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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// This header file is just for doxygen documentation purposes.
/** \mainpage Qpid C++ API Reference
* <h2>Messaging Client API classes</h2>
* <ul>
* <li><p>\ref messaging</p></li>
* <li><p>\ref qmfapi</p></li>
* </ul>
* <h2>Code for common tasks</h2>
* <h3>Includes and Namespaces</h3>
* <pre>
* #include <qpid/messaging/Connection.h>
* #include <qpid/messaging/Message.h>
* #include <qpid/messaging/Receiver.h>
* #include <qpid/messaging/Sender.h>
* #include <qpid/messaging/Session.h>
* #include <iostream>
* using namespace qpid::messaging;
* </pre>
* <h3>Opening Sessions and Connections</h3>
* <pre>
* int main(int argc, char** argv) {
* std::string broker = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "localhost:5672";
* std::string address = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "amq.topic";
* Connection connection(broker);
* try {
* Session session = connection.createSession();
* // ### Your Code Here ###
* connection.close();
* return 0;
* } catch(const std::exception& error) {
* std::cerr << error.what() << std::endl;
* connection.close();
* return 1;
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <h3>Creating and Sending a Message</h3>
* <pre>
* Sender sender = session.createSender(address);
* sender.send(Message("Hello world!"));
* </pre>
* <h3>Setting Message Content</h3>
* <pre>
* Message message;
* message.setContent("Hello world!");
* // In some applications, you should also set the content type,
* // which is a MIME type
* message.setContentType("text/plain");
* </pre>
* <h3>Receiving a Message</h3>
* <pre>
* Receiver receiver = session.createReceiver(address);
* Message message = receiver.fetch(Duration::SECOND * 1); // timeout is optional
* session.acknowledge(); // acknowledge message receipt
* std::cout << message.getContent() << std::endl;
* </pre>
* <h3>Receiving Messages from Multiple Sources</h3>
* To receive messages from multiple sources, create a receiver for each
* source, and use session.nextReceiver().fetch() to fetch messages.
* session.nextReceiver() is guaranteed to return the receiver
* responsible for the first available message on the session.
* <pre>
* Receiver receiver1 = session.createReceiver(address1);
* Receiver receiver2 = session.createReceiver(address2);
* Message message = session.nextReceiver().fetch();
* session.acknowledge(); // acknowledge message receipt
* std::cout << message.getContent() << std::endl;
* </pre>
* <h3>Replying to a message:</h3>
* <pre>
* // Server creates a service queue and waits for messages
* // If it gets a request, it sends a response to the reply to address
* Receiver receiver = session.createReceiver("service_queue; {create: always}");
* Message request = receiver.fetch();
* const Address&amp; address = request.getReplyTo(); // Get "reply-to" from request ...
* if (address) {
* Sender sender = session.createSender(address); // ... send response to "reply-to"
* Message response("pong!");
* sender.send(response);
* session.acknowledge();
* }
* // Client creates a private response queue - the # gets converted
* // to a unique string for the response queue name. Client uses the
* // name of this queue as its reply-to.
* Sender sender = session.createSender("service_queue");
* Address responseQueue("#response-queue; {create:always, delete:always}");
* Receiver receiver = session.createReceiver(responseQueue);
* Message request;
* request.setReplyTo(responseQueue);
* request.setContent("ping");
* sender.send(request);
* Message response = receiver.fetch();
* std::cout << request.getContent() << " -> " << response.getContent() << std::endl;
* </pre>
* <h3>Getting and Setting Standard Message Properties</h3>
* This shows some of the most commonly used message properties, it is
* not complete.
* <pre>
* Message message("Hello world!");
* message.setContentType("text/plain");
* message.setSubject("greeting");
* message.setReplyTo("response-queue");
* message.setTtl(100); // milliseconds
* message.setDurable(1);
* std::cout << "Content: " << message.getContent() << std::endl
* << "Content Type: " << message.getContentType()
* << "Subject: " << message.getSubject()
* << "ReplyTo: " << message.getReplyTo()
* << "Time To Live (in milliseconds) " << message.getTtl()
* << "Durability: " << message.getDurable();
* </pre>
* <h3>Getting and Setting Application-Defined Message Properties</h3>
* <pre>
* std::string name = "weekday";
* std::string value = "Thursday";
* message.getProperties()[name] = value;
* std:string s = message.getProperties()["weekday"];
* </pre>
* <h3>Transparent Failover</h3>
* If a connection opened using the reconnect option, it will
* transparently reconnect if the connection is lost.
* <pre>
* Connection connection(broker);
* connection.setOption("reconnect", true);
* try {
* ....
* </pre>
* <h3>Maps</h3>
* Maps provide a simple way to exchange binary data portably, across
* languages and platforms. Maps can contain simple types, lists, or
* maps.
* <pre>
* // Sender
* Variant::Map content;
* content["id"] = 987654321;
* content["name"] = "Widget";
* content["probability"] = 0.43;
* Variant::List colours;
* colours.push_back(Variant("red"));
* colours.push_back(Variant("green"));
* colours.push_back(Variant("white"));
* content["colours"] = colours;
* content["uuid"] = Uuid(true);
* Message message;
* encode(content, message);
* sender.send(message);
* </pre>
* <pre>
* // Receiver
* Variant::Map content;
* decode(receiver.fetch(), content);
* </pre>
* <h3>Guaranteed Delivery</h3>
* If a queue is durable, the queue survives a messaging broker crash, as
* well as any durable messages that have been placed on the queue. These
* messages will be delivered when the messaging broker is
* restarted. Delivery is not guaranteed unless both the message and the
* queue are durable.
* <pre>
* Sender sender = session.createSender("durable-queue");
* Message message("Hello world!");
* message.setDurable(1);
* sender.send(Message("Hello world!"));
* </pre>
* <h3>Transactions</h3>
* Transactions cover enqueues and dequeues.
* When sending messages, a transaction tracks enqueues without actually
* delivering the messages, a commit places messages on their queues, and
* a rollback discards the enqueues.
* When receiving messages, a transaction tracks dequeues without
* actually removing acknowledged messages, a commit removes all
* acknowledged messages, and a rollback discards acknowledgements. A
* rollback does not release the message, it must be explicitly released
* to return it to the queue.
* <pre>
* Connection connection(broker);
* Session session = connection.createTransactionalSession();
* ...
* if (looksOk)
* session.commit();
* else
* session.rollback();
* </pre>
* <h3>Exceptions</h3>
* All exceptions for the messaging API have MessagingException as
* their base class.
* A common class of exception are those related to processing
* addresses used to create senders and/or receivers. These all have
* AddressError as their base class.
* Where there is a syntax error in the address itself, a
* MalformedAddress will be thrown. Where the address is valid, but
* there is an error in interpreting (i.e. resolving) it, a
* ResolutionError - or a sub-class of it - will be thrown. If the
* address has assertions enabled for a given context and the asserted
* node properties are not in fact correct then AssertionFailed will
* be thrown. If the node is not found, NotFound will be thrown.
* The loss of the underlying connection (e.g. the TCP connection)
* results in TransportFailure being thrown. If automatic reconnect is
* enabled, this will be caught be the library which will then try to
* reconnect. If reconnection - as configured by the connection
* options - fails, then TransportFailure will be thrown. This can
* occur on any call to the messaging API.
* Sending a message may also result in an exception
* (e.g. TargetCapacityExceeded if a queue to which the message is
* delivered cannot enqueue it due to lack of capacity). For
* asynchronous send the exception may not be thrown on the send
* invocation that actually triggers it, but on a subsequent method
* call on the API.
* Certain exceptions may render the session invalid; once these
* occur, subsequent calls on the session will throw the same class of
* exception. This is not an intrinsic property of the class of
* exception, but is a result of the current mapping of the API to the
* underlying AMQP 0-10 protocol. You can test whether the session is
* valid at any time using the hasError() and/or checkError() methods
* on Session.
* <h3>Logging</h3>
* The Qpidd broker and C++ clients can both use environment variables to
* enable logging. Use QPID_LOG_ENABLE to set the level of logging you
* are interested in (trace, debug, info, notice, warning, error, or
* critical):
* <pre>
* export QPID_LOG_ENABLE="warning+"
* </pre>
* Use QPID_LOG_OUTPUT to determine where logging output should be
* sent. This is either a file name or the special values stderr, stdout,
* or syslog:
* <pre>
* export QPID_LOG_TO_FILE="/tmp/myclient.out"
* </pre>
* \defgroup messaging Qpid C++ Client API
* \defgroup qmfapi Qpid Management Framework C++ API