{ "type": "class", | |
"qname": "mx.collections.GroupingCollection", | |
"baseClassname": "mx.collections.HierarchicalData" | |
, | |
"description": "The GroupingCollection class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control. When you create the instance of the GroupingCollection from your flat data, you specify the field or fields of the data used to create the hierarchy. <p>To populate the AdvancedDataGrid control with grouped data, you create an instance of the GroupingCollection class from your flat data, and then pass that GroupingCollection instance to the data provider of the AdvancedDataGrid control. To specify the grouping fields of your flat data, you pass a Grouping instance to the <code>GroupingCollection.grouping</code> property. The Grouping instance contains an Array of GroupingField instances, one per grouping field. </p> <p>The following example uses the GroupingCollection class to define two grouping fields: Region and Territory.</p> <pre>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myADG"\\n <mx:dataProvider>\\n <mx:GroupingCollection id="gc" source="{dpFlat}">\\n <mx:grouping>\\n <mx:Grouping>\\n <mx:GroupingField name="Region"/>\\n <mx:GroupingField name="Territory"/>\\n </mx:Grouping>\\n </mx:grouping>\\n </mx:GroupingCollection>\\n </mx:dataProvider>\\n \\n <mx:columns>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Region"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Territory"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Territory_Rep"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Actual"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Estimate"/>\\n </mx:columns>\\n </mx:AdvancedDataGrid>\\n </pre> The <code><mx.GroupingCollection></code> inherits all the tag attributes of its superclass, and defines the following tag attributes:</p> <pre>\\n <mx:GroupingCollection\\n <b>Properties </b>\\n grouping="<i>No default</i>"\\n source="<i>No default</i>"\\n summaries="<i>No default</i>"\\n />\\n </pre> <p>This Class has been deprecated and replaced by a new Class <code>GroupingCollection2</code> which provide faster, improved performance and a new summary calculation mechanism. Class <code>SummaryField</code> has also been deprecated and replaced by a new Class <code>SummaryField2</code>. Properties <code>operation</code> and <code>summaryFunction</code> are not present in the Class <code>SummaryField2</code>. A new property <code>summaryOperation</code> is introduced in <code>SummaryField2</code>.</p>", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "see", | |
"values": ["mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid", "mx.collections.Grouping", "mx.collections.GroupingField"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "mxml", | |
"values": []}, | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]} ], | |
"members": [ | |
{ "type": "method", | |
"qname": "mx.collections.GroupingCollection", | |
"namespace": "", | |
"bindable": [], | |
"details": [], | |
"deprecated": {}, | |
"description": "Constructor.", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]} ], | |
"return": "", | |
"params": []} | |
, | |
{ "type": "accessor", | |
"access": "read-write", | |
"return": "mx.collections.Grouping", | |
"qname": "grouping", | |
"namespace": "public", | |
"bindable": [], | |
"details": [], | |
"deprecated": {}, | |
"description": "Specifies the Grouping instance applied to the source data. Setting the <code>grouping</code> property does not automatically refresh the view, so you must call the <code>refresh()</code> method after setting this property.", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "see", | |
"values": ["mx.collections.GroupingCollection#refresh()"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]} ]}, | |
{ "type": "field", | |
"qname": "summaries", | |
"return": "Array", | |
"namespace": "public", | |
"bindable": [], | |
"details": [], | |
"deprecated": {}, | |
"description": "Array of SummaryRow instances that define any root-level data summaries. Specify one or more SummaryRow instances to define the data summaries, as the following example shows: <pre>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myADG"\\n width="100%" height="100%"\\n initialize="gc.refresh();">\\n <mx:dataProvider>\\n <mx:GroupingCollection id="gc" source="{dpFlat}">\\n <mx:summaries>\\n <mx:SummaryRow summaryPlacement="last">\\n <mx:fields>\\n <mx:SummaryField dataField="Actual"\\n label="Min Actual" operation="MIN"/>\\n <mx:SummaryField dataField="Actual"\\n label="Max Actual" operation="MAX"/>\\n </mx:fields>\\n </mx:SummaryRow>\\n </mx:summaries>\\n <mx:Grouping>\\n <mx:GroupingField name="Region"/>\\n <mx:GroupingField name="Territory"/>\\n </mx:Grouping>\\n </mx:GroupingCollection>\\n </mx:dataProvider>\\n \\n <mx:columns>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Region"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Territory_Rep"\\n headerText="Territory Rep"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Actual"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Estimate"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Min Actual"/>\\n <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Max Actual"/>\\n </mx:columns>\\n </mx:AdvancedDataGrid></pre>", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "see", | |
"values": ["mx.collections.SummaryRow", "mx.collections.SummaryField"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "royalesuppresspublicvarwarning", | |
"values": [""]} ]}, | |
{ "type": "accessor", | |
"access": "read-write", | |
"return": "Object", | |
"qname": "source", | |
"namespace": "public", | |
"bindable": [], | |
"details": ["override"], | |
"deprecated": {}, | |
"description": "The source collection containing the flat data to be grouped. If the source is not a collection, it will be auto-wrapped into a collection.", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]} ]}, | |
{ "type": "method", | |
"qname": "getRoot", | |
"namespace": "public", | |
"bindable": [], | |
"details": ["override"], | |
"deprecated": {}, | |
"description": "Return <code>super.source</code>, if the <code>grouping</code> property is set, and an ICollectionView instance that refers to <code>super.source</code> if not.", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "return", | |
"values": ["The object to return."]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]} ], | |
"return": "Object", | |
"params": []} | |
, | |
{ "type": "method", | |
"qname": "refresh", | |
"namespace": "public", | |
"bindable": [], | |
"details": [], | |
"deprecated": {}, | |
"description": "", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "inheritDoc", | |
"values": []}, | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]} ], | |
"return": "Boolean", | |
"params": [{ "name": "async", "type": "Boolean"}]} | |
, | |
{ "type": "method", | |
"qname": "cancelRefresh", | |
"namespace": "public", | |
"bindable": [], | |
"details": [], | |
"deprecated": {}, | |
"description": "", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "inheritDoc", | |
"values": []}, | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]} ], | |
"return": "void", | |
"params": []} | |
, | |
{ "type": "method", | |
"qname": "getParent", | |
"namespace": "protected", | |
"bindable": [], | |
"details": [], | |
"deprecated": {}, | |
"description": "Returns the parent of a node. The parent of a top-level node is <code>null</code>. <code>null</code> for a top-level node, and <code>undefined</code> if the parent cannot be determined.", | |
"tags": [ | |
{ "tagName": "param", | |
"values": ["node The Object that defines the node."]}, | |
{ "tagName": "playerversion", | |
"values": ["Flash 9", "AIR 1.1"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "productversion", | |
"values": ["Flex 3"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "return", | |
"values": ["The parent node containing the node as child,"]}, | |
{ "tagName": "langversion", | |
"values": ["3.0"]} ], | |
"return": "*", | |
"params": [{ "name": "node", "type": "Object"}]} | |
] | |
} |