blob: 5076da91e755af2b6726126f9d70d5810ca0b506 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import binascii
import gzip
import hashlib
from typing import Dict, List
from rocketmq.definition import MessageQueue
from rocketmq.protocol.definition_pb2 import DigestType as ProtoDigestType
from rocketmq.protocol.definition_pb2 import Encoding as ProtoEncoding
class Message:
def __init__(
topic: str,
body: bytes,
properties: map = None,
tag: str = None,
keys: str = None,
message_group: str = None,
delivery_timestamp: int = None,
if properties is None:
properties = {}
self.__topic = topic
self.__body = body
self.__properties = properties
self.__tag = tag
self.__keys = keys
self.__message_group = message_group
self.__delivery_timestamp = delivery_timestamp
def topic(self):
return self.__topic
def body(self):
return self.__body
def properties(self):
return self.__properties
def tag(self):
return self.__tag
def keys(self):
return self.__keys
def message_group(self):
return self.__message_group
def delivery_timestamp(self):
return self.__delivery_timestamp
class MessageView:
def __init__(
message_id: str,
topic: str,
body: bytes,
tag: str,
message_group: str,
delivery_timestamp: int,
keys: List[str],
properties: Dict[str, str],
born_host: str,
born_time: int,
delivery_attempt: int,
message_queue: MessageQueue,
receipt_handle: str,
offset: int,
corrupted: bool
self.__message_id = message_id
self.__topic = topic
self.__body = body
self.__properties = properties
self.__tag = tag
self.__keys = keys
self.__message_group = message_group
self.__delivery_timestamp = delivery_timestamp
self.__born_host = born_host
self.__delivery_attempt = delivery_attempt
self.__receipt_handle = receipt_handle
self.__born_time = born_time
self.__message_queue = message_queue
self.__offset = offset
self.__corrupted = corrupted
def message_queue(self):
return self.__message_queue
def receipt_handle(self):
return self.__receipt_handle
def topic(self):
return self.__topic
def body(self):
return self.__body
def message_id(self):
return self.__message_id
def born_host(self):
return self.__born_host
def keys(self):
return self.__keys
def properties(self):
return self.__properties
def tag(self):
return self.__tag
def message_group(self):
return self.__message_group
def delivery_timestamp(self):
return self.__delivery_timestamp
def from_protobuf(cls, message, message_queue=None):
topic =
system_properties = message.system_properties
message_id = system_properties.message_id
body_digest = system_properties.body_digest
check_sum = body_digest.checksum
raw = message.body
corrupted = False
digest_type = body_digest.type
# Digest Type check
if digest_type == ProtoDigestType.CRC32:
expected_check_sum = format(binascii.crc32(raw) & 0xFFFFFFFF, '08X')
if not expected_check_sum == check_sum:
corrupted = True
elif digest_type == ProtoDigestType.MD5:
expected_check_sum = hashlib.md5(raw).hexdigest()
if not expected_check_sum == check_sum:
corrupted = True
elif digest_type == ProtoDigestType.SHA1:
expected_check_sum = hashlib.sha1(raw).hexdigest()
if not expected_check_sum == check_sum:
corrupted = True
elif digest_type in [ProtoDigestType.unspecified, None]:
print(f"Unsupported message body digest algorithm, digestType={digest_type}, topic={topic}, messageId={message_id}")
# Body Encoding check
body_encoding = system_properties.body_encoding
body = raw
if body_encoding == ProtoEncoding.GZIP:
body = gzip.decompress(message.body)
elif body_encoding in [ProtoEncoding.IDENTITY, None]:
print(f"Unsupported message encoding algorithm, topic={topic}, messageId={message_id}, bodyEncoding={body_encoding}")
tag = system_properties.tag
message_group = system_properties.message_group
delivery_time = system_properties.delivery_timestamp
keys = list(system_properties.keys)
born_host = system_properties.born_host
born_time = system_properties.born_timestamp
delivery_attempt = system_properties.delivery_attempt
queue_offset = system_properties.queue_offset
properties = {key: value for key, value in message.user_properties.items()}
receipt_handle = system_properties.receipt_handle
return cls(message_id, topic, body, tag, message_group, delivery_time, keys, properties, born_host,
born_time, delivery_attempt, message_queue, receipt_handle, queue_offset, corrupted)