blob: 3659185140caeb1b95425578bde378ba94caa920 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os, signal, sys, time, imp, re, subprocess, glob, random, logging, shutil, math, unittest, random
import traceback
from brokertest import *
from threading import Thread, Lock, Condition
from logging import getLogger, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG, INFO
from qpidtoollibs import BrokerAgent
from qpid.harness import Skipped
log = getLogger(__name__)
class LogLevel:
Temporarily change the log settings on the root logger.
Used to suppress expected WARN messages from the python client.
def __init__(self, level):
self.save_level = getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()
def restore(self):
class QmfAgent(object):
"""Access to a QMF broker agent."""
def __init__(self, address, **kwargs):
self._connection = qm.Connection.establish(
address, client_properties={"qpid.ha-admin":1}, **kwargs)
self._agent = BrokerAgent(self._connection)
def queues(self):
return [q.values['name'] for q in self._agent.getAllQueues()]
def repsub_queue(self, sub):
"""If QMF subscription sub is a replicating subscription return
the name of the replicated queue, else return None"""
session = self.getSession(sub.sessionRef)
if not session: return None
m ="qpid.ha-q:(.*)\.",
return m and
def repsub_queues(self):
"""Return queue names for all replicating subscriptions"""
return filter(None, [self.repsub_queue(s) for s in self.getAllSubscriptions()])
def tx_queues(self):
"""Return names of all tx-queues"""
return [q for q in self.queues() if q.startswith("qpid.ha-tx")]
def __getattr__(self, name):
a = getattr(self._agent, name)
return a
class Credentials(object):
"""SASL credentials: username, password, and mechanism"""
def __init__(self, username, password, mechanism):
(self.username, self.password, self.mechanism) = (username, password, mechanism)
def __str__(self): return "Credentials%s"%(self.tuple(),)
def tuple(self): return (self.username, self.password, self.mechanism)
def add_user(self, url): return "%s/%s@%s"%(self.username, self.password, url)
class HaPort:
"""Many HA tests need to allocate a broker port dynamically and then kill
and restart a broker on that same port multiple times. qpidd --port=0 only
ensures the port for the initial broker process, subsequent brokers re-using
the same port may fail with "address already in use".
HaPort binds and listens to the port and returns a file descriptor to pass
to qpidd --socket-fd. It holds on to the port untill the end of the test so
the broker can restart multiple times.
def __init__(self, test, port=0):
"""Bind and listen to port. port=0 allocates a port dynamically.
self.port is the allocated port, self.fileno is the file descriptor for
qpid --socket-fd."""
self.test = test
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.socket.bind(("", port))
self.port = self.socket.getsockname()[1]
self.fileno = self.socket.fileno()
self.stopped = False
test.teardown_add(self) # Stop during test.tearDown
def teardown(self): # Called in tearDown
if not self.stopped:
self.stopped = True
def __str__(self): return "HaPort<port:%s, fileno:%s>"%(self.port, self.fileno)
class HaBroker(Broker):
"""Start a broker with HA enabled
@param client_cred: (user, password, mechanism) for admin clients started by the HaBroker.
def __init__(self, test, ha_port=None, args=[], brokers_url=None, ha_cluster=True,
ha_replicate="all", client_credentials=None, **kwargs):
assert BrokerTest.ha_lib, "Cannot locate HA plug-in"
ha_port = ha_port or HaPort(test)
args = copy(args)
args += ["--load-module", BrokerTest.ha_lib,
# Non-standard settings for faster tests.
# Add default --log-enable arguments unless args already has --log arguments.
if not env_has_log_config() and not [l for l in args if l.startswith("--log")]:
args += ["--log-enable=info+", "--log-enable=debug+:ha::"]
if not [h for h in args if h.startswith("--link-heartbeat-interval")]:
args += ["--link-heartbeat-interval=%s"%(HaBroker.heartbeat)]
if ha_replicate is not None:
args += [ "--ha-replicate=%s"%ha_replicate ]
if brokers_url: args += [ "--ha-brokers-url", brokers_url ]
# Set up default ACL
acl=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "unrestricted.acl")
if not os.path.exists(acl):
acl allow all all
if not "--acl-file" in args:
args += [ "--acl-file", acl, ]
args += ["--socket-fd=%s"%ha_port.fileno, "--listen-disable=tcp"]
self._agent = None
self.client_credentials = client_credentials
self.ha_port = ha_port
Broker.__init__(self, test, args, port=ha_port.port, **kwargs)
# Do some static setup to locate the qpid-config and qpid-ha tools.
def qpid_ha_script(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_qpid_ha_script"):
qpid_ha_exec = os.path.join(os.getenv("SOURCE_DIR"), "management",
"python", "bin", "qpid-ha")
self._qpid_ha_script = import_script(qpid_ha_exec)
return self._qpid_ha_script
def __repr__(self): return "<HaBroker:%s:%d>"%(self.log, self.port())
def qpid_ha(self, args):
if not self.qpid_ha_script:
raise Skipped("qpid-ha not available")
cred = self.client_credentials
url = self.host_port()
if cred:
url =cred.add_user(url)
args = args + ["--sasl-mechanism", cred.mechanism]
self.qpid_ha_script.main_except(["", "-b", url]+args)
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("Error in qpid_ha -b %s %s: %s"%(url, args,e))
def promote(self): self.ready(); self.qpid_ha(["promote", "--cluster-manager"])
def replicate(self, from_broker, queue): self.qpid_ha(["replicate", from_broker, queue])
def agent(self):
if not self._agent:
cred = self.client_credentials
if cred:
self._agent = QmfAgent(cred.add_user(self.host_port()), sasl_mechanisms=cred.mechanism)
self._agent = QmfAgent(self.host_port())
return self._agent
def qmf(self):
hb = self.agent.getHaBroker()
return hb
def ha_status(self): return self.qmf().status
def wait_status(self, status, timeout=10):
def try_get_status():
self._status = "<unknown>"
self._status = self.ha_status()
except qm.ConnectionError, e:
# Record the error but don't raise, the broker may not be up yet.
self._status = "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e)
return self._status == status;
assert retry(try_get_status, timeout=timeout), "%s expected=%r, actual=%r"%(
self, status, self._status)
def wait_queue(self, queue, timeout=10, msg="wait_queue"):
""" Wait for queue to be visible via QMF"""
agent = self.agent
assert retry(lambda: agent.getQueue(queue) is not None, timeout=timeout), \
"%s queue %s not present" % (msg, queue)
def wait_no_queue(self, queue, timeout=10, msg="wait_no_queue"):
""" Wait for queue to be invisible via QMF"""
agent = self.agent
assert retry(lambda: agent.getQueue(queue) is None, timeout=timeout), "%s: queue %s still present"%(msg,queue)
def qpid_config(self, args):
["qpid-config", "--broker", self.host_port()]+args, stdout=1, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
) == 0, "qpid-config failed"
def config_replicate(self, from_broker, queue):
self.qpid_config(["add", "queue", "--start-replica", from_broker, queue])
def config_declare(self, queue, replication):
self.qpid_config(["add", "queue", queue, "--replicate", replication])
def connect_admin(self, **kwargs):
cred = self.client_credentials
if cred:
return Broker.connect(
self, client_properties={"qpid.ha-admin":1},
username=cred.username, password=cred.password, sasl_mechanisms=cred.mechanism,
return Broker.connect(self, client_properties={"qpid.ha-admin":1}, **kwargs)
def wait_address(self, address):
"""Wait for address to become valid on the broker."""
c = self.connect_admin()
try: wait_address(c, address)
finally: c.close()
wait_backup = wait_address
def browse(self, queue, timeout=0, transform=lambda m: m.content):
c = self.connect_admin()
return browse(c.session(), queue, timeout, transform)
finally: c.close()
def assert_browse_backup(self, queue, expected, **kwargs):
"""Combines wait_backup and assert_browse_retry."""
c = self.connect_admin()
wait_address(c, queue)
if not "msg" in kwargs:
assert_browse_retry(c.session(), queue, expected, **kwargs)
finally: c.close()
assert_browse = assert_browse_backup
def assert_connect_fail(self):
self.connect()"Expected qm.ConnectionError")
except qm.ConnectionError: pass
def try_connect(self):
try: return self.connect()
except qm.ConnectionError: return None
def ready(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not 'client_properties' in kwargs: kwargs['client_properties'] = {}
kwargs['client_properties']['qpid.ha-admin'] = True
return Broker.ready(self, *args, **kwargs)
def kill(self, final=True):
if final: self.ha_port.teardown()
self._agent = None
return Broker.kill(self)
class HaCluster(object):
_cluster_count = 0
def __init__(self, test, n, promote=True, wait=True, args=[], s_args=[], **kwargs):
"""Start a cluster of n brokers.
@test: The test being run
@n: start n brokers
@promote: promote self[0] to primary
@wait: wait for primary active and backups ready. Ignored if promote=False
@args: args for all brokers in the cluster.
@s_args: args for specific brokers: s_args[i] for broker i.
self.test = test
self.args = copy(args)
self.s_args = copy(s_args)
self.kwargs = kwargs
self._ports = [HaPort(test) for i in xrange(n)]
self._brokers = [] = HaCluster._cluster_count
self.broker_id = 0
HaCluster._cluster_count += 1
for i in xrange(n): self.start()
if promote:
if wait:
for b in self[1:]: b.wait_status("ready")
def next_name(self):
name="cluster%s-%s"%(, self.broker_id)
self.broker_id += 1
return name
def _ha_broker(self, i, name):
args = self.args
if i < len(self.s_args): args += self.s_args[i]
ha_port = self._ports[i]
b = HaBroker(ha_port.test, ha_port, brokers_url=self.url, name=name,
args=args, **self.kwargs)
return b
def start(self):
"""Start a new broker in the cluster"""
i = len(self)
assert i <= len(self._ports)
if i == len(self._ports): # Adding new broker after cluster init
b = self._ha_broker(i, self.next_name())
return b
def _set_url(self):
self.url = ",".join(""%(p.port) for p in self._ports)
def connect(self, i, **kwargs):
"""Connect with reconnect_urls"""
c = self[i].connect(reconnect=True, reconnect_urls=self.url.split(","), **kwargs)
self.test.teardown_add(c) # Clean up
return c
def kill(self, i, promote_next=True, final=True):
"""Kill broker i, promote broker i+1"""
if promote_next: self[(i+1) % len(self)].promote()
def restart(self, i):
"""Start a broker with the same port, name and data directory. It will get
a separate log file: foo.n.log"""
if self._ports[i].stopped: raise Exception("Restart after final kill: %s"%(self))
b = self._brokers[i]
self._brokers[i] = self._ha_broker(i,
def bounce(self, i, promote_next=True):
"""Stop and restart a broker in a cluster."""
if (len(self) == 1):
self.kill(i, promote_next=False, final=False)
if promote_next: self[i].promote()
self.kill(i, promote_next, final=False)
# Behave like a list of brokers.
def __len__(self): return len(self._brokers)
def __getitem__(self,index): return self._brokers[index]
def __iter__(self): return self._brokers.__iter__()
def wait_address(connection, address):
"""Wait for an address to become valid."""
assert retry(lambda: valid_address(connection, address)), "Timed out waiting for address %s"%(address)
def valid_address(connection, address):
"""Test if an address is valid"""
s = connection.session().receiver(address)
return True
except qm.NotFound:
return False