blob: 3404f46796917ac53928869414c71ec64c634619 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.mxml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.ISourceLocation;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.MutablePrefixMap;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.PrefixMap;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.PrefixedXMLName;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.SourceLocation;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.XMLName;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.filespecs.IFileSpecification;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.parsing.mxml.MXMLToken;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLNamespaceAttributeData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLTagAttributeData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLTagData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLTextData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLUnitData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLTextData.TextType;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.parsing.IMXMLToken;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.parsing.MXMLTokenTypes;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.ICompilerProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.MXMLDuplicateAttributeProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.MXMLUnclosedTagProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.SyntaxProblem;
import org.apache.royale.utils.FastStack;
* Encapsulation of an open tag, a close tag, or an empty tag in MXML.
public class MXMLTagData extends MXMLUnitData implements IMXMLTagData
private static final IMXMLTagAttributeData[] NO_ATTRIBUTES = new IMXMLTagAttributeData[0];
* Constructor.
public MXMLTagData()
// Although we don't normally rely on the default ctor to make a completely valid object,
// in some cases we don't end up calling init, and we end up with a partially construced object.
// So let's init enough stuff so that the object is well behaved.
this.attributeMap = Collections.emptyMap();
this.attributes = NO_ATTRIBUTES;
* Copy constructor.
protected MXMLTagData(MXMLTagData other)
this.nameStart = other.nameStart;
this.contentEnd = other.contentEnd;
this.tagName = other.tagName;
this.nameType = other.nameType;
this.commentToken = other.commentToken;
this.stateStart = other.stateStart;
this.stateName = other.stateName;
this.attributesStart = other.attributesStart;
this.emptyTag = other.emptyTag;
this.explicitCloseToken = other.explicitCloseToken;
this.attributeMap = other.attributeMap;
this.attributes = other.attributes;
this.uri = other.uri;
this.setOffsets(other.getStart(), other.getEnd());
protected String tagName;
* The URI specified by this tag's prefix.
protected String uri;
protected String stateName;
* In-order list of MXML attributes
protected IMXMLTagAttributeData[] attributes;
* Map of attribute name to MXML attribute
protected Map<String, IMXMLTagAttributeData> attributeMap;
* offset where the tag name starts Note that we also use the for
* offsetContains(), as it is the first "real" character in the tag
protected int nameStart;
* this is the offset of the end of the "stuff inside the punctuation
protected int contentEnd;
protected int nameType;
* MXML Comment
protected IMXMLToken commentToken;
protected int stateStart;
* Start of the attribute list (after the tag name + whitespace)
protected int attributesStart;
* Is this an empty tag (ending with "/>")?
protected boolean emptyTag;
* Indicates if we have an explicit close tag
protected boolean explicitCloseToken;
* The problems list in case we find a problem later
Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems;
* unlike most MXML units, our "content" bounds are not the same as the
* {@link SourceLocation#getStart()} For tags, we don't count the outer
* punctuation as "content", although we do count spaces. Example:
* 0123456789 <foo /> start ==0 contentStart==1 contentEnd== 6 end == 8
public int getContentStart()
return nameStart;
public int getContentEnd()
return contentEnd;
MutablePrefixMap init(IMXMLData mxmlData, MXMLToken nameToken, ListIterator<MXMLToken> tokenIterator, MXMLDialect dialect, IFileSpecification spec, Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
this.problems = problems;
MutablePrefixMap map = null;
emptyTag = false;
explicitCloseToken = false;
// the start offset will by where '<' is. We strip that text off, but need to remember correct offset first
int startOffset = nameToken.getStart();
if (nameToken.getType() == MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_OPEN_TAG_START)
nameToken.truncate(1, 0);
else if (nameToken.getType() == MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_CLOSE_TAG_START)
nameToken.truncate(2, 0);
problems.add(new SyntaxProblem(nameToken));
return map;
// Deal with name if it is of the form name.state
int nameStart = nameToken.getStart();
MXMLStateSplitter splitState = new MXMLStateSplitter(nameToken, dialect, problems, spec);
tagName = splitState.getBaseName();
if (splitState.getStateName() != null)
stateName = splitState.getStateName();
stateStart = nameToken.getStart() + splitState.getStateNameOffset();
nameType = nameToken.getType();
int nameEnd = nameStart + tagName.length();
int contentEnd = nameEnd;
setTagOffsets(startOffset, nameEnd, nameStart, contentEnd);
attributesStart = getNameEnd();
ArrayList<IMXMLTagAttributeData> attrs = new ArrayList<IMXMLTagAttributeData>();
attributeMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, IMXMLTagAttributeData>(); //preserve order of attrs
boolean foundTagEnd = false;
boolean putTokenBack = false; // This is a pre-royale algorithm that helped recover from tag nesting errors
// I am bringing it back to life
while (tokenIterator.hasNext() && !foundTagEnd)
MXMLToken token =;
MXMLTagAttributeData attribute = null;
switch (token.getType())
case MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_NAME:
if (nameType == MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_CLOSE_TAG_START)
problems.add(new SyntaxProblem(token));
//burn forward until the end tag
//TODO do we want to mark each token as an error, or just the first?
while (tokenIterator.hasNext() && !foundTagEnd)
token =;
switch (token.getType())
case MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_TAG_END:
foundTagEnd = true;
if (token.getText().startsWith("xmlns"))
attribute = new MXMLNamespaceAttributeData(token, tokenIterator, dialect, spec, problems);
if (map == null)
map = new MutablePrefixMap();
map.add(((IMXMLNamespaceAttributeData)attribute).getNamespacePrefix(), ((IMXMLNamespaceAttributeData)attribute).getNamespace());
attribute = new MXMLTagAttributeData(token, tokenIterator, dialect, spec, problems);
// add the attribute to the attributes list even if it is duplicate
// otherwise code-hinting will not work properly
if (attributeMap.containsKey(token.getText()))
MXMLDuplicateAttributeProblem problem = new MXMLDuplicateAttributeProblem(attribute);
attributeMap.put(token.getText(), attribute);
// Now advance the offsets to include the newly parsed attributes
contentEnd = attribute.getAbsoluteEnd();
setTagOffsets(startOffset, contentEnd, nameStart, contentEnd);
case MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_TAG_END:
foundTagEnd = true;
explicitCloseToken = !token.isImplicit();
emptyTag = true;
explicitCloseToken = !token.isImplicit();
foundTagEnd = true;
problems.add(new SyntaxProblem(token));
foundTagEnd = true; // Don't keep going - bail from malformed tag
putTokenBack = true;
// if we added this.fEmptyTag = true; then we could repair the damage here,
// but it's better to let the balancer repair it (in case there is a matching close lurking somewhere)
problems.add(new SyntaxProblem(token));
if (foundTagEnd)
if (token.isImplicit() && token.getStart() == -1)
explicitCloseToken = false;
//let's try to end at the start of the next token if one exists
if (tokenIterator.hasNext())
MXMLToken next =;
if (next != null)
// extend the end, but not the content end
setTagOffsets(getAbsoluteStart() == -1 ? next.getStart() : getAbsoluteStart(), getAbsoluteEnd() == -1 ? next.getStart() : getAbsoluteEnd(), nameStart == -1 ? next.getStart() : nameStart, contentEnd == -1 ? next.getStart() : contentEnd);
// TODO: if we hit this case do we need to call setTagOffset.
// and is getNameEnd() correct in any case?
setOffsets(startOffset, getNameEnd());
// A Tag's content extends all the way to the end token,
// so use the token to set content end
contentEnd = token.getStart();
if (!putTokenBack)
// if we are terminating on a "real" close tag, then the "end"
// of our tag will be the end of the TOKEN_TAG_END
setTagOffsets(startOffset, token.getEnd(), nameStart, contentEnd);
// ... conversely, if we are terminating on some other kind of token
// and are going to push the token back, we definietly don't
// want to adjust our bounds based on the end of THAT token.
// So.. use the token start to set the conent end (above) and the end
setTagOffsets(startOffset, contentEnd, nameStart, contentEnd);
else if (getAbsoluteEnd() < token.getEnd())
contentEnd = token.getEnd();
setTagOffsets(startOffset, contentEnd, nameStart, contentEnd);
attributes = attrs.toArray(new MXMLTagAttributeData[0]);
return map;
* For tags, we "contain" an offset if our content contains the offset. This
* means that we return false for the outside "<", ">", "</", "/>"
public boolean containsOffset(int offset)
boolean ret = offset >= nameStart && offset <= contentEnd;
return ret;
private void setTagOffsets(int start, int end, int contentStart, int contentEnd)
assert (start <= contentStart) && ((contentStart <= contentEnd) || contentEnd == -1) && ((contentEnd <= end) || (end == -1));
setOffsets(start, end);
nameStart = contentStart;
if (contentEnd != -1)
this.contentEnd = contentEnd;
public void setCommentToken(IMXMLToken commentToken)
this.commentToken = commentToken;
public IMXMLToken getCommentToken()
return commentToken;
public void setParentUnitDataIndex(int parentIndex)
//when we fixup tokens, we don't have enough context to determine if we are a root tag. When we're a root tag, we cannot be
//an emty
if (emptyTag && !explicitCloseToken)
if (parentIndex == -1)
emptyTag = false;
* Adjust all associated offsets by the adjustment amount
* @param offsetAdjustment amount to add to offsets
public void adjustOffsets(int offsetAdjustment)
nameStart += offsetAdjustment;
contentEnd += offsetAdjustment;
if (stateName != null)
stateStart += offsetAdjustment;
attributesStart += offsetAdjustment;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)
IMXMLTagAttributeData attribute = attributes[i];
public boolean isTag()
return true;
public boolean isEmptyTag()
return emptyTag;
* accessor for repair. This lets the balancer mark a tag as empty.
public void setEmptyTag()
emptyTag = true;
* True if this MXMLTagData object has an actual close token, and was not
* closed as a post-process step of MXML repair
* @return if we have an explicit close tag
public boolean hasExplicitCloseTag()
return explicitCloseToken;
* Returns true if this tag is the root tag of the containing MXML document
* @return true if we are the root tag
public boolean isDocumentRoot()
if (isOpenTag())
if (getParentUnitDataIndex() == -1)
int index = getIndex();
if (index == 0)
return true;
//if we are not zero, scan backwards to see if there is a tag before us
while (index >= 0)
IMXMLUnitData unit = getParent().getUnit(index);
if (unit == null || unit.isTag())
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Is this MXML unit an open tag? (i.e. &lt;foo&gt; OR &lt;foo/&gt;, note
* that the latter is also an empty tag)
* @return true if the unit is an open tag
public boolean isOpenTag()
return nameType == MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_OPEN_TAG_START;
public boolean isOpenAndNotEmptyTag()
return (isOpenTag() && !isEmptyTag());
public boolean isCloseTag()
return nameType == MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_CLOSE_TAG_START;
public String getName()
return tagName;
* Get the tag name as an {@link PrefixedXMLName}
* @return the tag name as an {@link PrefixedXMLName}
public PrefixedXMLName getPrefixedXMLName()
return new PrefixedXMLName(getName(), getURI());
public XMLName getXMLName()
return new XMLName(getURI(), getShortName());
public PrefixMap getPrefixMap()
return getParent().getPrefixMapForData(this);
public PrefixMap getCompositePrefixMap()
MutablePrefixMap compMap = new MutablePrefixMap();
IMXMLTagData lookingAt = this;
while (lookingAt != null)
PrefixMap depth = getParent().getPrefixMapForData(lookingAt);
if (depth != null)
compMap.addAll(depth, true);
lookingAt = lookingAt.getParentTag();
return compMap;
public String getPrefix()
String name = getName();
int i = name.indexOf(':');
return i != -1 ? name.substring(0, i) : "";
public String getShortName()
String name = getName();
int i = name.indexOf(':');
return i != -1 ? name.substring(i + 1) : name;
public String getURI()
if (uri == null)
//walk up our chain to find the correct uri for our namespace. first one wins
String prefix = getPrefix();
IMXMLTagData lookingAt = this;
while (lookingAt != null)
PrefixMap depth = getParent().getPrefixMapForData(lookingAt);
if (depth != null && depth.containsPrefix(prefix))
uri = depth.getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix);
lookingAt = lookingAt.getParentTag();
return uri;
public void invalidateURI()
uri = null;
int length = attributes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
public String getStateName()
return stateName != null ? stateName : "";
* Find out if this tag contains the specified attribute.
* @param attributeName name of the attribute
* @return true if the attribute is present
public boolean hasAttribute(String attributeName)
return attributeMap.containsKey(attributeName);
public boolean hasState()
return stateName != null;
public int getStateStart()
return stateStart;
public int getStateEnd()
return stateName != null ? stateName.length() + stateStart : 0;
public String getRawAttributeValue(String attributeName)
IMXMLTagAttributeData attributeData = attributeMap.get(attributeName);
if (attributeData != null)
return attributeData.getRawValue();
return null;
public IMXMLTagAttributeData getTagAttributeData(String attributeName)
return attributeMap.get(attributeName);
* Get the start position of the tag name
* @return the start position of the tag name
public int getNameStart()
return nameStart;
* Get the end position of the tag name
* @return the end position of the tag name
public int getNameEnd()
return nameStart + tagName.length();
* Get the start position of the state name
* @return the start position of the tag name
public int getStateNameStart()
return stateName != null ? stateStart : -1;
* Get the end position of the state name
* @return the end position of the tag name
public int getStateNameEnd()
return getStateEnd();
* Get the start position of the attribute list (after the first whitespace
* after the tag name).
* @return the start position of the attribute list
public int getAttributesStart()
return attributesStart;
* Get the end position of the attribute list (before the ">" or "/>" or the
* start of the next tag).
* @return the end position of the attribute list
public int getAttributesEnd()
return getAbsoluteEnd(); //attr end is just the end of this tag unit
public boolean isOffsetInAttributeList(int offset)
return MXMLData.contains(attributesStart, getAbsoluteEnd(), offset);
public boolean isInsideStateName(int offset)
if (stateName != null)
return MXMLData.contains(getStateStart(), getStateEnd(), offset);
return false;
* Does the offset fall inside this tag's contents?
* @param offset test offset
* @return true iff the offset falls inside this tag's contents
public boolean isOffsetInsideContents(int offset)
return MXMLData.contains(getContentStart(), getContentEnd(), // was getContentsEnd (plural)
* Get all of the attribute names in this tag
* @return all of the attribute names (as a String [])
public String[] getAttributeNames()
String[] attributeNames = new String[attributes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < attributeNames.length; i++)
attributeNames[i] = attributes[i].getName();
return attributeNames;
public IMXMLTagAttributeData[] getAttributeDatas()
return attributes;
* Find the attribute that contains the offset
* @param offset test offset
* @return the attribute (or null, if no attribute contains the offset)
public IMXMLTagAttributeData findAttributeContainingOffset(int offset)
// Find the last attribute that starts to the left of offset
IMXMLTagAttributeData lastAttribute = null;
IMXMLTagAttributeData attribute = null;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)
attribute = attributes[i];
if (attribute.getAbsoluteStart() < offset)
lastAttribute = attribute;
// That last attribute is good if it's unfinished or if it contains the offset in question
if (lastAttribute != null && (lastAttribute.getAbsoluteEnd() == -1 || lastAttribute.getAbsoluteEnd() >= offset))
return lastAttribute;
return null;
* Collect the text contents of this tag (like <mx:Script> or <mx:Style>)
* @return the text contents of this tag
public int[] getTextContentOffsets()
int startOffset = -1;
int endOffset = -1;
if (!isEmptyTag() && isOpenTag())
IMXMLUnitData[] list = getParent().getUnits();
int index = getIndex() + 1;
for (int i = index; i < list.length; i++)
IMXMLUnitData next = list[i];
if (next instanceof IMXMLTextData && ((IMXMLTextData)next).getTextType() == TextType.WHITESPACE)
if (next.isText())
startOffset = startOffset == -1 ? next.getAbsoluteStart() : startOffset;
endOffset = next.getAbsoluteEnd();
if (startOffset == -1 && endOffset == -1)
startOffset = getAbsoluteEnd();
endOffset = next.getAbsoluteStart();
return new int[] {startOffset, endOffset};
public String getCompilableText()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (IMXMLUnitData unit = getFirstChildUnit(); unit != null; unit = unit.getNextSiblingUnit())
if (unit.isText())
return sb.toString();
public IMXMLTagData findMatchingEndTag()
return findMatchingEndTag(false);
* Finds the close tag that matches this tag.
* <p>
* Returns null if this tag is a close or empty tag.
* <p>
* Returns null if a surrounding tag is unbalanced ONLY if includeImplicit
* is false; this is determined by backing up to the innermost parent tag
* with a different tag.
* <p>
* {@code <a> <b> <b> <-- find matching for this one will return null
* </b> </a> * }
public IMXMLTagData findMatchingEndTag(boolean includeImplicit)
if (isCloseTag() || isEmptyTag())
return null;
// Back up to the first surrounding tag that has a different name, and ensure
// that *it* is balanced, saving our expected return value along the way.
IMXMLTagData startTag = this;
while (true)
IMXMLTagData parentTag = startTag.getContainingTag(startTag.getAbsoluteStart());
if (parentTag == null)
startTag = parentTag;
if (!parentTag.getName().equals(this.getName()))
// Now walk through the tags starting at startTag. Once we pop ourselves
// off the tagStack, we've found our candidate result -- but keep going
// until the stack is null, to ensure that we're balanced out to the
// surrounding tag.
IMXMLUnitData[] list = getParent().getUnits();
FastStack<IMXMLTagData> tagStack = new FastStack<IMXMLTagData>();
IMXMLTagData result = null;
for (int i = startTag.getIndex(); i < list.length; i++)
IMXMLUnitData curUnit = list[i];
if (curUnit.isTag())
IMXMLTagData curTag = (IMXMLTagData)curUnit;
if (curTag.isEmptyTag())
// do nothing for empty tags.
else if (curTag.isOpenTag())
else if (curTag.isCloseTag())
if (tagStack.isEmpty())
// document is unbalanced.
return null;
IMXMLTagData pop = tagStack.pop();
//check the short name in case the namespace is not spelled properly
if (!pop.getName().equals(curTag.getName()) && !pop.getShortName().equals(curTag.getShortName()))
// document is unbalanced.
return null;
if (pop == this)
// This is our result -- remember it.
result = curTag;
if (tagStack.isEmpty())
if (result.isImplicit() && !includeImplicit)
return null;
return result;
if (!tagStack.isEmpty())
IMXMLTagData pop = tagStack.pop();
problems.add(new MXMLUnclosedTagProblem(pop, pop.getName()));
return null;
public boolean isImplicit()
return false;
* determines if the current tag has an end tag. Will return true if this
* tag is a close tag or an end tag. If the document is not balanced, we
* will return false. If the end tag was implicit, we will return false
* @return true if this tag has an end tag
public boolean hasEndTag()
if (isCloseTag() || isEmptyTag())
return explicitCloseToken;
IMXMLTagData tagData = findMatchingEndTag();
return tagData != null && !tagData.isImplicit();
public IMXMLUnitData getFirstChildUnit()
// If this tag is <foo/> then it has no child units.
if (!isOpenAndNotEmptyTag())
return null;
IMXMLUnitData next = getNext();
// If this tag is followed immediately by its end tag,
// as in <foo></foo>, then it has no child units.
if (next == findMatchingEndTag())
return null;
// Otherwise, the first child unit is the unit after the tag.
return next;
public IMXMLTagData getFirstChild(boolean includeEmptyTags)
IMXMLTagData nextTag = null;
if (isEmptyTag())
return null;
if (isOpenTag())
nextTag = getNextTag();
// This is a close tag. Start at the corresponding open tag.
IMXMLTagData openTag = getContainingTag(getAbsoluteStart());
nextTag = openTag.getNextTag();
// Skip any text blocks to find the next actual tag. If it's an open tag,
// that is our first child. Otherwise it's a close tag, return null.
while (true)
if (nextTag == null || nextTag.isCloseTag())
return null;
if (nextTag.isOpenAndNotEmptyTag() || (nextTag.isEmptyTag() && includeEmptyTags))
return nextTag;
nextTag = nextTag.getNextTag();
public IMXMLTagData getNextSibling(boolean includeEmptyTags)
IMXMLTagData nextTag = null;
// Be sure we're starting at the close tag, then get the next tag.
if (isCloseTag() || isEmptyTag())
nextTag = getNextTag();
IMXMLTagData endTag = findMatchingEndTag();
if (endTag == null)
return null;
nextTag = endTag.getNextTag();
while (true)
if (nextTag == null || nextTag.isCloseTag())
return null;
if (nextTag.isOpenAndNotEmptyTag() || (nextTag.isEmptyTag() && includeEmptyTags))
return nextTag;
nextTag = nextTag.getNextTag();
* Get the start tags for all children of this tag.
* @param includeEmptyTags <code>true</code> if empty tags should be
* included.
* @return Array of children.
public IMXMLTagData[] getChildren(boolean includeEmptyTags)
ArrayList<IMXMLTagData> children = new ArrayList<IMXMLTagData>();
IMXMLTagData child = getFirstChild(includeEmptyTags);
while (child != null)
child = child.getNextSibling(includeEmptyTags);
return children.toArray(new IMXMLTagData[0]);
* Return the parent tag of this tag. If the document is not balanced before
* this tag, returns null.
public IMXMLTagData getParentTag()
IMXMLUnitData data = getParentUnitData();
if (data instanceof IMXMLTagData)
return (IMXMLTagData)data;
return null;
public ISourceLocation getLocationOfChildUnits()
String sourcePath = getSourcePath();
int start = getStart();
int end = getEnd();
int line = getLine();
int column = getColumn();
int endLine = getEndLine();
int endColumn = getEndColumn();
boolean foundFirstChild = false;
for (IMXMLUnitData unit = getFirstChildUnit(); unit != null; unit = unit.getNextSiblingUnit())
if (!foundFirstChild)
sourcePath = unit.getSourcePath();
start = unit.getStart();
line = unit.getLine();
column = unit.getColumn();
endLine = unit.getEndLine();
endColumn = unit.getEndColumn();
foundFirstChild = true;
end = unit.getEnd();
return new SourceLocation(sourcePath, start, end, line, column, endLine, endColumn);
* Verifies that this tag and its attributes have their source location
* information set.
* <p>
* This is used only in asserts.
public boolean verify()
// Verify the source location.
// Verify the attributes.
for (IMXMLTagAttributeData attribute : getAttributeDatas())
return true;
* For debugging only. This format is nice in the Eclipse debugger.
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (isCloseTag())
if (isEmptyTag())
sb.append(' ');
// Display line, column, start, end as "17:5 160-188"
// add content range as "(161-187)"
sb.append(' ');
return sb.toString();
* For debugging only. This format is nice in a text file.
public String toDumpString()
return buildDumpString(false);
public String buildDumpString(boolean skipSrcPath)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
public String stringify()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (isCloseTag())
// Verify the attributes.
for (IMXMLTagAttributeData attribute : getAttributeDatas())
sb.append(" ");
if (isEmptyTag())
for (IMXMLUnitData unit = getFirstChildUnit(); unit != null; unit = unit.getNextSiblingUnit())
if (unit.isText())
else if (unit instanceof MXMLTagData)
if (!isEmptyTag())
return sb.toString();