blob: 0ea40d11b62fe9d1118e330f2d33ec5fc1de640e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
# Run a simple test to verify dynamic log level changes
source ./
trap cleanup EXIT
cleanup() {
test -n "$PORT" && qpidd --no-module-dir --quit --port $PORT
error() {
echo $*;
exit 1;
checklog() {
if [[ $(grep echo $LOG_FILE | wc -l) -ne $1 ]]; then
error "Log contents not as expected - " $2
rm -rf $LOG_FILE
PORT=$(qpidd --auth=no --no-module-dir --daemon --port=0 --interface --log-to-file $LOG_FILE) || error "Could not start broker"
echo Broker for log level test started on $PORT, pid is $(qpidd --no-module-dir --check --port $PORT)
# Set level to notice+ and send an echo request
# The 'echo' in the log is hidden since it is at debug level.
qpid-ctrl -b localhost:$PORT setLogLevel level='notice+' > /dev/null
qpid-ctrl -b localhost:$PORT echo sequence=1 body=HIDDEN > /dev/null
checklog 0 "Step 1 Expected no echo log entries"
# Next, enable all Broker logs at debug and higher levels and send another echo
# This 'echo' should be in the log.
qpid-ctrl -b localhost:$PORT setLogLevel level='debug+:Broker' > /dev/null
qpid-ctrl -b localhost:$PORT echo sequence=2 body=VISIBLE > /dev/null
checklog 1 "Step 2 Expected one echo log entry"
# Now turn on Broker debug messages but specifically disable ManagementMethod logs
# The 'echo' should be hidden.
qpid-ctrl -b localhost:$PORT setLogLevel level='debug+:Broker !debug+:broker::Broker::ManagementMethod' > /dev/null
qpid-ctrl -b localhost:$PORT echo sequence=3 body=HIDDEN > /dev/null
checklog 1 "Step 3 Expected one echo log entry"
# Verify that the management get returns what was just set
qpid-ctrl -b localhost:$PORT getLogLevel > dynamic_log_level.tmp
if [[ $(grep 'level=debug+:Broker,!debug+:broker::Broker::ManagementMethod' dynamic_log_level.tmp | wc -l) -ne 1 ]]; then
error "Step 4 getLogLevel returned unexpected value: " `cat dynamic_log_level.tmp`
rm -rf dynamic_log_level.tmp
# Start another broker with --log-disable settings and make sure the management string receives them
rm -rf $LOG_FILE
PORT=$(qpidd --auth=no --no-module-dir --daemon --port=0 --interface --log-to-file $LOG_FILE --log-enable debug:foo --log-disable debug:bar) || error "Could not start broker"
echo Broker for log level test started on $PORT, pid is $(qpidd --no-module-dir --check --port $PORT)
qpid-ctrl -b localhost:$PORT getLogLevel > dynamic_log_level.tmp
if [[ $(grep 'level=debug:foo,!debug:bar' dynamic_log_level.tmp | wc -l) -ne 1 ]]; then
error "Step 5 getLogLevel returned unexpected value: " `cat dynamic_log_level.tmp`
rm -rf dynamic_log_level.tmp
rm -rf $LOG_FILE
echo OK