Apache OpenWhisk Runtime Go supports Apache OpenWhisk functions written in Go

Clone this repo:
  1. a26f27a Remove dependency on obsolete buster-backports respository. (#199) by falkzoll · 3 months ago master
  2. 39cdaa7 prep for 1.24 release (#198) by David Grove · 5 months ago 1.20@1.24.0 1.21@1.24.0 1.22@1.24.0 actionloop@1.24.0
  3. 6762742 Drop support for golang v1.19 (#197) by David Grove · 5 months ago
  4. a01ffc1 update gha versions (#196) by David Grove · 5 months ago
  5. 4296f2e Add golang 1.22 (#195) by Luke Roy · 6 months ago

Apache OpenWhisk Runtimes for Go

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This repository contains both the OpenWhisk runtime for Golang Actions, as well as a runtime for Generic executables.

  • If you are in a hurry, check the examples
  • Writing Actions for the runtime in Golang
  • How to deploy your Golang sources
  • Precompiling Golang actions
  • How to use VSCode to write Golang actions
  • How to Build the runtime, with development notes

Actionloop runtime

Using the Go runtime for Generic executables

  • Writing Generic actions, in bash or as a generic linux binary
  • Deployment for Generic actions
  • The ActionLoop protocol for generic actions
  • Environment Variables to configure the proxy

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Apache 2.0