blob: 6155005ea24a15a8ce4ca6996f6983b556501d4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.targets;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.DependencyType;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.css.ICSSDocument;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.css.ICSSManager;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.css.semantics.ActivatedStyleSheets;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.driver.js.royale.JSCSSCompilationSession;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.projects.DependencyGraph;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.projects.RoyaleJSProject;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.units.SWCCompilationUnit;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.FileNotFoundProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.ICompilerProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.targets.IJSTarget;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.targets.ITargetProgressMonitor;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.targets.ITargetSettings;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.units.ICompilationUnit;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.units.ICompilationUnit.UnitType;
public class RoyaleJSTarget extends JSTarget implements IJSTarget
* Initialize a JS target with the owner project and root compilation units.
* @param project the owner project
public RoyaleJSTarget(RoyaleJSProject project, ITargetSettings targetSettings,
ITargetProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
super(project, targetSettings, progressMonitor);
royaleProject = project;
private final RoyaleJSProject royaleProject;
// Copied from then modified
* Discovers dependent compilation units from a set of root compilation
* units.
* <p>
* For each public visible definition in all the compilation units, if
* there's an applicable CSS rule, check if the CSS rule pulls in any
* dependencies. (i.e. embedded assets, skin classes) Add the dependencies
* to the list of compilation units, and check if they have any applicable
* CSS rules which could pull in more dependencies. Loop until we reach a
* stable set of compilation units.
* <p>
* CSS rules in these CSS documents can introduce class dependencies. If any
* candidate rule matches a class known to be linked into the target, the
* candidate rule's dependencies are selected for linking. Those selected
* dependencies will be included in the next iteration of the dependency
* discovery loop.
* <p>
* Once a CSS document is "activated", it stays in this collection and its
* rules are tested against all classes introduced in the
* "dependency discovery loop".
* <p>
* For example: Suppose in project P, there are "" and "styles.css", and
* class "A" is selected for linking.<br>
* In "styles.css", there're two rules:
* <pre>
* A { xSkin : ClassReference("B"); }
* K { xSkin : ClassReference("L"); }
* </pre>
* In the 1st iteration, rule "A" is matched, which introduces dependency on
* "B". <br>
* "B" is defined in a SWC library "myskins.swc", and there's a
* "defaults.css" in "myskins.swc".
* <pre>
* B { ySkin : ClassReference("C"); }
* A { ySkin : ClassReference("D"); }
* K { ySkin : ClassReference("M"); }
* </pre>
* In the 2nd iteration, rule "A" and rule "B" in "defaults.css" are
* matched, which introduces dependencies on "C" and "D". However, "K" has
* not been selected so far, so "L" and "M" are not selected.
* <p>
* Now imagine, "C" is defined in "anotherSkin.swc", and there's a
* "defaults.css" in "anotherSkin.swc" as well.
* <pre>
* C { zSkin : ClassReference("K"); }
* </pre>
* In the 3rd iteration, rule "C" is matched because "C" was selected in the
* previous iteration, which makes "K" the selected dependency.
* <p>
* At the beginning of the 4th iteration, the classes selected for linking
* are "A", "B", "C", "D" and "K". In this iteration, these classes will be
* tested against all the "activated style sheets" - "styles.css" and two
* "defaults.css" in "myskins.swc" and "anotherSkin.swc". "K" rules in
* "styles.css" and "myskins.swc" are now matched, which introduces new
* dependencies on "L" and "M".
* <p>
* In the 5th iteration, the classes to link are "A", "B", "C", "D", "K",
* "L" and "M". They are tested against all the activate CSS. No more
* dependencies are introduced by CSS rules, making it the last iteration of
* the loop.
* @param compilationUnits Collection of compilation units known to be
* linked in.
* @param problems Collection of {@link ICompilerProblem}'s that the each
* found {@link ICompilationUnit} is added to.
* @return All compilation units which were compiled
* @throws InterruptedException
protected Set<ICompilationUnit> findAllCompilationUnitsToLink(final Collection<ICompilationUnit> compilationUnits,
final Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
throws InterruptedException
JSCSSCompilationSession cssCompilationSession = (JSCSSCompilationSession) royaleProject.getCSSCompilationSession();
// Performance heuristic: let's start compilation on all of the compilation
// units we know about up front. This is particularly useful on SWC projects where
// we are using "include-sources" to force a bunch of possibly unrelated classes to be
// compiled.
// Note that by putting the code here, we will start aggressive early compilation for
// all projects. Limited data so far shows this this is a good thing. But down the
// road it's possible that we might find tests cases that force us to reconsider / refine
// this "shotgun" approach.
for (ICompilationUnit cu : compilationUnits)
assert compilationUnits != null : "compilation units can't be null";
assert problems != null : "problems can't be null";
// Collection of all the compilation units that will be linked in the target.
final Set<ICompilationUnit> allCompilationUnitsInTarget =
new HashSet<ICompilationUnit>(compilationUnits);
// Collection of all the referenced CSS. Once a CSS is activated, it's always
// included in the dependency checking, even none of its rules are matched.
final ActivatedStyleSheets activatedStyleSheets = new ActivatedStyleSheets();
final ICSSManager cssManager = royaleProject.getCSSManager();
collectThemes(cssManager, activatedStyleSheets, problems);
collectDefaultCSS(cssManager, activatedStyleSheets, problems);
// The dependency discovery loop.
// It terminates when no more dependencies are introduced by CSS.
boolean done = false;
while (!done)
// Get all non-CSS dependencies.
final Set<ICompilationUnit> dependencies =
getDependentCompilationUnits(allCompilationUnitsInTarget, problems);
//LoggingProfiler.onCompilationUnitDependenciesChanged(allCompilationUnitsInTarget, dependencies);
// Get all activated defaults.css from SWCs.
final Map<ICSSDocument, File> activatedDefaultCSSList =
getAllDefaultCSS(cssManager, allCompilationUnitsInTarget);
for (final Map.Entry<ICSSDocument, File> entry : activatedDefaultCSSList.entrySet())
activatedStyleSheets.addLibraryCSS(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getAbsolutePath());
// Get all dependencies introduced by defaults.css from SWCs.
final ImmutableList<IDefinition> definitions =
final Collection<ICompilationUnit> cssDependencies = new HashSet<ICompilationUnit>();
// activate rules in user specified CSS
for (ICSSDocument cssDocument : cssCompilationSession.cssDocuments)
// Side-effects of this method:
// 1. Resolve all type selectors in the CSS model to IClassDefinition definitions.
// 2. Activate CSS rules whose subject is in the definition set.
final Collection<ICompilationUnit> dependentCUListFromCSS =
for (final ICSSDocument cssDocument : activatedStyleSheets.all())
// Side-effects of this method:
// 1. Resolve all type selectors in the CSS model to IClassDefinition definitions.
// 2. Activate CSS rules whose subject is in the definition set.
final Collection<ICompilationUnit> dependentCUListFromCSS =
// If there's more dependencies introduced by CSS, the loop continues.
done = !allCompilationUnitsInTarget.addAll(cssDependencies);
if (done)
DependencyGraph graph = royaleProject.getDependencyGraph();
for (ICompilationUnit cu : cssDependencies)
graph.addDependency(mainCU, cu, DependencyType.EXPRESSION);
// add to front so user specified css overrides defaults
cssCompilationSession.cssDocuments.addAll(0, activatedStyleSheets.sort());
return super.findAllCompilationUnitsToLink(compilationUnits, problems);
* Collect CSS from themes.
private void collectThemes(
final ICSSManager cssManager,
final ActivatedStyleSheets activatedStyleSheets,
final Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
final Collection<ICSSDocument> cssFromThemes = cssManager.getCSSFromThemes(problems);
for (final ICSSDocument themeCSS : cssFromThemes)
// Theme files are sorted by declaration order instead of filenames, so we needn't
// their filenames here.
* Collect CSS from 'defaults-css-files' configuration option.
private void collectDefaultCSS(
final ICSSManager cssManager,
final ActivatedStyleSheets activatedStyleSheets,
final Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
for (final String defaultsCSSPath : getTargetSettings().getDefaultsCSSFiles())
final ICSSDocument defaultsCSSModel = cssManager.getCSS(defaultsCSSPath);
if (defaultsCSSModel == null)
problems.add(new FileNotFoundProblem(defaultsCSSPath));
* Find all the {@link SWCCompilationUnit}'s, and return the default CSS
* model in the SWCs.
* @param cssManager Project-level CSS manager.
* @param compilationUnits All the compilation units. Non-SWC compilation
* units are ignored.
* @return Model of the default CSS in the SWCs. The map keys are CSS
* models; the values are the enclosing SWC file.
private static Map<ICSSDocument, File> getAllDefaultCSS(
final ICSSManager cssManager,
final Collection<ICompilationUnit> compilationUnits)
assert cssManager != null : "Expected CSS manager.";
assert compilationUnits != null : "Expected collection of compilation units.";
final Map<ICSSDocument, File> result = new HashMap<ICSSDocument, File>();
for (final ICompilationUnit compilationUnit : compilationUnits)
if (compilationUnit.getCompilationUnitType() == UnitType.SWC_UNIT)
final File swcFile = new File(compilationUnit.getAbsoluteFilename());
final ICSSDocument defaultCSS = cssManager.getDefaultCSS(swcFile);
if (defaultCSS != null)
result.put(defaultCSS, swcFile);
return result;
public void collectMixinMetaData(TreeSet<String> mixinClassNames, List<ICompilationUnit> units)
for (ICompilationUnit unit : units)
try {
RoyaleApplicationFrame1Info.collectMixinMetaData(mixinClassNames, unit);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public void collectRemoteClassMetaData(Map<String, String> remoteClassAliasMap, List<ICompilationUnit> units)
for (ICompilationUnit unit : units)
try {
RoyaleApplicationFrame1Info.collectRemoteClassMetaData(remoteClassAliasMap, unit);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block