blob: 1b07a5592385a4de30f3f7ed1ab3e0d32e876a5a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.definitions;
import static org.apache.royale.compiler.common.DependencyType.EXPRESSION;
import static org.apache.royale.compiler.common.DependencyType.INHERITANCE;
import static org.apache.royale.compiler.common.DependencyType.SIGNATURE;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.common.ISourceLocation;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.constants.IASKeywordConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.constants.IASLanguageConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.constants.IMetaAttributeConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.constants.IASLanguageConstants.BuiltinType;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IAccessorDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IClassDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IEffectDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IEventDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IFunctionDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IGetterDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.INamespaceDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.ISetterDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IStyleDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.ITypeDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.IVariableDefinition;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.metadata.IMetaTag;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.metadata.IMetaTagAttribute;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.references.INamespaceReference;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.references.IReference;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.references.IResolvedQualifiersReference;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.definitions.references.ReferenceFactory;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.config.QNameNormalization;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.definitions.metadata.MetaTag;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.embedding.EmbedData;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.projects.CompilerProject;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.scopes.ASFileScope;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.scopes.ASScope;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.scopes.TypeScope;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.internal.units.EmbedCompilationUnitFactory;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.mxml.IMXMLLanguageConstants;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.DuplicateSkinStateProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.EmbedMultipleMetaTagsProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.HostComponentClassNotFoundProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.HostComponentMustHaveTypeProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.ICompilerProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.MissingSkinPartProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.MissingSkinStateProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.OnlyOneHostComponentAllowedProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.SkinPartsMustBePublicProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.UnimplementedAbstractMethodProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.problems.WrongSkinPartProblem;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.projects.ICompilerProject;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.scopes.IASScope;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.scopes.IDefinitionSet;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.metadata.IEventTagNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.metadata.IMetaTagNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.tree.metadata.IStyleTagNode;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.units.ICompilationUnit;
import org.apache.royale.compiler.workspaces.IWorkspace;
* Each instance of this class represents the definition of an ActionScript
* class in the symbol table.
* <p>
* After a class definition is in the symbol table, it should always be accessed
* through the read-only <code>IClassDefinition</code> interface.
public class ClassDefinition extends ClassDefinitionBase implements IClassDefinition
// The ClassDefinitions for *, Null, Undefined, and void are implicit;
// unlike for, say, Object, these are not read from any SWC.
// They must be created by the compiler itself.
private static final ClassDefinition ANY_TYPE;
private static final ClassDefinition NULL;
private static final ClassDefinition UNDEFINED;
private static final ClassDefinition VOID;
// Sentinel value used internally by this class to indicate that
// the ABC class definition does not have [RemoteClass] meta-data.
private static final String NO_REMOTE_CLASS_ALIAS = "";
private static final String HOST_COMPONENT = "hostComponent";
// this gets replaced in some projects
public static String Event = IASLanguageConstants.Event;
private static ClassDefinition makeImplicitClassDefinition(String name)
ClassDefinition def = new ClassDefinition(name, NamespaceDefinition.getPublicNamespaceDefinition());
ASScope scope = new TypeScope(null, def);
return def;
* Private class that bundles up information extracted from [Frame]
* meta-data tags.
private static class FrameInformation
IResolvedQualifiersReference factoryClass;
Collection<IResolvedQualifiersReference> extraClasses;
ANY_TYPE = makeImplicitClassDefinition(IASLanguageConstants.ANY_TYPE);
NULL = makeImplicitClassDefinition(IASLanguageConstants.Null);
UNDEFINED = makeImplicitClassDefinition(IASLanguageConstants.Undefined);
VOID = makeImplicitClassDefinition(IASLanguageConstants.void_);
public static IClassDefinition getAnyTypeClassDefinition()
return ANY_TYPE;
public static IClassDefinition getNullClassDefinition()
return NULL;
public static IClassDefinition getUndefinedClassDefinition()
public static IClassDefinition getVoidClassDefinition()
return VOID;
private static String getGeneratedURIPrefix(INamespaceReference namespaceRef)
if (namespaceRef instanceof NamespaceDefinition.INamespaceWithPackageName)
return ((NamespaceDefinition.INamespaceWithPackageName)namespaceRef).getGeneratedURIPrefix();
return "";
* Constructs a new class definition with an auto generated protected
* namespace.
* @param name Base name of the class definition, eg: DisplayObject, not
* flash.display.DisplayObject.
* @param namespaceRef {@link INamespaceReference} qualifier. Usually this
* will be a {@code INamespaceDefinition.IPublicNamespaceDefinition} whose
* URI is a package name like flash.display.
public ClassDefinition(String name, INamespaceReference namespaceRef)
this(name, namespaceRef, NamespaceDefinition.createProtectedNamespaceDefinition(getGeneratedURIPrefix(namespaceRef) + name));
* Constructs a new class definition with an explicit protected namespace.
* The protected namespace is used to qualify protected instance members of
* the ABC class.
* @param name Base name of the class definition, eg: DisplayObject, not
* flash.display.DisplayObject.
* @param namespaceRef {@link INamespaceReference} qualifier. Usually this
* will be a {@code INamespaceDefinition.IPublicNamespaceDefinition} whose
* URI is a package name like flash.display.
* @param protectedNamespace Protected namespace that will be used to
* qualifier protected instance members of the ABC class.
public ClassDefinition(String name, INamespaceReference namespaceRef,
NamespaceDefinition.IProtectedNamespaceDefinition protectedNamespace)
assert name.indexOf('.') == -1 : "name must not be a qualified name!";
String generatedURI = getGeneratedURIPrefix(namespaceRef) + name;
privateNamespaceReference =
protectedNamespaceReference = protectedNamespace;
staticProtectedNamespaceReference =
contingentDefinitions = new LinkedList<IDefinition>();
eventDefinitions = new AtomicReference<Map<String, IEventDefinition>>();
styleDefinitions = new AtomicReference<Map<String, IStyleDefinition>>();
effectDefinitions = new AtomicReference<Map<String, IEffectDefinition>>();
skinStates = new AtomicReference<String[]>();
skinParts = new AtomicReference<IMetaTag[]>();
stateNames = new HashSet<String>();
frameInformation = new AtomicReference<FrameInformation>();
remoteClassAlias = new AtomicReference<String>();
private final NamespaceDefinition.ILanguageNamespaceDefinition privateNamespaceReference;
private final NamespaceDefinition.ILanguageNamespaceDefinition protectedNamespaceReference;
private final NamespaceDefinition.ILanguageNamespaceDefinition staticProtectedNamespaceReference;
// A reference to the class that this class extends.
private IReference baseClassReference;
// References to the interfaces that this class implements.
private IReference[] interfaceReferences;
// The definition for the constructor of this class.
// This can be stored as a definition rather than as a reference
// because the definition is within this class
// rather than in a different class.
private IFunctionDefinition constructor;
// This map has keys which are event names (such as "click")
// and values which are EventDefinitions.
// It contains event definitions created from [Event(...)] metadata
// on this class, but not from such metadata on superclasses.
// It is lazily created so that if no one asks for the events of a class,
// the EventDefinitions don't get created; for example, if we are simply
// compiling ActionScript files, their event metadata is irrelevant.
// We keep an atomic reference to it because multiple threads
// need to be able to lazily update this ClassDefinition after it
// is in a scope.
private AtomicReference<Map<String, IEventDefinition>> eventDefinitions;
// This map has keys which are style names (such as "fontSize")
// and values which are StyleDefinitions.
// It contains style definitions created from [Style(...)] metadata
// on this class, but not from such metadata on superclasses.
// It is lazily created so that if no one asks for the styles of a class,
// the StyleDefinitions don't get created; for example, if we are simply
// compiling ActionScript files, their style metadata is irrelevant.
// We keep an atomic reference to it because multiple threads
// need to be able to lazily update this ClassDefinition after it
// is in a scope.
private final AtomicReference<Map<String, IStyleDefinition>> styleDefinitions;
private final AtomicReference<Map<String, IEffectDefinition>> effectDefinitions;
private final AtomicReference<String[]> skinStates;
private final AtomicReference<IMetaTag[]> skinParts;
private Set<String> stateNames;
private final AtomicReference<FrameInformation> frameInformation;
// Remote class alias for this class. Set from [RemoteClass] meta-data.
private final AtomicReference<String> remoteClassAlias;
* If this ClassDefinition is for an MXML class, this field is a set of
* implicit imports determined by the MXML instance tags that are used
* inside the class.
private Set<String> implicitImports;
private List<IDefinition> contingentDefinitions;
public ClassClassification getClassClassification()
if (inPackageNamespace())
return ClassClassification.PACKAGE_MEMBER;
return ClassClassification.FILE_MEMBER;
public IFunctionDefinition getConstructor()
return constructor;
protected void setConstructor(IFunctionDefinition constructor)
this.constructor = constructor;
&& getMetaTagByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_PRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR) == null)
// ensures that the constructor remains private when compiled into
// a library because the metadata is how private constructors are
// stored in the bytecode
MetaTag privateMetaTag = new MetaTag(this, IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_PRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR, new IMetaTagAttribute[0]);
public String getBaseClassAsDisplayString()
return baseClassReference != null ? baseClassReference.getDisplayString() : "";
public IReference getBaseClassReference()
return baseClassReference;
* Sets a reference to the base class for this class.
* @param baseClassReference An {@link IReference} referring to the base
* class.
public void setBaseClassReference(IReference baseClassReference)
if (baseClassReference == null)
// The baseClassReference of Object is null.
// The baseClassReference of other classes is a reference to Object,
// until setBaseClass() gets called (which it may never be
// in the case of a class declaration without an extends clause).
boolean isObject = getBaseName().equals(IASLanguageConstants.Object) &&
getNamespaceReference().isPublicOrInternalNamespace() &&
if (!isObject)
baseClassReference = ReferenceFactory.builtinReference(BuiltinType.OBJECT);
this.baseClassReference = baseClassReference;
public IClassDefinition resolveBaseClass(ICompilerProject project)
// Object has no base class.
if (baseClassReference == null)
return null;
// Resolve the base class reference within the project,
// and establish an inheritance dependency.
ITypeDefinition typeDefinition =
resolveType(baseClassReference, project, INHERITANCE);
if (typeDefinition == null)
return null;
// A class cannot extend an interface.
if (!(typeDefinition instanceof IClassDefinition))
return null;
// The base class cannot be final.
if (((IClassDefinition)typeDefinition).isFinal())
return null;
// A class cannot extend itself.
if (typeDefinition == this)
return null;
return (IClassDefinition)typeDefinition;
public String[] getImplementedInterfacesAsDisplayStrings()
if (interfaceReferences == null)
return new String[0];
int n = interfaceReferences.length;
String[] interfaces = new String[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
interfaces[i] = interfaceReferences[i].getDisplayString();
return interfaces;
public void setImplementedInterfaceReferences(IReference[] interfaceReferences)
this.interfaceReferences = interfaceReferences;
public IReference[] getImplementedInterfaceReferences()
if (interfaceReferences == null)
return new IReference[0];
return interfaceReferences;
public IEventDefinition getEventDefinition(IWorkspace w, String name)
if (eventDefinitions.get() == null)
return eventDefinitions.get().get(name);
public IEventDefinition[] getEventDefinitions(IWorkspace w)
if (eventDefinitions.get() == null)
return eventDefinitions.get().values().toArray(new IEventDefinition[0]);
* Lazily creates a map of event names to event definitions from the event
* metadata declared on this class.
private void buildEventDefinitions(IWorkspace w)
Map<String, IEventDefinition> map = new HashMap<String, IEventDefinition>();
Map<String, IEventTagNode> availableTagNodes = new HashMap<String, IEventTagNode>();
// required because of CMP-2168 : can't get the event definition from the metatag.
if (getNode() != null && getNode().getMetaTags() != null)
IMetaTagNode[] allNodes = this.getNode().getMetaTags().getTagsByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_EVENT);
// eventDefinition.setNode((IDefinitionNode)metaTag.getTagNode());
for (IMetaTagNode iMetaTagNode : allNodes)
IEventTagNode eventTagNode = (IEventTagNode)iMetaTagNode;
availableTagNodes.put(eventTagNode.getName(), (IEventTagNode)iMetaTagNode);
IMetaTag[] metaTags = getAllMetaTags();
if (metaTags != null)
for (IMetaTag metaTag : metaTags)
if (metaTag.getTagName().equals(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_EVENT))
// Most event metadata looks like this:
// [Event(name="click", type="")]
String name = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_EVENT_NAME);
String type = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_EVENT_TYPE);
// However,
// [Event(name="click")]
// and
// [Event("click")]
// are also allowed.
if (name == null)
IMetaTagAttribute[] attrs = metaTag.getAllAttributes();
if (attrs != null && attrs.length > 0)
name = attrs[0].getValue();
if (type == null)
type = ClassDefinition.Event;
if (name != null)
EventDefinition eventDefinition = new EventDefinition(name, this);
// This scope is necessary for resolving the event's type.
eventDefinition.setTypeReference(ReferenceFactory.packageQualifiedReference(w, type));
if (availableTagNodes.containsKey(name))
map.put(name, eventDefinition);
// Let the first thread that builds the map atomically set it.
eventDefinitions.compareAndSet(null, map);
public IEventDefinition[] findEventDefinitions(ICompilerProject project)
IWorkspace workspace = project.getWorkspace();
Map<String, IEventDefinition> map = new HashMap<String, IEventDefinition>();
// Iterate over this class and its superclasses.
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, true))
for (IEventDefinition eventTag : c.getEventDefinitions(workspace))
String eventName = eventTag.getBaseName();
// By checking whether the event is already in the map,
// we can make sure that an event definition with a particular name
// on a subclass overrides ones with the same name on superclasses.
if (!map.containsKey(eventName))
map.put(eventName, eventTag);
return map.values().toArray(new IEventDefinition[0]);
public IStyleDefinition getStyleDefinition(IWorkspace workspace, String name)
if (styleDefinitions.get() == null)
return styleDefinitions.get().get(name);
public IStyleDefinition[] getStyleDefinitions(IWorkspace w)
if (styleDefinitions.get() == null)
return styleDefinitions.get().values().toArray(new IStyleDefinition[0]);
* Lazily creates a map of style names to style definitions from the style
* metadata declared on this class.
private void buildStyleDefinitions(IWorkspace workspace)
Map<String, IStyleDefinition> styleMap = new HashMap<String, IStyleDefinition>();
for (IMetaTag metaTag : getAllMetaTags())
if (metaTag.getTagName().equals(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_STYLE))
String name = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_STYLE_NAME);
String type = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_STYLE_TYPE);
String format = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_STYLE_FORMAT);
String inherit = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_STYLE_INHERIT);
String themes = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_STYLE_THEME);
String minValue = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_MIN_VALUE);
String minValueExclusive = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_MIN_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE);
String maxValue = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_MAX_VALUE);
String maxValueExclusive = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_MAX_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE);
String enumeration = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_STYLE_ENUMERATION);
String states = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_STYLE_STATES);
String arrayTypeName = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_STYLE_ARRAYTYPE);
if (name == null) // If there is no Name, we can't create a definition, nor should we try
if (type == null) // missing type is perfectly legal. so let's patch
// it up to something that will resolve correctly for us.
type = "*";
StyleDefinition styleDefinition = new StyleDefinition(name, this);
// This scope is necessary for resolving the style's type.
styleDefinition.setTypeReference(ReferenceFactory.packageQualifiedReference(workspace, type));
if (states != null)
final Iterable<String> statesIterable = Splitter.on(",")
final String[] statesArray = Iterables.toArray(statesIterable, String.class);
if (enumeration != null)
// enumerations are comma seprated, with no spaces
String[] split = enumeration.split(",");
IMetaTagNode styleTagNode = metaTag.getTagNode();
if (styleTagNode != null && styleTagNode instanceof IStyleTagNode)
styleMap.put(name, styleDefinition);
// Let the first thread that builds the map atomically set it.
styleDefinitions.compareAndSet(null, styleMap);
public IStyleDefinition[] findStyleDefinitions(ICompilerProject project)
IWorkspace workspace = project.getWorkspace();
Map<String, IStyleDefinition> map = new HashMap<String, IStyleDefinition>();
// Iterate over this class and its superclasses.
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, true))
for (IStyleDefinition styleTag : c.getStyleDefinitions(workspace))
String styleName = styleTag.getBaseName();
// By checking whether the style is already in the map,
// we can make sure that a style definition with a particular name
// on a subclass overrides ones with the same name on superclasses.
if (!map.containsKey(styleName))
map.put(styleName, styleTag);
return map.values().toArray(new IStyleDefinition[0]);
public IEffectDefinition getEffectDefinition(IWorkspace w, String name)
if (effectDefinitions.get() == null)
return effectDefinitions.get().get(name);
public IEffectDefinition[] getEffectDefinitions(IWorkspace w)
if (effectDefinitions.get() == null)
return effectDefinitions.get().values().toArray(new IEffectDefinition[0]);
* Lazily creates a map of effect names to effect definitions from the
* effect metadata declared on this class.
private void buildEffectDefinitions(IWorkspace workspace)
Map<String, IEffectDefinition> effectMap = new HashMap<String, IEffectDefinition>();
for (IMetaTag metaTag : getAllMetaTags())
if (metaTag.getTagName().equals(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_EFFECT))
String name = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_EFFECT_NAME);
String eventName = metaTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_EFFECT_EVENT);
EffectDefinition effectDefinition = new EffectDefinition(name, this);
// Set the effect definition containing scope, so that clients
// can find which file scope contains the effect definition.
effectMap.put(name, effectDefinition);
// Let the first thread that builds the map atomically set it.
effectDefinitions.compareAndSet(null, effectMap);
public IEffectDefinition[] findEffectDefinitions(ICompilerProject project)
IWorkspace workspace = project.getWorkspace();
Map<String, IEffectDefinition> map = new HashMap<String, IEffectDefinition>();
// Iterate over this class and its superclasses.
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, true))
for (IEffectDefinition effectTag : c.getEffectDefinitions(workspace))
String effectName = effectTag.getBaseName();
// By checking whether the effect is already in the map,
// we can make sure that an effect definition with a particular name
// on a subclass overrides ones with the same name on superclasses.
if (!map.containsKey(effectName))
map.put(effectName, effectTag);
return map.values().toArray(new IEffectDefinition[0]);
* Lazily creates a array of skin state names from the skin state metadata
* declared on this class.
private void buildSkinStates(Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
IMetaTag[] tags = getMetaTagsByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_SKIN_STATE);
Set<String> states = new HashSet<String>();
for (IMetaTag tag : tags)
IMetaTagAttribute[] attributes = tag.getAllAttributes();
// old compiler only ever looked at first value, and ignored
// anything else, so match that behavior here.
if (attributes.length >= 1)
String state = attributes[0].getValue();
if (states.contains(state))
ICompilerProblem problem = new DuplicateSkinStateProblem(tag, state);
// Let the first thread that builds the array atomically set it.
skinStates.compareAndSet(null, states.toArray(new String[states.size()]));
public String[] getSkinStates(Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
if (skinStates.get() == null)
return skinStates.get();
public String[] findSkinStates(ICompilerProject project, Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
Set<String> states = new HashSet<String>();
// Iterate over the superclasses first, but don't worry about duplicates
// yet. The superclasses will find their own duplicates!
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, false))
for (String state : c.getSkinStates(problems))
// Then, add the states from this class and check for duplicates that
// specifically come from this class
for (String state : getSkinStates(problems))
if (states.contains(state))
ICompilerProblem problem = new DuplicateSkinStateProblem(this, state);
return states.toArray(new String[states.size()]);
* Get any embedded data decorating the class definition
* @param project Project to resolve against
* @param problems Any problems resolving the embedded data
* @return EmbedData or null if no embedded data, or a problem resolving
* embedded data
public EmbedData getEmbeddedAsset(CompilerProject project, Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
IMetaTag[] embedMetaTags = getMetaTagsByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_EMBED);
if (embedMetaTags == null || embedMetaTags.length == 0)
return null;
if (embedMetaTags.length > 1)
problems.add(new EmbedMultipleMetaTagsProblem(getNode()));
return null;
String containingSourceFilename = getFileSpecification().getPath();
ISourceLocation location = embedMetaTags[0];
IMetaTagAttribute[] attributes = embedMetaTags[0].getAllAttributes();
return EmbedCompilationUnitFactory.getEmbedData(project, getQualifiedName(), containingSourceFilename, location, attributes, problems);
private Collection<VariableDefinition> getAllLocalVariables()
Collection<IDefinitionSet> allDefinitions = getContainedScope().getAllLocalDefinitionSets();
List<VariableDefinition> variables = new LinkedList<VariableDefinition>();
for (IDefinitionSet defSet : allDefinitions)
for (int i = 0; i < defSet.getSize(); ++i)
IDefinition definition = defSet.getDefinition(i);
if (definition instanceof VariableDefinition)
return variables;
private Collection<GetterDefinition> getAllLocalGetters()
Collection<IDefinitionSet> allDefinitions = getContainedScope().getAllLocalDefinitionSets();
List<GetterDefinition> getters = new LinkedList<GetterDefinition>();
for (IDefinitionSet defSet : allDefinitions)
for (int i = 0; i < defSet.getSize(); ++i)
IDefinition definition = defSet.getDefinition(i);
if (definition instanceof GetterDefinition)
return getters;
* Lazily creates a array of skin parts from the skin part metadata declared
* on this class.
private void buildSkinParts(Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
Collection<VariableDefinition> variables = getAllLocalVariables();
List<IMetaTag> parts = new LinkedList<IMetaTag>();
for (VariableDefinition variable : variables)
IMetaTag skinPart = variable.getSkinPart();
if (skinPart != null)
Collection<GetterDefinition> getters = getAllLocalGetters();
for (GetterDefinition getter : getters)
IMetaTag skinPart = getter.getSkinPart();
if (skinPart != null)
for (IMetaTag part : parts)
IDefinition definition = part.getDecoratedDefinition();
if (!definition.getNamespaceReference().equals(NamespaceDefinition.getPublicNamespaceDefinition()))
ICompilerProblem problem = new SkinPartsMustBePublicProblem(definition);
// Let the first thread that builds the array atomically set it.
skinParts.compareAndSet(null, parts.toArray(new IMetaTag[parts.size()]));
public IMetaTag[] getSkinParts(Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
if (skinParts.get() == null)
return skinParts.get();
public IMetaTag[] findSkinParts(ICompilerProject project, Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
Map<String, IMetaTag> map = new HashMap<String, IMetaTag>();
// Iterate over this class and its superclasses.
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, true))
for (IMetaTag skinPart : c.getSkinParts(problems))
String variableName = skinPart.getDecoratedDefinition().getBaseName();
// By checking whether the variable is already in the map,
// we can make sure that a variable definition with a particular name
// on a subclass overrides ones with the same name on superclasses.
if (!map.containsKey(variableName))
map.put(variableName, skinPart);
return map.values().toArray(new IMetaTag[map.size()]);
* Add a state name to the class
* @param stateName The name to add
public void addStateName(String stateName)
public Set<String> getStateNames()
return stateNames;
public Set<String> findStateNames(ICompilerProject project)
Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
// Iterate over this class and its superclasses.
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, true))
return set;
public List<IDefinition> getContingentDefinitions()
return contingentDefinitions;
* Build any contingent definitions that may be required for the class such
* as hostComponent. These definitions will only be resolved against or
* codegend if a superclass does not implement the definition already. Note
* that this should only be called when constructring classes derived from
* AS or MXML. It is not needed when creating ABC sourced classes.
public void buildContingentDefinitions()
// for now, only host components need to be created
IDefinition definition = buildHostComponentMember();
if (definition != null)
* If there is host component meta data on the class, run semantic checks on
* it.
* @param project The compiler project.
* @param problems The collection of compiler problems to which this method should add problems.
public void verifyHostComponent(CompilerProject project, Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
IMetaTag[] metaTags = getHostComponentMetaData();
if (metaTags.length == 0)
if (metaTags.length > 1)
ICompilerProblem problem = new OnlyOneHostComponentAllowedProblem(metaTags[1]);
String hostComponentClassName = getHostComponentClassName(metaTags[0]);
if (hostComponentClassName == null)
ICompilerProblem problem = new HostComponentMustHaveTypeProblem(metaTags[0]);
// without a host component name, there aren't any more checks we
// can do, so just bail out.
IResolvedQualifiersReference hostComponentRef = ReferenceFactory.packageQualifiedReference(project.getWorkspace(), hostComponentClassName);
ICompilationUnit referencingCU = project.getScope().getCompilationUnitForDefinition(this);
IDefinition hostComponentDef = hostComponentRef.resolve(project, referencingCU, SIGNATURE);
if (!(hostComponentDef instanceof IClassDefinition))
ICompilerProblem problem = new HostComponentClassNotFoundProblem(metaTags[0], hostComponentClassName);
// without a host component class definition, there aren't any more checks we
// can do, so just bail out.
IClassDefinition hostComponentClassDef = (IClassDefinition)hostComponentDef;
verifySkinParts(hostComponentClassDef, project, problems);
verifySkinStates(hostComponentClassDef, project, problems);
private void verifySkinParts(IClassDefinition hostComponentDef, ICompilerProject project, Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
IMetaTag[] skinParts = hostComponentDef.findSkinParts(project, problems);
for (IMetaTag skinPart : skinParts)
IVariableDefinition hostSkinPartDef = (IVariableDefinition)skinPart.getDecoratedDefinition();
String hostStringPartName = hostSkinPartDef.getBaseName();
IDefinition skinPartDef = getContainedScope().getPropertyFromDef(project, this, hostStringPartName, false);
if (skinPartDef instanceof ISetterDefinition)
skinPartDef = ((ISetterDefinition)skinPartDef).resolveGetter(project);
// the skinPart definition needs to be either a variable or getter
if (!((skinPartDef instanceof IVariableDefinition) || (skinPartDef instanceof IGetterDefinition)))
skinPartDef = null;
ITypeDefinition skinPartTypeDef = null;
if (skinPartDef != null)
skinPartTypeDef = skinPartDef.resolveType(project);
if (skinPartTypeDef == null && hostSkinPartDef.isRequiredSkinPart())
ICompilerProblem problem = new MissingSkinPartProblem(skinPart, hostComponentDef.getBaseName());
else if (skinPartTypeDef != null && !skinPartTypeDef.isInstanceOf(hostSkinPartDef.resolveType(project), project))
ICompilerProblem problem = new WrongSkinPartProblem(skinPart, skinPartTypeDef, hostSkinPartDef.resolveType(project));
private void verifySkinStates(IClassDefinition hostComponentDef, ICompilerProject project, Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
Set<String> stateNames = findStateNames(project);
String[] skinStates = hostComponentDef.findSkinStates(project, problems);
for (String skinStateName : skinStates)
if (!stateNames.contains(skinStateName))
problems.add(new MissingSkinStateProblem(getFileSpecification().getPath(), skinStateName));
private VariableDefinition buildHostComponentMember()
// if there's no host component meta data, no need to create any contingent member
IMetaTag[] metaTags = getHostComponentMetaData();
if (metaTags.length == 0)
return null;
String hostComponentClassName = getHostComponentClassName(metaTags[0]);
if (hostComponentClassName == null)
return null;
ASScope containedScope = getContainedScope();
VariableDefinition hostComponentDef = new VariableDefinition(HOST_COMPONENT);
IReference typeRef = ReferenceFactory.packageQualifiedReference(containedScope.getWorkspace(), hostComponentClassName);
return hostComponentDef;
public VariableDefinition buildOuterDocumentMember(IReference outerClass)
ASScope containedScope = getContainedScope();
VariableDefinition outerDocumentDef = new VariableDefinition(IMXMLLanguageConstants.PROPERTY_OUTER_DOCUMENT);
// the outer document isn't really a contingent definition, as the user
// should never define it, and we should always create one, but making
// use of the contingent variable is useful as we can create it here
// and then resolve it during codegen and create a problem if
// we resolved to anything but the contingent definition outerDocument.
return outerDocumentDef;
private IMetaTag[] getHostComponentMetaData()
return getMetaTagsByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HOST_COMPONENT);
private static String getHostComponentClassName(IMetaTag metaTag)
assert IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_HOST_COMPONENT.equals(metaTag.getTagName());
String hostComponentClassName = metaTag.getValue();
// no component name, so don't create a contingent member
if (hostComponentClassName == null || hostComponentClassName.isEmpty())
return null;
return hostComponentClassName;
private void buildFrameInformation(IWorkspace w)
FrameInformation result = new FrameInformation();
IMetaTag[] frameTags = getMetaTagsByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_FRAME);
result.extraClasses = Collections.emptySet();
for (IMetaTag frameTag : frameTags)
String frameTagFactoryClass = frameTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_FRAME_FACTORY_CLASS);
if (frameTagFactoryClass != null)
result.factoryClass = ReferenceFactory.packageQualifiedReference(w, QNameNormalization.normalize(frameTagFactoryClass));
String frameTagExtraClass = frameTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_FRAME_EXTRA_CLASS);
if (frameTagExtraClass != null)
if (result.extraClasses.size() == 0)
result.extraClasses = new LinkedList<IResolvedQualifiersReference>();
result.extraClasses.add(ReferenceFactory.packageQualifiedReference(w, QNameNormalization.normalize(frameTagExtraClass)));
frameInformation.compareAndSet(null, result);
private IResolvedQualifiersReference getFactoryClass(IWorkspace w)
if (frameInformation.get() == null)
return frameInformation.get().factoryClass;
public boolean hasOwnFactoryClass(IWorkspace w)
return getFactoryClass(w) != null;
private void buildRemoteClassAlias()
IMetaTag[] remoteClassTags = getMetaTagsByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_REMOTECLASS);
String remoteClassAlias = NO_REMOTE_CLASS_ALIAS;
if (remoteClassTags.length != 0)
// Reading the source for the Flex 4.5.X compiler, it seems that
// you can only have one alias for each class and that the last alias
// wins.
IMetaTag lastRemoteClassTag = remoteClassTags[remoteClassTags.length - 1];
remoteClassAlias = lastRemoteClassTag.getAttributeValue(IMetaAttributeConstants.NAME_REMOTECLASS_ALIAS);
// Goofy logic copied from flex2.compiler.as3.SyntaxTreeEvaluator.
// Original code references a bug number 159983 in an unknown bug base.
if (remoteClassAlias == null)
remoteClassAlias = "<" + getQualifiedName();
this.remoteClassAlias.compareAndSet(null, remoteClassAlias);
* Get's the remote class alias for this class.
* @return The remote class alias for this class.
public String getRemoteClassAlias()
if (remoteClassAlias.get() == null)
String result = remoteClassAlias.get();
if (result == NO_REMOTE_CLASS_ALIAS)
return null;
return result;
public ClassDefinition resolveInheritedFactoryClass(ICompilerProject project)
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, true))
assert c instanceof ClassDefinition : "IClassDefinition " + c.getBaseName() + "is not a ClassDefinition!";
ClassDefinition classDef = (ClassDefinition)c;
IResolvedQualifiersReference factoryRef = classDef.getFactoryClass(project.getWorkspace());
if (factoryRef != null)
IDefinition factoryDef = factoryRef.resolve(project, (ASScope)this.getContainingScope(), EXPRESSION, true);
if (factoryDef instanceof ClassDefinition)
return (ClassDefinition)factoryDef;
return null;
public Collection<IDefinition> resolveExtraClasses(ICompilerProject project)
if (frameInformation.get() == null)
LinkedList<IDefinition> result = new LinkedList<IDefinition>();
for (IResolvedQualifiersReference extraClassRef : frameInformation.get().extraClasses)
IDefinition extraClassDef =
extraClassRef.resolve(project, (ASScope)this.getContainingScope(), EXPRESSION, true);
if (extraClassDef != null)
return ImmutableList.<IDefinition> copyOf(result);
public String getDefaultPropertyName(ICompilerProject project)
// Look for [DefaultProperty("foo")] on this class its superclasses.
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, true))
IMetaTag defaultPropertyMetaData = c.getMetaTagByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTPROPERTY);
if (defaultPropertyMetaData != null)
IMetaTagAttribute attrs[] = defaultPropertyMetaData.getAllAttributes();
if ((attrs.length == 1) && (!attrs[0].hasKey()))
return attrs[0].getValue();
return null;
public void setContainedScope(IASScope value)
* Gets the {@link INamespaceReference} that resolves to the private
* namespace for this {@link IClassDefinition}.
* @return The {@link INamespaceReference} that resolves to the private
* namespace for this {@link IClassDefinition}.
public NamespaceDefinition.ILanguageNamespaceDefinition getPrivateNamespaceReference()
return privateNamespaceReference;
* Gets the {@link INamespaceReference} that resolves to the protected
* namespace for this {@link IClassDefinition}.
* @return The {@link INamespaceReference} that resolves to the protected
* namespace for this {@link IClassDefinition}.
public NamespaceDefinition.ILanguageNamespaceDefinition getProtectedNamespaceReference()
return protectedNamespaceReference;
* Gets the {@link INamespaceReference} that resolves to the static
* protected namespace for this {@link IClassDefinition}.
* @return The {@link INamespaceReference} that resolves to the static
* protected namespace for this {@link IClassDefinition}.
public NamespaceDefinition.ILanguageNamespaceDefinition getStaticProtectedNamespaceReference()
return staticProtectedNamespaceReference;
public Name getMName(ICompilerProject project)
// "*" isn't referenced by name in ABC - it's usually
// just index 0, which is what AET does for a null name.
if (getBaseName() == IASLanguageConstants.ANY_TYPE)
return null;
return super.getMName(project);
public ASFileScope getFileScope()
if (isImplicit())
return null;
return super.getFileScope();
* Adds a new node to the list of nodes representing the implicit imports
* created by MXML tags.
public void addImplicitImport(String qname)
if (implicitImports == null)
implicitImports = new HashSet<String>();
* Gets the implicit imports created by MXML tags, for use by CodeModel.
* @return A list of {@code MXMLImplicitImportNode} objects.
public String[] getImplicitImports()
return implicitImports != null ?
implicitImports.toArray(new String[0]) :
new String[0];
* Adds implicit variable definitions for "this" and "super" to this class
* definition's contained scope. These variable definitions are for code
* model compatibility and are not codegen'd.
public void setupThisAndSuper()
// Create an implicit VariableDefinition for "this".
VariableDefinition thisDef = new VariableDefinition(IASKeywordConstants.THIS);
ASScope containedScope = getContainedScope();
IWorkspace workspace = containedScope.getWorkspace();
// this is a lexical ref for codemodel backwards compat
thisDef.setTypeReference(ReferenceFactory.lexicalReference(workspace, getBaseName()));
// Create an implicit VariableDefinition for "super".
VariableDefinition superDef = new VariableDefinition(IASKeywordConstants.SUPER);
IReference baseClassRef = getBaseClassReference();
if (baseClassRef == null)
baseClassRef = ReferenceFactory.builtinReference(BuiltinType.OBJECT);
// Add these definitions to the class scope.
* Mark this class as an excluded class by adding [ExcludeClass] meta data.
public void setExcludedClass()
MetaTag excludeClassMetaTag = new MetaTag(this, IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_EXCLUDECLASS, new IMetaTagAttribute[0]);
* Mark this class as being generated with mxml bindings [RoyaleBindings] meta data.
public void setRoyaleBindings()
if (!hasMetaTagByName(IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_BINDINGS)) {
MetaTag bindingsMarker = new MetaTag(this, IMetaAttributeConstants.ATTRIBUTE_BINDINGS, new IMetaTagAttribute[0]);
* For debugging only. Produces a string such as
* <code>public class B extends A implements I1, I2</code>.
protected void buildInnerString(StringBuilder sb)
sb.append(' ');
sb.append(' ');
sb.append(' ');
if (baseClassReference != null)
sb.append(' ');
String baseClassName = getBaseClassAsDisplayString();
sb.append(baseClassName.isEmpty() ? IASLanguageConstants.Object : baseClassName);
String[] implementedInterfaces = getImplementedInterfacesAsDisplayStrings();
int n = implementedInterfaces.length;
if (n > 0)
sb.append(' ');
sb.append(' ');
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i < n - 1)
sb.append(' ');
public boolean getOwnNeedsProtected()
return ((TypeScope)getContainedScope()).getNeedsProtected();
public IClassDefinition resolveHostComponent(ICompilerProject project)
for (IClassDefinition c : classIterable(project, true))
if (!(c instanceof ClassDefinition))
ClassDefinition classDef = (ClassDefinition)c;
IMetaTag[] hostComponentMetaData = classDef.getHostComponentMetaData();
if (hostComponentMetaData.length < 1)
String hostComponentName = getHostComponentClassName(hostComponentMetaData[0]);
if (hostComponentName == null)
return null;
IResolvedQualifiersReference hostComponentRef = ReferenceFactory.packageQualifiedReference(project.getWorkspace(), hostComponentName);
IDefinition hostComponentDef = hostComponentRef.resolve(project);
if (!(hostComponentDef instanceof IClassDefinition))
return null;
return (IClassDefinition)hostComponentDef;
return null;
public boolean isInProject(ICompilerProject project)
if (!isImplicit())
return super.isInProject(project);
// The implicit definitions are shared amoungst all projects.
if (this == NULL)
return true;
if (this == VOID)
return true;
if (this == ANY_TYPE)
return true;
if (this == UNDEFINED)
return true;
// Some implicit class definition we have never seen before.
return false;
* Method to find all the abstract methods declared in this class, and
* validate that the concrete class definition passed in implements those
* methods, and that they are implemented with compatible signatures
* @param cls the class definition to check
* @param problems a list of problems to report errors to
public void validateClassImplementsAllMethods(ICompilerProject project, ClassDefinition cls, Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems)
ASScope classScope = cls.getContainedScope();
for (IDefinitionSet defSet : this.getContainedScope().getAllLocalDefinitionSets())
for (int i = 0, l = defSet.getSize(); i < l; ++i)
IDefinition def = defSet.getDefinition(i);
if (def instanceof FunctionDefinition && !(def instanceof IAccessorDefinition))
FunctionDefinition abstractMethod = (FunctionDefinition)def;
// Skip any implicit methods added for CM compat
if (abstractMethod.isImplicit())
// Skip the constructor method of the interface.
if (abstractMethod.getBaseName().equals(getBaseName()))
// Skip methods that are static
if (abstractMethod.isStatic())
// Skip methods that aren't abstract
if (!abstractMethod.isAbstract())
INamespaceDefinition ns = abstractMethod.resolveNamespace(project);
if(ns instanceof INamespaceDefinition.IProtectedNamespaceDefinition)
ns = cls.getProtectedNamespaceReference();
IDefinition c = classScope.getQualifiedPropertyFromDef(project, cls, abstractMethod.getBaseName(), ns, false);
if (c == null || c.isAbstract())
// Error, didn't implement the method
problems.add(new UnimplementedAbstractMethodProblem(cls,