blob: 01d5fffa3a26c77c10faf078a3314ea1d949f720 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package parsers
import (
// TODO(): Support other valid Package Manifest types
// TODO(): i.e., timestamp, version, string256, string64, string16
// TODO(): Support JSON schema validation for type: json
// TODO(): Support OpenAPI schema validation
const (
STRING string = "string"
INTEGER string = "integer"
FLOAT string = "float"
BOOLEAN string = "boolean"
JSON string = "json"
var validParameterNameMap = map[string]string{
"int": INTEGER,
"bool": BOOLEAN,
"int8": INTEGER,
"int16": INTEGER,
"int32": INTEGER,
"int64": INTEGER,
"float32": FLOAT,
"float64": FLOAT,
"map": JSON,
var typeDefaultValueMap = map[string]interface{}{
FLOAT: 0.0,
BOOLEAN: false,
JSON: make(map[string]interface{}),
// TODO() Support these types + their validation
// timestamp
// null
// version
// string256
// string64
// string16
// scalar-unit
// schema
// object
func isValidParameterType(typeName string) bool {
_, isValid := typeDefaultValueMap[typeName]
return isValid
// TODO(): throw errors
func getTypeDefaultValue(typeName string) interface{} {
if val, ok := typeDefaultValueMap[typeName]; ok {
return val
} else {
// TODO() throw an error "type not found" InvalidParameterType
return nil
ResolveParamTypeFromValue Resolves the Parameter's data type from its actual value.
- paramName: name of the parameter for error reporting
- filepath: the path, including name, of the YAML file which contained the parameter for error reporting
- value: the parameter value to resolve
- (string) parameter type name as a string
func ResolveParamTypeFromValue(paramName string, value interface{}, filePath string) (string, error) {
// Note: 'string' is the default type if not specified and not resolvable.
var paramType string = "string"
var err error = nil
if value != nil {
actualType := reflect.TypeOf(value).Kind().String()
// See if the actual type of the value is valid
if normalizedTypeName, found := validParameterNameMap[actualType]; found {
// use the full spec. name
paramType = normalizedTypeName
} else {
// raise an error if parameter's value is not a known type
err = wskderrors.NewInvalidParameterTypeError(filePath, paramName, actualType)
return paramType, err
resolveSingleLineParameter assures that a Parameter's Type is correctly identified and set from its Value.
Additionally, this function:
- detects if the parameter value contains the name of a valid OpenWhisk parameter types. if so, the
- param.Type is set to detected OpenWhisk parameter type.
- param.Value is set to the zero (default) value for that OpenWhisk parameter type.
- filePath: the path, including name, of the YAML file which contained the parameter for error reporting
- paramName: name of the parameter for error reporting
- param: pointer to Parameter structure being resolved
- (interface{}) the parameter's resolved value
func resolveSingleLineParameter(filePath string, paramName string, param *Parameter) (interface{}, error) {
var errorParser error
if !param.multiline {
// We need to identify parameter Type here for later validation
param.Type, errorParser = ResolveParamTypeFromValue(paramName, param.Value, filePath)
// In single-line format, the param's <value> can be a "Type name" and NOT an actual value.
// if this is the case, we must detect it and set the value to the default for that type name.
if param.Value != nil && param.Type == "string" {
// The value is a <string>; now we must test if is the name of a known Type
if isValidParameterType(param.Value.(string)) {
// If the value is indeed the name of a Type, we must change BOTH its
// Type to be that type and its value to that Type's default value
param.Type = param.Value.(string)
param.Value = getTypeDefaultValue(param.Type)
//fmt.Printf("EXIT: Parameter [%s] type=[%v] value=[%v]\n", paramName, param.Type, param.Value)
} else {
// TODO() - move string to i18n
return param.Value, wskderrors.NewYAMLParserErr(filePath,
"Parameter [" + paramName + "] is not single-line format.")
return param.Value, errorParser
resolveMultiLineParameter assures that the values for Parameter Type and Value are properly set and are valid.
Additionally, this function:
- uses param.Default as param.Value if param.Value is not provided
- uses the actual param.Value data type for param.type if param.Type is not provided
- filepath: the path, including name, of the YAML file which contained the parameter for error reporting
- paramName: name of the parameter for error reporting
- param: pointer to Parameter structure being resolved
- (interface{}) the parameter's resolved value
func resolveMultiLineParameter(filePath string, paramName string, param *Parameter) (interface{}, error) {
var errorParser error
if param.multiline {
var valueType string
// if we do not have a value, but have a default, use it for the value
if param.Value == nil && param.Default != nil {
param.Value = param.Default
// Note: if either the value or default is in conflict with the type then this is an error
valueType, errorParser = ResolveParamTypeFromValue(paramName, param.Value, filePath)
// if we have a declared parameter Type, assure that it is a known value
if param.Type != "" {
if !isValidParameterType(param.Type) {
// TODO() - move string to i18n
return param.Value, wskderrors.NewYAMLParserErr(filePath,
"Parameter [" + paramName + "] has an invalid Type. [" + param.Type + "]")
} else {
// if we do not have a value for the Parameter Type, use the Parameter Value's Type
param.Type = valueType
// TODO{} if the declared and actual parameter type conflict, generate TypeMismatch error
//if param.Type != valueType{
// errorParser = utils.NewParameterTypeMismatchError("", param.Type, valueType )
} else {
// TODO() - move string to i18n
return param.Value, wskderrors.NewYAMLParserErr(filePath,
"Parameter [" + paramName + "] is not multiline format.")
return param.Value, errorParser
resolveJSONParameter assure JSON data is converted to a map[string]{interface*} type.
This function handles the forms JSON data appears in:
1) a string containing JSON, which needs to be parsed into map[string]interface{}
2) is a map of JSON (but not a map[string]interface{}
- paramName: name of the parameter for error reporting
- filePath: the path, including name, of the YAML file which contained the parameter for error reporting
- param: pointer to Parameter structure being resolved
- value: the current actual value of the parameter being resolved
- (interface{}) the parameter's resolved value
func resolveJSONParameter(filePath string, paramName string, param *Parameter, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
var errorParser error
// TODO() Is the "value" function parameter really needed with the current logic (use param.Value)?
if param.Type == "json" {
// Case 1: if user set parameter type to 'json' and the value's type is a 'string'
if str, ok := value.(string); ok {
var parsed interface{}
errParser := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &parsed)
if errParser == nil {
//fmt.Printf("EXIT: Parameter [%s] type=[%v] value=[%v]\n", paramName, param.Type, parsed)
return parsed, errParser
// Case 2: value contains a map of JSON
// We must make sure the map type is map[string]interface{}; otherwise we cannot
// marshall it later on to serialize in the body of an HTTP request.
if( param.Value != nil && reflect.TypeOf(param.Value).Kind() == reflect.Map ) {
if _, ok := param.Value.(map[interface{}]interface{}); ok {
var temp map[string]interface{} =
//fmt.Printf("EXIT: Parameter [%s] type=[%v] value=[%v]\n", paramName, param.Type, temp)
return temp, errorParser
} else{
errorParser = wskderrors.NewParameterTypeMismatchError(filePath, paramName, JSON, param.Type)
} else {
// TODO() - move string to i18n
errorParser = wskderrors.NewYAMLParserErr(filePath, "Parameter [" + paramName + "] is not JSON format.")
return param.Value, errorParser
ResolveParameter assures that the Parameter structure's values are correctly filled out for
further processing. This includes special processing for
- single-line format parameters
- deriving missing param.Type from param.Value
- resolving case where param.Value contains a valid Parameter type name
- multi-line format parameters:
- assures that param.Value is set while taking into account param.Default
- validating param.Type
Note: parameter values may set later (overridden) by an (optional) Deployment file
- paramName: name of the parameter for error reporting
- filepath: the path, including name, of the YAML file which contained the parameter for error reporting
- param: pointer to Parameter structure being resolved
- (interface{}) the parameter's resolved value
func ResolveParameter(paramName string, param *Parameter, filePath string) (interface{}, error) {
var errorParser error
// default resolved parameter value to empty string
var value interface{} = ""
// Trace Parameter struct before any resolution
//dumpParameter(paramName, param, "BEFORE")
// Parameters can be single OR multi-line declarations which must be processed/validated differently
// Regardless, the following functions will assure that param.Value and param.Type are correctly set
if !param.multiline {
value, errorParser = resolveSingleLineParameter(filePath, paramName, param)
} else {
value, errorParser = resolveMultiLineParameter(filePath, paramName, param)
// String value pre-processing (interpolation)
// See if we have any Environment Variable replacement within the parameter's value
// Make sure the parameter's value is a valid, non-empty string
if ( param.Value != nil && param.Type == "string") {
// perform $ notation replacement on string if any exist
value = wskenv.GetEnvVar(param.Value)
// JSON - Handle both cases, where value 1) is a string containing JSON, 2) is a map of JSON
if param.Type == "json" {
value, errorParser = resolveJSONParameter(filePath, paramName, param, value)
// Default value to zero value for the Type
// Do NOT error/terminate as Value may be provided later by a Deployment file.
if value == nil {
value = getTypeDefaultValue(param.Type)
// @TODO(): Need warning message here to warn of default usage, support for warnings (non-fatal)
//msgs := []string{"Parameter [" + paramName + "] is not multiline format."}
//return param.Value, utils.NewParserErr(filePath, nil, msgs)
// Trace Parameter struct after resolution
//dumpParameter(paramName, param, "AFTER")
//fmt.Printf("EXIT: Parameter [%s] type=[%v] value=[%v]\n", paramName, param.Type, value)
return value, errorParser
// Provide custom Parameter marshalling and unmarshalling
type ParsedParameter Parameter
func (n *Parameter) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var aux ParsedParameter
// Attempt to unmarshal the multi-line schema
if err := unmarshal(&aux); err == nil {
n.multiline = true
n.Type = aux.Type
n.Description = aux.Description
n.Value = aux.Value
n.Required = aux.Required
n.Default = aux.Default
n.Status = aux.Status
n.Schema = aux.Schema
return nil
// If we did not find the multi-line schema, assume in-line (or single-line) schema
var inline interface{}
if err := unmarshal(&inline); err != nil {
return err
n.Value = inline
n.multiline = false
return nil
func (n *Parameter) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := n.Value.(string); len(n.Type) == 0 && len(n.Description) == 0 && ok {
if !n.Required && len(n.Status) == 0 && n.Schema == nil {
return n.Value.(string), nil
return n, nil
// Provides debug/trace support for Parameter type
func dumpParameter(paramName string, param *Parameter, separator string) {
fmt.Printf("%s:\n", separator)
fmt.Printf("\t%s: (%T)\n", paramName, param)
if param != nil {
fmt.Printf("\t\tParameter.Description: [%s]\n", param.Description)
fmt.Printf("\t\tParameter.Type: [%s]\n", param.Type)
fmt.Printf("\t\t--> Actual Type: [%T]\n", param.Value)
fmt.Printf("\t\tParameter.Value: [%v]\n", param.Value)
fmt.Printf("\t\tParameter.Default: [%v]\n", param.Default)