blob: 567383dfb55b01551152d30e3012da4cc816b867 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.tree.mxml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.constants.IASLanguageConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.constants.IMXMLCoreConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.constants.IMetaAttributeConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IClassDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IEffectDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IEventDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.ISetterDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IStyleDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IVariableDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.definitions.ClassDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.mxml.MXMLDialect;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.mxml.MXMLTagData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.mxml.MXMLTextData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.parsing.SourceFragment;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.parsing.mxml.MXMLToken;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.projects.RoyaleProject;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.scopes.ASProjectScope;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLTagAttributeData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLTagData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLTextData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLUnitData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.parsing.MXMLTokenTypes;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.ICompilerProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.MXMLDuplicateChildTagProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.MXMLUnresolvedTagProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.projects.ICompilerProject;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.ASTNodeID;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLClassReferenceNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLEventSpecifierNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.mxml.IMXMLSpecifierNode;
* {@code MXMLClassReferenceNodeBase} is the abstract base class for AST nodes
* that represent MXML tags which map to ActionScript classes
* (either as instances of those classes
* or as definitions of subclasses of those classes).
abstract class MXMLClassReferenceNodeBase extends MXMLNodeBase implements IMXMLClassReferenceNode
* Constructor
* @param parent The parent node of this node, or <code>null</code> if there
* is no parent.
MXMLClassReferenceNodeBase(NodeBase parent)
* The class definition to which this node refers. For example,
* <code>&lt;s:Button&gt;</code> typically refers to the class definition
* for <code>spark.components.Button</code>. An {@code MXMLInstanceNode}
* creates an instance of this class, while an
* {@code MXMLClassDefinitionNode} declares a subclass of this class.
private IClassDefinition classReference;
* A flag that keeps track of whether the node represents a class that
* implements mx.core.IMXML.
private boolean isMXMLObject = false;
* A flag that keeps track of whether the node represents an MX container
* (i.e., an mx.core.IContainer).
private boolean isContainer = false;
* A flag that keeps track of whether the node represents a visual element
* container (i.e., an mx.core.IVisualElementContainer).
private boolean isVisualElementContainer = false;
* A flag that keeps track of whether the node represents a UIComponent
* supporting deferred instantiation.
private boolean isDeferredInstantiationUIComponent = false;
* The child nodes of this node. For {@code MXMLInstanceNode} the children
* will all be property/event/style specifiers. For
* {@code MXMLClassDefinitionNode} the children may include other nodes such
* as {@MXMLMetadataNode}, {@MXMLScriptNode
* }, etc. If there are no children, this will be null.
private IMXMLNode[] children;
* A map of the child nodes of this node which specify properties. The keys
* are the property names. If there are no properties specified, this will
* be null.
private Map<String, IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode> propertyNodeMap;
* All child property nodes. The propertyNodeMap only has the last value
* specified for a property name. There can be more than one value
* specified if there is different values for different states.
private List<IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode> allPropertyNodes;
* A map of child nodes of this node which specify events. The keys are the
* event names. If there are no events specified, this will be null.
private Map<String, IMXMLEventSpecifierNode> eventNodeMap;
* All child event nodes. The eventNodeMap only has the last value
* specified for a event name. There can be more than one value
* specified if there is different values for different states.
private List<IMXMLEventSpecifierNode> allEventNodes;
* A map of suffix (specifying a state or state group) to the child nodes
* with this suffix.
private Map<String, Collection<IMXMLSpecifierNode>> suffixSpecifierMap;
* The definition of the default property. This gets lazily initialized by
* {@code getDefaultPropertyDefinition()} if we need to know it.
private IVariableDefinition defaultPropertyDefinition;
* The definition of an alternate default property. This gets lazily initialized by
* {@code getDefaultPropertyDefinition()} if we need to know it.
private IVariableDefinition altDefaultPropertyDefinition;
* A flag that keeps track of whether the {@code defaultPropertyDefinition}
* field has been initialized. Simply checking whether it is
* <code>null</code> doesn't work, because <code>null</code> means
* "no default property" rather than "default property not determined yet".
private boolean defaultPropertyDefinitionInitialized = false;
* A flag that keeps track of whether we are processing a content unit for
* the default property. For example, you can have MXML like
* <pre>
* &lt;Application&gt;
* &lt;width&gt;100&lt;/width&gt;
* &lt;Button/&gt;
* &lt;Button/&gt;
* &lt;height&gt;100&lt;/height&gt;
* &lt;/Application&gt;
* </pre>
* where the two <code>Button</code> tags specify an implicit array for the
* <code>mxmlContentFactory</code> property. This flag is set true on the
* first <code>Button</code> tag and then set back to false on the
* <code>height</code> tag.
private boolean processingDefaultProperty = false;
* A flag that keeps track of whether we have complete the processing of the
* content units for the default property, so that we don't process
* non-contiguous units.
private boolean processedDefaultProperty = false;
* The implicit node created to represent the default property.
private MXMLPropertySpecifierNode defaultPropertyNode;
* A list that accumulates content units for the default property.
private List<IMXMLUnitData> defaultPropertyContentUnits;
public IASNode getChild(int i)
return children != null ? children[i] : null;
public int getChildCount()
return children != null ? children.length : 0;
public String getName()
// The classReference can be null when getName() is called from toString()
// in the debugger if the node is not yet fully initialized.
return classReference != null ? classReference.getQualifiedName() : "";
public IClassDefinition getClassReference(ICompilerProject project)
return classReference;
public boolean isMXMLObject()
return isMXMLObject;
public boolean isContainer()
return isContainer;
public boolean isVisualElementContainer()
return isVisualElementContainer;
public boolean isDeferredInstantiationUIComponent()
return isDeferredInstantiationUIComponent;
* Sets the definition of the ActionScript class to which this node refers.
void setClassReference(RoyaleProject project, IClassDefinition classReference)
this.classReference = classReference;
// TODO Optimize this by enumerating all interfaces one time.
// Keep track of whether the class implements mx.core.IMXML,
// because that affects code generation.
String mxmlObjectInterface = project.getMXMLObjectInterface();
isMXMLObject = classReference.isInstanceOf(mxmlObjectInterface, project);
// Keep track of whether the class implements mx.core.IVisualElementContainer,
// because that affects code generation.
String visualElementContainerInterface = project.getVisualElementContainerInterface();
isVisualElementContainer = classReference.isInstanceOf(visualElementContainerInterface, project);
// Keep track of whether the class implements mx.core.IContainer,
// because that affects code generation.
String containerInterface = project.getContainerInterface();
isContainer = classReference.isInstanceOf(containerInterface, project);
// Keep track of whether the class implements mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent
// because that affects code generation.
String deferredInstantiationUIComponentInterface = project.getDeferredInstantiationUIComponentInterface();
isDeferredInstantiationUIComponent = classReference.isInstanceOf(deferredInstantiationUIComponentInterface, project);
* Sets the definition of the ActionScript class to which this node refers,
* from its fully qualified name.
* @param project An {@code ICompilerProject}, used for finding the class by
* name.
* @param qname A fully qualified class name.
void setClassReference(RoyaleProject project, String qname)
ASProjectScope projectScope = (ASProjectScope)project.getScope();
IDefinition definition = projectScope.findDefinitionByName(qname);
// TODO This method is getting called by MXML tree-building
// with an interface qname if there is a property whose type is an interface.
// Until databinding is implemented, we need to protect against this.
if (definition instanceof IClassDefinition)
setClassReference(project, (IClassDefinition)definition);
* Sets the child nodes of this node.
* @param children An array of {@code IMXMLNode} objects.
void setChildren(IMXMLNode[] children)
this.children = children;
if (children != null)
for (IMXMLNode child : children)
if (child instanceof IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode)
if (propertyNodeMap == null)
propertyNodeMap = new HashMap<String, IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode>();
allPropertyNodes = new ArrayList<IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode>();
propertyNodeMap.put(child.getName(), (IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode)child);
else if (child instanceof IMXMLEventSpecifierNode)
if (eventNodeMap == null)
eventNodeMap = new HashMap<String, IMXMLEventSpecifierNode>();
allEventNodes = new ArrayList<IMXMLEventSpecifierNode>();
eventNodeMap.put(child.getName(), (IMXMLEventSpecifierNode)child);
if (child instanceof IMXMLSpecifierNode)
if (suffixSpecifierMap == null)
suffixSpecifierMap = new HashMap<String, Collection<IMXMLSpecifierNode>>();
// suffixSpecifierMap.put(((IMXMLSpecifierNode)child).getSuffix(),
// (IMXMLSpecifierNode)child);
public IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode getPropertySpecifierNode(String name)
return propertyNodeMap != null ? propertyNodeMap.get(name) : null;
public IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode[] getPropertySpecifierNodes()
return allPropertyNodes != null ?
allPropertyNodes.toArray(new IMXMLPropertySpecifierNode[0]) :
public IMXMLEventSpecifierNode getEventSpecifierNode(String name)
return eventNodeMap != null ? eventNodeMap.get(name) : null;
public IMXMLEventSpecifierNode[] getEventSpecifierNodes()
return allEventNodes != null ?
allEventNodes.toArray(new IMXMLEventSpecifierNode[0]) :
public IMXMLSpecifierNode[] getSpecifierNodesWithSuffix(String suffix)
return suffixSpecifierMap != null ?
suffixSpecifierMap.get(suffix).toArray(new IMXMLSpecifierNode[0]) :
protected MXMLNodeInfo createNodeInfo(MXMLTreeBuilder builder)
return new MXMLNodeInfo(builder);
protected void processTagSpecificAttribute(MXMLTreeBuilder builder, IMXMLTagData tag,
IMXMLTagAttributeData attribute,
MXMLNodeInfo info)
MXMLSpecifierNodeBase childNode = createSpecifierNode(builder, attribute.getName());
if (childNode != null)
childNode.setSuffix(builder, attribute.getStateName());
childNode.initializeFromAttribute(builder, attribute, info);
super.processTagSpecificAttribute(builder, tag, attribute, info);
protected void processChildTag(MXMLTreeBuilder builder, IMXMLTagData tag,
IMXMLTagData childTag,
MXMLNodeInfo info)
if (info.hasSpecifierWithName(childTag.getShortName(), childTag.getStateName()))
ICompilerProblem problem = new MXMLDuplicateChildTagProblem(childTag);
return ;
RoyaleProject project = builder.getProject();
// Handle child tags that are property/style/event specifiers.
MXMLSpecifierNodeBase childNode = null;
// ...but only if the child has the same prefix as the parent -JT
// apache/royale-compiler#101
childNode = createSpecifierNode(builder, childTag.getShortName());
if (childNode != null)
// This tag is not part of the default property value.
processNonDefaultPropertyContentUnit(builder, info, tag);
childNode.setSuffix(builder, childTag.getStateName());
childNode.initializeFromTag(builder, childTag);
else if (builder.getFileScope().isScriptTag(childTag) &&
// In MXML 2006 and 2009, allow a <Script> tag
// inside any class reference tag
if (!processingDefaultProperty)
// Not processing the default property, just make a script
// node and put it in the tree.
MXMLScriptNode scriptNode = new MXMLScriptNode(this);
scriptNode.initializeFromTag(builder, childTag);
// We are processing a default property. Script nodes need
// to be a child of that default specifier nodes so that
// finding a node by offset works properly.
// See:
processDefaultPropertyContentUnit(builder, childTag, info);
else if (builder.getFileScope().isReparentTag(childTag))
MXMLReparentNode reparentNode = new MXMLReparentNode(this);
reparentNode.initializeFromTag(builder, childTag);
IDefinition definition = builder.getFileScope().resolveTagToDefinition(childTag);
if (definition instanceof ClassDefinition)
// Handle child tags that are instance tags.
IVariableDefinition defaultPropertyDefinition = getDefaultPropertyDefinition(builder);
if (defaultPropertyDefinition != null)
if (processedDefaultProperty)
MXMLDuplicateChildTagProblem problem = new MXMLDuplicateChildTagProblem(childTag);
problem.childTag = defaultPropertyDefinition.getBaseName();
problem.element = tag.getShortName();
return ;
// Since there is a default property and we haven't already processed it,
// assume this child instance tag is part of its value.
processDefaultPropertyContentUnit(builder, childTag, info);
// This tag is not part of the default property value.
processNonDefaultPropertyContentUnit(builder, info, tag);
MXMLInstanceNode instanceNode = MXMLInstanceNode.createInstanceNode(
builder, definition.getQualifiedName(), this);
instanceNode.setClassReference(project, (IClassDefinition)definition); // TODO Move this logic to initializeFromTag().
instanceNode.initializeFromTag(builder, childTag);
IVariableDefinition defaultPropertyDefinition = getDefaultPropertyDefinition(builder);
if (defaultPropertyDefinition != null && !processedDefaultProperty && defaultPropertyDefinition.getBaseName().equals("text"))
String uri = childTag.getURI();
if (uri != null && uri.equals(""))
IVariableDefinition htmlDef = (IVariableDefinition)project.resolveSpecifier(classReference, "html");
if (htmlDef != null)
defaultPropertyDefinition = this.defaultPropertyDefinition = htmlDef;
processDefaultPropertyContentUnit(builder, childTag, info);
// seems strange we have to finish default property processing
// by calling nonDefaultProperty code
processNonDefaultPropertyContentUnit(builder, info, tag);
else if (altDefaultPropertyDefinition != null && !processedDefaultProperty && altDefaultPropertyDefinition.getBaseName().equals("innerHTML"))
String uri = childTag.getURI();
if (uri != null && uri.equals("library://"))
IVariableDefinition textDef = (IVariableDefinition)project.resolveSpecifier(classReference, "innerHTML");
if (textDef != null)
List<IMXMLNode> nodes = info.getChildNodeList();
if (nodes.size() > 0)
IMXMLNode lastNode = nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1);
if (lastNode.getNodeID() == ASTNodeID.MXMLPropertySpecifierID)
MXMLPropertySpecifierNode propNode = (MXMLPropertySpecifierNode)lastNode;
String name = propNode.getName();
if (name.equals("innerHTML"))
MXMLStringNode stringNode = (MXMLStringNode)propNode.getChild(0);
MXMLLiteralNode valueNode = (MXMLLiteralNode)stringNode.getChild(0);
String tagAsString = ((MXMLTagData)childTag).stringify();
String currentString = (String)valueNode.getValue();
MXMLLiteralNode newValueNode = new MXMLLiteralNode(stringNode,
currentString + tagAsString);
IMXMLNode[] newChildren = new IMXMLNode[1];
newChildren[0] = newValueNode;
SourceFragment[] sourceFragments = new SourceFragment[1];
String tagAsString = ((MXMLTagData)childTag).stringify();
SourceFragment sourceFragment = new SourceFragment(tagAsString, tagAsString, childTag.getLocationOfChildUnits());
sourceFragments[0] = sourceFragment;
info.addSourceFragments(childTag.getSourcePath(), sourceFragments);
childNode = createSpecifierNode(builder, "innerHTML");
if (childNode != null)
childNode.setSuffix(builder, childTag.getStateName());
String tagAsString = ((MXMLTagData)childTag).stringify();
String tagAsCData = IMXMLCoreConstants.cDataStart + tagAsString + IMXMLCoreConstants.cDataEnd;
MXMLToken token = new MXMLToken(MXMLTokenTypes.TOKEN_CDATA,
childTag.getStart(), childTag.getEnd(),
childTag.getLine(), childTag.getColumn(),
MXMLTextData text = new MXMLTextData(token);
childNode.initializeFromText(builder, text, info);
if (processingDefaultProperty && definition == null)
builder.getProblems().add(new MXMLUnresolvedTagProblem(childTag));
// Handle child tags that are something other than property/style/event tags
// or instance tags.
// This tag is not part of the default property value.
processNonDefaultPropertyContentUnit(builder, info, tag);
super.processChildTag(builder, tag, childTag, info);
* Determines, and caches, the default property for the class to which this
* node refers.
private IVariableDefinition getDefaultPropertyDefinition(MXMLTreeBuilder builder)
if (!defaultPropertyDefinitionInitialized)
RoyaleProject project = builder.getProject();
String defaultPropertyName = classReference.getDefaultPropertyName(project);
if (defaultPropertyName != null)
if (defaultPropertyName.contains("|"))
int c = defaultPropertyName.indexOf("|");
String alt = defaultPropertyName.substring(c + 1);
defaultPropertyName = defaultPropertyName.substring(0, c);
altDefaultPropertyDefinition = (IVariableDefinition)project.resolveSpecifier(classReference, alt);
defaultPropertyDefinition =
(IVariableDefinition)project.resolveSpecifier(classReference, defaultPropertyName);
defaultPropertyDefinitionInitialized = true;
return defaultPropertyDefinition;
* Called on each content unit that is part of the default value.
private void processDefaultPropertyContentUnit(MXMLTreeBuilder builder,
IMXMLTagData childTag,
MXMLNodeInfo info)
// If this gets called and we're not already processing the default property,
// then childTag is the first child tag of the default property value.
if (!processingDefaultProperty)
processingDefaultProperty = true;
String defaultPropertyName = getDefaultPropertyDefinition(builder).getBaseName();
// Create an implicit MXMLPropertySpecifierNode for the default property,
// at the correct location in the child list.
defaultPropertyNode =
(MXMLPropertySpecifierNode)createSpecifierNode(builder, defaultPropertyName);
// Create a list in which we'll accumulate the tags for the default property.
defaultPropertyContentUnits = new ArrayList<IMXMLUnitData>(1);
* Called on each content unit that is not part of the default value.
private void processNonDefaultPropertyContentUnit(MXMLTreeBuilder builder, MXMLNodeInfo info, IMXMLTagData parentTag)
// If this gets called and we're processing the default property,
// then childTag is the first child tag after the default property value tags.
if (processingDefaultProperty)
processingDefaultProperty = false;
processedDefaultProperty = true;
assert defaultPropertyContentUnits.size() > 0;
assert !builder.getFileScope().isScriptTag(defaultPropertyContentUnits.get(0)) : "First default property content unit must not be a script tag!";
// We've accumulated all the default property child tags
// in defaultPropertyChildTags. Use them to initialize
// the defaultPropertyNode.
// But first find all the trailing script tags
// and remove those from the list of default
// property content units.
// Script tags are put in the defaultPropertyContentUnits collection
// to fix
int lastNonScriptTagIndex;
for (lastNonScriptTagIndex = (defaultPropertyContentUnits.size() - 1); lastNonScriptTagIndex > 0; --lastNonScriptTagIndex)
IMXMLUnitData unitData = defaultPropertyContentUnits.get(lastNonScriptTagIndex);
if (!builder.getFileScope().isScriptTag(unitData))
assert lastNonScriptTagIndex >= 0;
assert lastNonScriptTagIndex < defaultPropertyContentUnits.size();
List<IMXMLUnitData> trailingScriptTags = defaultPropertyContentUnits.subList(lastNonScriptTagIndex + 1, defaultPropertyContentUnits.size());
List<IMXMLUnitData> defaultPropertyContentUnitsWithoutTrailingScriptTags =
defaultPropertyContentUnits.subList(0, lastNonScriptTagIndex + 1);
// process the default property content units with the trailing
// script tags removed.
IVariableDefinition defaultPropertyDefinition =
builder, defaultPropertyDefinition, parentTag, defaultPropertyContentUnitsWithoutTrailingScriptTags);
// Now create MXMLScriptNode's for all the trailing script tags.
for (IMXMLUnitData scriptTagData : trailingScriptTags)
assert builder.getFileScope().isScriptTag(scriptTagData);
MXMLScriptNode scriptNode = new MXMLScriptNode(this);
scriptNode.initializeFromTag(builder, (IMXMLTagData)scriptTagData);
protected void processChildNonWhitespaceUnit(MXMLTreeBuilder builder, IMXMLTagData tag,
IMXMLTextData text,
MXMLNodeInfo info)
// Non-whitespace may be the value of a default property.
IVariableDefinition defaultPropertyDefinition = getDefaultPropertyDefinition(builder);
IVariableDefinition getterDefinition = (defaultPropertyDefinition instanceof ISetterDefinition) ?
((ISetterDefinition)defaultPropertyDefinition).resolveCorrespondingAccessor(builder.getProject()) :null;
if (defaultPropertyDefinition != null &&
(defaultPropertyDefinition.getTypeAsDisplayString().equals(IASLanguageConstants.String) ||
(defaultPropertyDefinition.getMetaTagByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_RICHTEXTCONTENT) != null) ||
(getterDefinition != null &&
(getterDefinition.getMetaTagByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_RICHTEXTCONTENT) != null))))
MXMLSpecifierNodeBase childNode =
createSpecifierNode(builder, defaultPropertyDefinition.getBaseName());
if (childNode != null)
childNode.initializeFromText(builder, text, info);
else if (altDefaultPropertyDefinition != null && altDefaultPropertyDefinition.getTypeAsDisplayString().equals(IASLanguageConstants.String))
MXMLSpecifierNodeBase childNode =
createSpecifierNode(builder, altDefaultPropertyDefinition.getBaseName());
if (childNode != null)
childNode.initializeFromText(builder, text, info);
super.processChildNonWhitespaceUnit(builder, tag, text, info);
* Resolve the specifier name in the class definition to a member
* definition, and create a specifier node based on the member type.
* @param builder MXML tree builder.
* @param specifierName Specifier name.
* @return A MXML specifier node.
protected MXMLSpecifierNodeBase createSpecifierNode(MXMLTreeBuilder builder, String specifierName)
MXMLSpecifierNodeBase specifierNode = null;
// Check if the attribute is a declared property, style, or event.
RoyaleProject project = builder.getProject();
IDefinition specifierDefinition = project.resolveSpecifier(classReference, specifierName);
if (specifierDefinition instanceof ISetterDefinition ||
specifierDefinition instanceof IVariableDefinition)
specifierNode = new MXMLPropertySpecifierNode(this);
else if (specifierDefinition instanceof IEventDefinition)
specifierNode = new MXMLEventSpecifierNode(this);
else if (specifierDefinition instanceof IStyleDefinition)
specifierNode = new MXMLStyleSpecifierNode(this);
else if (specifierDefinition instanceof IEffectDefinition)
specifierNode = new MXMLEffectSpecifierNode(this);
if (specifierNode != null)
specifierNode.setDefinition(specifierDefinition); // TODO Move this logic
// If not, dynamic classes allow new properties to be set via attributes.
else if (classReference.isDynamic())
specifierNode = new MXMLPropertySpecifierNode(this);
((MXMLPropertySpecifierNode)specifierNode).setDynamicName(specifierName); // TODO Move this logic
return specifierNode;
protected void initializationComplete(MXMLTreeBuilder builder, IMXMLTagData tag,
MXMLNodeInfo info)
super.initializationComplete(builder, tag, info);
// If the last child unit was part of the default property,
// we don't know to process the default property units
// until we get here.
processNonDefaultPropertyContentUnit(builder, info, tag);
setChildren(info.getChildNodeList().toArray(new IMXMLNode[0]));
// If the class references by this node implements mx.core.IContainer,
// add an expression dependency on mx.core.UIComponentDescriptor
// because we'll have to codegen descriptors.
if (isContainer)
RoyaleProject project = builder.getProject();
* For debugging only. Builds a string such as
* <code>"spark.components.Application"</code> from the qualified name of
* the class reference by the node.
protected boolean buildInnerString(StringBuilder sb)
return true;