blob: d2377bb39f164ea910a6ab1eb9e126db03923085 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import optparse, sys, time, os, re, math
from qpid.messaging import Connection
from qpid.util import URL
from import BrokerAgent
from qpidtoollibs.config import parse_qpidd_conf
from uuid import uuid4
except ImportError:
from qpid.datatypes import uuid4
# QMF address for the HA broker object.
HA_BROKER = "org.apache.qpid.ha:habroker:ha-broker"
# Define these defaults here rather than in add_option because we want
# to use qpidd.conf for defaults if --config is specified and
# these defaults otherwise:
DEFAULTS = { "broker":"", "timeout":10.0}
class ExitStatus(Exception):
"""Raised if a command want's a non-0 exit status from the script"""
def __init__(self, status): self.status = status
def find_qpidd_conf():
"""Return the path to the local qpid.conf file or None if it is not found"""
p = os.path
prefix, bin = p.split(p.dirname(__file__))
if bin == "bin": # Installed in a standard place.
conf = p.join(prefix, "etc", "qpid", "qpidd.conf")
if p.isfile(conf): return conf
return None
class Command(object):
Common options and logic for all commands. Subclasses provide additional
options and execution logic.
commands = []
def __init__(self, name, help, arg_names=[], connect_agent=True):
"""@param connect_agent true if we should establish a QMF agent connection"""
Command.commands.append(self) = name
self.connect_agent = connect_agent
self.arg_names = arg_names
usage="%s [options] %s\n\n%s"%(name, " ".join(arg_names), help) = help
common = optparse.OptionGroup(self.op, "Broker connection options")
def help_default(what): return " (Default %s)"%DEFAULTS[what]
common.add_option("-b", "--broker", metavar="<address>", help="Address of qpidd broker with syntax: [username/password@] hostname | ip-address [:<port>]"+help_default("broker"))
common.add_option("--timeout", type="float", metavar="<seconds>", help="Give up if the broker does not respond within the timeout. 0 means wait forever"+help_default("timeout"))
common.add_option("--sasl-mechanism", metavar="<mech>", help="SASL mechanism for authentication (e.g. EXTERNAL, ANONYMOUS, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI). SASL automatically picks the most secure available mechanism - use this option to override")
common.add_option("--sasl-service-name", action="store", type="string", help="SASL service name to use")
common.add_option("--ssl-certificate", metavar="<cert>", help="Client SSL certificate (PEM Format)")
common.add_option("--ssl-key", metavar="<key>", help="Client SSL private key (PEM Format)")
common.add_option("--config", metavar="<path/to/qpidd.conf>", help="Read default connection configuration from the qpidd.conf broker configuration file. Defaults are overridden by command-line options.)")
def connect(self, opts):
conn_options = {}
if not = DEFAULTS["broker"]
# If we are connecting locally, use local qpidd.conf by default
if not opts.config: opts.config = find_qpidd_conf()
url = URL(
if opts.config: # Use broker config file for defaults
config = parse_qpidd_conf(opts.config)
if not url.user: url.user = config.get("ha-username")
if not url.password: url.password = config.get("ha-password")
if not url.port: url.port = config.get("port") = str(url)
if not opts.sasl_mechanism: opts.sasl_mechanism = config.get("ha-mechanism")
if not opts.timeout:
timeout = config.get("ha-heartbeat-interval") or config.get("link-heartbeat-interval")
if timeout: opts.timeout = float(timeout)
else: # Use DEFAULTS
if not opts.timeout: opts.timeout = DEFAULTS["timeout"]
if opts.sasl_mechanism: conn_options['sasl_mechanisms'] = opts.sasl_mechanism
if opts.sasl_service_name:
conn_options['sasl_service'] = opts.sasl_service_name
if opts.ssl_certificate: conn_options['ssl_certfile'] = opts.ssl_certificate
if opts.ssl_key:
if not opts.ssl_certificate:
self.op.error("missing '--ssl-certificate' (required by '--ssl-key')")
conn_options['ssl_keyfile'] = opts.ssl_key
conn_options['client_properties'] = {'qpid.ha-admin' : 1}
if opts.timeout:
conn_options['timeout'] = opts.timeout
conn_options['heartbeat'] = int(math.ceil(opts.timeout/2))
connection = Connection.establish(, **conn_options)
qmf_broker = self.connect_agent and BrokerAgent(connection)
ha_broker = self.connect_agent and qmf_broker.getHaBroker()
return (connection, qmf_broker, ha_broker)
def all_brokers(self, ha_broker, opts, func):
"""@return: List of (broker_addr, ha_broker) for all brokers in the cluster.
Returns (broker_addr, Exception) if an exception is raised accessing a broker.
# The brokersUrl setting is not in python URL format, simpler parsing here.
result = []
brokers = filter(None, re.sub(r'(^amqps?:)|(tcp:)', "", ha_broker.brokersUrl).split(","))
if brokers and opts.all:
if "@" in userpass ="@")[0]
else: userpass = None
for b in brokers:
if userpass and not "@" in b: = userpass+"@"+b
else: = b
connection, qmf_broker, ha_broker = self.connect(opts)
func(ha_broker, b)
except Exception,e:
func(ha_broker, b, e)
def execute(self, args):
opts, args = self.op.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != len(self.arg_names)+1:
raise Exception("Wrong number of arguments")
self.connection, qmf_broker, ha_broker = self.connect(opts)
if self.connect_agent and not ha_broker:
raise Exception("HA module is not loaded on broker at %s" %
try: self.do_execute(qmf_broker, ha_broker, opts, args)
finally: self.connection.close()
def do_execute(self, qmf_broker, opts, args):
raise Exception("Command '%s' is not yet implemented"
class ManagerCommand(Command):
Base for commands that should only be used by a cluster manager tool that ensures
cluster consistency.
manager_commands = [] # Cluster manager commands
def __init__(self, name, help, arg_names=[], connect_agent=True):
"""@param connect_agent true if we should establish a QMF agent connection"""
super(ManagerCommand, self).__init__(name, "[Cluster manager only] "+help, arg_names, connect_agent)
self.commands.remove(self) # Not a user command
class PingCmd(Command):
def __init__(self):
Command.__init__(self, "ping","Check if the broker is alive and responding", connect_agent=False)
def do_execute(self, qmf_broker, ha_broker, opts, args):
self.connection.session() # Make sure we can establish a session.
class PromoteCmd(ManagerCommand):
def __init__(self):
super(PromoteCmd, self).__init__("promote", "Promote a backup broker to primary. This command should *only* be used by a cluster manager (such as rgmanager) that ensures only one broker is primary at a time. Promoting more than one broker to primary at the same time will make the cluster inconsistent and will cause data loss and unexpected behavior.")
def do_execute(self, qmf_broker, ha_broker, opts, args):
qmf_broker._method("promote", {}, HA_BROKER, timeout=opts.timeout)
class StatusCmd(Command):
def __init__(self):
Command.__init__(self, "status", "Print HA status")
"--expect", metavar="<status>",
help="Don't print status. Return 0 if it matches <status>, 1 otherwise")
"--is-primary", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Don't print status. Return 0 if the broker is primary, 1 otherwise")
"--all", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Print status for all brokers in the cluster")
def do_execute(self, qmf_broker, ha_broker, opts, args):
if opts.is_primary:
if not ha_broker.status in ["active", "recovering"]: raise ExitStatus(1)
if opts.expect:
if opts.expect != ha_broker.status: raise ExitStatus(1)
def status(hb, b=None, ex=None):
if ex: print b, ex
elif b: print b, hb.status
else: print hb.status
self.all_brokers(ha_broker, opts, status)
class ReplicateCmd(Command):
def __init__(self):
Command.__init__(self, "replicate", "Set up replication from <queue> on <remote-broker> to <queue> on the current broker.", ["<queue>", "<remote-broker>"])
def do_execute(self, qmf_broker, ha_broker, opts, args):
qmf_broker._method("replicate", {"broker":args[1], "queue":args[2]}, HA_BROKER, timeout=opts.timeout)
class QueryCmd(Command):
def __init__(self):
Command.__init__(self, "query", "Print HA configuration and status")
"--all", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Print configuration and status for all brokers in the cluster")
def do_execute(self, qmf_broker, ha_broker, opts, args):
def query(hb, b=None, ex=None):
if ex:
print "%s %s\n" % (b, ex)
if b:
print "%-20s %s"%("Address:", b)
for x in [("Status:", hb.status),
("Broker ID:", hb.systemId),
("Brokers URL:", hb.brokersUrl),
("Public URL:", hb.publicUrl),
("Replicate: ", hb.replicateDefault)
print "%-20s %s"%x
if b: print
self.all_brokers(ha_broker, opts, query)
def print_usage(prog):
print "usage: %s <command> [<arguments>]\n\nCommands are:\n"%prog
for cmd in Command.commands:
print " %-12s %s."%(,".")[0])
print "\nFor help with a command type: %s <command> --help\n"%prog
def find_command(args, commands):
"""Find a command among the arguments and options"""
for arg in args:
cmds = [cmd for cmd in commands if == arg]
if cmds: return cmds[0]
return None
def main_except(argv):
"""This version of main raises exceptions"""
args = argv[1:]
commands = Command.commands
if "--cluster-manager" in args:
commands += ManagerCommand.manager_commands
if len(args) and args[0] in ['help', '--help', '-help', '-h', 'help-all', '--help-all']:
if 'help-all' in args[0]:
for c in commands: c.op.print_help(); print
command = find_command(args, commands)
if command:
# Check for attempt to use a manager command without --cluster-manager
command = find_command(args, ManagerCommand.manager_commands)
if command:
message="""'%s' should only be called by the cluster manager.
Incorrect use of '%s' will cause cluster malfunction.
To call from a cluster manager use '%s --cluster-manager'. """
raise Exception(message%((,)*3))
raise Exception("No valid command")
def main(argv):
return 0
except ExitStatus, e:
return e.status
except Exception, e:
print "%s: %s"%(type(e).__name__, e)
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":