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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.codegen.databinding;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.DependencyType;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.constants.IASKeywordConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IAccessorDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IConstantDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IVariableDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.references.INamespaceReference;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.references.IReference;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.references.ReferenceFactory;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.definitions.ClassDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.definitions.NamespaceDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.scopes.ASScope;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.scopes.TypeScope;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.projects.ICompilerProject;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.ASTNodeID;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLBindingAttributeNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLBindingNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLClassDefinitionNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLClassReferenceNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLConcatenatedDataBindingNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLSingleDataBindingNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLDataBindingNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLExpressionNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLInstanceNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLModelPropertyNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode;
* data that describes a single databinding expression.
* This data is put together during an analysis pass, then used for codegen.
public class BindingInfo implements Comparable<BindingInfo>
* This form of the constructor is used for the "normal" case,
* like <s:Button label="{foo}"/>
* In this case the node MUST be either a MXMLDataBindingNode or
* MXMLConcatenatedDataBindingNode
public BindingInfo(IMXMLDataBindingNode dbnode, int index, MXMLClassDirectiveProcessor host)
this.index = index;
node = dbnode;
// look at the node we are passed, and expand it out to all
// of its expression children
expressionNodesForGetter = new LinkedList<IExpressionNode>();
if (dbnode instanceof IMXMLSingleDataBindingNode)
expressionNodesForGetter.add( ((IMXMLSingleDataBindingNode) dbnode).getExpressionNode());
else if (dbnode instanceof IMXMLConcatenatedDataBindingNode)
for (int childIndex=0; childIndex < dbnode.getChildCount(); ++childIndex)
IASNode child = dbnode.getChild(childIndex);
if (child instanceof IMXMLSingleDataBindingNode)
expressionNodesForGetter.add( ((IMXMLSingleDataBindingNode) child).getExpressionNode());
else if (child instanceof IExpressionNode)
expressionNodesForGetter.add( (IExpressionNode)child);
assert false;
assert false;
// now attempt to make a destination function and a destination string
// for the binding.
expressionNodeForSetter = BindingDestinationMaker.makeDestinationFunctionInstructionList(dbnode, host);
destinationString = findDestinationString(dbnode, host);
* Constructor for use with a BindingNode. The binding node specifies
* both the source and destination expressions explicitly.
* Usually these come from either the <fx:Binding> tag, or as an implementation detail
* of the <fx:XML> tag
* @param reverseSourceAndDest - if true, analyze the binding as if the source was the destination
* and the destination was the source
public BindingInfo(
IMXMLBindingNode bindingNode,
int index,
MXMLClassDirectiveProcessor host,
boolean reverseSourceAndDest)
this.index = index;
node = bindingNode;
IExpressionNode destinationNode = null;
expressionNodesForGetter = new LinkedList<IExpressionNode>();
// look at the node we are passed, and expand it out to all
// of its expression children
if (!reverseSourceAndDest)
expressionNodesForGetter.add( bindingNode.getSourceAttributeNode().getExpressionNode());
destinationNode = bindingNode.getDestinationAttributeNode().getExpressionNode();
expressionNodesForGetter.add( bindingNode.getDestinationAttributeNode().getExpressionNode());
destinationNode = bindingNode.getSourceAttributeNode().getExpressionNode();
expressionNodeForSetter = destinationNode;
// We still need a dest string even if we have a function *sigh*
// The binding manager requires this, as it uses it to identify bindings
destinationString = findDestinationString(destinationNode, host);
assert expressionNodeForSetter != null; // we should always be able to make a destination function
/** common code used by all the constructors
private void finishInit(MXMLClassDirectiveProcessor host)
ClassDefinition classDef = host.getClassDefinition();
ASScope classScope = classDef.getContainedScope();
analyzeExpression(host.getProject(), classScope);
// TODO: we should be able to assert that we make a dest string, becuase
// in general the binding manager needs one, even if we have a dest func.
// HOWEVER - we don't always generate on now, and it seems OK.
// ------------ private vars ------------
private final List<IExpressionNode> expressionNodesForGetter;
private String destinationString;
final int index; // the _bindings array index for this binding
private boolean isSimplePublicProperty;
private String sourceString;
private int twoWayCounterpart = -1; // index of two way counterpart, or -1
public IMXMLNode node;
public ClassDefinition classDef; // non-null if binding to static const or var
// The expression node that represents the destination
// this is used for more complex destinations, like inside an XML object
// where the destination could be something like:
// myXML.a[0].text()[0]
// that can't be easily codegen'ed from a String
private IExpressionNode expressionNodeForSetter;
// ------------ public methods ------------
public int getIndex()
assert index >= 0;
return index;
public int getTwoWayCounterpart()
return twoWayCounterpart;
public void setTwoWayCounterpart(int twoWayCounterparterpart)
this.twoWayCounterpart = twoWayCounterparterpart;
* @return the nodes for the expressions in between the { } curlies, or null if no getter is needed
public List<IExpressionNode> getExpressionNodesForGetter()
return expressionNodesForGetter;
* Get the IExpressionNode that represents the destination
public IExpressionNode getExpressionNodeForDestination()
return expressionNodeForSetter;
* @return the name of the binding destination property
public String getDestinationString()
return destinationString;
* param the name of the binding destination property
public void setDestinationString(String newDestString)
destinationString = newDestString;
* just for debugging
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( "BindingInfo #" + index +
" destStr:" + destinationString +
" srcStr:" + sourceString + "\n"
if (expressionNodeForSetter != null)
sb.append(" destFunc ");
NodeBase n = (NodeBase) expressionNodeForSetter;
n.buildStringRecursive(sb, 3, false);
if (!expressionNodesForGetter.isEmpty())
sb.append(" Getter Expressions:\n");
for (IExpressionNode e: expressionNodesForGetter)
NodeBase n = (NodeBase)e;
n.buildStringRecursive(sb, 3, false); // put in the expression node with nice indenting
return sb.toString();
// ------------ private methods ------------
* Synthesizes the "distinationString" argument for the PropertyWatcher constructor.
* for example, in <s:Button id="foo" bar="{goo}"/>
* the destination is ""
private static String findDestinationString(IASNode node, MXMLClassDirectiveProcessor host)
// get the parent of the node to figure out what kind of destination we are
String destString=null;
final IASNode parent = node.getParent();
if (parent instanceof IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode)
destString = findDestinationStringFromPropertySpecifier((IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode)parent) ;
else if (parent instanceof IMXMLBindingAttributeNode)
destString = findDestinationStringFromBindingAttribute(node) ;
else if (parent instanceof IMXMLExpressionNode)
// We are an MXML primitive (like sf:String), so the dest string is just our ID
String id = ((IMXMLExpressionNode)parent).getEffectiveID();
assert id != null;
destString = id;
else if (parent instanceof IMXMLModelPropertyNode)
// For now, we are always making a destination function, so we
// don't need to make a string.
// We might want to do either/or, as a possible optimization
// there will be (presumably) some cases where we can't make a destination string.
// For now, however, any case where we fail to do so is probably a bug
System.err.println("findDestinationString can't parse parent: " + parent);
return destString;
* A typical tree shape for this case is:
* MXMLBindingNode twoWay="false" 31:2 loc: 900-948 abs: 900-948 null
* MXMLBindingAttributeNode "source" 31:14 loc: 912-924 abs: 912-924 null
* IdentifierNode "src" 31:22 loc: 920-923 abs: 920-923 null
* MXMLBindingAttributeNode "destination" 31:27 loc: 925-946 abs: 925-946 null
* MemberAccessExpressionNode "." 31:40 loc: 938-945 abs: 938-945 null
* IdentifierNode "b" 31:40 loc: 938-939 abs: 938-939 null
* IdentifierNode "label" 31:42 loc: 940-945 abs: 940-945 null
* Where the "node" parameter is MemberAccessExpressionNode "." 31:40
* and the "parent" that got us here is MXMLBindingAttributeNode "destination" 31:27
* @param node
* @return
private static String findDestinationStringFromBindingAttribute(IASNode node)
String ret = null;
// TODO: why not just remember the string in the node?
// TODO: This needs to be recursive in order to make destination strings from
// a.b.c.d
// For now we can only do x or x.y
// More importantly, we need to make destination functions for the really gnarly cases.
// Once we do that, we may decide to remove this...
if (node instanceof IMemberAccessExpressionNode)
IMemberAccessExpressionNode maNode = (IMemberAccessExpressionNode)node;
IExpressionNode left = maNode.getLeftOperandNode();
IExpressionNode right = maNode.getRightOperandNode();
if (left instanceof IIdentifierNode && right instanceof IIdentifierNode)
ret = ((IIdentifierNode) left).getName() + "." + ((IIdentifierNode) right).getName();
// System.err.println("findDestinationStringFromBindingAttribute (1) can't parse " + node);
else if (node instanceof IIdentifierNode)
ret = ((IIdentifierNode) node).getName();
if (!(node instanceof InstructionListNode))
//System.err.println("findDestinationStringFromBindingAttribute (2) can't parse " + node);
return ret;
* A typical tree shape for this case is:
* MXMLInstanceNode "spark.components.Button" id="b2" 38:3 loc: 863-901 abs: 863-901 null
* MXMLPropertySpecifierNode "label" 38:21 loc: 881-899 abs: 881-899 null
* MXMLDataBindingNode "DataBinding" 38:28 loc: 888-898 abs: 888-898 D:\builder_trunk\compiler\org.apache.royale.compiler\generated\tests\scratch\mxmlfunctional\Binding3\bindtest3.mxml
* MemberAccessExpressionNode "." 38:29 loc: 889-897 abs: 889-897 null
* IdentifierNode "b1" 38:29 loc: 889-891 abs: 889-891 null
* IdentifierNode "label" 38:32 loc: 892-897 abs: 892-897 null
* where the "propertySpecifier" parameter to this function is MXMLPropertySpecifierNode "label" 38:21
* and we discovered the property specifier because he is the parent of the node we
* are making the binding for, which is MXMLDataBindingNode "DataBinding" 38:28
private static String findDestinationStringFromPropertySpecifier(IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode propertySpecifier)
String ret = null;
IMXMLClassReferenceNode propertyParent = (IMXMLClassReferenceNode)
propertySpecifier.getAncestorOfType( IMXMLClassReferenceNode.class);
assert propertyParent != null;
// If the property is a property of an instance, get
if (propertyParent instanceof IMXMLInstanceNode)
IMXMLInstanceNode instanceNode = (IMXMLInstanceNode)propertyParent;
// get the effective id. If the component doesn't have an ID, then we will have already made up
// one.
String id = instanceNode.getEffectiveID();
assert id != null;
assert instanceNode.getID()==null || id.equals(instanceNode.getID());
ret = id + "." + propertySpecifier.getName();
// If it's a property of the root, get
else if (propertyParent instanceof IMXMLClassDefinitionNode)
ret = "this." + propertySpecifier.getName();
else assert false;
return ret;
public int compareTo(BindingInfo o)
return this.index - o.index;
* Is the binding source a simple public member variable?
public boolean isSourceSimplePublicProperty()
return this.isSimplePublicProperty;
* The string that represents the binding source, but only for simple publics
* may return null if binding source is not simple public property
public String getSourceString()
return sourceString;
* extract some information from the binding expression node, and store for later
* The information we are looking for is "is this a simple property, and if so what is it's name"
private void analyzeExpression(ICompilerProject project, ASScope scope)
assert scope instanceof TypeScope; // we expect to get in the MXML document we are compiling
// we there are multiple children, then we can't be a simple prop
if (expressionNodesForGetter.size() != 1)
IExpressionNode expressionNodeForGetter = expressionNodesForGetter.get(0);
//if it is a MemberAccessExpressionNode, and the first node is Identifier 'this' , then we will only examine right operand node
boolean hadThis = false;
if (expressionNodeForGetter instanceof MemberAccessExpressionNode) {
if (((MemberAccessExpressionNode) expressionNodeForGetter).getLeftOperandNode() instanceof IIdentifierNode
&& ((IIdentifierNode) ((MemberAccessExpressionNode) expressionNodeForGetter).getLeftOperandNode()).getName().equals(IASKeywordConstants.THIS)
) {
expressionNodeForGetter = ((MemberAccessExpressionNode) expressionNodeForGetter).getRightOperandNode();
hadThis = true;
if (expressionNodeForGetter instanceof IIdentifierNode)
String name = ((IIdentifierNode)expressionNodeForGetter).getName();
IReference ref = ReferenceFactory.lexicalReference(project.getWorkspace(), name);
ASScope resolutionScope = hadThis ? ((TypeScope) scope).getInstanceScope() : scope;
IDefinition def = ref.resolve(project, resolutionScope, DependencyType.EXPRESSION, false);
if (def instanceof IVariableDefinition)
// here we have decided that the binding expression is a variable
IVariableDefinition var = (IVariableDefinition)def;
INamespaceReference ns = var.getNamespaceReference();
if (ns == NamespaceDefinition.getPublicNamespaceDefinition())
// ok, our variable is public - let's take it
sourceString = def.getBaseName();
isSimplePublicProperty = true;
if (def instanceof IConstantDefinition) {
IConstantDefinition cnst = (IConstantDefinition) def;
INamespaceReference ns = cnst.getNamespaceReference();
if (ns == NamespaceDefinition.getPublicNamespaceDefinition())
// ok, our constant is public - let's take it
sourceString = def.getBaseName();
isSimplePublicProperty = true;
else if (expressionNodeForGetter instanceof MemberAccessExpressionNode)
MemberAccessExpressionNode mae = (MemberAccessExpressionNode)expressionNodeForGetter;
IDefinition def;
if (hadThis) {
def = expressionNodesForGetter.get(0).resolve(project);
else def = mae.resolve(project);
if (def != null && def.isPublic() &&
(def instanceof IAccessorDefinition ||
def instanceof IConstantDefinition ||
def instanceof IVariableDefinition))
IExpressionNode leftSide = mae.getLeftOperandNode();
if (leftSide instanceof IIdentifierNode)
IDefinition leftDef = leftSide.resolve(project);
if (leftDef.isPublic())
if (leftDef instanceof ClassDefinition)
classDef = (ClassDefinition)leftDef;
sourceString = leftDef.getBaseName() + "." + def.getBaseName();
isSimplePublicProperty = true;
else if (leftSide instanceof MemberAccessExpressionNode)
IDefinition leftDef = leftSide.resolve(project);
if (leftDef.isPublic())
if (leftDef instanceof ClassDefinition)
classDef = (ClassDefinition)leftDef;
sourceString = leftDef.getBaseName() + "." + def.getBaseName();
isSimplePublicProperty = true;
sourceString = buildChain((MemberAccessExpressionNode) leftSide);
if (sourceString != null)
sourceString += "." + def.getBaseName();
isSimplePublicProperty = true;
else if (leftSide instanceof IFunctionCallNode)
IFunctionCallNode fun = (IFunctionCallNode)leftSide;
IExpressionNode[] args = fun.getArgumentNodes();
if (args.length == 1)
IExpressionNode arg = args[0];
if (arg instanceof IIdentifierNode)
IDefinition argDef = arg.resolve(project);
if (argDef.isPublic())
sourceString = argDef.getBaseName() + "." + def.getBaseName();
isSimplePublicProperty = true;
private String buildChain(MemberAccessExpressionNode mae)
IExpressionNode left = mae.getLeftOperandNode();
if (left.getNodeID() == ASTNodeID.IdentifierID)
IExpressionNode right = mae.getRightOperandNode();
if (right.getNodeID() == ASTNodeID.IdentifierID)
return ((IdentifierNode)left).getName() + "." + ((IdentifierNode)right).getName();
else if (left.getNodeID() == ASTNodeID.MemberAccessExpressionID)
IExpressionNode right = mae.getRightOperandNode();
if (right.getNodeID() == ASTNodeID.IdentifierID)
String l = buildChain((MemberAccessExpressionNode)left);
if (l == null) return null;
return l + "." + ((IdentifierNode)right).getName();
return null;