blob: 9545ea2bba22ec6b692e62d483d5f43750aa4028 [file] [log] [blame]
"id": "msg_prefix_error",
"translation": "Error"
"id": "msg_prefix_info",
"translation": "Info"
"id": "msg_prefix_success",
"translation": "Success"
"id": "msg_prefix_warning",
"translation": "Warning"
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_long_report",
"translation": "Reports on deployed entities (i.e., Packages, Actions, Triggers, Rules, etc.) as well as recent Activations in the specified namespace."
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_long_root",
"translation": "The OpenWhisk Deployment Tool\n\nTo begin working with wskdeploy, run the 'wskdeploy' command:\n\n\t$ wskdeploy\n\nThis will deploy OpenWhisk assets specified in manifest.yaml or manifest.yml\nIf current directory doesnt have any manifest file, wskdeploy prints this help message.\n\nThe most common ways of using wskdeploy to deploy and/or undeploy OpenWhisk assets are:\n\n$ wskdeploy\n$ wskdeploy -m path/to/manifest.yaml\n$ wskdeploy -m path/to/manifest.yaml -d path/to/deployment.yaml\n$ wskdeploy undeploy\n$ wskdeploy undeploy -m path/to/manifest.yaml\n$ wskdeploy undeploy -m path/to/manifest.yaml -d path/to/deployment.yaml\n\nAunthentication:\nwskdeploy reads credentials from $HOME/.wskprops by default\nOverwrite default config file on CLI:\n $ wskdeploy --config <config file> -m path/to/manifest.yaml\nOr specify all three on CLI:\n $ wskdeploy --apihost HOST --auth KEY --namespace NAMESPACE -m path/to/manifest.yaml"
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_short_report",
"translation": "Provides a summary report of OpenWhisk assets being deployed/undeployed based on manifest/deployment YAML."
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_short_root",
"translation": "A tool set to help deploy your openwhisk packages using a manifest file."
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_short_version",
"translation": "Print the version number of wskdeploy"
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_short_sync",
"translation": "A tool to sync your OpenWhisk packages between client and server."
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_long_sync",
"translation": "A tool to sync deployment and undeployment of OpenWhisk packages using a manifest and optional deployment files using YAML.\n\nDifferent ways of running sync:\n$ wskdeploy sync\n$ wskdeploy sync -m path/to/manifest.yaml\n$ wskdeploy sync -m path/to/manifest.yaml -d path/to/manifest.yaml\n$ wskdeploy sync -m path/to/manifest.yaml --projectname PROJECT"
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_short_undeploy",
"translation": "Undeploy OpenWhisk assets from server"
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_long_undeploy",
"translation": "Undeploy removes OpenWhisk assets which were deployed from the manifest and deployment YAML.\n\nTo begin deleting OpenWhisk assets from the manifest file, run:\n$ wskdeploy undeploy\n$ wskdeploy undeploy -m path/to/manifest.yaml\n$ wskdeploy undeploy -m path/to/manifest.yaml -d path/to/deployment.yaml\n$ wskdeploy undeploy --projectname PROJECT (only works for deployments in sync mode)"
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_short_export",
"translation": "Export project assets from OpenWhisk"
"id": "msg_cmd_desc_long_export",
"translation": "Exports managed project assets from OpenWhisk to manifest and function files\n\nThe most common way to run export:\n$ wskdeploy export --projectname PROJECT -m path/to/exported-manifest.yaml"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_api_host",
"translation": "whisk API `HOST`"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_api_version",
"translation": "whisk API `VERSION`"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_auth_key",
"translation": "authorization `KEY`"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_cert_file",
"translation": "path of the .cert file"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_config",
"translation": "config file (default is $HOME/.wskprops)"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_allow_defaults",
"translation": "allow defaults"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_deployment",
"translation": "path to deployment file"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_preview",
"translation": "show deployment/undeployment plan"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_key_file",
"translation": "path of the .key file"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_allow_managed",
"translation": "allow project entities to be marked managed"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_project_name",
"translation": "project name"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_manifest",
"translation": "path to manifest file"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_namespace",
"translation": "namespace"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_project",
"translation": "path to serverless project"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_strict",
"translation": "allow user defined runtime version"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_trace",
"translation": "trace output"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_allow_verbose",
"translation": "verbose output"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_allow_param",
"translation": "parameter values in `KEY VALUE` format"
"id": "msg_cmd_flag_allow_param_file",
"translation": "`FILE` containing parameter values in JSON format"
"id": "msg_config_missing_authkey",
"translation": "The authentication key is not configured.\n"
"id": "msg_config_missing_apihost",
"translation": "The API host is not configured.\n"
"id": "msg_config_missing_namespace",
"translation": "The namespace is not configured.\n"
"id": "msg_config_apihost_info",
"translation": "The API host is [{{.host}}], from {{.source}}.\n"
"id": "msg_config_authkey_info",
"translation": "The auth key is set, from {{.source}}.\n"
"id": "msg_config_namespace_info",
"translation": "The namespace is [{{.namespace}}], from {{.source}}.\n"
"id": "msg_config_apigw_access_token_info",
"translation": "The apigw access token is set, from {{.source}}.\n"
"id": "msg_unmarshal_local",
"translation": "Unmarshal OpenWhisk runtimes from local values.\n"
"id": "msg_unmarshal_network",
"translation": "Unmarshal OpenWhisk runtimes from internet at {{.url}}.\n"
"id": "msg_deployment_cancelled",
"translation": "OK. Cancelling deployment.\n"
"id": "msg_deployment_failed",
"translation": "Deployment did not complete sucessfully. Run `wskdeploy undeploy` to remove partially deployed assets.\n"
"id": "msg_deployment_report_status",
"translation": "----==== OpenWhisk Deployment Status ====----"
"id": "msg_deployment_succeeded",
"translation": "Deployment completed successfully.\n"
"id": "msg_undeployment_cancelled",
"translation": "OK. Cancelling undeployment.\n"
"id": "msg_undeployment_failed",
"translation": "Undeployment did not complete sucessfully.\n"
"id": "msg_undeployment_succeeded",
"translation": "Undeployment completed successfully.\n"
"id": "msg_command_using_filename_at_path",
"translation": "{{.cmd}} using {{.filetype}} [{{.path}}]...\n"
"id": "msg_entity_deployed_success",
"translation": "{{.key}} [{{.name}}] has been successfully deployed.\n"
"id": "msg_entity_deploying",
"translation": "Deploying {{.key}} [{{.name}}] ..."
"id": "msg_entity_undeployed_success",
"translation": "{{.key}} [{{.name}}] has been successfully undeployed.\n"
"id": "msg_entity_undeploying",
"translation": "Undeploying {{.key}} [{{.name}}]..."
"id": "msg_dependency_deploying",
"translation": "Deploying dependency [{{.name}}]..."
"id": "msg_dependency_deployment_success",
"translation": "Dependency [{{.name}}] has been successfully deployed.\n"
"id": "msg_dependency_deployment_failure",
"translation": "Deployment of dependency [{{.name}}] did not complete sucessfully. Run `wskdeploy undeploy` to remove partially deployed assets.\n"
"id": "msg_dependency_undeploying",
"translation": "Undeploying dependency [{{.name}}]..."
"id": "msg_dependency_undeployment_success",
"translation": "Dependency [{{.name}}] has been successfully undeployed.\n"
"id": "msg_dependency_undeployment_failure",
"translation": "Undeployment of dependency [{{.name}}] did not complete sucessfully.\n"
"id": "msg_managed_undeployment_failed",
"translation": "Undeployment of deleted entities did not complete sucessfully during managed deployment. Run `wskdeploy undeploy` to remove partially deployed assets.\n"
"id": "msg_managed_found_deleted_entity",
"translation": "Deleting {{.key}} [{{.name}}] which was removed from the current managed project [{{.project}}] as part of undeployment.\n"
"id": "msg_default_package",
"translation": "Package name default is reserved, all OpenWhisk entities under default package are deployed/undeployed directly under your namespace."
"id": "ERRORS",
"translation": "================= ERRORS ==================="
"id": "msg_err_dependency_unknown_type",
"translation": "Dependency type is unknown. wskdeploy only supports /whisk.system bindings or packages.\n"
"id": "msg_err_entity_create",
"translation": "Error creating {{.key}} with error message: {{.err}} and error code: {{.code}}.\n"
"id": "msg_err_entity_delete",
"translation": "Error deleting {{.key}} with error message: {{.err}} and error code: {{.code}}.\n"
"id": "msg_err_feed_invoke",
"translation": "Failed to invoke the feed when deleting trigger feed with error message: {{.err}} and error code: {{.code}}.\n"
"id": "msg_err_key_missing_mandatory",
"translation": "The mandatory key [{{.key}}] is missing.\n"
"id": "msg_err_manifest_not_found",
"translation": "Manifest file not found at path [{{.path}}].\n"
"id": "msg_err_name_mismatch",
"translation": "The {{.key}} named [{{.dname}}] in deployment file [{{.dpath}}] does not match the name [{{.mname}}] in manifest file [{{.mpath}}]."
"id": "msg_err_runtime_invalid",
"translation": "Invalid or missing runtime [{{.runtime}}] specified in manifest for the action [{{.action}}].\n"
"id": "msg_err_runtime_mismatch",
"translation": "Runtime [{{.runtime}}] specified in manifest does not match with action's source file extension [{{.ext}}] for action [{{.action}}].\n"
"id": "msg_err_runtimes_get",
"translation": "Failed to get the supported runtimes from OpenWhisk service: {{.err}}.\n"
"id": "msg_err_runtime_action_source_not_supported",
"translation": "[{{.action}}] has not specified any runtime and the action source file extension [{{.ext}}] is not supported.\n"
"id": "msg_err_url_invalid",
"translation": "Invalid or missing {{.urltype}} URL [{{.url}}] in [{{.filetype}}] file.\n"
"id": "msg_err_url_malformed",
"translation": "Malformed {{.urltype}} URL [{{.url}}]. Try again...\n"
"id": "msg_err_json_missing_cmd_key",
"translation": "JSON input data Missing 'cmd' key"
"id": "msg_err_api_missing_action_or_sequence",
"translation": "Action/Sequence [{{.action}}] is missing from manifest file, API [{{.api}}] can only be created based on the action/sequence from manifest file. Please update manifest file to include [{{.action}}] as a web action/sequence.\n"
"id": "msg_err_action_invalid",
"translation": "Action [{{.action}}] is invalid. It has both code and function specified, only one of them is expected.\n"
"id": "msg_err_action_missing_runtime_with_code",
"translation": "Action [{{.action}}] is invalid. It has code specified without any runtime. With action source code, runtime is mandatory."
"id": "msg_err_action_function_remote_dir_not_supported",
"translation": "Action [{{.action}}] has function pointing to remote directory [{{.url}}], such actions are not supported."
"id": "msg_err_cant_save_docker",
"translation": "Cannot save Docker images."
"id": "msg_err_file_already_exists",
"translation": "File already exists."
"id": "msg_err_different_dependencies_with_same_label",
"translation": "One single dependency [{{.dependency}}] has two different locations [{{.location}}]. This kind of specification is not supported. Please update the dependency label [{{.dependency}}] in the manifest file to point to same location or create two separate labels for two different locations."
"id": "msg_err_action_without_kind",
"translation": "Action [{{.action}}] has no kind set."
"id": "msg_err_action_without_code",
"translation": "Action [{{.action}}] has no source code."
"id": "msg_err_sequence_having_same_name_as_action",
"translation": "Sequence [{{.sequence}}] is already defined as an action under the same package. Actions and sequences can not have same name in a single package."
"id": "msg_err_conflicting_triggers_across_packages",
"translation": "One single trigger [{{.trigger}}] is defined with multiple feeds [{{.feed}}]. Triggers are created directly under the namespace, its not possible to have triggers with same name but different feeds. Please update trigger names in manifest file."
"id": "msg_err_conflicting_rules_across_packages",
"translation": "One single rule [{{.rule}}] is defined with different actions [{{.action}}] and/or triggers [{{.trigger}}]. Rules are created directly under the namespace, its not possible to have rules with same name but associated with different actions/triggers. Please update rule names in manifest file."
"id": "msg_err_arg_missing_value",
"translation": "A command line argument {{.arg}} is missing value, please specify its value."
"id": "msg_err_arg_missing_key_value",
"translation": "A command line argument {{.arg}} is missing key/value pair, please specify key/value pair for example, {{.arg}} key value."
"id": "msg_err_invalid_param_file",
"translation": "A command line argument ({{.arg}}) has invalid param file {{.path}}, ERROR: {{.err}}. Please specify a valid JSON param file."
"id": "msg_err_required_inputs_missing_value",
"translation": "Required inputs are missing values even after applying interpolation using env. variables. Please set missing env. variables and/or input values in manifest/deployment file or on CLI for following inputs: {{.inputs}}"
"id": "msg_err_api_gateway_base_path_invalid",
"translation": "API Gateway base path [{{.apibasepath}}] is invalid. It has path parameters which is not supported, only relative path supports path parameters."
"id": "msg_err_runtime_parser_error",
"translation": "Failed to retrieve runtimes {{.err}}."
"id": "WARNINGS",
"translation": "================= WARNINGS ==================="
"id": "msg_warn_command_retry",
"translation": "Retrying [{{.cmd}}] after error: [{{.err}}]\n"
"id": "msg_warn_config_invalid",
"translation": "Invalid or missing config file [{{.path}}] detected.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_key_deprecated_replaced",
"translation": "The [{{.oldkey}}] key in the {{.filetype}} will soon be deprecated, please use the [{{.newkey}}] key instead.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_key_missing",
"translation": "The mandatory key [{{.key}}] should be set. Using default value [{{.value}}]...\n"
"id": "msg_warn_key_value_invalid",
"translation": "The value for key [{{.key}}] is not valid.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_key_value_not_saved",
"translation": "The value for key [{{.key}}] is not saved in the current version of wskdeploy.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_limit_ignored",
"translation": "Invalid action limit [{{.limit}}] in manifest is ignored.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_limit_changeable",
"translation": "Limit [{{.name}}] is currently not changeable. Ignoring...\n"
"id": "msg_warn_limits_log_size",
"translation": "logSize of limits in manifest should be an integer between 0 and 10.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_limits_memory_size",
"translation": "memorySize of limits in manifest should be an integer between 128 and 512.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_limits_timeout",
"translation": "timeout of limits in manifest should be an integer between 100 and 300000.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_whisk_properties",
"translation": "The [{{.key}}] key was retrieved from which will soon be deprecated please do not use it outside of Travis builds.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_value_range",
"translation": "The value for {{.name}} [{{.key}}] in {{.filetype}} should type {{.type}} between {{.min}} and {{.mac}}.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_runtime_changed",
"translation": "Runtime changed to [{{.runtime}}] based on the action's source file extension for action [{{.action}}].\n"
"id": "msg_warn_entity_name_exists",
"translation": "The {{.key}} name [{{.name}}] already exists. Please select another name.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_packages_not_found",
"translation": "The manifest file [{{.path}}] contained no packages.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_deployment_name_not_found",
"translation": "The {{.key}} [{{.name}}] in the deployment file was not found in the manifest file.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_project_name_overridden",
"translation": "The project name has been overridden. Using {{.project}}\n"
"id": "msg_warn_package_is_public",
"translation": "[{{.package}}] is marked as public in manifest file, it will be visible and can be accessed by anyone"
"id": "msg_warn_action_web_export_ignored",
"translation": "[{{.action}}] has both web and web-export specified, only reading web, ignoring web-export."
"id": "msg_warn_api_missing_web_action",
"translation": "Action [{{.action}}] is not a web action, API [{{.api}}] can only be created using web action. Converting [{{.action}}] to a web action.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_api_missing_web_sequence",
"translation": "Sequence [{{.sequence}}] is not a web sequence, API [{{.api}}] can only be created using web sequence. Converting [{{.sequence}}] to a web sequence.\n"
"id": "msg_warn_api_invalid_response_type",
"translation": "API [{{.api}}] with path parameters [{{.apirelativepath}}] is required to have http as response type. Changing response type from [{{.response}}] to http for [{{.api}}]."
"id": "DEBUG",
"translation": "================= DEBUG ==================="
"id": "msg_dbg_searching_project_directory",
"translation": "Searching project directory [{{.path}}] for [{{.key}}]...\n"
"id": "msg_dbg_deployment_name_found",
"translation": "The {{.key}} [{{.name}}] in the deployment file was found in the manifest file.\n"
"id": "msg_dbg_packages_found_root",
"translation": "Deployment file [{{.path}}]: Found packages under root.\n"
"id": "msg_dbg_packages_found_project",
"translation": "Deployment file [{{.path}}]: Found packages under project [{{.name}}].\n"
"id": "msg_config_missing_apigw_access_token",
"translation": "The apigw access token is not configured.\n"