blob: c77195813acef7c105f87e2038e2fefafe3b2f3c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath ""
plugins {
id 'com.github.blindpirate.gogradle' version '0.8.1'
apply plugin: "org.nosphere.apache.rat"
golang {
packagePath = '' as String
buildTags = (rootProject.findProperty('goTags')?:'').split(',')
dependencies {
golang {
build(['name':'', 'version':'bcc4c8345a21301bf47c032ff42dd1aae2fe3027', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'570b54cabe6b8eb0bc2dfce68d964677d63b5260', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'fd9ec7deca8bf46ecd2a795baaacf2b3a9be1197', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'9235644dd9e52eeae6fa48efd539fdc351a0af53', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'973f376f0e7cf09c96e445b44712416c0cb22ec4', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'f75235bd99dad4e98ff360db8372d5c0ef1d054a', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'76626ae9c91c4f2a10f34cad8ce83ea42c93bb75', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'0723e352fa358f9322c938cc2dadda874e9151a9', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'d228849504861217f796da67fae4f6e347643f15', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'a5cdd64afdee435007ee3e9f6ed4684af949d568', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'f3009df150dadf309fdee4a54ed65c124afad715', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'991e81cc94f6c54209edb3192cb98e3995ad71c1', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'991e81cc94f6c54209edb3192cb98e3995ad71c1', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'991e81cc94f6c54209edb3192cb98e3995ad71c1', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'991e81cc94f6c54209edb3192cb98e3995ad71c1', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'1e505228d7bb7f16c3077af2b0311ff4cf6e84a3', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'1e505228d7bb7f16c3077af2b0311ff4cf6e84a3', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'df1e16fde7fc330a0ca68167c23bf7ed6ac31d6d', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'45932ad32dfdd20826f5671da37a5f3ce9f26a8d', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'06b7e5f50606ecd49148a01a6008942d9b669217', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'06b7e5f50606ecd49148a01a6008942d9b669217', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'2580bc98dc0e62908119e4737030cc2fdfc45e4c', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'6e91dded25d73176bf7f60b40dd7aa1f0bf9be8d', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'33c24e77fb80341fe7130ee7c594256ff08ccc46', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'5ccb023bc27df288a957c5e994cd44fd19619465', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'651d9d916abc3c3d6a91a12549495caba5edffd2', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'9a2e24c3733eddc63871eda99f253e2db29bd3b9', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'a8b38433e35b65ba247bb267317037dee1b70cea', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'a8b38433e35b65ba247bb267317037dee1b70cea', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'eb3733d160e74a9c7e442f435eb3bea458e1d19f', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'78658fd2d1772b755720ed8c44367d11ee5380d6', 'transitive':false])
build(['name':'', 'version':'1d903dcb749992f3741d744c0f8376b4bd7eb3e1', 'transitive':false])
test(['name':'', 'version':'b91bfb9ebec76498946beb6af7c0230c7cc7ba6c', 'transitive':false])
rat {
excludes += [
'.gradletasknamecache', 'gradle/wrapper/**', 'gradlew*', 'build/**', // Gradle
'.gitignore', '.rat-excludes',
The OpenWhiskPlatform class is a utility class to make the rest of what
happens with platforms a bit more understandable. A "Platform" is a tuple
of an operating system and a processor. Currently, the OpenWhisk Wskdeploy
supports three OS's: Linux, Mac/Darwin, and Windows. It supports x86
(32-bit or 64-bit) on all OS's. On Linux, it also support System Z (s390x),
PowerPC (ppc64le), and ARM (32-bit and 64-bit) architectures.
Different contexts use different codings to refer to these architectures --
the class attempts to provide and interpret all needed codings. Internal
storage is in "GO" format:
OS: linux, darwin, windows
Arch: 386, amd64, s390x, ppc64le, arm
TODO - It may be appropriate to refactor into a general purpose Platform
class for all builds, then to extend with specifics needed for
the OpenWhisk Wskdeploy build.
class OpenWhiskPlatform {
String goOs
String goArch
The 'zipFileName' property is the root file name to use for archives.
static String zipFileName
Create a platform for the local platform
OpenWhiskPlatform() {
OpenWhiskPlatform(String platformSpec) {
OpenWhiskPlatform(String inOs, String inArch) {
* Return the Openwhisk OS for this Platform
String getOwOs() {
((goOs == 'darwin') ? 'mac' : goOs)
String getGoPlatform() {
Everything below here is specific to the Wskdeploy build and could be
factored out into a subclass.
String getArchiveDirName() {
String getArchiveFileName() {
String suffix
switch (goArch) {
case "386": suffix = '-32bit'; break;
case "amd64": suffix = ''; break;
default: suffix = "-${goArch}"; break;
String archivetype = (goOs == 'linux') ? 'tgz' : 'zip'
Configuration of OpenWhisk Platform behavior based on environment and defaults
OpenWhiskPlatform.zipFileName =
System.env['zip_file_name'] ?:
(rootProject.findProperty('zipFileName') ?: 'openwhisk_wskdeploy')
project.ext.packageVersion =
rootProject.findProperty('packageVersion') ?: 'latest'
String buildFileName = System.env['build_file_name'] ?:
(rootProject.findProperty('buildFileName') ?: 'wskdeploy')
'platforms' property will be null for a local compile, or a list (comma or
space-separated) of hyphenated Goos-Goarch pairs. Some transformation is
done when parsing to handle misconceptions.
TODO: More syntax/validity checking and feedback, perhaps as part of a
Platform object as proposed above...
rootProject.ext.localPlatform = new OpenWhiskPlatform()
if (rootProject.hasProperty('buildPlatforms')) {
rootProject.ext.platforms = buildPlatforms.tokenize(' ,').collect {
new OpenWhiskPlatform(it)
} else {
if (!rootProject.hasProperty('nativeCompile')) {
rootProject.ext.platforms = [
'linux-386', 'linux-amd64',
'linux-s390x', 'linux-ppc64le', 'linux-arm', 'linux-arm64',
'darwin-386', 'darwin-amd64',
'windows-386', 'windows-amd64'
].collect { new OpenWhiskPlatform(it) }
} else {
rootProject.ext.platforms = [ rootProject.localPlatform ]
Checks -- add golint and scancode to the checks run prior to build.
The get step is needed to be sure a golint binary is available to run.
task getGoLint(type: com.github.blindpirate.gogradle.Go) {
go 'get -u'
task goLint(type: com.github.blindpirate.gogradle.Go, dependsOn: getGoLint) {
// WARNING: The single quotes are intentional! The gogradle plugin will
// parse the command with the GString engine at execution time.
run '${GOPATH}/bin/golint ' + golang.packagePath
goBuild {
targetPlatform = rootProject.platforms*.goPlatform
// WARNING: The single quotes are intentional! The gogradle plugin will
// parse the command with the GString engine at execution time.
'-ldflags', "-X main.Version=${packageVersion}" as String,
'-o', './build/${GOOS}-${GOARCH}/'+buildFileName+'${GOEXE}',
golang.packagePath ] as List<String>)
gofmt {
gofmt "-s -w ."
task compile(type: Copy, dependsOn: goBuild) {
destinationDir = file('./build')
task build(type: DefaultTask, dependsOn: compile)
For each platform, create an individual archive in a platform appropriate
format (tarball for Linux, zipfile for Mac & Windows).
task individualArchives(
dependsOn: rootProject.platforms.collect() { p ->
type: (p.goOs == 'linux') ? Tar : Zip, dependsOn: compile) {
if (p.goOs == 'linux') { compression = Compression.GZIP }
destinationDir = file('./release')
baseName = "${p.zipFileName}-${packageVersion}-${p.owOs}-${p.goArch}"
from("./build/${p.goOs}-${p.goArch}/") {
include "${buildFileName}*"
from("./") {
include "LICENSE.txt", "NOTICE.txt", "", "docs/**"
Create a 'content.json' file representing all that was
compiled and its appropriate directory in the Tarball that will be created
for deployment to local Nginx instances.
task index() {
def content = [:]
for (p in platforms) {
def pathObject = [ "path" : "${p.archiveDirName}/${p.archiveFileName}" ]
content.get(p.owOs,[:])[p.goArch] = pathObject
// TODO: Default architecture should be configurable as a property
if (p.goArch == 'amd64') {
content.get(p.owOs,[:])['default'] = pathObject
doLast {
file('./build/content.json').text = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(["wskdeploy": content])
task releaseBinaries(type: Tar, dependsOn: [individualArchives, index]) {
compression = Compression.GZIP
destinationDir = file('./release')
baseName = "${OpenWhiskPlatform.zipFileName}-${packageVersion}-all"
from('./build/content.json') { into('.') }
rootProject.platforms.each() { p ->
from('./release/') {
into p.archiveDirName
rename { p.archiveFileName }
task clean(type: Delete, dependsOn: goClean) {
delete './build', './release'