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// +build unit
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package parsers
import (
const (
// local test assert messages
TEST_MSG_PACKAGE_NAME_MISSING = "Package named [%s] missing."
TEST_MSG_PACKAGE_NAME_MISMATCH = "Package name mismatched."
TEST_MSG_ACTION_NUMBER_MISMATCH = "Number of Actions mismatched."
TEST_MSG_ACTION_NAME_MISSING = "Action named [%s] does not exist."
TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_PATH_MISMATCH = "Action function path mismatched."
TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_MISMATCH = "Action function runtime mismatched."
TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_MAIN_MISMATCH = "Action function main name mismatch."
TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH = "Action parameter [%s] had a type mismatch."
TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH = "Action parameter [%s] had a value mismatch."
TEST_MSG_PARAMETER_NUMBER_MISMATCH = "Number of Paramaters mismatched."
TEST_MSG_MANIFEST_UNMARSHALL_ERROR_EXPECTED = "Manifest [%s]: Expected Unmarshal error."
TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_ERROR_EXPECTED = "Manifest [%s]: Expected runtime error."
// local error messages
TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_PARSE_FAILURE = "Manifest [%s]: Failed to parse."
TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_READ_FAILURE = "Manifest [%s]: Failed to ReadFile()."
TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_DATA_UNMARSHALL = "Manifest [%s]: Failed to Unmarshall manifest."
func init() {
op, error := utils.ParseOpenWhisk("")
if error == nil {
utils.SupportedRunTimes = utils.ConvertToMap(op)
utils.DefaultRunTimes = utils.DefaultRuntimes(op)
utils.FileExtensionRuntimeKindMap = utils.FileExtensionRuntimes(op)
func testReadAndUnmarshalManifest(t *testing.T, pathManifest string)(YAML, error){
// Init YAML struct and attempt to Unmarshal YAML byte[] data
m := YAML{}
// read raw bytes of manifest.yaml file
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pathManifest)
if err != nil{
t.Error(fmt.Sprintf(TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_READ_FAILURE, pathManifest))
return m, err
err = NewYAMLParser().Unmarshal([]byte(data), &m)
return m, err
This function validates basic Manifest Package and Action keys including
- Package name mismatch (single "package" only)
- Number of Actions mismatch
- Action Function path mismatch
- Action runtime (name) mismatch
and optionally,
= Action function "main" name mismatch
- N/A
func testUnmarshalManifestAndActionBasic(t *testing.T,
pathManifest string,
namePackage string,
numActions int,
nameAction string,
pathFunction string,
nameRuntime string,
nameMain string) (YAML, error){
// Test that we are able to read the manifest file and unmarshall into YAML struct
m, err := testReadAndUnmarshalManifest(t, pathManifest)
// nothing to test if Unmarshal returns an err
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_DATA_UNMARSHALL, pathManifest))
} else {
// test package name
actualResult := m.Package.Packagename
assert.Equal(t, namePackage, actualResult, TEST_MSG_PACKAGE_NAME_MISMATCH)
// test # of actions in manifest
if numActions >0 {
actualResult = string(len(m.Package.Actions))
assert.Equal(t, string(numActions), actualResult, TEST_MSG_ACTION_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
// get an action from map of actions where key is action name and value is Action struct
if action, ok := m.Package.Actions[nameAction]; ok {
// test action's function path
assert.Equal(t, pathFunction, action.Function, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_PATH_MISMATCH)
// test action's runtime
assert.Equal(t, nameRuntime, action.Runtime, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_MISMATCH)
// test action's "Main" function
if nameMain != "" {
assert.Equal(t, nameMain, action.Main, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_MAIN_MISMATCH)
} else {
t.Error(fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_NAME_MISSING, nameAction))
return m, nil
func testUnmarshalTemporaryFile (data []byte, filename string) (p *YAMLParser, m *YAML, t string) {
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, filename)
if err == nil {
defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) // clean up
if _, err := tmpfile.Write(data); err == nil {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p = NewYAMLParser()
m, _ = p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
t = tmpfile.Name()
// Test 1: validate manifest_parser:Unmarshal() method with a sample manifest in NodeJS
// validate that manifest_parser is able to read and parse the manifest data
func TestUnmarshalForHelloNodeJS(t *testing.T) {
"../tests/dat/manifest_hello_nodejs.yaml", // Manifest path
"helloworld", // Package name
1, // # of Actions
"helloNodejs", // Action name
"actions/hello.js", // Function path
"nodejs:6", // "Runtime
"") // "Main" function name
// Test 2: validate manifest_parser:Unmarshal() method with a sample manifest in Java
// validate that manifest_parser is able to read and parse the manifest data
func TestUnmarshalForHelloJava(t *testing.T) {
"../tests/dat/manifest_hello_java_jar.yaml", // Manifest path
"helloworld", // Package name
1, // # of Actions
"helloJava", // Action name
"actions/hello.jar", // Function path
"java", // "Runtime
"Hello") // "Main" function name
// Test 3: validate manifest_parser:Unmarshal() method with a sample manifest in Python
// validate that manifest_parser is able to read and parse the manifest data
func TestUnmarshalForHelloPython(t *testing.T) {
"../tests/dat/manifest_hello_python.yaml", // Manifest path
"helloworld", // Package name
1, // # of Actions
"helloPython", // Action name
"actions/", // Function path
"python", // "Runtime
"") // "Main" function name
// Test 4: validate manifest_parser:Unmarshal() method with a sample manifest in Swift
// validate that manifest_parser is able to read and parse the manifest data
func TestUnmarshalForHelloSwift(t *testing.T) {
"../tests/dat/manifest_hello_swift.yaml", // Manifest path
"helloworld", // Package name
1, // # of Actions
"helloSwift", // Action name
"actions/hello.swift", // Function path
"swift", // "Runtime
"") // "Main" function name
// Test 5: validate manifest_parser:Unmarshal() method for an action with parameters
// validate that manifest_parser is able to read and parse the manifest data, specially
// validate two input parameters and their values
func TestUnmarshalForHelloWithParams(t *testing.T) {
TEST_ACTION_NAME := "helloWithParams"
TEST_PARAM_NAME_1 := "name"
TEST_PARAM_NAME_2 := "place"
m, err := testUnmarshalManifestAndActionBasic(t,
"../tests/dat/manifest_hello_nodejs_with_params.yaml", // Manifest path
"helloworld", // Package name
1, // # of Actions
TEST_ACTION_NAME, // Action name
"actions/hello-with-params.js", // Function path
"nodejs:6", // "Runtime
"") // "Main" function name
if err != nil {
if action, ok := m.Package.Actions[TEST_ACTION_NAME]; ok {
// test action parameters
actualResult := action.Inputs[TEST_PARAM_NAME_1].Value.(string)
assert.Equal(t, TEST_PARAM_VALUE_1, actualResult,
actualResult = action.Inputs[TEST_PARAM_NAME_2].Value.(string)
assert.Equal(t, TEST_PARAM_VALUE_2, actualResult,
// Test 6: validate manifest_parser:Unmarshal() method for an invalid manifest
// manifest_parser should report an error when a package section is missing
func TestUnmarshalForMissingPackage(t *testing.T) {
TEST_MANIFEST := "../tests/dat/manifest_invalid_package_missing.yaml"
_, err := testReadAndUnmarshalManifest(t, TEST_MANIFEST)
Test 7: validate manifest_parser:ParseManifest() method for multiline parameters
manifest_parser should be able to parse all different multiline combinations of
inputs section.
func TestParseManifestForMultiLineParams(t *testing.T) {
// manifest file is located under ../tests folder
manifestFile := "../tests/dat/manifest_validate_multiline_params.yaml"
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
m, err := NewYAMLParser().ParseManifest(manifestFile)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_PARSE_FAILURE, manifestFile))
// validate package name should be "validate"
packageName := "validate"
// validate this package contains one action
expectedActionsCount := 1
actualActionsCount := len(m.Packages[packageName].Actions)
assert.Equal(t, expectedActionsCount, actualActionsCount, TEST_MSG_ACTION_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
// here Package.Actions holds a map of map[string]Action
// where string is the action name so in case you create two actions with
// same name, will go unnoticed
// also, the Action struct does not have name field set it to action name
actionName := "validate_multiline_params"
if action, ok := m.Packages[packageName].Actions[actionName]; ok {
// test action function's path
expectedResult := "actions/dump_params.js"
actualResult := action.Function
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_PATH_MISMATCH)
// test action's runtime
expectedResult = "nodejs:6"
actualResult = action.Runtime
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_MISMATCH)
// test # input params
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(10, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(len(action.Inputs)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_PARAMETER_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
// validate inputs to this action
for input, param := range action.Inputs {
switch input {
case "param_string_value_only":
expectedResult = "foo"
actualResult = param.Value.(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_int_value_only":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(123, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(param.Value.(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_float_value_only":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(3.14, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(param.Value.(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_string_type_and_value_only":
expectedResult = "foo"
actualResult = param.Value.(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
expectedResult = "string"
actualResult = param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_string_type_only":
expectedResult = "string"
actualResult = param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_integer_type_only":
expectedResult = "integer"
actualResult = param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_float_type_only":
expectedResult = "float"
actualResult = param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_string_with_default":
expectedResult = "string"
actualResult = param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
expectedResult = "bar"
actualResult = param.Default.(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_integer_with_default":
expectedResult = "integer"
actualResult = param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(-1, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(param.Default.(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_float_with_default":
expectedResult = "float"
actualResult = param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH, param))
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(2.9, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(param.Default.(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
// validate Outputs from this action
for output, param := range action.Outputs {
switch output {
case "payload":
expectedType := "string"
actualType := param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedType, actualType, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH, param))
expectedDesc := "parameter dump"
actualDesc := param.Description
assert.Equal(t, expectedDesc, actualDesc, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
// Test 8: validate manifest_parser:ParseManifest() method for single line parameters
// manifest_parser should be able to parse input section with different types of values
func TestParseManifestForSingleLineParams(t *testing.T) {
// manifest file is located under ../tests folder
manifestFile := "../tests/dat/manifest_validate_singleline_params.yaml"
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
m, err := NewYAMLParser().ParseManifest(manifestFile)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_PARSE_FAILURE, manifestFile))
// validate package name should be "validate"
packageName := "validate"
// validate this package contains one action
expectedActionsCount := 1
actualActionsCount := len(m.Packages[packageName].Actions)
assert.Equal(t, expectedActionsCount, actualActionsCount, TEST_MSG_ACTION_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
actionName := "validate_singleline_params"
if action, ok := m.Packages[packageName].Actions[actionName]; ok {
// test Action function's path
expectedResult := "actions/dump_params.js"
actualResult := action.Function
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_PATH_MISMATCH)
// test Action runtime
expectedResult = "nodejs:6"
actualResult = action.Runtime
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_MISMATCH)
// test # of inputs
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(22, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(len(action.Inputs)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_PARAMETER_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
// validate Inputs to this action
for input, param := range action.Inputs {
switch input {
case "param_simple_string":
expectedResult = "foo"
actualResult = param.Value.(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_integer_1":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(1, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(param.Value.(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_integer_2":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(0, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(param.Value.(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_integer_3":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(-1, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(param.Value.(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_integer_4":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(99999, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(param.Value.(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_integer_5":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(-99999, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(param.Value.(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_float_1":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(1.1, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(param.Value.(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_float_2":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(0.0, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(param.Value.(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_float_3":
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(-1.1, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(param.Value.(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_env_var_1":
expectedResult = "$GOPATH"
actualResult = param.Value.(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_invalid_env_var":
expectedResult = "$DollarSignNotInEnv"
actualResult = param.Value.(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
case "param_simple_implied_empty":
assert.Nil(t, param.Value, "Expected nil")
case "param_simple_explicit_empty_1":
actualResult = param.Value.(string)
assert.Empty(t, actualResult)
case "param_simple_explicit_empty_2":
actualResult = param.Value.(string)
assert.Empty(t, actualResult)
// validate Outputs from this action
for output, param := range action.Outputs {
switch output {
case "payload":
expectedResult = "string"
actualResult = param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH, param))
expectedResult = "parameter dump"
actualResult = param.Description
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, param))
// Test 9: validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method for implicit runtimes
// when a runtime of an action is not provided, manifest_parser determines the runtime
// based on the file extension of an action file
func TestComposeActionsForImplicitRuntimes(t *testing.T) {
data :=
name: helloworld
function: ../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/hello.js
function: ../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/hello.jar
main: Hello
function: ../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/
function: ../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/hello.swift`
p, m, tmpfile := testUnmarshalTemporaryFile([]byte(data), "manifest_parser_validate_runtime_")
actions, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, tmpfile, whisk.KeyValue{})
var expectedResult string
if err == nil {
for i := 0; i < len(actions); i++ {
if actions[i].Action.Name == "helloNodejs" {
expectedResult = utils.DefaultRunTimes[utils.FileExtensionRuntimeKindMap["js"]]
} else if actions[i].Action.Name == "helloJava" {
expectedResult = utils.DefaultRunTimes[utils.FileExtensionRuntimeKindMap["jar"]]
} else if actions[i].Action.Name == "helloPython" {
expectedResult = utils.DefaultRunTimes[utils.FileExtensionRuntimeKindMap["py"]]
} else if actions[i].Action.Name == "helloSwift" {
expectedResult = utils.DefaultRunTimes[utils.FileExtensionRuntimeKindMap["swift"]]
actualResult := actions[i].Action.Exec.Kind
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_MISMATCH)
// Test 10(1): validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method for invalid runtimes
// when the action has a source file written in unsupported runtimes, manifest_parser should
// report an error for that action
func TestComposeActionsForInvalidRuntime_1(t *testing.T) {
data := `packages:
function: ../tests/src/integration/common/wskdeploy.go`
p, m, tmpfile := testUnmarshalTemporaryFile([]byte(data), "manifest_parser_validate_runtime_")
_, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, tmpfile, whisk.KeyValue{})
assert.NotNil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_ERROR_EXPECTED, tmpfile))
// Test 10(2): validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method for invalid runtimes
// when a runtime of an action is missing for zip action, manifest_parser should
// report an error for that action
func TestComposeActionsForInvalidRuntime_2(t *testing.T) {
data := `packages:
function: ../tests/src/integration/runtimetests/src/helloworld/`
p, m, tmpfile := testUnmarshalTemporaryFile([]byte(data), "manifest_parser_validate_runtime_")
_, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, tmpfile, whisk.KeyValue{})
assert.NotNil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_ERROR_EXPECTED, tmpfile))
// Test 10(3): validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method for invalid runtimes
// when a runtime of an action is missing for zip action, manifest_parser should
// report an error for that action
func TestComposeActionsForInvalidRuntime_3(t *testing.T) {
data := `packages:
function: ../tests/src/integration/runtimetests/src/helloworld/`
p, m, tmpfile := testUnmarshalTemporaryFile([]byte(data), "manifest_parser_validate_runtime_")
_, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, tmpfile, whisk.KeyValue{})
assert.NotNil(t, err, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_ERROR_EXPECTED, tmpfile))
// Test 10(3): validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method for valid runtimes with zip action
// when a runtime of a zip action is set to one of the supported runtimes, manifest_parser should
// return a valid actionRecord with specified runtime
func TestComposeActionsForValidRuntime_ZipAction(t *testing.T) {
data := `packages:
function: ../tests/src/integration/runtimetests/src/helloworld/
runtime: nodejs:6`
p, m, tmpfile := testUnmarshalTemporaryFile([]byte(data), "manifest_parser_validate_runtime_")
actions, _ := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, tmpfile, whisk.KeyValue{})
for _, action := range actions {
if action.Action.Name == "hello" {
assert.Equal(t, action.Action.Exec.Kind, "nodejs:6", fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_MISMATCH, action))
// Test 11: validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method for single line parameters
// manifest_parser should be able to parse input section with different types of values
func TestComposeActionsForSingleLineParams(t *testing.T) {
// manifest file is located under ../tests folder
manifestFile := "../tests/dat/manifest_validate_singleline_params.yaml"
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, err := p.ParseManifest(manifestFile)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_PARSE_FAILURE, manifestFile))
// Call the method we are testing
actions, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, manifestFile, whisk.KeyValue{})
if err == nil {
// test # actions
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(actions), TEST_MSG_ACTION_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
action := actions[0]
* Simple 'string' value tests
// param_simple_string should value "foo"
paramName := "param_simple_string"
expectedResult := "foo"
actualResult := action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
* Simple 'integer' value tests
// param_simple_integer_1 should have value 1
paramName = "param_simple_integer_1"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(1, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_integer_2 should have value 0
paramName = "param_simple_integer_2"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(0, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_integer_3 should have value -1
paramName = "param_simple_integer_3"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(-1, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_integer_4 should have value 99999
paramName = "param_simple_integer_4"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(99999, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_integer_5 should have value -99999
paramName = "param_simple_integer_5"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(-99999, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
* Simple 'float' value tests
// param_simple_float_1 should have value 1.1
paramName = "param_simple_float_1"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(1.1, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult,fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_float_2 should have value 0.0
paramName = "param_simple_float_2"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(0.0, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_float_3 should have value -1.1
paramName = "param_simple_float_3"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(-1.1, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
* Environment Variable / dollar ($) notation tests
// param_simple_env_var_1 should have value of env. variable $GOPATH
paramName = "param_simple_env_var_1"
expectedResult = os.Getenv("GOPATH")
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_env_var_2 should have value of env. variable $GOPATH
paramName = "param_simple_env_var_2"
expectedResult = os.Getenv("GOPATH")
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_env_var_3 should have value of env. variable "${}"
paramName = "param_simple_env_var_3"
expectedResult = "${}"
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_invalid_env_var should have value of ""
paramName = "param_simple_invalid_env_var"
expectedResult = ""
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
* Environment Variable concatenation tests
// param_simple_env_var_concat_1 should have value of env. variable "$GOPTH/test" empty string
paramName = "param_simple_env_var_concat_1"
expectedResult = os.Getenv("GOPATH") + "/test"
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_env_var_concat_2 should have value of env. variable "" empty string
// as the "/test" is treated as part of the environment var. and not concatenated.
paramName = "param_simple_env_var_concat_2"
expectedResult = ""
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_env_var_concat_3 should have value of env. variable "" empty string
paramName = "param_simple_env_var_concat_3"
expectedResult = "ddd.ccc." + os.Getenv("GOPATH")
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
* Empty string tests
// param_simple_implied_empty should be ""
paramName = "param_simple_implied_empty"
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Empty(t, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_explicit_empty_1 should be ""
paramName = "param_simple_explicit_empty_1"
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Empty(t, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_explicit_empty_2 should be ""
paramName = "param_simple_explicit_empty_2"
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Empty(t, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
* Test values that contain "Type names" (e.g., "string", "integer", "float, etc.)
// param_simple_type_string should be "" when value set to "string"
paramName = "param_simple_type_string"
expectedResult = ""
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_type_integer should be 0.0 when value set to "integer"
paramName = "param_simple_type_integer"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(0, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_simple_type_float should be 0 when value set to "float"
paramName = "param_simple_type_float"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(0.0, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// Test 12: validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method for multi line parameters
// manifest_parser should be able to parse input section with different types of values
func TestComposeActionsForMultiLineParams(t *testing.T) {
// manifest file is located under ../tests folder
manifestFile := "../tests/dat/manifest_validate_multiline_params.yaml"
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, err := p.ParseManifest(manifestFile)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_PARSE_FAILURE, manifestFile))
// call the method we are testing
actions, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, manifestFile, whisk.KeyValue{})
if err == nil {
// test # actions
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(actions), TEST_MSG_ACTION_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
action := actions[0]
// param_string_value_only should be "foo"
paramName := "param_string_value_only"
expectedResult := "foo"
actualResult := action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_int_value_only should be 123
paramName = "param_int_value_only"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(123, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_float_value_only should be 3.14
paramName = "param_float_value_only"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(3.14, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_string_type_and_value_only should be foo
paramName = "param_string_type_and_value_only"
expectedResult = "foo"
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_string_type_only should be ""
paramName = "param_string_type_only"
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Empty(t, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_integer_type_only should be 0
paramName = "param_integer_type_only"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(0, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_float_type_only should be 0
paramName = "param_float_type_only"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(0.0, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_string_with_default should be "bar"
paramName = "param_string_with_default"
expectedResult = "bar"
actualResult = action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(string)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_integer_with_default should be -1
paramName = "param_integer_with_default"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(-1, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(int)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// param_float_with_default should be 2.9
paramName = "param_float_with_default"
expectedResult = strconv.FormatFloat(2.9, 'f', -1, 64)
actualResult = strconv.FormatFloat(action.Action.Parameters.GetValue(paramName).(float64), 'f', -1, 64)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, paramName))
// Test 13: validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method
func TestComposeActionsForFunction(t *testing.T) {
data :=
name: helloworld
function: ../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/hello.js`
// (TODO) uncomment this after we add support for action file content from URL
// hello2:
// function:`
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "manifest_parser_validate_locations_")
if err == nil {
defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) // clean up
if _, err := tmpfile.Write([]byte(data)); err == nil {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, _ := p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
actions, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, tmpfile.Name(), whisk.KeyValue{})
var expectedResult, actualResult string
if err == nil {
for i := 0; i < len(actions); i++ {
if actions[i].Action.Name == "hello1" {
expectedResult, _ = filepath.Abs("../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/hello.js")
actualResult, _ = filepath.Abs(actions[i].Filepath)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, "Expected " + expectedResult + " but got " + actualResult)
// (TODO) Uncomment the following condition, hello2
// (TODO) after issue # 311 is fixed
//} else if actions[i].Action.Name == "hello2" {
// assert.NotNil(t, actions[i].Action.Exec.Code, "Expected source code from an action file but found it empty")
// Test 14: validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method
func TestComposeActionsForLimits (t *testing.T) {
data :=
name: helloworld
function: ../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/hello.js
timeout: 1
function: ../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/hello.js
timeout: 180
memorySize: 128
logSize: 1
concurrentActivations: 10
userInvocationRate: 50
codeSize: 1024
parameterSize: 128`
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "manifest_parser_validate_limits_")
if err == nil {
defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) // clean up
if _, err := tmpfile.Write([]byte(data)); err == nil {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, _ := p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
actions, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, tmpfile.Name(), whisk.KeyValue{})
//var expectedResult, actualResult string
if err == nil {
for i:=0; i<len(actions); i++ {
if actions[i].Action.Name == "hello1" {
assert.Nil(t, actions[i].Action.Limits, "Expected limit section to be empty but got %s", actions[i].Action.Limits)
} else if actions[i].Action.Name == "hello2" {
assert.NotNil(t, actions[i].Action.Limits, "Expected limit section to be not empty but found it empty")
assert.Equal(t, 180, *actions[i].Action.Limits.Timeout, "Failed to get Timeout")
assert.Equal(t, 128, *actions[i].Action.Limits.Memory, "Failed to get Memory")
assert.Equal(t, 1, *actions[i].Action.Limits.Logsize, "Failed to get Logsize")
// Test 15: validate manifest_parser.ComposeActions() method
func TestComposeActionsForWebActions(t *testing.T) {
data :=
name: helloworld
function: ../tests/src/integration/helloworld/actions/hello.js
web-export: true`
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "manifest_parser_validate_web_actions_")
if err == nil {
defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) // clean up
if _, err := tmpfile.Write([]byte(data)); err == nil {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, _ := p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
actions, err := p.ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(m, tmpfile.Name(), whisk.KeyValue{})
if err == nil {
for i := 0; i < len(actions); i++ {
if actions[i].Action.Name == "hello" {
for _, a := range actions[i].Action.Annotations {
switch a.Key {
case "web-export":
assert.Equal(t, true, a.Value, "Expected true for web-export but got " + strconv.FormatBool(a.Value.(bool)))
case "raw-http":
assert.Equal(t, false, a.Value, "Expected false for raw-http but got " + strconv.FormatBool(a.Value.(bool)))
case "final":
assert.Equal(t, true, a.Value, "Expected true for final but got " + strconv.FormatBool(a.Value.(bool)))
// Test 16: validate manifest_parser.ResolveParameter() method
func TestResolveParameterForMultiLineParams(t *testing.T) {
paramName := "name"
v := "foo"
y := reflect.TypeOf(v).Name() // y := string
d := "default_name"
// type string - value only param
param1 := Parameter{Value: v, multiline: true}
r1, _ := ResolveParameter(paramName, &param1, "")
assert.Equal(t, v, r1, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH,paramName))
assert.IsType(t, v, r1, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH,paramName))
// type string - type and value only param
param2 := Parameter{Type: y, Value: v, multiline: true}
r2, _ := ResolveParameter(paramName, &param2, "")
assert.Equal(t, v, r2, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH,paramName))
assert.IsType(t, v, r2, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH,paramName))
// type string - type, no value, but default value param
param3 := Parameter{Type: y, Default: d, multiline: true}
r3, _ := ResolveParameter(paramName, &param3, "")
assert.Equal(t, d, r3, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH,paramName))
assert.IsType(t, d, r3, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH,paramName))
// type string - type and value only param
// type is "string" and value is of type "int"
// ResolveParameter matches specified type with the type of the specified value
// it fails if both types don't match
// ResolveParameter determines type from the specified value
// in this case, ResolveParameter returns value of type int
v1 := 11
param4 := Parameter{Type: y, Value: v1, multiline: true}
r4, _ := ResolveParameter(paramName, &param4, "")
assert.Equal(t, v1, r4, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH,paramName))
assert.IsType(t, v1, r4, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH,paramName))
// type invalid - type only param
param5 := Parameter{Type: "invalid", multiline: true}
_, err := ResolveParameter(paramName, &param5, "")
assert.NotNil(t, err, "Expected error saying Invalid type for parameter")
switch errorType := err.(type) {
assert.Fail(t, "Wrong error type received: We are expecting ParserErr.")
case *wskderrors.YAMLParserError:
assert.Equal(t, "Parameter [name] has an invalid Type. [invalid]", errorType.Message)
// type none - param without type, without value, and without default value
param6 := Parameter{multiline: true}
paramName = "none"
r6, _ := ResolveParameter(paramName, &param6, "")
assert.Empty(t, r6, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH,paramName))
// Test 17: validate JSON parameters
func TestParseManifestForJSONParams(t *testing.T) {
// manifest file is located under ../tests folder
manifestFile := "../tests/dat/manifest_validate_json_params.yaml"
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
m, err := NewYAMLParser().ParseManifest(manifestFile)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_ERROR_MANIFEST_PARSE_FAILURE, manifestFile))
// validate package name should be "validate"
packageName := "validate_json"
actionName := "validate_json_params"
// validate this package contains one action
actualActionsCount := len(m.Packages[packageName].Actions)
assert.Equal(t, 1, actualActionsCount, TEST_MSG_ACTION_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
if action, ok := m.Packages[packageName].Actions[actionName]; ok {
// test Action function's path
expectedResult := "actions/dump_params.js"
actualResult := action.Function
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_PATH_MISMATCH)
// validate runtime of an action to be "nodejs:6"
expectedResult = "nodejs:6"
actualResult = action.Runtime
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_ACTION_FUNCTION_RUNTIME_MISMATCH)
// validate the number of inputs to this action
expectedResult = strconv.FormatInt(6, 10)
actualResult = strconv.FormatInt(int64(len(action.Inputs)), 10)
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, TEST_MSG_PARAMETER_NUMBER_MISMATCH)
// validate inputs to this action
for input, param := range action.Inputs {
// Trace to help debug complex values:
// utils.PrintTypeInfo(input, param.Value)
switch input {
case "member1":
actualResult1 := param.Value.(string)
expectedResult1 := "{ \"name\": \"Sam\", \"place\": \"Shire\" }"
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult1, actualResult1, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, input))
case "member2":
actualResult2 := param.Value.(map[interface{}]interface{})
expectedResult2 := map[interface{}]interface{}{"name": "Sam", "place": "Shire"}
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult2, actualResult2, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, input))
case "member3":
actualResult3 := param.Value.(map[interface{}]interface{})
expectedResult3 := map[interface{}]interface{}{"name": "Elrond", "place": "Rivendell"}
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult3, actualResult3, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, input))
case "member4":
actualResult4 := param.Value.(map[interface{}]interface{})
expectedResult4 := map[interface{}]interface{}{"name": "Gimli", "place": "Gondor", "age": 139, "children": map[interface{}]interface{}{ "<none>": "<none>" }}
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult4, actualResult4, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, input))
case "member5":
actualResult5 := param.Value.(map[interface{}]interface{})
expectedResult5 := map[interface{}]interface{}{"name": "Gloin", "place": "Gondor", "age": 235, "children": map[interface{}]interface{}{ "Gimli": "Son" }}
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult5, actualResult5, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, input))
case "member6":
actualResult6 := param.Value.(map[interface{}]interface{})
expectedResult6 := map[interface{}]interface{}{"name": "Frodo", "place": "Undying Lands", "items": []interface{}{"Sting", "Mithril mail"}}
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult6, actualResult6, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_VALUE_MISMATCH, input))
// validate Outputs from this action
for output, param := range action.Outputs {
switch output {
case "fellowship":
expectedType := "json"
actualType := param.Type
assert.Equal(t, expectedType, actualType, fmt.Sprintf(TEST_MSG_ACTION_PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH, output))
func _createTmpfile(data string, filename string) (f *os.File, err error) {
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = tmpfile.Write([]byte(data))
if err != nil {
return tmpfile, err
return tmpfile, nil
func TestComposePackage(t *testing.T) {
data := `package:
name: helloworld
namespace: default`
tmpfile, err := _createTmpfile(data, "manifest_parser_test_compose_package_")
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to create temp file")
defer func() {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, _ := p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
pkg, err := p.ComposeAllPackages(m, tmpfile.Name(), whisk.KeyValue{})
if err == nil {
n := "helloworld"
assert.NotNil(t, pkg[n], "Failed to get the whole package")
assert.Equal(t, n, pkg[n].Name, "Failed to get package name")
assert.Equal(t, "default", pkg[n].Namespace, "Failed to get package namespace")
} else {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to compose package")
func TestComposeSequences(t *testing.T) {
data := `package:
name: helloworld
actions: action1, action2
actions: action3, action4, action5`
tmpfile, err := _createTmpfile(data, "manifest_parser_test_compose_package_")
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to create temp file")
defer func() {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, _ := p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
seqList, err := p.ComposeSequencesFromAllPackages("", m, whisk.KeyValue{})
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to compose sequences")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(seqList), "Failed to get sequences")
for _, seq := range seqList {
wsk_action := seq.Action
switch wsk_action.Name {
case "sequence1":
assert.Equal(t, "sequence", wsk_action.Exec.Kind, "Failed to set sequence exec kind")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(wsk_action.Exec.Components), "Failed to set sequence exec components")
assert.Equal(t, "/helloworld/action1", wsk_action.Exec.Components[0], "Failed to set sequence 1st exec components")
assert.Equal(t, "/helloworld/action2", wsk_action.Exec.Components[1], "Failed to set sequence 2nd exec components")
case "sequence2":
assert.Equal(t, "sequence", wsk_action.Exec.Kind, "Failed to set sequence exec kind")
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(wsk_action.Exec.Components), "Failed to set sequence exec components")
assert.Equal(t, "/helloworld/action3", wsk_action.Exec.Components[0], "Failed to set sequence 1st exec components")
assert.Equal(t, "/helloworld/action4", wsk_action.Exec.Components[1], "Failed to set sequence 2nd exec components")
assert.Equal(t, "/helloworld/action5", wsk_action.Exec.Components[2], "Failed to set sequence 3rd exec components")
func TestComposeTriggers(t *testing.T) {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file located under ../tests folder
manifestFile := "../tests/dat/manifest_data_compose_triggers.yaml"
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, err := p.ParseManifest(manifestFile)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to parse manifest: " + manifestFile )
triggerList, err := p.ComposeTriggersFromAllPackages(m, manifestFile, whisk.KeyValue{})
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to compose trigger")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(triggerList), "Failed to get trigger list")
for _, trigger := range triggerList {
switch trigger.Name {
case "trigger1":
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(trigger.Parameters), "Failed to set trigger parameters")
case "trigger2":
assert.Equal(t, "feed", trigger.Annotations[0].Key, "Failed to set trigger annotation")
assert.Equal(t, "myfeed", trigger.Annotations[0].Value, "Failed to set trigger annotation")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(trigger.Parameters), "Failed to set trigger parameters")
func TestComposeRules(t *testing.T) {
data := `package:
name: helloworld
trigger: locationUpdate
action: greeting
trigger: trigger1
action: action1`
tmpfile, err := _createTmpfile(data, "manifest_parser_test_compose_package_")
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to create temp file")
defer func() {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, _ := p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
ruleList, err := p.ComposeRulesFromAllPackages(m)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to compose rules")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(ruleList), "Failed to get rules")
for _, rule := range ruleList {
switch rule.Name {
case "rule1":
assert.Equal(t, "locationUpdate", rule.Trigger, "Failed to set rule trigger")
assert.Equal(t, "helloworld/greeting", rule.Action, "Failed to set rule action")
case "rule2":
assert.Equal(t, "trigger1", rule.Trigger, "Failed to set rule trigger")
assert.Equal(t, "helloworld/action1", rule.Action, "Failed to set rule action")
func TestComposeApiRecords(t *testing.T) {
data := `package:
name: helloworld
putBooks: put
deleteBooks: delete
listMembers: get
getBooks2: get
postBooks2: post
listMembers2: get`
tmpfile, err := _createTmpfile(data, "manifest_parser_test_")
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to create temp file")
defer func() {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, _ := p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
apiList, err := p.ComposeApiRecordsFromAllPackages(m)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to compose api records")
assert.Equal(t, 6, len(apiList), "Failed to get api records")
for _, apiRecord := range apiList {
apiDoc := apiRecord.ApiDoc
action := apiDoc.Action
switch action.Name {
case "putBooks":
assert.Equal(t, "book-club", apiDoc.ApiName, "Failed to set api name")
assert.Equal(t, "club", apiDoc.GatewayBasePath, "Failed to set api base path")
assert.Equal(t, "books", apiDoc.GatewayRelPath, "Failed to set api rel path")
assert.Equal(t, "put", action.BackendMethod, "Failed to set api backend method")
case "deleteBooks":
assert.Equal(t, "book-club", apiDoc.ApiName, "Failed to set api name")
assert.Equal(t, "club", apiDoc.GatewayBasePath, "Failed to set api base path")
assert.Equal(t, "books", apiDoc.GatewayRelPath, "Failed to set api rel path")
assert.Equal(t, "delete", action.BackendMethod, "Failed to set api backend method")
case "listMembers":
assert.Equal(t, "book-club", apiDoc.ApiName, "Failed to set api name")
assert.Equal(t, "club", apiDoc.GatewayBasePath, "Failed to set api base path")
assert.Equal(t, "members", apiDoc.GatewayRelPath, "Failed to set api rel path")
assert.Equal(t, "get", action.BackendMethod, "Failed to set api backend method")
case "getBooks2":
assert.Equal(t, "book-club2", apiDoc.ApiName, "Failed to set api name")
assert.Equal(t, "club2", apiDoc.GatewayBasePath, "Failed to set api base path")
assert.Equal(t, "books2", apiDoc.GatewayRelPath, "Failed to set api rel path")
assert.Equal(t, "get", action.BackendMethod, "Failed to set api backend method")
case "postBooks2":
assert.Equal(t, "book-club2", apiDoc.ApiName, "Failed to set api name")
assert.Equal(t, "club2", apiDoc.GatewayBasePath, "Failed to set api base path")
assert.Equal(t, "books2", apiDoc.GatewayRelPath, "Failed to set api rel path")
assert.Equal(t, "post", action.BackendMethod, "Failed to set api backend method")
case "listMembers2":
assert.Equal(t, "book-club2", apiDoc.ApiName, "Failed to set api name")
assert.Equal(t, "club2", apiDoc.GatewayBasePath, "Failed to set api base path")
assert.Equal(t, "members2", apiDoc.GatewayRelPath, "Failed to set api rel path")
assert.Equal(t, "get", action.BackendMethod, "Failed to set api backend method")
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to get api action name")
func TestComposeDependencies(t *testing.T) {
data := `package:
name: helloworld
location: /whisk.system/cloudant
dbname: myGreatDB
myAnnotation: Here it is`
tmpfile, err := _createTmpfile(data, "manifest_parser_test_")
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to create temp file")
defer func() {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file
p := NewYAMLParser()
m, _ := p.ParseManifest(tmpfile.Name())
depdList, err := p.ComposeDependenciesFromAllPackages(m, "/project_folder", tmpfile.Name())
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to compose rules")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(depdList), "Failed to get rules")
for depdy_name, depdy := range depdList {
assert.Equal(t, "helloworld", depdy.Packagename, "Failed to set dependecy isbinding")
assert.Equal(t, "/project_folder/Packages", depdy.ProjectPath, "Failed to set dependecy isbinding")
d := strings.Split(depdy_name, ":")
assert.NotEqual(t, d[1], "", "Failed to get dependency name")
switch d[1] {
case "myhelloworld":
assert.Equal(t, "", depdy.Location, "Failed to set dependecy location")
assert.Equal(t, false, depdy.IsBinding, "Failed to set dependecy isbinding")
assert.Equal(t, "", depdy.BaseRepo, "Failed to set dependecy base repo url")
assert.Equal(t, "/folder", depdy.SubFolder, "Failed to set dependecy sub folder")
case "myCloudant":
assert.Equal(t, "/whisk.system/cloudant", depdy.Location, "Failed to set rule trigger")
assert.Equal(t, true, depdy.IsBinding, "Failed to set dependecy isbinding")
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(depdy.Parameters), "Failed to set dependecy parameter")
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(depdy.Annotations), "Failed to set dependecy annotation")
assert.Equal(t, "myAnnotation", depdy.Annotations[0].Key, "Failed to set dependecy parameter key")
assert.Equal(t, "Here it is", depdy.Annotations[0].Value, "Failed to set dependecy parameter value")
assert.Equal(t, "dbname", depdy.Parameters[0].Key, "Failed to set dependecy annotation key")
assert.Equal(t, "myGreatDB", depdy.Parameters[0].Value, "Failed to set dependecy annotation value")
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to get dependency name")
func TestBadYAMLInvalidPackageKeyInManifest(t *testing.T) {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file located under ../tests folder
p := NewYAMLParser()
_, err := p.ParseManifest("../tests/dat/manifest_bad_yaml_invalid_package_key.yaml")
assert.NotNil(t, err)
// NOTE: go-yaml/yaml gets the line # wrong; testing only for the invalid key message
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "field invalidKey not found in struct parsers.Package")
func TestBadYAMLInvalidKeyMappingValueInManifest(t *testing.T) {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file located under ../tests folder
p := NewYAMLParser()
_, err := p.ParseManifest("../tests/dat/manifest_bad_yaml_invalid_key_mapping_value.yaml")
assert.NotNil(t, err)
// go-yaml/yaml prints the wrong line number for mapping values. It should be 5.
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "line 4: mapping values are not allowed in this context")
func TestBadYAMLMissingRootKeyInManifest(t *testing.T) {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file located under ../tests folder
p := NewYAMLParser()
_, err := p.ParseManifest("../tests/dat/manifest_bad_yaml_missing_root_key.yaml")
assert.NotNil(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "line 1: field actions not found in struct parsers.YAML")
func TestBadYAMLInvalidCommentInManifest(t *testing.T) {
// read and parse manifest.yaml file located under ../tests folder
p := NewYAMLParser()
_, err := p.ParseManifest("../tests/dat/manifest_bad_yaml_invalid_comment.yaml")
assert.NotNil(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "line 13: could not find expected ':'")
// validate manifest_parser:Unmarshal() method for package in manifest YAML
// validate that manifest_parser is able to read and parse the manifest data
func TestUnmarshalForPackages(t *testing.T) {
data := `
function: actions/hello.js
runtime: nodejs:6
function: actions/
runtime: python`
// set the zero value of struct YAML
m := YAML{}
// Unmarshal reads/parses manifest data and sets the values of YAML
// And returns an error if parsing a manifest data fails
err := NewYAMLParser().Unmarshal([]byte(data), &m)
if err == nil {
expectedResult := string(2)
actualResult := string(len(m.Packages))
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, "Expected 2 packages but got " + actualResult)
// we have two packages
// package name should be "helloNodejs" and "helloPython"
for k, v := range m.Packages {
switch k {
case "package1":
assert.Equal(t, "package1", k, "Expected package name package1 but got " + k)
expectedResult = string(1)
actualResult = string(len(v.Actions))
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, "Expected 1 but got " + actualResult)
// get the action payload from the map of actions which is stored in
// YAML.Package.Actions with the type of map[string]Action
actionName := "helloNodejs"
if action, ok := v.Actions[actionName]; ok {
// location/function of an action should be "actions/hello.js"
expectedResult = "actions/hello.js"
actualResult = action.Function
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, "Expected action function " + expectedResult + " but got " + actualResult)
// runtime of an action should be "nodejs:6"
expectedResult = "nodejs:6"
actualResult = action.Runtime
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, "Expected action runtime " + expectedResult + " but got " + actualResult)
} else {
t.Error("Action named " + actionName + " does not exist.")
case "package2":
assert.Equal(t, "package2", k, "Expected package name package2 but got " + k)
expectedResult = string(1)
actualResult = string(len(v.Actions))
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, "Expected 1 but got " + actualResult)
// get the action payload from the map of actions which is stored in
// YAML.Package.Actions with the type of map[string]Action
actionName := "helloPython"
if action, ok := v.Actions[actionName]; ok {
// location/function of an action should be "actions/hello.js"
expectedResult = "actions/"
actualResult = action.Function
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, "Expected action function " + expectedResult + " but got " + actualResult)
// runtime of an action should be "python"
expectedResult = "python"
actualResult = action.Runtime
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult, "Expected action runtime " + expectedResult + " but got " + actualResult)
} else {
t.Error("Action named " + actionName + " does not exist.")
func TestParseYAML_trigger(t *testing.T) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../tests/dat/manifest_validate_triggerfeed.yaml")
if err != nil {
var manifest YAML
err = NewYAMLParser().Unmarshal(data, &manifest)
if err != nil {
packageName := "manifest3"
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(manifest.Packages[packageName].Triggers), "Get trigger list failed.")
for trigger_name := range manifest.Packages[packageName].Triggers {
var trigger = manifest.Packages[packageName].Triggers[trigger_name]
switch trigger_name {
case "trigger1":
case "trigger2":
assert.Equal(t, "myfeed", trigger.Feed, "Get trigger feed name failed.")
t.Error("Get trigger name failed")
func TestParseYAML_rule(t *testing.T) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../tests/dat/manifest_validate_rule.yaml")
if err != nil {
var manifest YAML
err = NewYAMLParser().Unmarshal(data, &manifest)
if err != nil {
packageName := "manifest4"
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(manifest.Packages[packageName].Rules), "Get trigger list failed.")
for rule_name := range manifest.Packages[packageName].Rules {
var rule = manifest.Packages[packageName].Rules[rule_name]
switch rule_name {
case "rule1":
assert.Equal(t, "trigger1", rule.Trigger, "Get trigger name failed.")
assert.Equal(t, "hellpworld", rule.Action, "Get action name failed.")
assert.Equal(t, "true", rule.Rule, "Get rule expression failed.")
t.Error("Get rule name failed")
func TestParseYAML_feed(t *testing.T) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../tests/dat/manifest_validate_feed.yaml")
if err != nil {
var manifest YAML
err = NewYAMLParser().Unmarshal(data, &manifest)
if err != nil {
packageName := "manifest5"
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(manifest.Packages[packageName].Feeds), "Get feed list failed.")
for feed_name := range manifest.Packages[packageName].Feeds {
var feed = manifest.Packages[packageName].Feeds[feed_name]
switch feed_name {
case "feed1":
assert.Equal(t, "", feed.Location, "Get feed location failed.")
assert.Equal(t, "my_credential", feed.Credential, "Get feed credential failed.")
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(feed.Operations), "Get operations number failed.")
for operation_name := range feed.Operations {
switch operation_name {
case "operation1":
case "operation2":
t.Error("Get feed operation name failed")
t.Error("Get feed name failed")
func TestParseYAML_param(t *testing.T) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../tests/dat/manifest_validate_params.yaml")
if err != nil {
var manifest YAML
err = NewYAMLParser().Unmarshal(data, &manifest)
if err != nil {
packageName := "validateParams"
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(manifest.Packages[packageName].Actions), "Get action list failed.")
for action_name := range manifest.Packages[packageName].Actions {
var action = manifest.Packages[packageName].Actions[action_name]
switch action_name {
case "action1":
for param_name := range action.Inputs {
var param = action.Inputs[param_name]
switch param_name {
case "inline1":
assert.Equal(t, "{ \"key\": true }", param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline2":
assert.Equal(t, "Just a string", param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline3":
assert.Equal(t, nil, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline4":
assert.Equal(t, true, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline5":
assert.Equal(t, 42, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline6":
assert.Equal(t, -531, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline7":
assert.Equal(t, 432.432E-43, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline8":
assert.Equal(t, "[ true, null, \"boo\", { \"key\": 0 }]", param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline9":
assert.Equal(t, false, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inline0":
assert.Equal(t, 456.423, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inlin10":
assert.Equal(t, nil, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "inlin11":
assert.Equal(t, true, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "expand1":
assert.Equal(t, nil, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "expand2":
assert.Equal(t, true, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "expand3":
assert.Equal(t, false, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "expand4":
assert.Equal(t, 15646, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "expand5":
assert.Equal(t, "{ \"key\": true }", param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "expand6":
assert.Equal(t, "[ true, null, \"boo\", { \"key\": 0 }]", param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
case "expand7":
assert.Equal(t, nil, param.Value, "Get param value failed.")
t.Error("Get param name failed")
t.Error("Get action name failed")
func TestPackageName_Env_Var(t *testing.T) {
testPackage := "test_package"
os.Setenv("package_name", testPackage)
testPackageSec := "test_package_second"
os.Setenv("package_name_second", testPackageSec)
mm := NewYAMLParser()
manifestfile := "../tests/dat/manifest_validate_package_grammar_env_var.yaml"
manifest, _ := mm.ParseManifest(manifestfile)
assert.Equal(t, 4, len(manifest.Packages), "Get package list failed.")
expectedPackages := [4]string{testPackage, testPackageSec, testPackage + "suffix", testPackage+ "-" + testPackageSec}
for _, pkg_name := range expectedPackages {
var pkg = manifest.Packages[pkg_name]
assert.Equal(t, "1.0", pkg.Version, "Get the wrong package version.")
assert.Equal(t, "Apache-2.0", pkg.License, "Get the wrong license.")
func TestRuleName_Env_Var(t *testing.T) {
// read and parse manifest file with env var for rule name, and rule trigger and action
testRule := "test_rule"
os.Setenv("rule_name", testRule)
testTrigger := "test_trigger"
os.Setenv("trigger_name", testTrigger)
testAction := "test_actions"
os.Setenv("action_name", testAction);
mm := NewYAMLParser()
manifestfile := "../tests/dat/manifest_data_rule_env_var.yaml"
manifest, _ := mm.ParseManifest(manifestfile)
rules, err := mm.ComposeRulesFromAllPackages(manifest)
if err != nil {
assert.Fail(t, "Failed to compose rules")
packageName := "manifest1"
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(manifest.Packages[packageName].Rules), "Get rule list failed.")
for _, rule := range rules {
fmt.Print("ruleName: ")
//var rule = manifest.Packages[packageName].Rules[rule_name]
switch rule.Name {
case testRule:
assert.Equal(t, "test_trigger", rule.Trigger, "Get trigger name failed.")
assert.Equal(t, packageName + "/" + testAction, rule.Action, "Get action name failed.")
//assert.Equal(t, "true", rule.Rule, "Get rule expression failed.")
t.Error("Get rule name failed")
func TestComposeActionForAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
manifestFile := "../tests/dat/manifest_validate_action_annotations.yaml"
mm := NewYAMLParser()
manifest, _ := mm.ParseManifest(manifestFile)
pkg_name := "packageActionAnnotations"
pkg := manifest.Packages[pkg_name]
assert.NotNil(t, pkg, "Could not find package with name " + pkg_name)
action_name := "helloworld"
action := pkg.Actions[action_name]
assert.NotNil(t, action, "Could not find action with name " + action_name)
actual_annotations := action.Annotations
expected_annotations := map[string]interface{} {
"action_annotation_1": "this is annotation 1",
"action_annotation_2": "this is annotation 2",
"action_annotation_3": "this is annotation 3",
"action_annotation_4": "this is annotation 4",
assert.Equal(t, len(actual_annotations), len(expected_annotations), "Could not find expected number of annotations specified in manifest file")
eq := reflect.DeepEqual(actual_annotations, expected_annotations)
assert.True(t, eq, "Expected list of annotations does not match with actual list, expected annotations: %v actual annotations: %v", expected_annotations, actual_annotations)
pkg_name = "packageActionAnnotationsWithWebAction"
pkg = manifest.Packages[pkg_name]
assert.NotNil(t, pkg, "Could not find package with name " + pkg_name)
action = pkg.Actions[action_name]
assert.NotNil(t, action, "Could not find action with name " + action_name)
actual_annotations = action.Annotations
expected_annotations["web-export"] = true
assert.Equal(t, len(actual_annotations), len(expected_annotations), "Could not find expected number of annotations specified in manifest file")
eq = reflect.DeepEqual(actual_annotations, expected_annotations)
assert.True(t, eq, "Expected list of annotations does not match with actual list, expected annotations: %v actual annotations: %v", expected_annotations, actual_annotations)