blob: 847540de1421900f5cf18e80f948f72933a4a395 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Flex 'Falcon' Compiler 0.0.1
Apache Flex 'Falcon' Compiler 0.0.1 is the initial release of a next-generation
compiler intended to someday replace the MXMLC in Apache Flex SDKs, and is the
compiler for Apache FlexJS SDKs. It is based on the Adobe ASC2.0 compiler but
officially supports MXML compilation and includes some bug fixes. This is an
'alpha' type of release. Expect to find lots of bugs and missing features, but
please file bugs and contribute fixes.
Known Issues
Adobe Flash Builder Integration
The Apache Flex Falcon compiler should work in Adobe Flash Builder 4.7, but does
not support incremental compilation and may compile the project even if nothing
has changed.
Unit Test results in compiler.tests
The jar.tests report "Java Result: 1" which is expected as all these tests do is verify that the jar is executable and has a "main" entry point which in this case reports the compiler usage help and returns 1.
Compilation Warnings
The Java compiler will report warnings for several files in this release.
Files in compiler/commandline
The files in compiler/commandline are templates used to create a 'final' SDK. You cannot run the files in compiler/commandline. Instead, after the build is complete, there will be an SDK with a bin folder with the same files in compiler/generated/dist/sdk
Please report new issues to our bugbase at:
The Apache Flex Project