blob: 44827709e0850213c8cc21a79ef0066d26d14776 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package parsers
import (
// Read existing manifest file or create new if none exists
func ReadOrCreateManifest() *ManifestYAML {
maniyaml := ManifestYAML{}
if _, err := os.Stat("manifest.yaml"); err == nil {
dat, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("manifest.yaml")
err := NewYAMLParser().Unmarshal(dat, &maniyaml)
return &maniyaml
// Serialize manifest to local file
func Write(manifest *ManifestYAML, filename string) {
output, err := NewYAMLParser().Marshal(manifest)
f, err := os.Create(filename)
defer f.Close()
func (dm *YAMLParser) Unmarshal(input []byte, manifest *ManifestYAML) error {
err := yaml.Unmarshal(input, manifest)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error happened during unmarshal :%v", err)
return err
return nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) Marshal(manifest *ManifestYAML) (output []byte, err error) {
data, err := yaml.Marshal(manifest)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("err happened during marshal :%v", err)
return nil, err
return data, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ParseManifest(mani string) *ManifestYAML {
mm := NewYAMLParser()
maniyaml := ManifestYAML{}
content, err := utils.Read(mani)
err = mm.Unmarshal(content, &maniyaml)
maniyaml.Filepath = mani
return &maniyaml
// Is we consider multi pacakge in one yaml?
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposePackage(mani *ManifestYAML) (*whisk.Package, error) {
//mani := dm.ParseManifest(manipath)
pag := &whisk.Package{}
pag.Name = mani.Package.Packagename
//The namespace for this package is absent, so we use default guest here.
pag.Namespace = mani.Package.Namespace
pub := false
pag.Publish = &pub
keyValArr := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, param := range mani.Package.Inputs {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = ResolveParameter(&param)
if keyVal.Value != nil {
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
pag.Parameters = keyValArr
return pag, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeSequences(namespace string, mani *ManifestYAML) ([]utils.ActionRecord, error) {
var s1 []utils.ActionRecord = make([]utils.ActionRecord, 0)
for key, sequence := range mani.Package.Sequences {
wskaction := new(whisk.Action)
wskaction.Exec = new(whisk.Exec)
wskaction.Exec.Kind = "sequence"
actionList := strings.Split(sequence.Actions, ",")
var components []string
for _, a := range actionList {
act := strings.TrimSpace(a)
if !strings.HasPrefix(act, mani.Package.Packagename+"/") {
act = path.Join(mani.Package.Packagename, act)
components = append(components, path.Join("/"+namespace, act))
wskaction.Exec.Components = components
wskaction.Name = key
pub := false
wskaction.Publish = &pub
wskaction.Namespace = namespace
record := utils.ActionRecord{wskaction, mani.Package.Packagename, key}
s1 = append(s1, record)
return s1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeActions(mani *ManifestYAML, manipath string) ([]utils.ActionRecord, error) {
var s1 []utils.ActionRecord = make([]utils.ActionRecord, 0)
for key, action := range mani.Package.Actions {
splitmanipath := strings.Split(manipath, string(os.PathSeparator))
wskaction := new(whisk.Action)
wskaction.Exec = new(whisk.Exec)
if action.Location != "" {
filePath := strings.TrimRight(manipath, splitmanipath[len(splitmanipath)-1]) + action.Location
action.Location = filePath
dat, err := utils.Read(filePath)
code := string(dat)
wskaction.Exec.Code = &code
ext := path.Ext(filePath)
kind := "nodejs:default"
switch ext {
case ".swift":
kind = "swift:default"
case ".js":
kind = "nodejs:default"
case ".py":
kind = "python"
wskaction.Exec.Kind = kind
if action.Runtime != "" {
wskaction.Exec.Kind = action.Runtime
keyValArr := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, param := range action.Inputs {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = ResolveParameter(&param)
if keyVal.Value != nil {
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
wskaction.Parameters = keyValArr
keyValArr = make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, value := range action.Annotations {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = utils.GetEnvVar(value)
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
wskaction.Annotations = keyValArr
wskaction.Name = key
pub := false
wskaction.Publish = &pub
record := utils.ActionRecord{wskaction, mani.Package.Packagename, action.Location}
s1 = append(s1, record)
return s1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeTriggers(manifest *ManifestYAML) ([]*whisk.Trigger, error) {
var t1 []*whisk.Trigger = make([]*whisk.Trigger, 0)
pkg := manifest.Package
for _, trigger := range pkg.GetTriggerList() {
wsktrigger := new(whisk.Trigger)
wsktrigger.Name = trigger.Name
wsktrigger.Namespace = trigger.Namespace
pub := false
wsktrigger.Publish = &pub
keyValArr := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
if trigger.Source != "" {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = "feed"
keyVal.Value = trigger.Source
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
wsktrigger.Annotations = keyValArr
keyValArr = make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, param := range trigger.Inputs {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = ResolveParameter(&param)
if keyVal.Value != nil {
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
wsktrigger.Parameters = keyValArr
t1 = append(t1, wsktrigger)
return t1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeRules(manifest *ManifestYAML) ([]*whisk.Rule, error) {
var r1 []*whisk.Rule = make([]*whisk.Rule, 0)
pkg := manifest.Package
for _, rule := range pkg.GetRuleList() {
wskrule := rule.ComposeWskRule()
r1 = append(r1, wskrule)
return r1, nil
func (action *Action) ComposeWskAction(manipath string) (*whisk.Action, error) {
wskaction, err := utils.CreateActionFromFile(manipath, action.Location)
wskaction.Name = action.Name
wskaction.Version = action.Version
wskaction.Namespace = action.Namespace
return wskaction, err
// Resolve parameter input
func ResolveParameter(param *Parameter) interface{} {
value := utils.GetEnvVar(param.Value)
typ := param.Type
if str, ok := value.(string); ok && (len(typ) == 0 || typ != "string") {
var parsed interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &parsed)
if err == nil {
return parsed
return value
// Provide custom Parameter marshalling and unmarshalling
type ParsedParameter Parameter
func (n *Parameter) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var aux ParsedParameter
if err := unmarshal(&aux); err == nil {
n.Type = aux.Type
n.Description = aux.Description
n.Value = aux.Value
n.Required = aux.Required
n.Default = aux.Default
n.Status = aux.Status
n.Schema = aux.Schema
return nil
var inline interface{}
if err := unmarshal(&inline); err != nil {
return err
n.Value = inline
return nil
func (n *Parameter) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := n.Value.(string); len(n.Type) == 0 && len(n.Description) == 0 && ok {
if !n.Required && len(n.Status) == 0 && n.Schema == nil {
return n.Value.(string), nil
return n, nil