blob: d8e42d8f5568cc52079de026ae0800d2d9ca79c4 [file] [log] [blame]
(Unreleased) Apache PLC4X 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT
New Features
- Added the ability to provide protocol versions in the code
Incompatible changes
Bug Fixes
Apache PLC4X Build-Tools Code-Generation 1.5.0
New Features
- `string` fields allow variable length input
- Added a new `byte` simple type for 8 bit values where the
language can decide on if it's signed or unsigned.
- Added a new `unknown` field type that can be used in
early stages of a driver, it allows simply discarding data
when parsing, but throws an exception when used for
- Added support to the maven plugin for custom generator
options (Such as a custom package name)
- `enum` fields should only be used if a field of the enum
is required for parsing and serializing. For all other
cases a `simple` field works just right.
Apache PLC4X Build-Tools Code-Generation 1.4.0
New Features
- Added boolean-type
- Moved the Default*TypeReference implementations from SPI in
the main repository to here
Incompatible changes
Bug Fixes
Apache PLC4X Build-Tools Code-Generation 1.3.0
Refactorings needed to make the expressions used in mspec
strongly typed.
New Features
Incompatible changes
Bug Fixes
Apache PLC4X Build-Tools Code-Generation 1.2.0
New Features
- Added a new AbstractField type
Incompatible changes
Bug Fixes
Apache PLC4X Build-Tools Code-Generation 1.1.0
New Features
- Added new Integer and Float type references
- Added support for "dataIo" types in MSpec
- Added support for temporal fields
- Added support for string fields
Incompatible changes
Bug Fixes
Apache PLC4X Build-Tools Code-Generation 1.0.0
This is the first official release of Apache PLC4X
Build-Tools Code-Generation.
New Features
- New `plc4x-maven-plugin`
Incompatible changes
- none
Bug Fixes
- none