blob: 6ad6850629f9a0a2233cc40dcdf0eed6017cfb68 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import groovy.time.*
* Utility to build docker images based in gradle projects
* This extends gradle's 'application' plugin logic with a 'distDocker' task which builds
* a docker image from the Dockerfile of the project that applies this file. The image
* is automatically tagged and pushed if a tag and/or a registry is given.
* Parameters that can be set on project level:
* - dockerImageName (required): The name of the image to build (e.g. controller)
* - dockerRegistry (optional): The registry to push to
* - dockerImageTag (optional, default 'latest'): The tag for the image
* - dockerImagePrefix (optional, default 'whisk'): The prefix for the image,
* 'controller' becomes 'whisk/controller' per default
* - dockerTimeout (optional, default 840): Timeout for docker operations in seconds
* - dockerRetries (optional, default 3): How many times to retry docker operations
* - dockerBinary (optional, default 'docker'): The binary to execute docker commands
* - dockerBuildArgs (options, default ''): Project specific custom docker build arguments
* - dockerHost (optional): The docker host to run commands on, default behaviour is
* docker's own DOCKER_HOST environment variable
ext {
dockerRegistry = project.hasProperty('dockerRegistry') ? dockerRegistry + '/' : ''
dockerImageTag = project.hasProperty('dockerImageTag') ? dockerImageTag : 'latest'
dockerImagePrefix = project.hasProperty('dockerImagePrefix') ? dockerImagePrefix : 'whisk'
dockerTimeout = project.hasProperty('dockerTimeout') ? dockerTimeout.toInteger() : 840
dockerRetries = project.hasProperty('dockerRetries') ? dockerRetries.toInteger() : 3
dockerBinary = project.hasProperty('dockerBinary') ? [dockerBinary] : ['docker']
dockerBuildArg = ['build']
ext.dockerTaggedImageName = dockerRegistry + dockerImagePrefix + '/' + dockerImageName + ':' + dockerImageTag
if(project.hasProperty('dockerHost')) {
dockerBinary += ['--host', project.dockerHost]
if(project.hasProperty('dockerBuildArgs')) {
dockerBuildArgs.each { arg ->
dockerBuildArg += ['--build-arg', arg]
task distDocker {
doLast {
def start = new Date()
def cmd = dockerBinary + dockerBuildArg + ['-t', dockerImageName, project.buildscript.sourceFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()]
retry(cmd, dockerRetries, dockerTimeout)
println("Building '${dockerImageName}' took ${TimeCategory.minus(new Date(), start)}")
task tagImage {
doLast {
def versionString = (dockerBinary + ['-v']).execute().text
def matched = (versionString =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
def major = matched[0][1] as int
def minor = matched[0][2] as int
def dockerCmd = ['tag']
if(major == 1 && minor < 12) {
dockerCmd += ['-f']
retry(dockerBinary + dockerCmd + [dockerImageName, dockerTaggedImageName], dockerRetries, dockerTimeout)
task pushImage {
doLast {
def cmd = dockerBinary + ['push', dockerTaggedImageName]
retry(cmd, dockerRetries, dockerTimeout)
pushImage.dependsOn tagImage
pushImage.onlyIf { dockerRegistry != '' }
distDocker.finalizedBy pushImage
def retry(cmd, retries, timeout) {
println("${new Date()}: Executing '${cmd.join(" ")}'")
def proc = cmd.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
proc.waitForOrKill(timeout * 1000)
if(proc.exitValue() != 0) {
def message = "${new Date()}: Command '${cmd.join(" ")}' failed with exitCode ${proc.exitValue()}"
if(proc.exitValue() == 143) { // 143 means the process was killed (SIGTERM signal)
message = "${new Date()}: Command '${cmd.join(" ")}' was killed after ${timeout} seconds"
if(retries > 1) {
println("${message}, ${retries-1} retries left, retrying...")
retry(cmd, retries-1, timeout)
else {
println("${message}, no more retries left, aborting...")
throw new GradleException(message)