blob: 949814d2ba6ea51db287d467a54b93f9dd4e3b20 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flex.compiler.config;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.config.annotations.DefaultArgumentValue;
* Meta information for each configuration options. It is created by
* {@link ConfigurationBuffer#loadCache} from either annotations or
* {@code public static ConfigurationInfo getFooInfo();} methods in
* {@link Configuration} class.
public class ConfigurationInfo
public static final int NOT_SET = -2;
public static final int INFINITE_ARGS = -1;
* This ctor is used when everything can be introspected off the setter
* method, or else when the names/types are provided by method overrides
* rather than ctor arguments
public ConfigurationInfo()
this.argcount = NOT_SET;
this.argnames = null;
* Simple ctor for restricting the number of arguments.
* @param argcount number of args, -1 for an infinite list
public ConfigurationInfo(int argcount)
this.argcount = argcount;
this.argnames = null;
* Simple ctor for naming the arguments.
* @param argnames list of argnames, argcount will default to # of elements
public ConfigurationInfo(String argnames[])
this.argcount = argnames.length;
this.argnames = argnames;
* Use this ctor when you want to set a single list of some number of
* identically named args
* @param argcount number of arguments (-1 for infinite)
* @param argname name of each argument
public ConfigurationInfo(int argcount, String argname)
this.argcount = argcount;
this.argnames = new String[] {argname};
* More unusual ctor, this would let you have the first few args named one
* thing, the rest named something else. It is far more likely that you want
* a constrained list of names or else an arbitrary list of identical names.
* @param argcount number of arguments
* @param argnames array of argument names
public ConfigurationInfo(int argcount, String argnames[])
this.argcount = argcount;
this.argnames = argnames;
public final int getArgCount()
return argcount;
protected int argcount = NOT_SET;
protected String[] defaultArgValues = null;
* Get any default values for an argument
* @return an array of default argument values. May be null
public final String[] getDefaultArgValues()
return defaultArgValues;
private static String classToArgName(Class<?> c)
// we only support builtin classnames!
String className = c.getName();
if (className.startsWith("java.lang."))
className = className.substring("java.lang.".length());
return className.toLowerCase();
* Return the name of each parameter. The default implementation is usually
* sufficient for simple cases, but one could do wacky things here like
* support an infinite list of alternating arg names.
* @param argnum The argument number.
* @return name of argument
public String getArgName(int argnum)
if (argNameGeneratorClass != null)
Method getArgNameMethod;
getArgNameMethod = argNameGeneratorClass.getMethod("getArgumentName", int.class);
return (String)getArgNameMethod.invoke(null, argnum);
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: connect these exception to our problem logging subsystem.
return "";
if ((argnames == null) || (argnames.length == 0))
return classToArgName(getArgType(argnum));
else if (argnum >= argnames.length)
return argnames[argnames.length - 1];
return argnames[argnum];
* Return the type of each parameter. This is computed based on your setter,
* and cannot be overridden
* @param argnum The argument number.
public final Class<?> getArgType(int argnum)
if (argnum >= argtypes.length)
return argtypes[argtypes.length - 1];
return argtypes[argnum];
protected Class<?> argNameGeneratorClass;
protected String[] argnames;
protected Class<?>[] argtypes;
protected String[] prerequisites = null;
* Return variable names that should be set before this one. The buffer is
* always set such that it tries to set all variables at a given level
* before setting child values, but you could override by using this. Its
* probably a bad idea to depend on children, though. It is unnecessary to
* set parent vars as prerequisites, since they are implicitly set first
public String[] getPrerequisites()
return prerequisites;
protected String[] softPrerequisites = null;
* Prerequisites which should be set before this one if they exist
public String[] getSoftPrerequisites()
return softPrerequisites;
protected boolean allowMultiple = false;
* Variables are generally only allowed to be set once in a given
* file/cmdline. It is sometimes useful to allow the same set multiple times
* in order to aggregate values.
* @return true if the setter can be called multiple times
public boolean allowMultiple()
return allowMultiple;
protected String[] aliases = null;
* Return an array of other names for this variable.
public String[] getAliases()
return aliases;
protected boolean isAdvanced = false;
* Override to make a variable hidden by default (i.e. you need -advanced on
* the cmdline)
public boolean isAdvanced()
return isAdvanced;
protected boolean isHidden = false;
* Override to make a variable completely hidden
public boolean isHidden()
return isHidden;
protected boolean isDisplayed = true;
* Override to prevent printing when dumping configuration
public boolean isDisplayed()
return isDisplayed;
* If a variable -must- be set, override this
public boolean isRequired()
return isRequired;
protected boolean isRequired = false;
* Magic used by the command line configurator only at the moment to decide
* whether this variable should eat all subsequent arguments. Useful for
* -help...
public boolean isGreedy()
return isGreedy;
protected boolean isGreedy = false;
public boolean isPath()
return isPath;
protected boolean isPath = false;
public boolean doChecksum()
return true;
public String getDeprecatedMessage()
return deprecatedMessage;
protected String deprecatedMessage = null;
public boolean isDeprecated()
return isDeprecated;
protected boolean isDeprecated = false;
public String getDeprecatedReplacement()
return deprecatedReplacement;
protected String deprecatedReplacement;
public String getDeprecatedSince()
return deprecatedSince;
protected String deprecatedSince;
* @return True indicates that the option is no longer
* supported and will not have any affect.
public boolean isRemoved()
return isRemoved;
protected boolean isRemoved = false;
* @return True the option requires Flex in order to be useful.
public boolean isFlexOnly()
return isFlexOnly;
protected boolean isFlexOnly = false;
protected final void setSetterMethod(Method setter)
Class<?>[] pt = setter.getParameterTypes();
assert (pt.length >= 2) : ("coding error: config setter must take at least 2 args!");
this.setter = setter;
if (pt.length == 2)
Class<?> c = pt[1];
if (ConfigurationBuffer.isSupportedListType(c))
if (argcount == NOT_SET)
argcount = -1; // infinite list
argtypes = new Class[] {String.class};
else if (ConfigurationBuffer.isSupportedValueType(c))
assert (argcount == NOT_SET) : ("coding error: value object setter cannot override argcount");
assert (argnames == null) : ("coding error: value object setter cannot override argnames");
Field[] fields = c.getFields();
argcount = fields.length;
assert (argcount > 0) : ("coding error: " + setter + " value object " + c.getName() + " must contain at least one public field");
argnames = new String[fields.length];
argtypes = new Class[fields.length];
for (int f = 0; f < fields.length; ++f)
argnames[f] = ConfigurationBuffer.c2h(fields[f].getName());
argtypes[f] = fields[f].getType();
assert ((argcount == NOT_SET) || (argcount == pt.length - 1)) : ("coding error: the argument count must match the number of setter arguments");
// We've taken care of lists and value objects, from here on out, it must match the parameter list.
argcount = pt.length - 1;
DefaultArgumentValue defaultArgValuesAnno = setter.getAnnotation(DefaultArgumentValue.class);
if (defaultArgValuesAnno != null)
defaultArgValues = defaultArgValuesAnno.value();
argtypes = new Class[pt.length - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < pt.length; ++i)
assert (ConfigurationBuffer.isSupportedSimpleType(pt[i])) : ("coding error: " + setter.getClass().getName() + "." + setter.getName() + " parameter " + i + " is not a supported type!");
argtypes[i - 1] = pt[i];
protected final Method getSetterMethod()
return setter;
private Method setter;
private Method getter;
protected final void setGetterMethod(Method getter)
this.getter = getter;
protected final Method getGetterMethod()
return getter;
public String toString()
return Objects.toStringHelper("")
.add("alias", arrayAsString(getAliases()))
.add("argcount", getArgCount())
.add("argnames", arrayAsString(argnames))
.add("argtypes", arrayAsString(argtypes))
.add("deprecated", isDeprecated())
.add("deprecatedMessage", getDeprecatedMessage())
.add("deprecatedReplacement", getDeprecatedReplacement())
.add("deprecatedSince", getDeprecatedSince())
.add("getter", getGetterMethod() == null ? "null" : getGetterMethod().getName())
.add("setter", getSetterMethod() == null ? "null" : getSetterMethod().getName())
.add("required", isRequired())
.add("Prerequisites", arrayAsString(getPrerequisites()))
.add("softPrerequisites", arrayAsString(getSoftPrerequisites()))
.add("advanced", isAdvanced())
.add("allow multiple", allowMultiple())
//.add("doChecksum", doChecksum())
.add("displayed", isDisplayed())
.add("greedy", isGreedy())
.add("hidden", isHidden())
.add("removed", isRemoved())
.add("path", isPath())
private String arrayAsString(Object[] array)
if (array == null)
return "";
return "[" + Joiner.on(",").join(array) + "]";
* True if only {@code compc} client can use this option.
public boolean isCompcOnly = false;