blob: b18118e3e366ff25d0c8dee32b2679bfb36a73f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package parsers
import (
const (
HTTPS = "https"
HTTP = "http"
WEB = "web"
// Read existing manifest file or create new if none exists
func ReadOrCreateManifest() (*YAML, error) {
maniyaml := YAML{}
if _, err := os.Stat(utils.ManifestFileNameYaml); err == nil {
dat, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(utils.ManifestFileNameYaml)
err := NewYAMLParser().Unmarshal(dat, &maniyaml)
if err != nil {
return &maniyaml, wskderrors.NewFileReadError(utils.ManifestFileNameYaml, err.Error())
return &maniyaml, nil
// Serialize manifest to local file
func Write(manifest *YAML, filename string) error {
output, err := NewYAMLParser().marshal(manifest)
if err != nil {
return wskderrors.NewYAMLFileFormatError(filename, err.Error())
f, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return wskderrors.NewFileReadError(filename, err.Error())
defer f.Close()
return nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) Unmarshal(input []byte, manifest *YAML) error {
err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(input, manifest)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) marshal(manifest *YAML) (output []byte, err error) {
data, err := yaml.Marshal(manifest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ParseManifest(manifestPath string) (*YAML, error) {
mm := NewYAMLParser()
maniyaml := YAML{}
content, err := utils.Read(manifestPath)
if err != nil {
return &maniyaml, wskderrors.NewFileReadError(manifestPath, err.Error())
err = mm.Unmarshal(content, &maniyaml)
if err != nil {
return &maniyaml, wskderrors.NewYAMLParserErr(manifestPath, err)
maniyaml.Filepath = manifestPath
manifest := ReadEnvVariable(&maniyaml)
return manifest, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeDependenciesFromAllPackages(manifest *YAML, projectPath string, filePath string) (map[string]utils.DependencyRecord, error) {
dependencies := make(map[string]utils.DependencyRecord)
packages := make(map[string]Package)
if manifest.Package.Packagename != "" {
return dm.ComposeDependencies(manifest.Package, projectPath, filePath, manifest.Package.Packagename)
} else {
if len(manifest.Packages) != 0 {
packages = manifest.Packages
} else {
packages = manifest.GetProject().Packages
for n, p := range packages {
d, err := dm.ComposeDependencies(p, projectPath, filePath, n)
if err == nil {
for k, v := range d {
dependencies[k] = v
} else {
return nil, err
return dependencies, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeDependencies(pkg Package, projectPath string, filePath string, packageName string) (map[string]utils.DependencyRecord, error) {
var errorParser error
depMap := make(map[string]utils.DependencyRecord)
for key, dependency := range pkg.Dependencies {
version := dependency.Version
if version == "" {
// TODO() interactive ask for branch, AND consider YAML specification to allow key for branch
location := dependency.Location
isBinding := false
if utils.LocationIsBinding(location) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(location, "/") {
location = "/" + dependency.Location
isBinding = true
} else if utils.LocationIsGithub(location) {
// TODO() define const for the protocol prefix, etc.
if !strings.HasPrefix(location, "https://") && !strings.HasPrefix(location, "http://") {
location = "https://" + dependency.Location
isBinding = false
} else {
// TODO() create new named error in wskerrors package
return nil, errors.New(wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_ERR_DEPENDENCY_UNKNOWN_TYPE))
keyValArrParams := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, param := range dependency.Inputs {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value, errorParser = ResolveParameter(name, &param, filePath)
if errorParser != nil {
return nil, errorParser
if keyVal.Value != nil {
keyValArrParams = append(keyValArrParams, keyVal)
keyValArrAnot := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, value := range dependency.Annotations {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = wskenv.GetEnvVar(value)
keyValArrAnot = append(keyValArrAnot, keyVal)
packDir := path.Join(projectPath, "Packages")
depName := packageName + ":" + key
depMap[depName] = utils.NewDependencyRecord(packDir, packageName, location, version, keyValArrParams, keyValArrAnot, isBinding)
return depMap, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeAllPackages(manifest *YAML, filePath string, ma whisk.KeyValue) (map[string]*whisk.Package, error) {
packages := map[string]*whisk.Package{}
manifestPackages := make(map[string]Package)
if manifest.Package.Packagename != "" {
// TODO() i18n
fmt.Println("WARNING: using package inside of manifest file will soon be deprecated, please use packages instead.")
s, err := dm.ComposePackage(manifest.Package, manifest.Package.Packagename, filePath, ma)
if err == nil {
packages[manifest.Package.Packagename] = s
} else {
return nil, err
} else {
if len(manifest.Packages) != 0 {
manifestPackages = manifest.Packages
} else {
manifestPackages = manifest.GetProject().Packages
for n, p := range manifestPackages {
s, err := dm.ComposePackage(p, n, filePath, ma)
if err == nil {
packages[n] = s
} else {
return nil, err
return packages, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposePackage(pkg Package, packageName string, filePath string, ma whisk.KeyValue) (*whisk.Package, error) {
var errorParser error
pag := &whisk.Package{}
pag.Name = packageName
//The namespace for this package is absent, so we use default guest here.
pag.Namespace = pkg.Namespace
pub := false
pag.Publish = &pub
//Version is a mandatory value
//If it is an empty string, it will be set to default value
//And print an warning message
// TODO(#673) implement STRICT flag
if pkg.Version == "" {
warningString := wski18n.T(
wski18n.KEY_KEY: wski18n.PACKAGE_VERSION,
warningString = wski18n.T(
map[string]interface{}{wski18n.KEY_KEY: wski18n.PACKAGE_VERSION})
//License is a mandatory value
//set license to unknown if it is an empty string
//And print an warning message
// TODO(#673) implement STRICT flag
if pkg.License == "" {
warningString := wski18n.T(
wski18n.KEY_KEY: wski18n.PACKAGE_LICENSE,
warningString = wski18n.T(
map[string]interface{}{wski18n.KEY_KEY: wski18n.PACKAGE_VERSION})
} else {
//set parameters
keyValArr := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, param := range pkg.Inputs {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value, errorParser = ResolveParameter(name, &param, filePath)
if errorParser != nil {
return nil, errorParser
if keyVal.Value != nil {
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
pag.Parameters = keyValArr
// set Package Annotations
listOfAnnotations := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, value := range pkg.Annotations {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = wskenv.GetEnvVar(value)
listOfAnnotations = append(listOfAnnotations, keyVal)
if len(listOfAnnotations) > 0 {
pag.Annotations = append(pag.Annotations, listOfAnnotations...)
// add Managed Annotations if this is Managed Deployment
if utils.Flags.Managed {
pag.Annotations = append(pag.Annotations, ma)
return pag, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeSequencesFromAllPackages(namespace string, mani *YAML, ma whisk.KeyValue) ([]utils.ActionRecord, error) {
var s1 []utils.ActionRecord = make([]utils.ActionRecord, 0)
manifestPackages := make(map[string]Package)
if mani.Package.Packagename != "" {
return dm.ComposeSequences(namespace, mani.Package.Sequences, mani.Package.Packagename, ma)
} else {
if len(mani.Packages) != 0 {
manifestPackages = mani.Packages
} else {
manifestPackages = mani.GetProject().Packages
for n, p := range manifestPackages {
s, err := dm.ComposeSequences(namespace, p.Sequences, n, ma)
if err == nil {
s1 = append(s1, s...)
} else {
return nil, err
return s1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeSequences(namespace string, sequences map[string]Sequence, packageName string, ma whisk.KeyValue) ([]utils.ActionRecord, error) {
var s1 []utils.ActionRecord = make([]utils.ActionRecord, 0)
for key, sequence := range sequences {
wskaction := new(whisk.Action)
wskaction.Exec = new(whisk.Exec)
wskaction.Exec.Kind = YAML_KEY_SEQUENCE
actionList := strings.Split(sequence.Actions, ",")
var components []string
for _, a := range actionList {
act := strings.TrimSpace(a)
if !strings.ContainsRune(act, '/') && !strings.HasPrefix(act, packageName+"/") {
act = path.Join(packageName, act)
components = append(components, path.Join("/"+namespace, act))
wskaction.Exec.Components = components
wskaction.Name = key
pub := false
wskaction.Publish = &pub
wskaction.Namespace = namespace
keyValArr := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, value := range sequence.Annotations {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = wskenv.GetEnvVar(value)
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
wskaction.Annotations = keyValArr
// appending managed annotations if its a managed deployment
if utils.Flags.Managed {
wskaction.Annotations = append(wskaction.Annotations, ma)
record := utils.ActionRecord{Action: wskaction, Packagename: packageName, Filepath: key}
s1 = append(s1, record)
return s1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeActionsFromAllPackages(manifest *YAML, filePath string, ma whisk.KeyValue) ([]utils.ActionRecord, error) {
var s1 []utils.ActionRecord = make([]utils.ActionRecord, 0)
manifestPackages := make(map[string]Package)
if manifest.Package.Packagename != "" {
return dm.ComposeActions(filePath, manifest.Package.Actions, manifest.Package.Packagename, ma)
} else {
if len(manifest.Packages) != 0 {
manifestPackages = manifest.Packages
} else {
manifestPackages = manifest.GetProject().Packages
for n, p := range manifestPackages {
a, err := dm.ComposeActions(filePath, p.Actions, n, ma)
if err == nil {
s1 = append(s1, a...)
} else {
return nil, err
return s1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeActions(filePath string, actions map[string]Action, packageName string, ma whisk.KeyValue) ([]utils.ActionRecord, error) {
var errorParser error
var ext string
var s1 []utils.ActionRecord = make([]utils.ActionRecord, 0)
for key, action := range actions {
splitFilePath := strings.Split(filePath, string(os.PathSeparator))
// set the name of the action (which is the key)
action.Name = key
// Create action data object with CLI
wskaction := new(whisk.Action)
wskaction.Exec = new(whisk.Exec)
* Action.Function
//set action.Function to action.Location
//because Location is deprecated in Action entity
if action.Function == "" && action.Location != "" {
action.Function = action.Location
//bind action, and exposed URL
if action.Function != "" {
filePath := strings.TrimRight(filePath, splitFilePath[len(splitFilePath)-1]) + action.Function
if utils.IsDirectory(filePath) {
// TODO() define ext as const
zipName := filePath + ".zip"
err := utils.NewZipWritter(filePath, zipName).Zip()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO() do not use defer in a loop, resource leaks possible
defer os.Remove(zipName)
// TODO(): support docker and main entry as did by go cli?
wskaction.Exec, err = utils.GetExec(zipName, action.Runtime, false, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
ext = path.Ext(filePath)
// drop the "." from file extension
if len(ext) > 0 && ext[0] == '.' {
ext = ext[1:]
// determine default runtime for the given file extension
var kind string
r := utils.FileExtensionRuntimeKindMap[ext]
kind = utils.DefaultRunTimes[r]
// produce an error when a runtime could not be derived from the action file extension
// and its not explicitly specified in the manifest YAML file
// and action source is not a zip file
if len(kind) == 0 && len(action.Runtime) == 0 && ext != utils.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION {
errMessage := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_ERR_RUNTIME_MISMATCH_X_runtime_X_ext_X_action_X,
wski18n.KEY_RUNTIME: action.Runtime,
wski18n.KEY_EXTENTION: ext,
wski18n.KEY_ACTION: action.Name})
return nil, wskderrors.NewInvalidRuntimeError(errMessage,
splitFilePath[len(splitFilePath)-1], action.Name,
wskaction.Exec.Kind = kind
action.Function = filePath
dat, err := utils.Read(filePath)
if err != nil {
return s1, err
code := string(dat)
if ext == utils.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION || ext == utils.JAR_FILE_EXTENSION {
code = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(dat))
if ext == utils.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION && len(action.Runtime) == 0 {
errMessage := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_ERR_RUNTIME_INVALID_X_runtime_X_action_X,
wski18n.KEY_RUNTIME: action.Runtime,
wski18n.KEY_ACTION: action.Name})
return nil, wskderrors.NewInvalidRuntimeError(errMessage,
wskaction.Exec.Code = &code
* Action.Runtime
* Perform few checks if action runtime is specified in manifest YAML file
* (1) Check if specified runtime is one of the supported runtimes by OpenWhisk server
* (2) Check if specified runtime is consistent with action source file extensions
* Set the action runtime to match with the source file extension, if wskdeploy is not invoked in strict mode
if action.Runtime != "" {
if utils.CheckExistRuntime(action.Runtime, utils.SupportedRunTimes) {
// for zip actions, rely on the runtimes from the manifest file as it can not be derived from the action source file extension
// pick runtime from manifest file if its supported by OpenWhisk server
if ext == utils.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION {
wskaction.Exec.Kind = action.Runtime
} else {
if utils.CheckRuntimeConsistencyWithFileExtension(ext, action.Runtime) {
wskaction.Exec.Kind = action.Runtime
} else {
warnStr := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_ERR_RUNTIME_MISMATCH_X_runtime_X_ext_X_action_X,
wski18n.KEY_RUNTIME: action.Runtime,
wski18n.KEY_EXTENTION: ext,
wski18n.KEY_ACTION: action.Name})
// even if runtime is not consistent with file extension, deploy action with specified runtime in strict mode
if utils.Flags.Strict {
wskaction.Exec.Kind = action.Runtime
} else {
warnStr := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_WARN_RUNTIME_CHANGED_X_runtime_X_action_X,
wski18n.KEY_RUNTIME: wskaction.Exec.Kind,
wski18n.KEY_ACTION: action.Name})
} else {
warnStr := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_ERR_RUNTIME_INVALID_X_runtime_X_action_X,
wski18n.KEY_RUNTIME: action.Runtime,
wski18n.KEY_ACTION: action.Name})
if ext == utils.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION {
// for zip action, error out if specified runtime is not supported by
// OpenWhisk server
return nil, wskderrors.NewInvalidRuntimeError(warnStr,
} else {
warnStr := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_WARN_RUNTIME_CHANGED_X_runtime_X_action_X,
wski18n.KEY_RUNTIME: wskaction.Exec.Kind,
wski18n.KEY_ACTION: action.Name})
// we can specify the name of the action entry point using main
if action.Main != "" {
wskaction.Exec.Main = action.Main
* Action.Inputs
keyValArr := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, param := range action.Inputs {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value, errorParser = ResolveParameter(name, &param, filePath)
if errorParser != nil {
return nil, errorParser
if keyVal.Value != nil {
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
// if we have successfully parser valid key/value parameters
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
wskaction.Parameters = keyValArr
* Action.Outputs
keyValArr = make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, param := range action.Outputs {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value, errorParser = ResolveParameter(name, &param, filePath)
// short circuit on error
if errorParser != nil {
return nil, errorParser
if keyVal.Value != nil {
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
// TODO{} add outputs as annotations (work to discuss officially supporting for compositions)
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
// TODO() ?
//wskaction.Annotations // TBD
* Action.Annotations
listOfAnnotations := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, value := range action.Annotations {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = wskenv.GetEnvVar(value)
listOfAnnotations = append(listOfAnnotations, keyVal)
if len(listOfAnnotations) > 0 {
wskaction.Annotations = append(wskaction.Annotations, listOfAnnotations...)
// add managed annotations if its marked as managed deployment
if utils.Flags.Managed {
wskaction.Annotations = append(wskaction.Annotations, ma)
* Web Export
// Treat ACTION as a web action, a raw HTTP web action, or as a standard action based on web-export;
// when web-export is set to yes | true, treat action as a web action,
// when web-export is set to raw, treat action as a raw HTTP web action,
// when web-export is set to no | false, treat action as a standard action
if len(action.Webexport) != 0 {
wskaction.Annotations, errorParser = utils.WebAction(filePath, action.Name, action.Webexport, listOfAnnotations, false)
if errorParser != nil {
return s1, errorParser
* Action.Limits
if action.Limits != nil {
wsklimits := new(whisk.Limits)
// TODO() use LIMITS_SUPPORTED in yamlparser to enumerata through instead of hardcoding
// perhaps change into a tuple
if utils.LimitsTimeoutValidation(action.Limits.Timeout) {
wsklimits.Timeout = action.Limits.Timeout
} else {
warningString := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_WARN_LIMIT_IGNORED_X_limit_X,
map[string]interface{}{wski18n.KEY_LIMIT: LIMIT_VALUE_TIMEOUT})
if utils.LimitsMemoryValidation(action.Limits.Memory) {
wsklimits.Memory = action.Limits.Memory
} else {
warningString := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_WARN_LIMIT_IGNORED_X_limit_X,
map[string]interface{}{wski18n.KEY_LIMIT: LIMIT_VALUE_MEMORY_SIZE})
if utils.LimitsLogsizeValidation(action.Limits.Logsize) {
wsklimits.Logsize = action.Limits.Logsize
} else {
warningString := wski18n.T(wski18n.ID_WARN_LIMIT_IGNORED_X_limit_X,
map[string]interface{}{wski18n.KEY_LIMIT: LIMIT_VALUE_LOG_SIZE})
if wsklimits.Timeout != nil || wsklimits.Memory != nil || wsklimits.Logsize != nil {
wskaction.Limits = wsklimits
// TODO() use LIMITS_UNSUPPORTED in yamlparser to enumerata through instead of hardcoding
// emit warning errors if these limits are not nil
utils.NotSupportLimits(action.Limits.ConcurrentActivations, LIMIT_VALUE_CONCURRENT_ACTIVATIONS)
utils.NotSupportLimits(action.Limits.UserInvocationRate, LIMIT_VALUE_USER_INVOCATION_RATE)
utils.NotSupportLimits(action.Limits.CodeSize, LIMIT_VALUE_CODE_SIZE)
utils.NotSupportLimits(action.Limits.ParameterSize, LIMIT_VALUE_PARAMETER_SIZE)
wskaction.Name = key
pub := false
wskaction.Publish = &pub
record := utils.ActionRecord{Action: wskaction, Packagename: packageName, Filepath: action.Function}
s1 = append(s1, record)
return s1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeTriggersFromAllPackages(manifest *YAML, filePath string, ma whisk.KeyValue) ([]*whisk.Trigger, error) {
var triggers []*whisk.Trigger = make([]*whisk.Trigger, 0)
manifestPackages := make(map[string]Package)
if manifest.Package.Packagename != "" {
return dm.ComposeTriggers(filePath, manifest.Package, ma)
} else {
if len(manifest.Packages) != 0 {
manifestPackages = manifest.Packages
} else {
manifestPackages = manifest.GetProject().Packages
for _, p := range manifestPackages {
t, err := dm.ComposeTriggers(filePath, p, ma)
if err == nil {
triggers = append(triggers, t...)
} else {
return nil, err
return triggers, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeTriggers(filePath string, pkg Package, ma whisk.KeyValue) ([]*whisk.Trigger, error) {
var errorParser error
var t1 []*whisk.Trigger = make([]*whisk.Trigger, 0)
for _, trigger := range pkg.GetTriggerList() {
wsktrigger := new(whisk.Trigger)
wsktrigger.Name = wskenv.ConvertSingleName(trigger.Name)
wsktrigger.Namespace = trigger.Namespace
pub := false
wsktrigger.Publish = &pub
// print warning information when .Source key's value is not empty
if trigger.Source != "" {
warningString := wski18n.T(
wski18n.KEY_FILE_TYPE: wski18n.MANIFEST})
if trigger.Feed == "" {
trigger.Feed = trigger.Source
// replacing env. variables here in the trigger feed name
// to support trigger feed with $READ_FROM_ENV_TRIGGER_FEED
trigger.Feed = wskenv.GetEnvVar(trigger.Feed).(string)
keyValArr := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
if trigger.Feed != "" {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = YAML_KEY_FEED
keyVal.Value = trigger.Feed
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
wsktrigger.Annotations = keyValArr
keyValArr = make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, param := range trigger.Inputs {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value, errorParser = ResolveParameter(name, &param, filePath)
if errorParser != nil {
return nil, errorParser
if keyVal.Value != nil {
keyValArr = append(keyValArr, keyVal)
if len(keyValArr) > 0 {
wsktrigger.Parameters = keyValArr
listOfAnnotations := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, value := range trigger.Annotations {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = wskenv.GetEnvVar(value)
listOfAnnotations = append(listOfAnnotations, keyVal)
if len(listOfAnnotations) > 0 {
wsktrigger.Annotations = append(wsktrigger.Annotations, listOfAnnotations...)
// add managed annotations if its a managed deployment
if utils.Flags.Managed {
wsktrigger.Annotations = append(wsktrigger.Annotations, ma)
t1 = append(t1, wsktrigger)
return t1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeRulesFromAllPackages(manifest *YAML, ma whisk.KeyValue) ([]*whisk.Rule, error) {
var rules []*whisk.Rule = make([]*whisk.Rule, 0)
manifestPackages := make(map[string]Package)
if manifest.Package.Packagename != "" {
return dm.ComposeRules(manifest.Package, manifest.Package.Packagename, ma)
} else {
if len(manifest.Packages) != 0 {
manifestPackages = manifest.Packages
} else {
manifestPackages = manifest.GetProject().Packages
for n, p := range manifestPackages {
r, err := dm.ComposeRules(p, n, ma)
if err == nil {
rules = append(rules, r...)
} else {
return nil, err
return rules, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeRules(pkg Package, packageName string, ma whisk.KeyValue) ([]*whisk.Rule, error) {
var r1 []*whisk.Rule = make([]*whisk.Rule, 0)
for _, rule := range pkg.GetRuleList() {
wskrule := new(whisk.Rule)
wskrule.Name = wskenv.ConvertSingleName(rule.Name)
//wskrule.Namespace = rule.Namespace
pub := false
wskrule.Publish = &pub
wskrule.Trigger = wskenv.ConvertSingleName(rule.Trigger)
wskrule.Action = wskenv.ConvertSingleName(rule.Action)
act := strings.TrimSpace(wskrule.Action.(string))
if !strings.ContainsRune(act, '/') && !strings.HasPrefix(act, packageName+"/") {
act = path.Join(packageName, act)
wskrule.Action = act
listOfAnnotations := make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 0)
for name, value := range rule.Annotations {
var keyVal whisk.KeyValue
keyVal.Key = name
keyVal.Value = wskenv.GetEnvVar(value)
listOfAnnotations = append(listOfAnnotations, keyVal)
if len(listOfAnnotations) > 0 {
wskrule.Annotations = append(wskrule.Annotations, listOfAnnotations...)
// add managed annotations if its a managed deployment
if utils.Flags.Managed {
wskrule.Annotations = append(wskrule.Annotations, ma)
r1 = append(r1, wskrule)
return r1, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeApiRecordsFromAllPackages(client *whisk.Config, manifest *YAML) ([]*whisk.ApiCreateRequest, error) {
var requests []*whisk.ApiCreateRequest = make([]*whisk.ApiCreateRequest, 0)
manifestPackages := make(map[string]Package)
if manifest.Package.Packagename != "" {
return dm.ComposeApiRecords(client, manifest.Package.Packagename, manifest.Package, manifest.Filepath)
} else {
if len(manifest.Packages) != 0 {
manifestPackages = manifest.Packages
} else {
manifestPackages = manifest.GetProject().Packages
for packageName, p := range manifestPackages {
r, err := dm.ComposeApiRecords(client, packageName, p, manifest.Filepath)
if err == nil {
requests = append(requests, r...)
} else {
return nil, err
return requests, nil
* read API section from manifest file:
* apis: # List of APIs
* hello-world: #API name
* /hello: #gateway base path
* /world: #gateway rel path
* greeting: get #action name: gateway method
* compose APIDoc structure from the manifest:
* {
* "apidoc":{
* "namespace":<namespace>,
* "gatewayBasePath":"/hello",
* "gatewayPath":"/world",
* "gatewayMethod":"GET",
* "action":{
* "name":"hello",
* "namespace":"guest",
* "backendMethod":"GET",
* "backendUrl":<url>,
* "authkey":<auth>
* }
* }
* }
func (dm *YAMLParser) ComposeApiRecords(client *whisk.Config, packageName string, pkg Package, manifestPath string) ([]*whisk.ApiCreateRequest, error) {
var requests []*whisk.ApiCreateRequest = make([]*whisk.ApiCreateRequest, 0)
if pkg.Apis != nil {
// verify APIGW_ACCESS_TOKEN is set before composing APIs
// until this point, we dont know whether APIs are specified in manifest or not
if len(client.ApigwAccessToken) == 0 {
return nil, wskderrors.NewWhiskClientInvalidConfigError(wski18n.ID_MSG_CONFIG_MISSING_APIGW_ACCESS_TOKEN)
for apiName, apiDoc := range pkg.Apis {
for gatewayBasePath, gatewayBasePathMap := range apiDoc {
// append "/" to the gateway base path if its missing
if !strings.HasPrefix(gatewayBasePath, PATH_SEPERATOR) {
gatewayBasePath = PATH_SEPERATOR + gatewayBasePath
for gatewayRelPath, gatewayRelPathMap := range gatewayBasePathMap {
// append "/" to the gateway relative path if its missing
if !strings.HasPrefix(gatewayRelPath, PATH_SEPERATOR) {
gatewayRelPath = PATH_SEPERATOR + gatewayRelPath
for actionName, gatewayMethod := range gatewayRelPathMap {
// verify that the action is defined under actions sections
if _, ok := pkg.Actions[actionName]; !ok {
return nil, wskderrors.NewYAMLFileFormatError(manifestPath,
wski18n.KEY_ACTION: actionName,
wski18n.KEY_API: apiName}))
} else {
// verify that the action is defined as web action
// web-export set to any of [true, yes, raw]
if !utils.IsWebAction(pkg.Actions[actionName].Webexport) {
return nil, wskderrors.NewYAMLFileFormatError(manifestPath,
wski18n.KEY_ACTION: actionName,
wski18n.KEY_API: apiName}))
} else {
request := new(whisk.ApiCreateRequest)
request.ApiDoc = new(whisk.Api)
request.ApiDoc.GatewayBasePath = gatewayBasePath
// is API verb is valid, it must be one of (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE)
request.ApiDoc.GatewayRelPath = gatewayRelPath
if _, ok := whisk.ApiVerbs[strings.ToUpper(gatewayMethod)]; !ok {
return nil, wskderrors.NewInvalidAPIGatewayMethodError(manifestPath,
request.ApiDoc.GatewayMethod = strings.ToUpper(gatewayMethod)
request.ApiDoc.Namespace = client.Namespace
request.ApiDoc.ApiName = apiName
request.ApiDoc.Id = strings.Join([]string{API, request.ApiDoc.Namespace, request.ApiDoc.GatewayRelPath}, ":")
// set action of an API Doc
request.ApiDoc.Action = new(whisk.ApiAction)
request.ApiDoc.Action.Name = packageName + PATH_SEPERATOR + actionName
request.ApiDoc.Action.Namespace = client.Namespace
url := []string{HTTPS + ":" + PATH_SEPERATOR, client.Host, strings.ToLower(API),
API_VERSION, WEB, client.Namespace, packageName, actionName + "." + HTTP}
request.ApiDoc.Action.BackendUrl = strings.Join(url, PATH_SEPERATOR)
request.ApiDoc.Action.BackendMethod = gatewayMethod
request.ApiDoc.Action.Auth = client.AuthToken
// add a newly created ApiCreateRequest object to a list of requests
requests = append(requests, request)
return requests, nil
func (dm *YAMLParser) getGatewayMethods() []string {
methods := []string{}
for k := range whisk.ApiVerbs {
methods = append(methods, k)
return methods