blob: 14f7103b25a701229a6255452b9456c738e6eaea [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flex.compiler.constants;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Constants used in metadata (e.g. <code>[Event(name="click")]</code>
* and compiler directives (e.g., <code>@Resource(bundle='foo', key='bar')<code>).
public interface IMetaAttributeConstants
// [AccessibilityClass]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSIBIlITY_CLASS = "AccessibilityClass";
static final String NAME_ACCESSIBILITY_IMPLEMENTATION = "implementation";
// [Alternative]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_ALTERNATIVE = "Alternative";
static final String NAME_ALTERNATIVE_REPLACEMENT = "replacement";
static final String NAME_ALTERNATIVE_SINCE = "since";
// [ArrayElementType]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_ARRAYELEMENTTYPE = "ArrayElementType";
// [Bindable]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_BINDABLE = "Bindable";
static final String NAME_BINDABLE_EVENT = "event";
static final String NAME_BINDABLE_STYLE = "style";
// [ChangeEvent]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE_EVENT = "ChangeEvent";
// [CollapseWhiteSpace]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_COLLAPSEWHITESPACE = "CollapseWhiteSpace";
// [DefaultProperty]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTPROPERTY = "DefaultProperty";
// [DefaultTriggerEvent]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_TRIGGER_EVENT = "DefaultTriggerEvent";
// [Deprecated]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_DEPRECATED = "Deprecated";
static final String NAME_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE="message";
static final String NAME_DEPRECATED_SINCE="since";
static final String NAME_DEPRECATED_METADATA_MESSAGE="deprecatedMessage";
static final String NAME_DEPRECATED_METADATA_REPLACEMENT = "deprecatedReplacement";
static final String NAME_DEPRECATED_METADATA_SINCE="deprecatedSince";
static final String NAME_DEPRECATED_REPLACEMENT="replacement";
// [DiscouragedForProfile]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_DISCOURAGED_FOR_PROFILE = "DiscouragedForProfile";
static final String NAME_DISCOURAGED_PROFILE = "profile";
static final String VALUE_DISCOURAGED_PROFILE_DESKTOP = "desktop";
static final String VALUE_DISCOURAGED_PROFILE_EXTENDED_DESKTOP = "extendedDesktop";
static final String VALUE_DISCOURAGED_PROFILE_EXTENDED_MOBILE_DEVICE = "extendedMobileDevice";
static final String VALUE_DISCOURAGED_PROFILE_MOBILE_DEVICE = "mobileDevice";
// [Effect]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_EFFECT = "Effect";
static final String NAME_EFFECT_EVENT = "event";
static final String NAME_EFFECT_NAME = "name";
// [Embed] and @Embed
static final String ATTRIBUTE_EMBED = "Embed";
// [Event]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_EVENT = "Event";
static final String NAME_EVENT_NAME = "name";
static final String NAME_EVENT_TYPE = "type";
// [Exclude]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_EXCLUDE = "Exclude";
static final String NAME_EXCLUDE_KIND = "kind";
static final String VALUE_EXCLUDE_KIND_EFFECT = "effect";
static final String VALUE_EXCLUDE_KIND_EVENT = "event";
static final String VALUE_EXCLUDE_KIND_METHOD = "method";
static final String VALUE_EXCLUDE_KIND_PROPERTY = "property";
static final String VALUE_EXCLUDE_KIND_STYLE = "style";
static final String NAME_EXCLUDE_NAME = "name";
// [ExcludeClass]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_EXCLUDECLASS = "ExcludeClass";
// [Frame]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_FRAME = "Frame";
static final String NAME_FRAME_EXTRA_CLASS = "extraClass";
static final String NAME_FRAME_FACTORY_CLASS = "factoryClass";
// [__go_to_definition_help]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_GOTODEFINITIONHELP = "__go_to_definition_help";
static final String NAME_GOTODEFINITIONHELP_FILE = "file";
static final String NAME_GOTODEFINITIONHELP_POS = "pos";
// [__go_to_ctor_definition_help]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_GOTODEFINITION_CTOR_HELP = "__go_to_ctor_definition_help";
// [HostComponent]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_HOST_COMPONENT = "HostComponent";
// [IconFile]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_ICON_FILE = "IconFile";
// [Inline]
public static final String ATTRIBUTE_INLINE = "Inline";
// [Inspectable]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_INSPECTABLE = "Inspectable";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_ARRAYTYPE = "arrayType";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_CATEGORY = "category";
static final String VALUE_INSPECTABLE_CATEGORY_GENERAL = "General";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_DEFAULT_VALUE = "defaultValue";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_ENUMERATION = "enumeration";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_ENVIRONMENT = "environment";
static final String VALUE_INSPECTABLE_ENVIRONMENT_NONE = "none";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_FORMAT = "format";
static final String VALUE_INSPECTABLE_FORMAT_COLOR = "Color";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_NAME = "name";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_TYPE = "type";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_VARIABLE = "variable";
static final String NAME_INSPECTABLE_VERBOSE = "verbose";
// [InstanceType]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCETYPE = "InstanceType";
// [Mixin]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_MIXIN = "Mixin";
// [NonCommittingChangeEvent]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_NONCOMMITTING = "NonCommittingChangeEvent";
// [PercentProxy]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_PERCENT_PROXY = "PercentProxy";
// [RemoteClass]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_REMOTECLASS = "RemoteClass";
static final String NAME_REMOTECLASS_ALIAS = "alias";
// @Resource
static final String ATTRIBUTE_RESOURCE = "Resource";
static final String NAME_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = "bundle";
static final String NAME_RESOURCE_KEY = "key";
// [ResourceBundle]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_RESOURCEBUNDLE = "ResourceBundle";
// [RichTextcContent]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_RICHTEXTCONTENT = "RichTextContent";
// [SkinClass]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_SKIN_CLASS = "SkinClass";
// [SkinPart]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_SKIN_PART = "SkinPart";
static final String NAME_SKIN_PART_REQUIRED = "required";
static final String VALUE_SKIN_PART_REQUIRED_FALSE = "false";
static final String VALUE_SKIN_PART_REQUIRED_TRUE = "true";
// [SkinState]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_SKIN_STATE = "SkinState";
// [States]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_STATES = "States";
// [Style]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_STYLE = "Style";
static final String NAME_STYLE_ARRAYTYPE = "arrayType";
static final String NAME_STYLE_ENUMERATION = "enumeration";
static final String NAME_STYLE_FORMAT = "format";
static final String VALUE_STYLE_FORMAT_COLOR = "Color";
static final String NAME_STYLE_INHERIT = "inherit";
static final String VALUE_STYLE_INHERIT_YES = "yes";
static final String VALUE_STYLE_INHERIT_NO = "no";
static final String NAME_STYLE_NAME = "name";
static final String NAME_STYLE_TYPE = "type";
static final String NAME_STYLE_STATES = "states";
static final String NAME_STYLE_THEME = "theme";
// [VisualContentHolder]
static final String ATTRIBUTE_VISUALCONTENTHOLDER = "VisualContentHolder";
// Attribute names shared by [Inspectable] and [Style].
static final String NAME_MIN_VALUE = "minValue";
static final String NAME_MIN_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE = "minValueExclusive";
static final String NAME_MAX_VALUE = "maxValue";
static final String NAME_MAX_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE = "maxValueExclusive";
* List of metadata tags that do not inherit
static final Set<String> NON_INHERITING_METATAGS =
Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]