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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package mxml.tags;
import org.apache.royale.utils.StringUtils;
import org.junit.Test;
* Feature tests for the MXML {@code <Metadata>} tag.
* @author Gordon Smith
public class MXMLMetadataTagTests extends MXMLFeatureTestsBase
* Combines various code snippets to make a complete one-file MXML Sprite-based application.
protected String getMXML(String[] metadata, String[] moreMetadata, String[] asserts)
String[] template;
if (hasFlashPlayerGlobal)
template = new String[]
"<d:Sprite xmlns:fx='' xmlns:d='flash.display.*' xmlns:custom='library://'",
" enterFrame='enterFrameHandler(event)'>",
" %1",
" <fx:Script>",
" <![CDATA[",
" import custom.TestInstance;",
" private function assertEqual(message:String, actualValue:*, expectedValue:*):void",
" {",
" if (actualValue !== expectedValue)",
" {",
" trace(message, actualValue, expectedValue);",
" System.exit(1);",
" }",
" }",
" private function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void",
" {",
" %3",
" System.exit(0);",
" }",
" ]]>",
" </fx:Script>",
" %2",
template = new String[]
"<fx:Object xmlns:fx='' xmlns:custom='library://' >",
" %1",
" <fx:Script>",
" <![CDATA[",
" import custom.TestInstance;",
" private function assertEqual(message:String, actualValue:*, expectedValue:*):void",
" {",
" }",
" ]]>",
" </fx:Script>",
" %2",
String mxml = StringUtils.join(template, "\n");
mxml = mxml.replace("%1", StringUtils.join(metadata, "\n "));
mxml = mxml.replace("%2", StringUtils.join(moreMetadata, "\n "));
mxml = mxml.replace("%3", StringUtils.join(asserts, "\n "));
return mxml;
protected String getMXML(String[] metadata, String[] asserts)
return getMXML(metadata, new String[0], asserts);
public void MXMLMetadataTag_oneTag()
String[] metadata = new String[]
" [AAA(a1='1', a2='2')]",
String[] asserts = new String[]
// The <Metadata> tag should produce class-level metadata
// that we can inspect at runtime with describeType().
// Inside the root tag returned by describeType() should be
// <metadata name="AAA">
// <arg key="a1" value="1"/>
// <arg key="a2" value="2"/>
// </metadata>
"var dt:XML = describeType(this);",
"var aaa:XMLList = dt.metadata.(@name == 'AAA');",
"assertEqual('aaa.arg[0].@key.toString()', aaa.arg[0].@key.toString(), 'a1');",
"assertEqual('aaa.arg[0].@value.toString()', aaa.arg[0].@value.toString(), '1');",
"assertEqual('aaa.arg[1].@key.toString()', aaa.arg[1].@key.toString(), 'a2');",
"assertEqual('aaa.arg[1].@value.toString()', aaa.arg[1].@value.toString(), '2');",
String mxml = getMXML(metadata, asserts);
String[] otherOptions = new String[]
"-keep-as3-metadata=AAA" // this should not be necessary; the old compiler seems to have kept all MXML metadata
compileAndRun(mxml, false, false, false, otherOptions);
public void MXMLMetadataTag_twoTags()
String[] metadata = new String[]
" [AAA(a1='1')]",
String[] moreMetadata = new String[]
" [BBB(b1='1')]",
String[] asserts = new String[]
"var dt:XML = describeType(this);",
"var aaa:XMLList = dt.metadata.(@name == 'AAA');",
"assertEqual('aaa.arg[0].@key.toString()', aaa.arg[0].@key.toString(), 'a1');",
"assertEqual('aaa.arg[0].@value.toString()', aaa.arg[0].@value.toString(), '1');",
"var bbb:XMLList = dt.metadata.(@name == 'BBB');",
"assertEqual('bbb.arg[0].@key.toString()', bbb.arg[0].@key.toString(), 'b1');",
"assertEqual('bbb.arg[0].@value.toString()', bbb.arg[0].@value.toString(), '1');",
String mxml = getMXML(metadata, moreMetadata, asserts);
String[] otherOptions = new String[]
"-keep-as3-metadata=AAA,BBB" // this should not be necessary; the old compiler seems to have kept all MXML metadata
compileAndRun(mxml, false, false, false, otherOptions);
// TODO Add tests with CDATA, comments, entities, etc.