| // |
| // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| // distributed with this work for additional information |
| // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| // software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| // specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| // under the License. |
| // |
| |
| //====================================================================== |
| //Exclude the following from brokers using the 0-8/0-9/0-9-1 protocols |
| //====================================================================== |
| |
| // These tests requires a broker capable of 0-8/0-9/0-9-1 and 0-10 concurrently |
| org.apache.qpid.test.client.message.JMSDestinationTest#testReceiveResend |
| org.apache.qpid.server.message.MessageProtocolConversionTest#* |
| |
| //QPID-3422: test fails because ring queue is not implemented on Apache Qpid Broker-J |
| org.apache.qpid.test.client.destination.AddressBasedDestinationTest#testBrowseMode |
| //QPID-3392: the Apache Qpid Broker-J does not yet implement exchange creation arguments |
| org.apache.qpid.test.client.destination.AddressBasedDestinationTest#testCreateExchangeWithArgs |
| org.apache.qpid.test.client.destination.AddressBasedDestinationTest#testSessionCreateTopicWithExchangeArgs |
| //QPID-3678: zero capacity not supported in 0-9-1 |
| org.apache.qpid.test.client.destination.AddressBasedDestinationTest#testZeroCapacityForSynchronousReceive |
| //QPID-6037: the 0-9-1 client takes the view that if you don't specify the node type but you ask for a JMS Topic |
| // you want a topic behaviour. The 0-10 client thinks you must want a queue. |
| org.apache.qpid.test.client.destination.AddressBasedDestinationTest#testJMSTopicIsTreatedAsQueueIn0_10 |
| // QPID-7692: Receiving a message sent using a destination which has no subject fails when client is in BURL dest syntax mode. |
| org.apache.qpid.test.client.destination.AddressBasedDestinationTest#testJMSDestination_DestinationWithoutSubject |
| |
| // The new addressing based syntax is not supported for AMQP 0-8/0-9 versions |
| org.apache.qpid.client.failover.AddressBasedFailoverBehaviourTest#* |
| org.apache.qpid.test.unit.message.JMSPropertiesTest#testApplicationProperties |
| org.apache.qpid.server.queue.AddressBasedSortedQueueTest#* |
| |
| // Those tests are written against the 0.10 path |
| org.apache.qpid.client.SynchReceiveTest#testReceiveNoWait |
| org.apache.qpid.server.logging.ChannelLoggingTest#testChannelClosedOnExclusiveQueueDeclaredOnDifferentSession |
| |
| // Makes explicit use of 0-10 connection object |
| org.apache.qpid.client.ssl.SSLTest#testMultipleCertsInSingleStore |
| |
| // Tests 0.10 client feature |
| org.apache.qpid.test.unit.client.connection.ConnectionTest#testUnsupportedSASLMechanism |
| |
| // uses AMQP 0-10 related properties |
| org.apache.qpid.test.unit.message.JMSPropertiesTest#testQpidExtensionProperties |
| |
| // Verification of unique client id is 0-10 specific |
| org.apache.qpid.test.unit.client.connection.ConnectionTest#testClientIDVerificationForSameUser |
| org.apache.qpid.test.unit.client.connection.ConnectionTest#testClientIDVerificationForDifferentUsers |
| |
| // QPID-3604 This fix is applied only to the 0-10 code, hence this test does not work for pre 0-10. |
| org.apache.qpid.client.prefetch.PrefetchBehaviourTest#testConnectionStop |
| |
| //Tests durable subscription selector verification behaviour that 0-8/0-9/0-9-1 cant provide |
| org.apache.qpid.test.unit.ct.DurableSubscriberTest#testResubscribeWithChangedSelectorAndRestart |
| |
| // QPID-3396 |
| org.apache.qpid.test.unit.client.connection.ConnectionTest#testExceptionWhenUserPassIsRequired |
| |
| // Testing of large 0-10 headers (QPID-6786) |
| org.apache.qpid.test.unit.basic.PropertyValueTest#testLargeHeader_010_HeadersFillContentHeaderFrame |
| |
| # Exclude the JMS 2.0 test suite |
| org.apache.qpid.systests.jms_2_0.* |
| |
| // Exclude 1.0 protocol tests |
| org.apache.qpid.tests.protocol.v1_0.* |
| |
| // Tests AMQP 1.0 specific routing semantics |
| org.apache.qpid.systest.MessageRoutingTest#* |
| |
| // QPID-7948: A publish confirms defect prevents this test passing. |
| org.apache.qpid.server.security.acl.MessagingACLTest#testPublishToTempTopicSuccess |
| |
| // Test requires ability to address the $management node. Fails for 0-9 only as client erroneously tries to declare an exchange |
| // Already fixed for next Qpid Client AMQP 0-x release (6.3.x) |
| org.apache.qpid.server.stats.StatisticsReportingTest#testBrokerStatistics |
| org.apache.qpid.server.stats.StatisticsReportingTest#testVirtualHostConnectionStatistics |
| |