blob: 08006bec79c75502b707cf90bc3d814a3fd47e9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.parsing;
import antlr.Token;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.ISourceLocation;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.config.CompilerDiagnosticsConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.common.Counter;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.parsing.ICMToken;
* Base class of ASToken, MXMLToken, CSSToken
public abstract class TokenBase extends Token implements ICMToken, ISourceLocation
* Constructor
* @param tokenType type of token
* @param start location location information
* @param end location location information
* @param line location location information
* @param column location location information
* @param text actual text represented by token
public TokenBase(int tokenType, int start, int end, int line, int column, CharSequence text)
type = tokenType;
localStart = this.start = start;
localEnd = this.end = end;
this.line = line;
this.column = column;
this.text = text;
this.endLine = line;
this.endColumn = column + end - start;
if (Counter.COUNT_TOKENS)
* Copy constructor
* @param o token to copy
public TokenBase(TokenBase o)
type = o.type;
start = o.start;
end = o.end;
line = o.line;
column = o.column;
endLine = o.endLine;
endColumn = o.endColumn;
text = o.text;
localStart = o.localStart;
localEnd = o.localEnd;
sourcePath = o.sourcePath;
if (Counter.COUNT_TOKENS)
* Text represented by this token
private CharSequence text;
* Start of this token
private int start;
* End offset of this token
private int end;
* Line of this token
private int line;
* Column of this token
private int column;
* End line of this token
private int endLine;
* End column of this token
private int endColumn;
* Flag to determine if this token is locked
private boolean locked;
* Local start offset.
private int localStart;
* Local end offset.
private int localEnd;
protected abstract String getTypeString();
* @return Local start offset.
public final int getLocalStart()
return localStart;
* @return Local end offset.
public final int getLocalEnd()
return localEnd;
public final void reuse(final int tokenType, final int start, final int end,
final int line, final int column, final CharSequence text)
type = tokenType;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.line = line;
this.column = column;
this.endLine = line;
this.endColumn = column + end - start;
this.text = text;
* Locks this token. When locked, if this token is in a token pool, it will
* not be overwritten
public void lock()
locked = true;
* Returns whether this token can be overwritten when it is a member of a
* token pool
* @return true if we are locked
public boolean isLocked()
return locked;
* Get the text represented by this token
* @return text represented by this token
* @see antlr.Token#getText()
public String getText()
//we're either going to be a String or a StringBuilder
//String.toString returns itself
//StringBuilder toString returns a new String
if (text != null)
return text.toString();
return "";
* Returns the underlying CharSequence that represents the contents of this
* token
* @return a {@link CharSequence} or null
public CharSequence getCharSequence()
return text;
* Set the text represented by this token
* @param text text represented by this token
* @see antlr.Token#setText(java.lang.String)
public void setText(String text)
this.text = text;
* Set the CharSequence represented by this token
* @param text text represented by this token
public void setText(CharSequence text)
this.text = text;
public void setLocation(int start, int end, int line, int column)
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.line = line;
this.column = column;
this.endLine = line;
this.endColumn = column + end - start;
public int getStart()
return start;
public void setStart(int start)
this.start = start;
public int getEnd()
return end;
public void setEnd(int end)
this.end = end;
public int getLine()
return line;
public void setLine(int line)
this.line = line;
public final boolean matchesLine(final TokenBase other)
return other != null && other.line == line;
public int getColumn()
return column;
public void setColumn(int column)
this.column = column;
public int getEndLine()
return endLine;
public void setEndLine(int line)
endLine = line;
public int getEndColumn()
return endColumn;
public void setEndColumn(int column)
endColumn = column;
* Determine whether or not this token is bogus (i.e. the start and end
* offsets are the same, which implies that it was inserted from an included
* file or during token fixup)
* @return true iff the token is bogus
public boolean isImplicit()
return start == end;
* For debugging only.
private String getEscapedText()
String text = getText();
text = text.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n");
text = text.replaceAll("\r", "\\\\r");
text = text.replaceAll("\t", "\\\\t");
return text;
* For debugging only. This format is nice in the Eclipse debugger.
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(' ');
sb.append(' ');
if (locked)
sb.append("locked ");
int line = getLine();
if (line != UNKNOWN)
sb.append(line + 1);
int column = getColumn();
if (column != UNKNOWN)
sb.append(column + 1);
sb.append(' ');
int start = getStart();
if (start != UNKNOWN)
int end = getEnd();
if (end != UNKNOWN)
sb.append(' ');
String sourcePath = getSourcePath();
if (sourcePath != null)
return sb.toString();
* For debugging only. This format is nice in a text file.
public String toDumpString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(getLine() + 1);
sb.append(getColumn() + 1);
String typeString = getTypeString();
int n = 28 - typeString.length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sb.append(' ');
return sb.toString();
* Reduce the span of the token by removing characters from the beginning
* and end. This is used to remove quote characters and such from tokens.
* @param trimLeft number of characters to remove from the left of the token
* @param trimRight number of characters to remove from the right of the
* token
public void truncate(int trimLeft, int trimRight)
String text = getText();
if (trimLeft + trimRight <= text.length())
text = text.substring(trimLeft, text.length() - trimRight);
start += trimLeft;
end -= trimRight;
* Adjust all associated offsets by the adjustment amount
* @param offsetAdjustment amount to add to offsets
public void adjustOffsets(int offsetAdjustment)
start += offsetAdjustment;
end += offsetAdjustment;
* Adjust all associated offsets by the adjustment amount
* @param offsetAdjustment amount to add to offsets
* @param lineAdjustment amount to add to the line number
* @param columnAdjustment amount to add to the column number
public void adjustLocation(int offsetAdjustment, int lineAdjustment, int columnAdjustment)
start += offsetAdjustment;
end += offsetAdjustment;
line += lineAdjustment;
column += columnAdjustment;
endLine += lineAdjustment;
endColumn += columnAdjustment;
* Capture the current start/end offsets as this token's local offsets. This
* method is called in {@code StreamingASTokenizer#nextTokenFromReader()}
* after the token is initialized, and before being updated by
* {@link IncludeHandler#onNextToken}.
public final void storeLocalOffset()
this.localStart = start;
this.localEnd = end;
private String sourcePath;
public final String getSourcePath()
return sourcePath;
public final void setSourcePath(String path)
this.sourcePath = path;
* Verifies that this token has its type and location information set.
* <p>
* This is used only in asserts.
public boolean verify()
// Verify the token type.
int type = getType();
assert type != 0 : "Token has no type: " + toString();
// Verify the source location (except for EOF tokens,
// which are special and don't have a source location).
if (type != ASTokenTypes.EOF)
assert getStart() != UNKNOWN : "Token has unknown start: " + toString();
assert getEnd() != UNKNOWN : "Token has unknown end: " + toString();
assert getLine() != UNKNOWN : "Token has an unknown line: " + toString();
assert getColumn() != UNKNOWN : "Token has an unknown column: " + toString();
assert getEndLine() != UNKNOWN : "Token has an unknown end line: " + toString();
assert getEndColumn() != UNKNOWN : "Token has an unknown end column: " + toString();
return true;
* Counts various types of tokens that are created, as well as the total
* number of tokens.
private void countTokens()
if ((CompilerDiagnosticsConstants.diagnostics & CompilerDiagnosticsConstants.COUNTER) == CompilerDiagnosticsConstants.COUNTER)
System.out.println("TokenBase incrementing counter for " + getClass().getSimpleName());
Counter counter = Counter.getInstance();
if ((CompilerDiagnosticsConstants.diagnostics & CompilerDiagnosticsConstants.COUNTER) == CompilerDiagnosticsConstants.COUNTER)
System.out.println("TokenBase done incrementing counter for " + getClass().getSimpleName());
public int getAbsoluteEnd()
return getEnd();
public int getAbsoluteStart()
return getStart();