| Documentation for the Qpid components can be accessed on our website at: |
| |
| http://qpid.apache.org/documentation.html |
| |
| Some initial helper info can be found below. |
| |
| |
| ==== Building the code and running the tests ==== |
| |
| Here are some example Maven build commands that you may find useful. |
| |
| Clean previous builds output and install all modules to local repository without |
| running any of the unit or system tests. |
| |
| mvn clean install -DskipTests |
| |
| Perform a subset of the tests |
| |
| mvn verify -Dtest=TestNamePattern* -DfailIfNoTests=false |
| |
| Execute the unit tests and then produce the code coverage report |
| |
| mvn test jacoco:report |
| |
| For more details on how to build see: |
| https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/qpid/Qpid+Java+Build+How+To |
| |
| |
| ==== Running client examples ===== |
| |
| Use maven to build the modules, and additionally copy the dependencies alongside their output: |
| |
| mvn clean package dependency:copy-dependencies -DskipTests |
| |
| Now you can then run the examples as follows: |
| |
| java -cp "client/example/target/classes/:client/example/target/dependency/*" org.apache.qpid.example.Hello |
| |
| The examples assume that a Broker is running on port 5672. |