blob: 12f1ac501d65ca47e460126d7b963b054857d7ce [file] [log] [blame]
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
## limitations under the License.
ABCGeneratorProblem=Internal error in ABC generator subsystem, when generating code for: ${sourceFileName}: ${stackTrace}
AccessorTypesMustMatchProblem=Accessor types must match.
AccessUndefinedMemberProblem=Access of possibly undefined property ${memberName} through a reference with static type ${className}.
AccessUndefinedPropertyInPackageProblem=Access of undefined property ${propertyName} in package ${packageName}.
AccessUndefinedPropertyProblem=Access of possibly undefined property ${propertyName}.
AmbiguousReferenceProblem=Ambiguous reference to ${property}
AssignToConstProblem=Illegal assignment to a variable specified as constant.
AssignToFunctionProblem=Illegal assignment to function ${funcName}.
AssignToReadOnlyPropertyProblem=Property ${name} is read-only.
AttemptToDeleteFixedPropertyProblem=Attempt to delete the fixed property ${name}. Only dynamically defined properties can be deleted.
AttributesAreNotCallableProblem=Attributes are not callable.
BadAccessInterfaceMemberProblem=Interface members cannot be declared public, private, protected, or internal.
BadCharacterProblem=Unexpected char error: '${errorText}' is not allowed here
BadSetterReturnTypeProblem=Return type of a setter definition must be unspecified or void.
BaseClassIsFinalProblem=Base class is ${finalStr}.
BURMDiagnosticForEachExpectedInProblem=the '${k_each}' keyword is not allowed without an '${k_in}' operator
BURMDiagnosticInvalidDecrementProblem=Operand of decrement must be a reference.
BURMDiagnosticNotAllowedHereProblem=${node} is not allowed here
BURMPatternMatchFailureProblem=Unable to generate code for ${node}
BURNDiagnosticInvalidIncrementProblem=Operand of increment must be a reference.
CallUndefinedMethodProblem=Call to a possibly undefined method ${methodName}.
CannotDeleteSuperDescendantsProblem=Cannot delete super descendants.
CannotExtendClassProblem=An interface can only extend other interfaces, but ${className} is a class.
CannotExtendInterfaceProblem=A ${classStr} can only extend another ${classStr}, not an ${interfaceStr}.
CannotResolveConfigExpressionProblem=Can not resolve config constant: '${configName}'
CircularTypeReferenceProblem=Circular type reference was detected in ${className}
ClassesMappedToSameRemoteAliasProblem=A mapping for '${existingClassName}' to the remote class alias '${alias}' was found while processing class '${className}'. Flex now generates code to check if an alias has already been registered. When deserializing remote data an alias can only map to a single class.
ClosureProblem=Closure error.
CodegenInternalProblem=Code generator internal error: ${diagnostic}
CompiledAsAComponentProblem=${className} is a module or application that is directly referenced. This will cause ${className} and all of its dependencies to be linked in with ${mainDefinition}. Using an interface is the recommended practice to avoid this.
ConfigurationFileNotFoundProblem=Can't find config file: ${file}
ConfigurationProblem=Configuration problem: ${reason}.\n${location}
ConflictingInheritedNameInNamespaceProblem=A conflict exists with inherited definition ${declName} in namespace ${nsName}.
ConflictingNameInNamespaceProblem=A conflict exists with definition ${declName} in namespace ${nsName}.
ConstructorCannotHaveReturnTypeProblem=A Constructor cannot specify a return type
ConstructorIsGetterSetterProblem=A constructor cannot be a getter or setter method
ConstructorIsStaticProblem=Constructor functions must be instance methods
ConstructorMustBePublicProblem=A constructor can only be declared ${modifier}
CountedForLoopInitializerProblem=Syntax error: expecting semicolon before rightparen.
CSSCodeGenProblem=CSS codegen problem. Reason: '${reason}'
CSSEmbedAssetProblem=Can not embed asset from '${embed}'.
CSSUndefinedNamespacePrefixProblem=Undefined namespace prefix '${prefix}'.
CSSUndefinedTypeProblem='${type}' is not defined.
CSSUnknownDefaultNamespaceProblem=Type selector without namespace prefix requires a default namespace to be defined. ${selectorText}
CSSUnresolvedClassReferenceProblem=${qname} is not defined.
CyclicalIncludesProblem=Cyclical includes found in ${file}
DependencyNotCompatibleProblem=The dependency ${definition} from ${swc} has a minimum supported version of ${swcMinimumVersion}, which is higher than the compatibility version, ${compatibilityVersion}.
DeprecatedConfigurationOptionProblem='${option}' has been deprecated since ${since}. Please use '${replacement}'
DuplicateAttributeProblem=Attribute ${attrStr} was specified multiple times.
DuplicateClassDefinitionProblem=Duplicate class definition: ${className}.
DuplicateConfigNameProblem=Duplicate config namespace: '${configName}'
DuplicateFunctionDefinitionProblem=Duplicate function definition: ${methodName}
DuplicateInterfaceDefinitionProblem=Duplicate interface definition: ${interfaceName}.
DuplicateInterfaceProblem=${classStr} ${className} implements ${interfaceStr} ${interfaceName} multiple times.
DuplicateLabelProblem=Duplicate label definition.
DuplicateNamespaceDefinitionProblem=Duplicate namespace definition.
DuplicateQNameInSourcePathProblem=${qName} is defined by multiple files: ${fileList}
DuplicateSkinStateProblem=Duplicate declaration of SkinState '${name}'
DuplicateSourceFileProblem=${file} was specified more than once in the include sources list.
DuplicateSourcePathProblem=${directory} was specified more than once in the source path.
DuplicateSwitchCaseProblem=Duplicate switch alternative ${caseName}.
DynamicNotOnClassProblem=The ${dynamicStr} attribute can only be used with ${classStr} definitions.
EmbedAS2TagsModifiedProblem=AS2 actions have been removed from the ${symbol} tag
EmbedBadFontParameters=font transcoding requires you to specify 'fontName' and one of 'source', 'systemFont', or 'sourceList'
EmbedBadScalingGridTargetProblem=Could not scale the symbol ${symbol} as it is not of type Sprite
EmbedCouldNotDetermineSampleFrameCountProblem=Could not determine the sample frame count in file ${filename}
EmbeddedFontShadowsDeviceFontProblem=the embedded font '${alias}' may shadow a device font of the same name. Use fontName to alias the font to a different name
EmbedExceptionWhileTranscodingProblem=exception during transcoding: ${exception}
EmbedInitialValueProblem=An Embed variable must not have an existing value.
EmbedInvalidAttributeValueProblem=The value ${value} is invalid for attribute ${attribute}
EmbedInvalidUnicodeRangeProblem=invalid Unicode range '${range}'
EmbedMissingSymbolProblem=Could not find the symbol ${symbol} in the file ${swf}
EmbedMovieScalingNoSymbolProblem=Specify a symbol when scaling an embedded movie
EmbedMultipleMetaTagsProblem=A variable can only only have one Embed meta data tag
EmbedNoSkinClassProblem=Must specify a skinClass attribute when embedding skin assets
EmbedNoSourceAttributeProblem=Embed requires a source file attribute
EmbedQualityRequiresCompressionProblem=Don't specify quality when compression is disabled
EmbedQualityValueProblem=The value ${value} is invalid for the quality attribute. It must be between 0.0 and 100.0
EmbedScalingGridProblem=attributes scaleBottom, scaleLeft, scaleRight and scaleTop must be specified together
EmbedScalingGridValueProblem=The scaling value ${value} must be greater than 0 for attribute ${attr}
EmbedSkinClassNotFoundProblem=Class ${skinClass} could not be found
EmbedSourceAttributeCouldNotBeReadProblem=Embed source file ${filename} could not be read
EmbedSourceAttributeDoesNotExistProblem=Embed source file could not be found
EmbedSourceFileNotFoundProblem=Can't find Embed source file: ${file}
EmbedTypeNotEmbeddableProblem=Type ${typeName} cannot be embedded
EmbedUnableToBuildFontProblem=unable to build font '${fontName}'
EmbedUnableToReadSourceProblem=unable to read transcoding source '${source}'
EmbedUnknownAttributeProblem=Unknown attribute: ${attr}
EmbedUnknownMimeTypeProblem=Unhandled mimetype ${mimeType}
EmbedUnrecogniedFileTypeProblem=File ${file} is of an unknown file type which can't be embedded
EmbedUnsupportedAttributeProblem=The attribute ${attribute} can't be used with the mime type: ${mimeType}
EmbedUnsupportedSamplingRateProblem=The frequency ${frequency} is not supported in file ${filename}
FileNotFoundProblem=File not found: ${file}
FinalOutsideClassProblem=The attribute ${finalStr} can only be used on a method defined in a ${classStr}.
FunctionNotMarkedOverrideProblem=Overriding a ${funcStr} that is not marked for ${overrideStr}
FunctionWithoutBodyProblem=Function does not have a body.
FXGCompilerProblem=FXG Compilation Problem: ${message}
GetterCannotHaveParametersProblem=A getter definition must have no parameters.
GlobalBindablePropertyProblem=[${bindableStr}] not allowed on global or ${packageStr} variables
HostComponentClassNotFoundProblem=[HostComponent] class '${className}' not found.
HostComponentMustHaveTypeProblem=[HostComponent] must specify a type name.
IllegalAssignmentToClassProblem=Illegal assignment to class ${className}.
ImplicitCoercionToSubtypeProblem=Implicit coercion of a value with static type ${baseType} to a possibly unrelated type ${subType}.
ImplicitCoercionToUnrelatedTypeProblem=Implicit coercion of a value of type ${actualType} to an unrelated type ${expectedType}.
InaccessibleMethodReferenceProblem=Attempted access of inaccessible method ${methodName} through a reference with static type ${className}.
InaccessiblePropertyReferenceProblem=Attempted access of inaccessible property ${propertyName} through a reference with static type ${className}.
IncompatibleDefaultValueProblem=Incompatible default value of type ${srcType} where ${tgtType} is expected.
IncompatibleInterfaceMethodProblem=${interfStr} method ${methodName} in ${namespaceStr} ${namespaceName} is implemented with an incompatible signature in ${classStr} ${className}
IncompatibleOverrideProblem=Incompatible ${overrideStr}.
InterfaceBindablePropertyProblem=[${bindableStr}] is not allowed inside a ${interfStr} definition.
InterfaceCannotBeInstantiatedProblem=Interfaces cannot be instantiated with the new operator.
InterfaceMethodWithBodyProblem=Methods defined in an ${interfaceStr} must not have a body.
InterfaceModifierProblem=Interface attribute ${modifier} is invalid.
InterfaceNamespaceAttributeProblem=Namespace attributes are not permitted on interface methods.
InternalCompilerProblem=Internal compiler error
InvalidABCByteCodeProblem=Invalid ABC byte code.
InvalidBackgroundColorProblem=Invalid background color: ${backgroundColor}
InvalidDecrementOperandProblem=Decrement operand is invalid.
InvalidEscapeSequenceProblem='${badSequence}' is not a valid escape sequence
InvalidForInInitializerProblem=Syntax error: invalid for-in initializer, only 1 expression expected.
InvalidIncrementOperandProblem=Increment operand is invalid.
InvalidLvalueProblem=Target of assignment must be a reference value.
InvalidNamespaceInitializerProblem=A namespace initializer must be either a literal string or another namespace.
InvalidNamespaceProblem=A user-defined namespace attribute can only be used at the top level of a ${classStr} definition.
InvalidOverrideProblem=The ${overrideStr} attribute can only be used on a method defined in a ${classStr}.
InvalidPrivateNamespaceAttrProblem=The ${privateStr} attribute may be used only on ${classStr} property definitions.
InvalidPrivateNamespaceProblem=${privateStr} can only be used as a namespace inside a ${classStr}.
InvalidProtectedNamespaceAttrProblem=The ${protectedStr} attribute may be used only on ${classStr} property definitions.
InvalidProtectedNamespaceProblem=${protectedStr} can only be used as a namespace inside a ${classStr}.
InvalidPublicNamespaceAttrProblem=The ${publicStr} attribute can only be used inside a ${packageStr}.
InvalidPublicNamespaceProblem=${publicStr} can only be used as a namespace inside a ${packageStr}.
InvalidRestParameterDeclarationProblem=Parameters specified after the parameter definition keyword can only be an Array data type.
InvalidSuperExpressionProblem=A super expression can be used only inside class instance methods.
InvalidSuperStatementProblem=A super statement can be used only inside class instance constructors.
JSDataClassMethodError=ERROR: DataClass classes must not declare methods.
JSInternalCompilerProblem=Internal compiler error: ${message}.
JSUnsupportedFeatureProblem=Unsupported feature: ${feature}.
JSWarnClassInitProblem=PERFORMANCE: Avoid loose class initialization statements. Consider using singletons instead.
JSWarnClosureAdvancedOptimizationsProblem=WARNING: Optimizing with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS will fail because of accessing properties via unknown strings.
JSWarnRuntimeNameLookupProblem=PERFORMANCE: Forced to emit expensive runtime name lookup. Consider using strict types instead of generic objects and avoiding dynamic classes.
LocalBindablePropertyProblem=[${bindableStr}] is not allowed inside a ${funcStr} definition.
LossyConversionProblem=Invalid initialization: conversion to type ${targetType} loses data.
MethodCannotBeConstructorProblem=Method cannot be used as a constructor.
MissingBuiltinProblem=Missing builtin type ${builtinType}
MissingCatchOrFinallyProblem=Syntax error: expecting a catch or a finally clause.
MissingFactoryClassInFrameMetadataProblem=This compilation unit did not have a factoryClass specified in Frame metadata to load the configured runtime shared libraries. To compile without runtime shared libraries either set the -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries option to true or remove the -runtime-shared-libraries option.
MissingRequirementConfigurationProblem=configuration variable '${required}' was not set
MissingSignedDigestProblem=No signed digest found in catalog.xml of the library, ${libraryPath}.
MissingSkinPartProblem=The required skin part '${skinPartName}' is missing.
MissingSkinStateProblem=The required skin state '${skinStateName}' is missing.
MissingUnsignedDigestProblem=No unsigned digest found in catalog.xml of the library, ${libraryPath}.
MultipleConfigNamespaceDecorationsProblem=Duplicate config namespaces are not allowed on a definition
MultipleSwitchDefaultsProblem=The switch has more than one default, but only one default is allowed.
MXMLAttributeVersionProblem=The '${name}' attribute can only be used in MXML ${version} or later. It will be ignored.
MXMLClassNodeProblem='${qname}' does not specify a class or interface. It will be ignored.
MXMLDatabindingSourceNotBindableProblem=Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to '${sourceName}'.
MXMLDuplicateIDProblem=This id is not unique. It will be ignored.
MXMLFinalClassProblem='${qname}' is a final class and cannot be used as root tag.
MXMLIncludeInAndExcludeFromProblem=The 'includeIn' and 'excludeFrom' attributes cannot be specified on this same tag. Both will be ignored.
MXMLIncompatibleArrayElementProblem=An array element of type '${actualType}' is incompatible with the expected [ArrayElementType] of '${expectedType}' for the '${propertyName}' property.
MXMLIncompatibleVectorElementProblem=This element is incompatible with the Vector type. It will be ignored.
MXMLInvalidEntityProblem=Unknown entity '{entity}' found. It will be ignored.
MXMLInvalidIDProblem=This id is not a valid ActionScript identifier. It will be ignored.
MXMLInvalidItemCreationPolicyProblem=Valid values for itemCreationPolicy are 'immediate' or 'deferred'. This attribute will be ignored.
MXMLInvalidItemDestructionPolicyProblem=Valid values for itemDestructionPolicy are 'auto' or 'never'. This attribute will be ignored.
MXMLInvalidPercentageProblem=Initializer for '${property}': invalid percentage expression: '${text}'.
MXMLInvalidTextForTypeProblem=Cannot parse a value of type '${type}' from '${text}'.
MXMLInvalidVectorFixedAttributeProblem=The 'fixed' attribute must be 'true' or 'false'. It will be ignored.
MXMLInvalidVectorTypeAttributeProblem=The 'type' attribute does not specify a known class. The type will be assumed to be '*'.
MXMLMissingRootTagProblem=No root tag found in this MXML file.
MXMLMissingVectorTypeAttributeProblem=A 'type' attribute is required on a <Vector> tag. The type will be assumed to be '*'.
MXMLNotAClassProblem='${qname}' is not a class. This tag will be ignored.
MXMLOperationMissingNameProblem=Operation requires a name attribute.
MXMLOtherLanguageNamespaceProblem=Only one language namespace may be used in an MXML document. This attribute will be ignored.
MXMLOuterDocumentAlreadyDeclaredProblem=A property named outerDocument has already been declared, conflicting with the fx:Component tag outerDocument.
MXMLPercentageNotAllowedProblem=Initializer for '${property}': percentage not allowed here: '${text}'.
MXMLPrivateAttributeProblem=This attribute uses a private namespace and therefore will be ignored.
MXMLPrivateTagLocationProblem=The <Private> tag must be the last child tag of the file's root tag. It will be ignored.
MXMLSemanticProblem=Internal problem during semantic analysis of MXML
MXMLUnexpectedAttributeProblem=This attribute is unexpected. It will be ignored.
MXMLUnexpectedDatabindingProblem=This databinding expression is unexpected. It will be ignored.
MXMLUnexpectedTagProblem=This tag is unexpected. It will be ignored.
MXMLUnexpectedTextProblem=This text is unexpected. It will be ignored.
MXMLUnrecognizedCompilerDirectiveProblem=Function ${functionName} is not a recognized compile-time directive
MXMLUnresolvedTagProblem=This tag could not be resolved to an ActionScript class. It will be ignored.
MXMLUnterminatedEntityProblem=Unterminated entity found. It will be ignored.
MXMLXMLListMixedContentProblem=Mixed content not allowed here.
MXMLXMLOnlyOneRootTagProblem=Only one root tag is allowed
MXMLXMLRequireContentProblem=XML content is required
NamespaceInInterfaceProblem=Namespace declarations are not permitted in interfaces.
NativeMethodWithBodyProblem=Native methods cannot have a body.
NativeNotOnFunctionProblem=The ${nativeStr} attribute can only be used with ${functionStr} definitions.
NativeUsedInInterfaceProblem=The ${nativeStr} attribute cannot be used in ${interfStr} definitions.
NativeVariableProblem=Variables cannot be ${nativeStr}.
NestedGetterSetterProblem=Accessors cannot be nested inside other functions.
NestedPackageProblem=Packages cannot be nested.
NoCompilationUnitForDefinitionProblem=No compilation unit with the name '${qname}' was found.
NoDefaultConstructorInBaseClassProblem=No default constructor found in base class ${baseClass}.
NoDefinitionForSWCDependencyProblem=The definition ${qname} depended on in the SWC ${swcFilename} could not be found
NoMainDefinitionProblem=No externally-visible definition with the name '${qname}' was found.
NonConstantNamespaceProblem=A namespace initializer must be either a literal string or another namespace.
NonConstantParamInitializerProblem=Parameter initializer unknown or is not a compile-time constant.
NonDirectoryInSourcePathProblem=${file} was specified in the source path and is not a directory.
NoScopesInABCCompilationUnitProblem=Can't find scopes in the compilation unit.
OnlyOneHostComponentAllowedProblem=Only one [HostComponent] allowed.
OverlappingSourcePathProblem=Overlapping source path entries: ${ancestor} is an ancestor of ${descendant}
OverrideFinalProblem=Cannot redefine a ${finalStr} method.
OverrideNotFoundProblem=Method marked ${overrideStr} must ${overrideStr} another method.
OverrideOutsideClassProblem=The ${overrideStr} attribute may be used only on ${classStr} property definitions.
PackageCannotBeUsedAsValueProblem=Package cannot be used as a value: ${packageName}.
ParserProblem=Internal parsing problem
PropertyIsWriteOnlyProblem=Property ${name} is write-only.
PrototypeInvalidAttributeProblem=The prototype attribute is invalid.
RemovedConfigurationOptionProblem='${option}' is no longer supported and will have no effect.
RequiredParameterAfterOptionalProblem=Required parameters are not permitted after optional parameters.
ResourceBundleMalformedEncodingProblem=The encoding for the given string is malformed: ${string}
ResourceBundleNoBundleParameterProblem=No bundle parameter given for @Resource()
ResourceBundleNoKeyParameterProblem=No key parameter given for @Resource()
ResourceBundleNotFoundForLocaleProblem=Unable to resolve resource bundle '${bundleName}' for locale '${locale}'
ResourceBundleNotFoundProblem=Unable to resolve resource bundle '${bundleName}'
RestParameterMustBeLastProblem=Rest parameters must be last.
ReturnCannotBeUsedInGlobalProblem=The return statement cannot be used in global initialization code.
ReturnCannotBeUsedInPackageProblem=The return statement cannot be used in package initialization code.
ReturnCannotBeUsedInStaticProblem=The return statement cannot be used in static initialization code.
ReturnMustReturnValueProblem=Function does not return a value.
ReturnValueMustBeUndefinedProblem=Return value must be undefined.
SemanticProblem=Internal problem during semantic analysis
SetterCannotHaveOptionalProblem=A setter definition cannot have optional parameters.
SetterMustHaveOneParameterProblem=A setter definition must have exactly one parameter.
SkinPartsMustBePublicProblem=Skin parts must be public.
StaticAndOverrideProblem=Functions cannot be both ${staticStr} and ${overrideStr}.
StaticNamespaceDefinitionProblem=The static attribute is not allowed on ${namespaceKeyword} definitions.
StaticOutsideClassProblem=The ${staticStr} attribute may be used only on definitions inside a ${classStr}.
StrictUndefinedMethodProblem=Call to a possibly undefined method ${methodName} through a reference with static type ${className}.
SyntaxProblem=Syntax error: '${tokenText}' is not allowed here
ThisUsedInStaticFunctionProblem=The ${thisKeyword} keyword can not be used in static methods. It can only be used in instance methods, function closures, and global code.
TooFewFunctionParametersProblem=Incorrect number of arguments. Expected ${nParams}
TooManyFunctionParametersProblem=Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than ${nParams}
UnableToBuildReportProblem=Unable to build report: ${message}
UnableToBuildSWFProblem=Unable to build SWF ${file}
UnableToBuildSWFTagProblem=Unable to build SWF tag for ${name}
UnableToListFilesProblem=Unable to list contents of directory: @{directory}
UnboundMetadataProblem=Metadata was not bound to a definition
UndefinedConfigNameProblem=Undefined config constant: '${configName}'
UndefinedConfigNamespaceProblem=Undefined config namespace: '${configName}'
UnexpectedExceptionProblem=Unexpected exception '${exceptionName}'.
UnexpectedReturnProblem=The return statement cannot be used here.
UnexpectedTokenProblem=Syntax error: Expected ${tokenKind} but got '${tokenText}'
UnfoundPropertyProblem=Access of undefined property ${property}
UnimplementedInterfaceMethodProblem=${interfStr} method ${methodName} in ${namespaceStr} ${namespaceName} not implemented by ${classStr} ${className}
UnknownBreakTargetProblem=Target of break statement was not found.
UnknownContinueTargetProblem=Target of continue statement was not found.
UnknownInterfaceProblem=${interfaceStr} ${interfaceName} was not found.
UnknownNamespaceProblem=Unknown namespace ${namespaceName}.
UnknownSuperclassProblem=The definition of base class ${superclassName} was not found.
UnknownTypeProblem=Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: ${typeName}.
UnresolvedClassReferenceProblem=Definition ${qname} could not be found.
UnresolvedNamespaceProblem=Namespace was not found or is not a compile-time constant.
UnsupportedSourceFileProblem=${file} is of an unsupported type: ${ext}
VarInInterfaceProblem=${varStr} declarations are not permitted in ${interfStr}.
VoidTypeProblem=${voidStr} is not a valid type.
WrongSkinPartProblem=The skin part type '${skinPartTypeName}' must be assignable to '${hostSkinPartTypeName}'.