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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.parquet.filter2.dsl
import java.lang.{Double => JDouble, Integer => JInt}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.Operators.{Or, UserDefined, UserDefinedByClass, DoubleColumn => JDoubleColumn, IntColumn => JIntColumn}
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.{FilterApi, Statistics, UserDefinedPredicate}
class DummyFilter extends UserDefinedPredicate[JInt] with Serializable {
override def keep(value: JInt): Boolean = false
override def canDrop(statistics: Statistics[JInt]): Boolean = false
override def inverseCanDrop(statistics: Statistics[JInt]): Boolean = false
class DslTest extends FlatSpec{
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.dsl.Dsl._
"predicates" should "be correctly constructed using the dsl" in {
val abc = IntColumn("a.b.c")
val xyz = DoubleColumn("x.y.z")
val complexPredicate = !(abc > 10 && (xyz === 17 || ((xyz !== 13) && (xyz <= 20))))
val abcGt =[JInt, JIntColumn](abc.javaColumn, 10)
val xyzAnd = FilterApi.and(FilterApi.notEq[JDouble, JDoubleColumn](xyz.javaColumn, 13.0),
FilterApi.ltEq[JDouble, JDoubleColumn](xyz.javaColumn, 20.0))
val xyzEq = FilterApi.eq[JDouble, JDoubleColumn](xyz.javaColumn, 17.0)
val xyzPred = FilterApi.or(xyzEq, xyzAnd)
val expected = FilterApi.not(FilterApi.and(abcGt, xyzPred))
assert(complexPredicate === expected)
"user defined predicates" should "be correctly constructed" in {
val abc = IntColumn("a.b.c")
val predByClass = (abc > 10) || abc.filterBy(classOf[DummyFilter])
val instance = new DummyFilter
val predByInstance = (abc > 10) || abc.filterBy(instance)
val expectedByClass = FilterApi.or([JInt, JIntColumn](abc.javaColumn, 10), FilterApi.userDefined(abc.javaColumn, classOf[DummyFilter]))
val expectedByInstance = FilterApi.or([JInt, JIntColumn](abc.javaColumn, 10), FilterApi.userDefined(abc.javaColumn, instance))
assert(predByClass === expectedByClass)
assert(predByInstance === expectedByInstance)
val intUserDefinedByClass = predByClass.asInstanceOf[Or].getRight.asInstanceOf[UserDefinedByClass[JInt, DummyFilter]]
assert(intUserDefinedByClass.getUserDefinedPredicateClass === classOf[DummyFilter])
val intUserDefinedByInstance = predByInstance.asInstanceOf[Or].getRight.asInstanceOf[UserDefined[JInt, DummyFilter]]
assert(intUserDefinedByInstance.getUserDefinedPredicate === instance)
"Column == and != " should "throw a helpful warning" in {
val abc = IntColumn("a.b.c")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
abc == 10
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
abc != 10