blob: 6dec7741dd176613de0a3eeb67b024c967f59e2b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.parquet.internal.filter2.columnindex;
import java.util.PrimitiveIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat.FilterPredicateCompat;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat.NoOpFilter;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat.UnboundRecordFilterCompat;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.FilterPredicate.Visitor;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.And;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.Column;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.Eq;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.Gt;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.GtEq;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.LogicalNotUserDefined;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.Lt;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.LtEq;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.Not;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.NotEq;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.Or;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.UserDefined;
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.UserDefinedPredicate;
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.ColumnPath;
import org.apache.parquet.internal.column.columnindex.ColumnIndex;
import org.apache.parquet.internal.column.columnindex.OffsetIndex;
import org.apache.parquet.internal.filter2.columnindex.ColumnIndexStore.MissingOffsetIndexException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Filter implementation based on column indexes.
* No filtering will be applied for columns where no column index is available.
* Offset index is required for all the columns in the projection, therefore a {@link MissingOffsetIndexException} will
* be thrown from any {@code visit} methods if any of the required offset indexes is missing.
public class ColumnIndexFilter implements Visitor<RowRanges> {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ColumnIndexFilter.class);
private final ColumnIndexStore columnIndexStore;
private final Set<ColumnPath> columns;
private final long rowCount;
private RowRanges allRows;
* Calculates the row ranges containing the indexes of the rows might match the specified filter.
* @param filter
* to be used for filtering the rows
* @param columnIndexStore
* the store for providing column/offset indexes
* @param paths
* the paths of the columns used in the actual projection; a column not being part of the projection will be
* handled as containing {@code null} values only even if the column has values written in the file
* @param rowCount
* the total number of rows in the row-group
* @return the ranges of the possible matching row indexes; the returned ranges will contain all the rows if any of
* the required offset index is missing
public static RowRanges calculateRowRanges(FilterCompat.Filter filter, ColumnIndexStore columnIndexStore,
Set<ColumnPath> paths, long rowCount) {
return filter.accept(new FilterCompat.Visitor<RowRanges>() {
public RowRanges visit(FilterPredicateCompat filterPredicateCompat) {
try {
return filterPredicateCompat.getFilterPredicate()
.accept(new ColumnIndexFilter(columnIndexStore, paths, rowCount));
} catch (MissingOffsetIndexException e) {;
return RowRanges.createSingle(rowCount);
public RowRanges visit(UnboundRecordFilterCompat unboundRecordFilterCompat) {
return RowRanges.createSingle(rowCount);
public RowRanges visit(NoOpFilter noOpFilter) {
return RowRanges.createSingle(rowCount);
private ColumnIndexFilter(ColumnIndexStore columnIndexStore, Set<ColumnPath> paths, long rowCount) {
this.columnIndexStore = columnIndexStore;
this.columns = paths;
this.rowCount = rowCount;
private RowRanges allRows() {
if (allRows == null) {
allRows = RowRanges.createSingle(rowCount);
return allRows;
public <T extends Comparable<T>> RowRanges visit(Eq<T> eq) {
return applyPredicate(eq.getColumn(), ci -> ci.visit(eq), eq.getValue() == null ? allRows() : RowRanges.EMPTY);
public <T extends Comparable<T>> RowRanges visit(NotEq<T> notEq) {
return applyPredicate(notEq.getColumn(), ci -> ci.visit(notEq),
notEq.getValue() == null ? RowRanges.EMPTY : allRows());
public <T extends Comparable<T>> RowRanges visit(Lt<T> lt) {
return applyPredicate(lt.getColumn(), ci -> ci.visit(lt), RowRanges.EMPTY);
public <T extends Comparable<T>> RowRanges visit(LtEq<T> ltEq) {
return applyPredicate(ltEq.getColumn(), ci -> ci.visit(ltEq), RowRanges.EMPTY);
public <T extends Comparable<T>> RowRanges visit(Gt<T> gt) {
return applyPredicate(gt.getColumn(), ci -> ci.visit(gt), RowRanges.EMPTY);
public <T extends Comparable<T>> RowRanges visit(GtEq<T> gtEq) {
return applyPredicate(gtEq.getColumn(), ci -> ci.visit(gtEq), RowRanges.EMPTY);
public <T extends Comparable<T>, U extends UserDefinedPredicate<T>> RowRanges visit(UserDefined<T, U> udp) {
return applyPredicate(udp.getColumn(), ci -> ci.visit(udp),
udp.getUserDefinedPredicate().acceptsNullValue() ? allRows() : RowRanges.EMPTY);
public <T extends Comparable<T>, U extends UserDefinedPredicate<T>> RowRanges visit(
LogicalNotUserDefined<T, U> udp) {
return applyPredicate(udp.getUserDefined().getColumn(), ci -> ci.visit(udp),
udp.getUserDefined().getUserDefinedPredicate().acceptsNullValue() ? RowRanges.EMPTY : allRows());
private RowRanges applyPredicate(Column<?> column, Function<ColumnIndex, PrimitiveIterator.OfInt> func,
RowRanges rangesForMissingColumns) {
ColumnPath columnPath = column.getColumnPath();
if (!columns.contains(columnPath)) {
return rangesForMissingColumns;
OffsetIndex oi = columnIndexStore.getOffsetIndex(columnPath);
ColumnIndex ci = columnIndexStore.getColumnIndex(columnPath);
if (ci == null) {"No column index for column {} is available; Unable to filter on this column", columnPath);
return allRows();
return RowRanges.create(rowCount, func.apply(ci), oi);
public RowRanges visit(And and) {
return RowRanges.intersection(and.getLeft().accept(this), and.getRight().accept(this));
public RowRanges visit(Or or) {
return RowRanges.union(or.getLeft().accept(this), or.getRight().accept(this));
public RowRanges visit(Not not) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Predicates containing a NOT must be run through LogicalInverseRewriter. " + not);