blob: 38aff1d3a6c8a3605b7cee4b0913c0f40873c9d6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Bazel doesn't need more than 200MB of memory for local build based on memory profiling:
# The default JVM max heapsize is 1/4 of physical memory up to 32GB which could be large
# enough to consume all memory constrained by cgroup in large host.
# Limiting JVM heapsize here to let it do GC more when approaching the limit to
# leave room for compiler/linker.
# The number 2G is chosen heuristically to both support large VM and small VM with RBE.
# Startup options cannot be selected via config.
startup --host_jvm_args=-Xmx2g
run --color=yes
build --color=yes
build --host_force_python=PY3
# If true, Bazel picks up host-OS-specific config lines from bazelrc files. For example, if the host OS is Linux and
# you run bazel build, Bazel picks up lines starting with build:linux. Supported OS identifiers are linux, macos,
# windows, freebsd, and openbsd. Enabling this flag is equivalent to using --config=linux on Linux,
# --config=windows on Windows, etc.
build --enable_platform_specific_config
build:windows --cxxopt=/std:c++14
build:macos --cxxopt=-std=c++11
build:macos --strip=never
build:macos --copt -g
# Workaround, see
build:macos --copt -DGRPC_BAZEL_BUILD
# Enable position independent code (this is the default on macOS and Windows)
# (Workaround for
build:linux --copt=-fPIC
build:linux --cxxopt=-std=c++11
build:linux --strip=never
# We already have absl in the build, define absl=1 to tell googletest to use absl for backtrace.
build --define absl=1
build --define SPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL=1
# Pass PATH, CC, CXX and LLVM_CONFIG variables from the environment.
build --action_env=CC
build --action_env=CXX
build --action_env=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
build --action_env=LLVM_CONFIG
build --action_env=PATH
build:linux --copt=-maes
# Common flags for sanitizers
build:sanitizer --define tcmalloc=disabled
build:sanitizer --linkopt -ldl
build:sanitizer --build_tag_filters=-no_san
build:sanitizer --test_tag_filters=-no_san
# Common flags for Clang
build:clang --action_env=BAZEL_COMPILER=clang
build:clang --linkopt=-fuse-ld=lld
# Address sanitizer
# To use it: bazel build --config=asan
build:asan --config=sanitizer
build:asan --compiler clang
build:asan --strip=never
build:asan --copt -fsanitize=address
# ASAN needs -O1 to get reasonable performance.
build:asan --copt -O1
build:asan --copt -fno-optimize-sibling-calls
build:asan --copt -g
build:asan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:asan --linkopt -fsanitize=address
build:asan --copt -DADDRESS_SANITIZER=1
build:asan --copt -D__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__
build:clang-asan --config=asan
build:clang-asan --linkopt -fuse-ld=lld
build:macos-asan --config=asan
# Workaround, see
build:macos-asan --copt -Wno-macro-redefined
build:macos-asan --copt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0
# Workaround, see
build:macos-asan --copt -DGRPC_BAZEL_BUILD
# Dynamic link cause issues like: `dyld: malformed mach-o: load commands size (59272) > 32768`
build:macos-asan --dynamic_mode=off
# Thread sanitizer
# bazel build --config=tsan
build:tsan --config=sanitizer
build:tsan --compiler clang
build:tsan --strip=never
build:tsan --copt -fsanitize=thread
build:tsan --copt -DTHREAD_SANITIZER
build:tsan --copt -O1
build:tsan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:tsan --linkopt -fsanitize=thread
# --config msan: Memory sanitizer
build:msan --compiler clang
build:msan --strip=never
build:msan --copt -fsanitize=memory
build:msan --copt -DADDRESS_SANITIZER
build:msan --copt -O1
build:msan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:msan --linkopt -fsanitize=memory
# --config ubsan: Undefined Behavior Sanitizer
build:ubsan --compiler clang
build:ubsan --strip=never
build:ubsan --copt -fsanitize=undefined
build:ubsan --copt -O1
build:ubsan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:ubsan --linkopt -fsanitize=undefined
build:ubsan --linkopt -lubsan
# Coverage options
coverage --config=coverage
# 1.5x original timeout + 300s for trace merger in all categories
build:coverage --test_timeout=390,750,1500,5700
build:coverage --define=dynamic_link_tests=true
build:coverage --combined_report=lcov
build:coverage --strategy=TestRunner=sandboxed,local
build:coverage --strategy=CoverageReport=sandboxed,local
build:coverage --collect_code_coverage
build:coverage --instrumentation_filter="//source[/:],//include[/:],-//source/base/mocks[/:],-//source/client/mocks[/:],-//source/rocketmq/mocks[/:]"
test --test_output=errors
build:remote --bes_results_url=
build:remote --bes_backend=grpcs://
build:remote --remote_cache=grpcs://
build:remote --remote_timeout=3600
build:remote --grpc_keepalive_time=360s
build:remote --grpc_keepalive_timeout=360s
build:remote --remote_executor=grpcs://
build:remote --host_platform=@buildbuddy_toolchain//:platform
build:remote --platforms=@buildbuddy_toolchain//:platform
build:remote --extra_execution_platforms=@buildbuddy_toolchain//:platform
build:remote --crosstool_top=@buildbuddy_toolchain//:toolchain
build:remote --extra_toolchains=@buildbuddy_toolchain//:cc_toolchain
build:remote --jobs=250
build:remote --remote_download_minimal
build:remote --experimental_remote_cache_compression
build:remote --experimental_remote_cache_async
build:remote --spawn_strategy=remote
# try-import %workspace%/user.bazelrc