Changes to files will be detected automatically, and your browser will refresh too.

Build Locally

The build the website locally, run this command.

npm run build

Build output will be in _site directory.

Generally, building the website shouldn't be necessary because the CI server builds and deploys automatically.


Deployment happens automatically. Commit changes to the master branch, and the site will be built and deployed by the CI server.