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//! # The Rust Implementation of Apache RocketMQ Client
//! Here is the official rust client for [Apache RocketMQ](
//! providing async/await API powered by tokio runtime.
//! Different from the [remoting-based client](,
//! the current implementation is based on separating architecture for computing and storage,
//! which is the more recommended way to access the RocketMQ service.
//! Here are some preparations you may need to know: [RocketMQ Quick Start](
//! ## Examples
//! Basic usage:
//! ### Producer
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use rocketmq::conf::{ClientOption, ProducerOption};
//! use rocketmq::model::message::MessageBuilder;
//! use rocketmq::Producer;
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//! // recommend to specify which topic(s) you would like to send message to
//! // producer will prefetch topic route when start and failed fast if topic not exist
//! let mut producer_option = ProducerOption::default();
//! producer_option.set_topics(vec!["test_topic"]);
//! // set which rocketmq proxy to connect
//! let mut client_option = ClientOption::default();
//! client_option.set_access_url("localhost:8081");
//! // build and start producer
//! let producer = Producer::new(producer_option, client_option).unwrap();
//! producer.start().await.unwrap();
//! // build message
//! let message = MessageBuilder::builder()
//! .set_topic("test_topic")
//! .set_tag("test_tag")
//! .set_body("hello world".as_bytes().to_vec())
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! // send message to rocketmq proxy
//! let result = producer.send_one(message).await;
//! debug_assert!(result.is_ok(), "send message failed: {:?}", result);
//! println!(
//! "send message success, message_id={}",
//! result.unwrap().message_id
//! );
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Simple Consumer
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use rocketmq::conf::{ClientOption, SimpleConsumerOption};
//! use rocketmq::model::common::{FilterExpression, FilterType};
//! use rocketmq::SimpleConsumer;
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//! // recommend to specify which topic(s) you would like to send message to
//! // simple consumer will prefetch topic route when start and failed fast if topic not exist
//! let mut consumer_option = SimpleConsumerOption::default();
//! consumer_option.set_topics(vec!["test_topic"]);
//! consumer_option.set_consumer_group("SimpleConsumerGroup");
//! // set which rocketmq proxy to connect
//! let mut client_option = ClientOption::default();
//! client_option.set_access_url("localhost:8081");
//! // build and start simple consumer
//! let consumer = SimpleConsumer::new(consumer_option, client_option).unwrap();
//! consumer.start().await.unwrap();
//! // pop message from rocketmq proxy
//! let receive_result = consumer
//! .receive(
//! "test_topic".to_string(),
//! &FilterExpression::new(FilterType::Tag, "test_tag"),
//! )
//! .await;
//! debug_assert!(
//! receive_result.is_ok(),
//! "receive message failed: {:?}",
//! receive_result.unwrap_err()
//! );
//! let messages = receive_result.unwrap();
//! for message in messages {
//! println!("receive message: {:?}", message);
//! // ack message to rocketmq proxy
//! let ack_result = consumer.ack(message).await;
//! debug_assert!(
//! ack_result.is_ok(),
//! "ack message failed: {:?}",
//! ack_result.unwrap_err()
//! );
//! }
//! }
//! ```
pub mod conf;
mod error;
mod log;
mod client;
#[path = "pb/"]
mod pb;
mod session;
pub mod model;
mod util;
mod producer;
mod simple_consumer;
// Export structs that are part of crate API.
pub use producer::Producer;
pub use simple_consumer::SimpleConsumer;