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package golang
import (
type connOptions struct {
// MaxCallSendMsgSize is the client-side request send limit in bytes.
// If 0, it defaults to 2.0 MiB (2 * 1024 * 1024).
// Make sure that "MaxCallSendMsgSize" < server-side default send/recv limit.
MaxCallSendMsgSize int
// MaxCallRecvMsgSize is the client-side response receive limit.
// If 0, it defaults to "math.MaxInt32", because range response can
// easily exceed request send limits.
// Make sure that "MaxCallRecvMsgSize" >= server-side default send/recv limit.
MaxCallRecvMsgSize int
// TLS holds the client secure credentials, if any.
TLS *tls.Config
// DialOptions is a list of dial options for the grpc client (e.g., for interceptors).
// For example, pass "grpc.WithBlock()" to block until the underlying connection is up.
// Without this, Dial returns immediately and connecting the server happens in background.
DialOptions []grpc.DialOption
// Context is the default client context; it can be used to cancel grpc dial out and
// other operations that do not have an explicit context.
Context context.Context
// DialKeepAliveTime is the time after which client pings the server to see if
// transport is alive.
DialKeepAliveTime time.Duration
// DialKeepAliveTimeout is the time that the client waits for a response for the
// keep-alive probe. If the response is not received in this time, the connection is closed.
DialKeepAliveTimeout time.Duration
// PermitWithoutStream when set will allow client to send keepalive pings to server without any active streams(RPCs).
PermitWithoutStream bool
// DialTimeout is the timeout for failing to establish a connection.
DialTimeout time.Duration
// Logger is logger
Logger *zap.Logger
var defaultConnOptions = connOptions{
DialTimeout: time.Second * 5,
MaxCallSendMsgSize: 2 * 1024 * 1024,
MaxCallRecvMsgSize: math.MaxInt32,
TLS: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: x509.NewCertPool(),
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
Logger: zaplog.New(),
// A ConnOption sets options such as tls.Config, etc.
type ConnOption interface {
// funcConnOption wraps a function that modifies options into an implementation of
// the ConnOption interface.
type funcConnOption struct {
f func(options *connOptions)
func (fco *funcConnOption) apply(co *connOptions) {
func newFuncConnOption(f func(options *connOptions)) *funcConnOption {
return &funcConnOption{
f: f,
// WithTLSConfig returns a ConnOption that sets tls.Config for grpc.DialContext.
// Default it is x509 insecure tls.Config.
func WithTLSConfig(tc *tls.Config) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
o.TLS = tc
// WithDialTimeout returns a ConnOption that sets DialTimeout for grpc.DialContext.
// Default it is 5 second.
func WithDialTimeout(dur time.Duration) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
o.DialTimeout = dur
// WithMaxCallSendMsgSize returns a ConnOption that sets the client-side response
// receive limit. If 0, it defaults to "math.MaxInt32", because range response can
// easily exceed request send limits. Make sure that "MaxCallRecvMsgSize" >= server-side
// default send/recv limit.
func WithMaxCallSendMsgSize(size int) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
if size > 0 {
o.MaxCallSendMsgSize = size
// WithMaxCallRecvMsgSize returns a ConnOption that sets client-side request send limit in
// bytes for grpc.DialContext.
func WithMaxCallRecvMsgSize(size int) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
if size > 0 {
o.MaxCallRecvMsgSize = size
// WithDialOptions returns a ConnOption that sets grpc.DialOption for grpc.DialContext.
func WithDialOptions(dialOptions ...grpc.DialOption) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
o.DialOptions = append(o.DialOptions, dialOptions...)
// WithContext is the default client context; it can be used to cancel grpc dial out and
// other operations that do not have an explicit context.
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
o.Context = ctx
// WithDialKeepAliveTime returns a ConnOption that sets DialKeepAliveTime for grpc.DialContext.
// DialKeepAliveTime is the time after which client pings the server to see if transport is alive.
func WithDialKeepAliveTime(d time.Duration) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
o.DialKeepAliveTime = d
// WithDialKeepAliveTimeout returns a ConnOption that sets DialKeepAliveTimeout for grpc.DialContext.
// DialKeepAliveTimeout is the time that the client waits for a response for the keep-alive probe.
// If the response is not received in this time, the connection is closed.
func WithDialKeepAliveTimeout(d time.Duration) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
o.DialKeepAliveTimeout = d
// WithPermitWithoutStream returns a ConnOption that sets PermitWithoutStream for grpc.DialContext.
// PermitWithoutStream when set will allow client to send keepalive pings to server without any
// active streams(RPCs).
func WithPermitWithoutStream(permit bool) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
o.PermitWithoutStream = permit
func WithZapLogger(logger *zap.Logger) ConnOption {
return newFuncConnOption(func(o *connOptions) {
o.Logger = logger